HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-81 J~ `r ~ • CITY OF LAKEVII,T,E COUNCIL MEETING March 2, 1981 The meeting was called to 'order at 7:30 p.m, by Mayor Lekson. The.~o_ledge of allegiance to the flag was given. . Roll call was taken, Present: Councilmembers Spande, Lekson, Zaun, Sndt - and Nelson: Also-present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Jim Johnson, Consulting City Engineer; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk. 81.93 Motion 'was made'by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve the minutes of the February 17,..1981 council meeting. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Zaun,,Sindt,.and.Nelson. Nays, none. Spande abstained as he was absent from that meeting. '81.94 Motion was-made by Spande, seconded by Sindt to approve the claims for payment as presented. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. °Ayes.,: Lekson, Zaun, Sindt® Nelson & Spande. Staff .reports: The Administrator recommended `approval of a raffle license .for the.Bloomng- ton Lioness Club. 81.5:: Motion was. made by Nelson, seconded by"`Sindt°to approve-a: raffle license and wive the bond for a x~ffle license for the Bloomington Lioness Club far an, event at the Chart House. -Roll: calla was taken`on the`moton. Ayes;'Zaun, Sindt, Nelson, Spande & Lekson. &l.`~6 Motion, was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson.. to x'eceive the minutes of the advisory committee meetings. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Nelson,,-Spande, Lekson & Zaun. At this .time Mr. Fred Corrigan appeared bafore the City Council and.: requested calling on Mr`Don Hess to makea presentation concerning 'the Renaissance- Festival P.U.D. application. The applicant presented the council :members and representative of the residents against the Renaissance copies of the Renaissance. P. U.D. Summary of Issues booklet. Mr. Hess presented a slidepresentaton of the issues as .outlined in the.; booklet, and specifically showing the location of adjacent and nearby property owners in relation to .the festival site.:. He also presented a concept plan of how.bermngshrubberycould be utilized to lessen the impact of the Renaissance Festival operation on the adjacent property owners° property.. ,At ahis time Mr. Glenn VanT~'ormer, Traffic Engineer for the applicant, presented information and further traffic analysis and a letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation dated February 26, 1981. It was pointed out by the applicant that .approximately 50 acres. of the property is presently in the interstate. corridor zoning district,. and ,106 acres is outside of that district. Mayor Lekson indicated that the opponents of the Renaissance Festival wouldhave'an opportunity at the March-16, 1981 council meeting to`present their last.. arguments against the festival and their rebuttal to the written information submitted by the applicant at the March. 2nd :council meeting. .81.9? Motion .was made~by Zaun, seconded by Spande tc table anyivote on the Renaissance Festival P.U.D. concept until he April 6, 1981. council neeting and to direct thatthe Natural .Resource Committee and staff complete the .City°s environmental .assessment worksheet on the applicant°s proposal in time so that a recommendaton:will be-available for the council 'prior to the April 6 council meeting. ~1_ • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING PZarch 2 , 1981 Roll call was taken on the motion, Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Zaun & Sindt. At this time Jim Johnson, Consulting City Engineer,.?~resented slides.. of his storm drainage report. dated February 27, 1981'for the Upper 206th Street area. ..The City Council reviewed r~ith the. engineer and staff the alternatives .available for alleviating or eliminating the storm drainage from and along Upper 206th.Street. After some, discussion, the council consensus was to proceed with alternate A at thin time, and the council selected an area proposed. to be assessed,:~or taxed under a special district, for the improvement costs. 81.98 Motion was made by'Spande, seconded by Sindt to call a public hearing for.. April 7,'1981 at 7:30 p.rn. on the Upper 206th Street storm drainage improve- ment project. - Roll call was taken on the motione Ayes,. Spande, Lekson, Zaun; Sindt & Nelson. 81.99 Motion coos made by Spande, seconded by Zaun to call a public hearing on settingup a storm drainage district for April 7, 1981 at 7:30 p.m." Ro11 call was taken on the motion, Ayes, 'Lekson, Zaun, Sindt Nelson &Spande. 81.100 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Nelson to receive bids from the general, mechanical and electrical contractors for the new Lakeville .fire station and a recommendation from Teresa"Gabriel,. architect with Myers and Bennett. Roll call was taken on the motion, Ayes,°Zaun; S~ndt, Nelson, Spande..& Lekson. 81.101 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to award the general contract to Henning Nelson Construction Company of Minneapolis in the. amount of $297;607, Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Nelson, Spande,, Lekson: & Zaun. ,81.102 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sndt to award the electrical contract- to Lee Electric Company of Minneapolis in, the a+nount of 551,950.: Roll call was oaken on the motion. Ayes,'Nelson,.Spande, Lekson, Zaun:& Sindt, 81.103 Motion was ,made by Nelson, seconded. by Sindt to award the mechanical contract to'wenzel Plumbing and Heating: of Eagan in the amount of $62,885. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, .Spande, Lekson, Zaun, Sindt & Nelson. 