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.a, K ~ • CITY. OF.LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING. December. 6, 1982 The .meeting was called to order at 7:00 p:m. by Mayor 3ensen. The pledge of allegiance to the flag-was given, Roll call was taken. present: Councilmembers Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright,` and Mayor°Jensen. Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Keith Nelson, City Engineer; James Robinette, Public G^IOrks Director; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator Clerk. Staff announcements: The City Administrator recommended approval o.f a :raffle license for the Bloomington Lions. Club. 82.499 Motion wss made by Nelson, seconded by Zaun to approve a raffle license for the Bloomington Lions Club and waive the bond requirement. Roll call"was taken-on the motion. Ayes,. Nelson, Jensen; Zaun, Sindt, Enright. Citizen comments: Ronald Meledandriintroduced himself and advised the. council thathti would be taking over the. operation. of Brackett's Crossing on January 1, 1983.. At this time Mrs. Debbie`Brist"add~essea the Cty_Council requesting stop signs be installed at Upper 162nd Street and Gannon. Avenue, and she pre- stinteda petition from nearby residents in support of the xequest. The council also received a report .f_rom the Police Department concerning the request and recommending the signs be installed. 82.500 notion was made by Zaun, seconded b~~ Sindt to authorize and direct the installation of stop. signs. at the corner of 162nd Street and Gannon Avenue as recommended by the Police :Department report. Roll call vaas,taken ~n the motion. Ayes, Jensen, 2aun, 5indt, Enright., Nelr-an. Counclmember Sindt moved to withdraw items e and f from the consent agenda; 82.501 .Nation was. made `by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve the consent, agenda as amended. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, 5indt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen. 82.502 Motion was madti by Sindt, seconded by Enright to continue items e and f from the consent agenda o the December 20, 1982 council agenda. Roll call was taken. on the motion' Ayes, Enright,-Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt. At this time Mayor,.Tensen opened the,`public hearing on the .proposed indus- trial revenue bond issue for Cedar 70 Business:??ark. The City Clerk attested to the legal notice... Cleo Rasmussen from the Mille'-~S~shroeder ~.i~.-?r ~nta?d tie bond. request and the details o~ the project. 82.503 Motion was` made' by Juan,' seconded by Sindt tr~ 3d~=~~. Resolution No. 82-93 granting preliminary approval to the project. .Roll call was taken'on the motion. °Ayes, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. 82.504 Motion was made by Zaun,.seconded by Enright to approve the preliminary plat with the-conditions"as outlined in the planner's report and_the Planning Commission•minutes for the. plat, and with the condition that the drivewav access onto Cedar Avenue. is to be moved further south. Roll call was taken on the motion. Aves, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. -1- . • • ~ CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING, December 6,..1982 82.5-05 Motion was made by ..Enright, seconded: by Sindt to approve the i~lanned unit development conditional use permit for Cedar 70 Business Park, °phase one. Roll call-was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen. At this time Mme. John Houston and Mr. Darrell Gonyea were present concerning the final plat,. vacating of streets and utilities, and variance for the replat o.f Acorn Heights Addition. '82.506 Motion was made by Enright,: seconded by Zaun to ador+t Resolution No. 82-9r, vacating the street and utility easements in the Acorn Heights plat. R.o11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright; Nelson, Jensen, Zaun. 82.507 Motion wad made by Sindt, seconded by Zaun to grant a variance in lot size for the replat of Acorn Heights Addition as recommended by the Planning Commission. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt. 82.508 Motion was. made by Zaun,. seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No. 82-95 approving the final. plat of the replat of Acorn Heights Addition subject to the. developer signing the amendment to the developer agreement for the plat and agreeing to the park fee for at least one of the two additional platted lots in the replat. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sndt, Enright. At this. time Mr. Don Clarke presented his. plans for the former Elmer N. .Olson building on the east side af' I-35. The application is for an ICD conditional use permit to conduct his business in the B-4 zone, 82.509 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to grant an ICD conditional use permit to Mr, Clarke subject to the seven recommendations included in the. planning consultant's report. Ro11 call was: taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. 