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March. l6, 1981
The meeting was .called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Lekson. Thee pledge
of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present'; Councilmembers Spande,-Lekson, Zaun and Nelson.
Absent: Couneilmember Sndt.
Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Darrell .Schneider:, :.Consulting
City_Engineer; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk..
Approval of the March 2, 1981 minutes was tabled to Anril 6th as hey were
not ready. -
81.118 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve the claims for payment
as presented.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Zaun & Nelson,
Nays,. none.
There were no. staff reports.
81.119 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Zaun to receive the minutes of the
advisory. committee meetings,
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Zaun, Nelson & Spande.
At this time councilman Zaun moved to adopt Mavar Lekson's proclamation'
on the. successful basketball season for the Lakeville Senior-High girls°
team which .will be playing. in the state tournament.
81.120 Motion .was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve the proclamation~on
:.the Lakeville girls basketball team.
Roll calla was taken on the motion.. <Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande &Lekson.
At this time Mayor Lekson recognized Mr. Fred Corrigan who presented a
written report. and answered the question raised by the,councilmembers at
the February 17th council meeting concerning. the financial benefit of the
Renaissance Festival to the. community.
Mr. Corrigan. noted that a financial review of the tax impact for thepronerty
would be prepared by the. City staff., and. that the Natural Resources Committee
of the Gity would be recommending on the E.A.4~~o at their March 17th meeting,
and that.. the Park & Recreation Committee would make a recommendation at
their March 18th meeting. !
At this time Mr. Dona Hess presented,a slide presentation on additional.
traffic data. concerning the Renaissance"Festival in attempt. to clarify
earlier figures concerning the average day'att@ndance and peak day attendance.'
PRr. Glenn VanWormer .presented s~:ides showing the proposed lanes of trave3.
-fore traffic .along Minnreg Road and I-35 and traffic movements.
At this tune Mayor Lekson recognized the"spokesman for the Residents
Against the Renaissance organization,. Mr. James Schuey addressed: the
council and presented sldesrshowing his view of how.. the. proposed zoning:
would adversely impact the area and affect land sales..
M..r. Carl Moe presented a petition to the City Council which he claimed he
-had 445 signatures on ...asking the council ao `support the; Planning Commission
recommendation to deny the Renaissance Festival. Mr. Moe also presented
arguments against the proposed Renaissance Festival activity at this
location; however, he stated he did support the proposed residential and
commercial development of the property.;
Mr. Charles Dayton, attorney for the Residents Against the Renaissance,
presented a slide showing how the applicant had rtla:de changes in the material
presented to the City concerning as~erage day and peak day attendance figures.
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March ].6 , 1981
Mr. Dayton pointed out that according to their own engineering consultant,
Mr. Anderson, that the level off;traffic condition presented under either
...attendance figure would still be level F, which is a stop and go congested
situation in; their opinion.
Mrs. Leon Hammer spoke against the Renaissance Festival and gave reasons
for-'not approving it 'at this location.
Mr. wally Hilgenberg':raised a queston..concerning traffic movement from
.the west and how those turn movements would adversely affect the flow of
traffic coming in to the festival from I-35. 1Fe stated that in his<opinion,
the applicant's engineering consultant had not adequately addressed those
:.potential problems.
Mayor Lekson pointed out that each councilmember would take these into
account, without any further 'opinions from either the proponents or opponents.
Councilman Zaun stated that he would be submitting a list of written questions
to the City Attorney which he would like to have answered prior to the
April. 6th meeting.
Councilman Nelson stated that he would also like to have some legal. advice
from the City Attorney concerning the ®~posing;viewpoints from a legal
basis on this matter.
81..121 Motion was made'by Zaun, seconded by Nelson. to receive the petition from
the Residents Against the Renaissancie and the.,~inancial report from Mr.
Corrigan. '
.Roll-call was taken.. on the. motion. Ayes, ?~lelson, Spande, Lekson & Zaun.
81.122 Motion was made"by Zaun, seconded by Spande to table consideration on the
ordinance amending the zoning ordinance, Section 6.2, Subdivision 12,
pertaining to urban development and availability of public services to the
April 6,'1981 council meeting.
