HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-81 . , • • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1981 .The meeting .was called to'order at 7,:30 p,m, by the Acting..b4ayor, Duane Zaun. <The-.pledge of allegiance to the..flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Nelson,-Zaun,'Sindt and Enright. Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; James Johnson, City Engineer; Jame~,Robraette, Public Works Director; and Patrick MaGarvey, City Adt~nistrator/Clerk. 81.504 Motion was made by Nelson, feconded by Sindt to ax~orove the minutes of the September 29, 19$1 special council meeting, October'l, 1:981 special council rieeting, October ;5, 1981 regular council meeting and October 8, 1981 special council: meeting. Roll ca11 was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sndt & Enright. 81,505 Motion...was made by Nelson, seconded by Enright to approve the claims for payment as_~oresented. r: Roll call was taken on the motion,. Zaun> Sindu, Enright & Nelson. The City attorney recommencYed approval of gayment of fees-tor condemnation commissioners for a parcel of ~rot?ertyon the ?75th street project in the. amount of $826.50 each. £31.506 Motion was made by 5indt, seconded by Nelson to, approve payment of the condemnation commissioner fees in the amount of $826,50-eachfor a ~_arcel of nroperty.on the 175th Street improvement project. Roll call was "taken on the motion. Tves, Siatdt`, Enright, ' kVelson &< Zaun. 81,507 Motion, was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to receive the minutes of the four advisory committee meetings. -Roll ca11 was taken on the ;motion. Ayes Enright, Nelson, Zaun & Sindt. At this time the Acting Mayor, ~Sr.-Zaun, asked the City attorney to present what he stated in a better'to the 'City Council. concerning the Citv''s .legal involvement in the effort to keen ,the. sludge/ash site from being located in the city of Lakeville. Mr. Knutson-explained .his letter and .summarized>it by indicating the City should not dupla.cate efforts already underway in a legal and technical manner., by Dakota County government, which sjattemptn~ to keep. the sites oat: of aakota County. Mr. 'Glenn Nord.snoke'to the City.COuncil,and emphasized that. he thought .the ..City should take a more active. roll infighting the location of these sites in Lakeville. The City attorney emphasized that his recommendation was .for the City o closely monitor the effort of Dakota County and-to assist .them when necessary. 'The City should monitor thesoi.l tests that will 'be taken by the Metro .Council. It was°determined that the City administrator would be the contact person for~the City and'that the City councilmembers will write letters 'in opposition to our legislators. The City councilmembers also stated that the~~ would adopt a resolution requesting that the 'sludge/ash site be placed only on Present: state=owned property. 81.5Q8 .Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Nelson to authorize and direct the City staff to take appropriate actions necessary to coordinate the City's efforts with Dakota County and the City of Farmington-to mreve~t the sludge/ ash sites from being located in'~Lake~ille and/or Farmington and to mrotect the. City of_ La~eville's interests in this r.~atter. Roll ca11 was taken'on the 'motion. Ayes., Nelson, Zaun, Sindt & Enright. rl~ I • ~ • CITY OF LAKEVILX.,E COI7?~1CIL PdEETING October 19,,1981 81.509 Motion was made by 'Nelson, seconded bZT Sindt to adoot Qrdinance No. 194 .amending the City zoning ordinance, section. 11,4, pertaining to building -standards allowed in the city.- Roll call was taken on the motion. Aves, Zaun, Sindt, Enright & Nelson. 81:510 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Enright to adopt Ordinance No. 195 amending Title 7 of the City Code relatiraer to the way the City charges: for sewer area charges and City. unit water and sewer connection charges. :toll call was taken on the motion. 'Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson &Zaun. 81,511 .Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Enright tee ado?~t Ordinance No. 196 amendinc~.Title 7 of the Ca.ty Code deleting the ~sandatory two-year hook-up requirement to the city sewer. and water Systems when. they are available, R.o11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Zaun & Sindt. 81,512 Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Nelson to approve the list of senior citizen deferments fore ,1982-as recommended by the City staff, Roll ca3.1 was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt & Enright. 