81.104 Motion was made ;by 'Zaun, seconded by .Nelson to receive the. four bids: on the new pumper fire truck and table award of the bid until the March 16, 1981 council meeting to allow the fire chief .and committee members. to meet with. the representatives of .the four firms-bidding on the truck. Roll call-was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson,.Zaun, Sindt, Nelson & Spande. 81.105 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve the reciprocal fire service agreement with the City of New Market. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,-Zaun, Sindt, Nelson, Spande & Leksone 81.106 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to receive the bids on-the City medical, hospital and life insurance employee coverage and award the contract to Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota as the low bid, effective .March 1, 1981, Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Nelson, Spande, Lekson & Zaun. 81.107 Motion was-made by Zaun, seconded by Sindt to request a 30 day. extension on the.. deadline°for Metro Council 'review of the City Comprehensive .Plan. -Rohl call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson., Spande, Lekson,, Zaun & Sindt. r2 • • • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING March 2 198.1 .81.108 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Ne]ason to .adopt Ordinance No. 179 amending Title 10, Chapter 5, Section 7, of the City Code pertaining to the installation of public imorottements„ Ro11 call was taken on the fmotnn. Ayes, Spande, Tekson, Zaun, Sindt & Nelson. The,City Administrator presented a letter received from the First National Bank of St. Paul concerning `thee.{Take-Villa Golf Estates. plat and City improvements to and v~ithin it.,"It was pointed. out by the staff that the letter of credit would cover special assessments due and payable_in 1982 and possibly 19$3 under certain circumstances. It was also pointed out that the developer and the first National'Bank wef`e proposing to reissue the letter of credit-year.by,ye thereafter until the assessments were paid off, Councilman Spande stated that under today's economic conditions, it is very difficult for developers to obtain long term ..financial guarantees, .`and it would be more reasonable for ,the City to accept guarantees on a. year to year basis. -81.109 M©tion was made by Zaun, seconded by'Sindt to approve a ?~rox~osed letter of credit .from :'the First National Bank of St. .Paul .for Lake Villa C,o f Estates with the understanding,that'a letter of credit must be effective at the time the. City signs.. the construction contract for the mprovemets. Roll call. was taken on the:.-mtaton. Ayes., Lekson, Zaun, Sindt, Nelson &Spande, 81,110 Motion was made by Zaun, econded by Spande to set the Board of Review meeting of the Lakeville City..CounciT for June 16, 1981 from 3 p.m: to 7 p.m. in the council chamber. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, 'Zaun, Sndt, Nelson, Spande &Lekson. 81.111 .Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Zaun to approve the plans and specif- ications for the. Viking Square Addition. improvements and set the bid date 'for March 30, 1981. Ro11 ca1.l was taken on the motion. ..Ayes.,.Sindt, Nelson, Spande, Lekson &Zaun. .The City Councilreviewed the proposed wording change in the: state statute concerning-the. question on the sale of the municipal liquor. store as ...recommended by Representative Sviggum. 81..112 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Sndt to a?~prove the .:proposed wording change in the state statute as acceptable.. to the City-of Lakeville for the upcoming referendum on the sale: of the municipal liquor store in Takeville. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,.Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Zaun & Sindt. 81.113 Motion was 'made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to-approve he vacation of a .`.sewer easement b_y adopting Resolution No. 81-17. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes.,: Spande, Lekson, Zaun, Sindt & Nelson.. At this time Mr. Ron Helmer of Northland Mortgage .Company presented infor- mationconcerningthe need for allowing smaller size housing.. in an effort to reduce housng_costs. xe also presented some plans showing the archi- tecture and style of smaller size houses. He requested the City Council to review the present City requirements and possibly make changes allowing for smaller size housing units, both single family and multiple. 81.114 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to extend the council `meeting beyond 10:30 p.m. Roll call was taken-on the motion... Ayes, Tekson, Zaun, Sindt, Nelson &,Spande. _3.. • • • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL°MEETING A4arch 2 , 1981 81.115 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to refer the question of the feasibility of allowing smaller .size dwelling units to the Lakeville Planning. Commission _for a hearing. and recommendation to the. City. Council on :the mattero Rolla call was. taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sndt, NelsonSpande & Lekson. 81.116 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to authorize the City Attorney to file condemnation ,on tracts A and B at the northwest corner ofaHolyoke Avenue and 202nd Street .:for the purx~ose of acquiring the vro~erty:`for .the new Lakeville-fire station. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes.,: Sndt, Nelson, Spamde, Lekson'& Zaun. 81.117 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Zaun to adjourn the council meeting. Ro11 call was taken on the motion.. Ayes., Nelson,.Spande Lekson, Zaun & Sindt. Time: 10;47 *~.m. Respectfully submitted, ' r' Patrick E. McGarvey, City-Cl Go don Lelcson, `Mayor ` .a_