.Ro11`call was taken on the motion..„Ayes, 5pande, Lekson Zaun & Nelson.
81..123 Motion. was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve a..special home
ocGUpaton permit for`Gerald and Mary ACkermann to operate apse-school
program at 20828 Lsle Avenue:, Lot 2.., Block 2, days Acres Addition, subject
to conditions in the buildzng inspector's report for a period of one year
effective March 16,,`1981.
Roll call-was taken on 'the motion. Ayes,'Lekson, Zaun,"Nelson & Spande.
81.12.4 :Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to`call,a public hearing on
the application of Mid-America .Festivals for an on=sale and Sunday sale
liquor license for the former Honeywell Country Club facility for the April
6, 1981 council meeting...
Moll call was taken`. on the motion.. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson,`Spande & Lekson
.81.12.5 Motion was: made by Nelson, seconded'by Spande'to approve the purchase
agreement with American LaFrance, a company of Elmira, New York, for one
new fire struck n,the amount of $139,722 by adopting Resolution No: 81-18.
Roll. call was .taken on the. motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson & Zaun.
At this time the City Administrator explained that the staff hadreviewed
the alternate A versus other alternates storan-drainage .improvement in the
vicinity of Upper 206th Street. The administrator pointed out that before
the hundreds of notices were mailed out for the proposed -improvement under
alternate A, that the council could possibly ..consider doing the alternate
A.improvement at this time and charging the cost only to City owned property
as an interim improvement of the storm drainage situation in that area of
the city. The administrator recommended. the. council consider .this as an
interim improvement, and that a complete improvement should come in conjunction
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.March 16,.1981
with the development of the farm property to the .east of Upper 206th. Street..
At that time the City .could obtain the_rght-of-wag for the storm drainage
ditch through the platting. process thereby saving costs to the benefited
property of the storm sewer improvement. At the time the platting process
would be finalized, the dedication of a ditch right-of-way and hopefully
approval°to spread the dirt from the ditch onto the property being developed
would result in a lower project cost to the C•tyo The remaining cost
would then be assessed by the City to broperty determined to be benefited
by the City Council at that time. a
The ..administrator recommended the council amend the area of .benefit for the
alternate A, Upper 2Q6th Street storm drainage improvement, to include
only City owned property in the drainage district. at this ti~cne, and to
change the public hearing date from April 7 to April. 6, 1981.'
Several citizens were. present, most of whom were opposed to any. assessments
for the'mprovement at this time.
The City Engineer pointed out that under alternate A, the easement to be
.required will still be necessary for the future improvements, so it is
notea wasted offort:. Mr. Schneider did point out. that alternate A does
not eliminate the flow of the water on Upper .206th Street, but it will
alleviate .the problem. by allowing it to be conveyed`more..auckly.
81.126 Motion°was made by Spande, seconded by Zaun to amend. the :area of benefit
for the Upper 206th-Street, Alternate A stormdranage improvement, to
include only City owned property in the drainage district, and to change
the public hearing from April 7, 1981 ,to April 6,'1981 and cancel the
public hearing`on the establishment of a storm drainage district.
Roll call was .taken on the motion.. Ayes, Spande, Lekson Zaun & Nelson.
The City Administrator discussed with the council-the ?problem of the
utility bill delinquencies for the Ardmor Mobile Home Park. It was pointed
out that the owner did pay the fourth etuarter bill for .1980. Thee City
Attorney advised the council that the City still has: the option to collect
delinquent bills which were put on the taxes in November, 198fl. The
administrator recommended the :council .wait. to see if the owner pays his
first half of 198.1 tax bill. Tf the owner .fails to pay his taxes on the
first half. by May 31, 1981, then the. City should proceed to attempt to
collect the delinquencies in another manner.
The City. Attorney recommended the. council approve a purchase agreement on
the. sale. of Lot 3, Block 2 in Oak Hills 1st Addition. The City recently
purchased the lot so that it :could obtain the necessary rictht of way
fore the installation of sanitary sewer pipe.•.,Proposed buyers had agreed
to purchase a lot from the City at he dame price the City had bought it
for and give the City an easement at no cost.