81.513 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to approve the final accept- ance of the improvements to the Oak Shores 6t1~ and 7th Addition and release. the maintenancebond on the im~ravements. z2o11 callwas taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sndt, Enright & Nelson.. 81,514 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to a?~prove the `final accept- ance of improvements .under project 79-2, 185th-188th Street sewer orojeet, and release the maintenance bond, Roll; call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson &Zaun. 81,515. Motion was made by Nelson-, seconded. by Sindt to ar~x~rove Final acceptance of the improveax?ents under project 79-9 in the T~7oodridge Estates and release .the maintenance bond, Roll call 'was taken on the motion. Ayesa Enright, Nelson, Zaun & Sindt, The City Council received the x~reliminary engineering report on the eaten- sion of sanitary :.sewer and water utilities to serve Kodiak A~renue on the west share of Orchard Lake and to make a street improvement'on Kodiak Avenue as requested by a ,petition received from some of the .property owners in .that area. 81.516 Motion was°made by. Sndt, seconded by Nelson to receive the preliminary report-and avithorze the City staff to meet-.with the affected property gwners to present the findings of the report to them 'and learn of their feelings and report back to the City Council by November 16, 1981 on the results of the. meeting.. Roll ca11 was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sndt & Enright. The City'Council too3c up consideration of an ordinance which wou3.d increase the nay of the mayor and counclmembers effective January 1, 1982, The counclmembers discussed the amount of the p~'oposed increase by the administrator. M`~ 81.517 Motion was made by Sindt,'seconded by Zaun'to table further consideration' of the ordinance until`. the November 2, 1981 council *~eeting agenda. Roll call was taken on the motion. Aves,_Zaun,`~indt, Enright & Nelson.. -2- • • • CITY OF LAICrVILLE.COUNCIL:MEETING October 19, 1981- 81.518' .Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to abx~rove an easement agreement with :Kathleen Palman and authorize the :payment ofM$225 for the easement for project 80-13. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes,..Sindt,.Enright., Nelson & Zaun. 81.519 Motion:. was. made by Sindt, seconded bn Nelson. to approve the list of .election judges for the November 3~ 1981 City. election and authorize the payment .for their services at $3.75. per hour for the headjudge and $2.50 der hour for the judges. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, .Zaun & Sindt. The City administrator advised. the City Council that the fire department- would be moving into: the new fire station `on `October 23, 1981, although the building will not be'100~ completed-as of that date. 81.52 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to aaa~orove a bingo license and waive .the bond for the Lakeville Middle School P.T,S.A. Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sndt, & Enright.: At this time a discussion was held with'Mr, Graylor of Des i~3ones,•.Iowa., and Mre Lawrence Schweich. of Prior Lake,eonoerning the possible location of an alcohol production plant. in Lakeville. .They _ndi.eated~they woU.ld like to place the plant a.t the northwest corner of'210th Street and Cedar Avenue on property Mr, Schweich owns. Pair, Graylor,explain,ed what an'alcohol production plant is and how..it uses agricultural products to make the alcohol fuel. After discussion on the matter, it was decided that the gentlemen. would meet with the City staff to discuss the ?plant possibly being located in Lakeville and the sites that might accommodate st, and that Mr, Schweich would contact. the City administrator to set un a date for such a :Heating. 81.521 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by`Sindt to adopt Resolution No: 81-87 requesting funds from"the Metropolitan Council for the comprehensive planning costs incurred.. by the City. Roll call was taken on the motion, Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright & Nelson. 81.522 Motion was made by Sndt, seconded. by Nelson to set a special council meeting for November 4, 1981 at 6:30 p.m, at the City. .,Hall to canvass the November 3rd election votes. Roll-call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson..& Zaun. 81,523` Motion was made by Paelson, seconded by Sindt to adjourn-the council meeting, Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes`,. Enright, Nelson, Zaun & Sindt.; Time: 10:15 o,m. .Respectfully submitted, ~7 fr 1. Patrick E. McGarvey, City ark Duane' Zaun., Actin yor -3-