82.510 M®tion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to table action on the James, Refrigeration/Pump & Meter conditional use permit to the December 20, 1982 agenda due to the Planning Commission not recommending action on the request at their December 2, 1982. meeting. Ro11 call was taken an the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen. At this time Mr. Bi11 Wilson presented a petition signed by 500 citizens requesting the Lakeville City Council and Lakeville School Board to initiate action toward a community center facility for Lakeville. Mr. Wilson indicated that his• committee and the citizens were requesting the City Council to take up the matter and, hopefully, to .donate $2,500 toward retaining an architect for .conceptual plan r~reparation on such a facility.. He further stated that it is their desire that the school board also donate $2,500, and the citizens would raise $2,500 toward this project. Mayor Jensen suggested that a committee be formed which could include .one. council member, cne Planning Commission member, one. School Board member, one Park and R.eGreation Committee member, one member of the Chamber gf Commerce and two citizens to be officially appointed by the City Council andjrsr School Board. The City attorney advised the council that a joint powers agreement could be entered`into',between he School Board and City .Council for such a project if it is their"desire. -2- • I ~ • CZTY'OF LAKEVZLLE COUNCIL MEETrNG December 6, 1982 82,511 Motion was- made b Zaun seconded b Enri ht to 0 on record that the ~ y g g -City Council is in favor of forming a committee to study the community center feasibility for Lakeville, and that the council is also interested in a joint powers- agreement with the Lakeville School Board for such a project.. Roll ca11 was taken on the oration. Ayes, Sndt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun. At this time Mr. Kenneth Larson was present to give. the council a report and request from the Lakeville Fire Relief Association on their lump sum benefit plan and request for the years 1983 through 1985, 82.512 Potion was made by Nelson, seconded by Zaun to .adopt Resolution, Nn. 82-96 approving the lump sum retirement benefit for the Lakeville Fire Relief Association effective January'1, 1983 through December 31, 1985. Roll call was taken on-the motion. Ayes, Enright, Pdelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sndt. 82.513 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson t© approve a raffle license for the Minnesota Pole Benders and waive. the bond requirement. Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes., Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sndt, Enright. 82,514 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to adopt Ordinance No. 213 amending Title. l0 of the city code pertaining to subdivisions and storm newer charge on large rural type lots. ' i'~o11 call was. taken on tYie motion. Ayes-, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. At this time the City Council tock up considefation of an ordinance amending Title 3 of the city code relating to liquor licensing'regulations. Mayor Jensen stated his strong apposition to Section 16 concerning the licensing of employees of Liquor establishments. The council discussed this provision in the ordinance, and the consensus was-'to delete it n_ its entirety, 82,515 Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Enright to adopt Ordinance No. 214 as drafted but deleting all of Section 3-1-16. Ro11 call was taken on the oration, Ayes, Zaun, sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen. 82.516 Motian was-made by Enright, seconded bX Zaun to appoint Councilman Nelson as .the liaison to the Dakota Law Enforcement Association. Roll call was. taken on .the motion. 'Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun. 824517 Motian was, made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resol~iton No. 82-97 sttatng the City Council's:. support for a civil defense director for Dakota County and the continuation of the Dakota Law Enforcement Association joint training. of police officers.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes., Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt. $2.518 Motion was made by .Zaun, seconded by Sindt to authorize the purchase of 15 votomatic machines at a cost of $225.00 each as recommended by the city.. ~.dmnistrator, Roll call was taken on the oration, Aeys, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. 82.519 Motion was, made by Enrightr seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 82-98 concerning the terorinaton of employment for medical reasons of Arlene Larson. Ro11 call was. taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. -3- • • i CITY OF LAKEVIZLE COUNCIL. MEETING December. 6, 1982 At this time Mayor Jensen read his letter of resignation from the City Council due to his election to the Minnesota State House of Rex~resentatives. Mayor Jensen indicated his resignation would take effect January 3, 1983. Motion .was made 'by Zaun, seconded by Nelson.to acknowledge receipt of Mayor .Tensen's letter of resignation. Roll call. was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson: Nays, none. .Abstained, Mayor Jensen: At thin time the City Council members discussed the process fora filling the mayor's vacancy.. Councilmembers Nelson, Enright and Sindt all stated their support for Councilmember Zaun being appointed to fi11 Mayor..Jensen's. remaining term as mayor. The council members°then decided to receive applicants for Mr,. Zaun's seat on the. City Council... _ 82.521 Motion was made 'by Nelson, seconded~by Sindt to 'advertise to the citizens of Lakeville the vacancy on the City Council andset the deadline for applying at l2 noon on December 23, 1982, with the interviews to be conducted of the applicants by ,:the City Council the evening. of December `28~ 1982, with the council. to make the appointment to the vacancy on the City Council at the January 3, 1983'council meetn,c3. Roll ca11 was taken on the .motion:..... Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, :Jensen, Zaun. At this. time Keith Nelson advised the council of the bids Hitchcock Industries'hadreceived for extending the utilities .over to the corner of County Road 70 and Cedar Avenue.' At this time Councilman Nelson recommended the council. adopt the, job description for the Co~unu.nity`Development Director position. 82,522 Motion was made by Zaun~ seconded by Enright to adopt the-job description for the Community Development'Director position.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, .Jensen, Zaun,'Sndt. The council asked. the mayor to send a letter to the. Lakeville Girls Vo11ey- ball team congratulating them on their third place state tournament finish. $2,523 Mati.on was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to 'appoint Councilmember Sindt as a liaison to the senior citizens group in Lakeville. Roll-call was taken>on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, 7,~,un, Enright, Nelson. Abstained, Sndt. Themeetng was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted., r~ J T f, _ Patrick E. 'Mc arvey, City erk _;R ert Jensen ayor _4_ i • CITY OF LAKEVILLE AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING December b, 1982 7:00 P.M. . Call to order. Flag. pledge. 1. Roll call.. ` 2. Staff announcementsc A. Attorney B. Engineer. C. Administrafor 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Approval of the minutes of the November 15,1982 council meeting: b. Approval of the claims for payment. c._ Receive the minutes of the following advisor~r committee meetings: Planning ,Commission, November 18 & December 2 Park_andrRecreatan Committee, December_L d. Approval of a traffic signal maintenance agreement on County Roads with Dakota County, Resolution No.. 82-9~3, e. Awaxd of. purchase to Todd Chevrolet for one truck for the police department. f. Approval of a purchase arder to Motorola .for the purchase of 13 handheld radios and five radio pagers for the police department, fire department and police reserves, g. Approval of the classification of tax forfeited lands for the years. 1976 and 1978. h. Resolution setting forth the responsibility of committees of the City Council. Resolution No. 82-91. i. Resolution authorizing investment account with Kidder. Peabody & Ca., Inc. #$2-92 5. Public heating on the City's intention of issuing industrial revenue obligations in an aggregate amount not exceeding $1,300,000 for acquisition of land and construction of two office-warehouse buildings by Cedar 70 Business Park, a Minnesota partnership, a. Resolution giving preliminary approval to the...project. 6. Applications of .Cedar 70 Business Park for a preliminary plat and for a planned 'unit development conditional use permit to .build office-warehouse buildings at the southwest earner of 215th Street and. Cedar. Avenue. 7. Applications of Joda, Inc, to vacate the street right-of-way and all utility easements in the Acorn Heights Addition of 1960, and for avariance-in lot size in the re-plat of Acorn Heights Addition located east of I-35 and north of Minnreg.Road. a. Resolution vacating the street and easements. b. Approval of the variance.:.. 8, Application of A.D.T.;Labs/Donald. Clarke fora conditional use permit under the Interstate Corridor District zoning to use an existing building. at 20600 Kenrick Avenue for light manufacturing of medical related r~roducts, ~ • 1 ~ CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ` December 6, 1982 9. Application of James Refrigeration/Pump & meter Service for a con- dtional use permit to install an underground fuel storage facility at the strip shopping center near the Tom Thumb store at the north- east corner of 175th Street and Highway 50, 10. ..Presentation by the Community Center citizen group of a petition for a community center. 11. Report from the Lakeville Fire Relief. Association on rectuested retirement benefits for .1983, 1984, and 1985., a, Resolution setting, the retirement benef..it. 12. Approval of application for a raffle license for the r~tinnesota Polebenders Cltab, 13. Adoption of an ordinance amending Title l0 of the Lakeville City Code pertaining to subdivisions. 14, Ordinance amending Title 3 of the Lakeville. City Code relating to lic#uor licensing regulations. 15, Appointment to the Dakota Law Enforcement Association of a repre- sentative from the City Council. 16. Consideration of purchasing additional voting booths (votomatics) fram Computer Election Systems, a. Approval df a purchase order.. 17, Resolution an the termination of a city employee due to medical causes. I$. pscussion,on°the resignation of Mayor Jensen and the appointment of a mayor and/or councilmember. 19, Any other business. 20. Adjourn.