81.127 Motion was made by Nelson,-,seconded by Spande°to approve the purchase agreement
on the sale of Lot 3, Block 2,. Oak Hills lat Addition with Wm.°& Margaret Marken.;
R~. v,
.Roll call was taken on 'the motion. Ayes, Lekson,`Zaun, Nelson & Spande.
The City Attorney recommended the council approve a purchase agreement
with Mr. Chuck Zweber for parcel A for the fire station. The attorney
stated that the:.owner is offering the property-fore $45,0.00, which: was
slightly higher than the'City's appraisal on the property. However, after...
consulting with Mr. Farrell and the,, appraiser, it was fela that the City.-
-would be justified in paying $45,000:. in that ...the cost of condemning the
property and sustaining the City°s appraised price would most likely result
in the same dollar cost...
81.128 Motion was made by Spande, seconded-by Nelson to approve' he purchase
agreement with Chuck Zweber in'the amount of $45,000 for 'parcel A on`the
northwest corner of .202nd :Street and Holyoke Avenue.
Roll call. was taken on the .motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson., Spande & Lekson.
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March 16, 1981. 5
81.129 Motion was made by Lekson, seconded by Spande to approve the murchase
of an easement on Lot 6, Block 3 in Oak Hills 1st Addition from Ronald.
and Karen Gunderson in the amount of'$1,0.00 for the Oak. Hills utility
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,.Nelson, Spande., Lekson & Zaun.
-81.130 Motion was-made by Nelson, seconded by Zaun to approve a purchase agreement
with :Bernard Murphy for parcel B for the fire station for up_ta $22,500.,
Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande,. Lekson, Zaun & Nelson...
At this time Anna Green appeared ..before the City Council to question the
need for the mobile home tie-downs, especially in the Queen Ann Mobile
Home Park where she-claimed sub-soil conditions prevented the installation
of the tie-downs in a reasonable manner and cost.
Councilman Spande stated. Ghat he could .not support a change in the City.
ordinance which would eliminate the requirement given the events of the
summer. of 1980 and the damage mobile homes received in storms, especia].1y
ones. which were .not tied down and were blown into. other units.
Richard Johnson, caretaker of the Connelly 'Mobile Home'Park stated that
tie-down `apparatus comes in-all units of 1973 or newer in model, but that
due to the frost conditions, tie-downs can cause damage to units in the
.spring when the ground shifts.
Several. gentlemen .were present from the Ardmor Mobile Home Park, and. one
stated that tie-downs can be installed. in two different ways. One .way is'
to drill them into the ground and the other way is to hammer the unit into
the ground. He stated .that the unit which is .hammered into the ground
can be usually put into any type of soil without much difficulty. He also
stated that tie-down equipment has apparatus to allow for adjustment of
tension so that .the units are not strained when the frost conditions appear.
Mayor Lekson stated that the tie-down ordinance was pat adopted in an
emotional .manner but was .done in response to a proven. need in 1980, and
that it should be up to the mobile home park owners or occupants ao achieve
the installation of the tie-downs in the most efficient manner possibly'
by shopping around and jointly. contracting for the installation.
At this-time the gentlemen present from the Ardmor Mobile Home Park guestioned
the status, on the clean-out of the drainage .ditch through the Ardmor
Mobile .Home Park and the installation of the second access road which .they
claim the owner has failed to do anything about since .last summer. Mayor
Lekson explained that unfortunately the City was not in a-position. to
require these things to be done as if the park were first being .proposed
for development. Councilman Spande stated that another meeting should be
set up of the`City Council Mobile Home Committee with the residents to
pursue these matters. It was agreed ameeting;would be-set up.
81.131 Motion was 'made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to adjourn .the council meeting.
Roll call-.was taken_on'the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Zaun & Nelson.
Time: 10:...00 p.m.
,.Respectfully submitted,
Patrick.. E. Mc Garvey, Gzty Cler
Gordon Lekson, ayor