HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-82 j '"1:: CITY OF LAKEVILLE"COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 7:982 The meeting was called to order at 7;fl0 p.m.;by Mayor Jensen: The pledge of allegiance to ..the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present:`' Councilmembers Nelson, Zaun, Sndt, Enright, and Mayor Jensen. Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Keith Nelson, City Engineer; James Robinette, Public Cn]orks Director; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/ Clerk. Staff announcements: There were none. Citizen Comments; There were none. 82.461 Motion was made. by Sindt, seconded by Zaun to approve the consent agenda as primed.. Roll call was: taken. on the motion.. Ayes, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright.. At this time, NTr, Cal Hrastad, representing Mobile Home Minnesota, presented a slide presentation on manufactured homes prepared'by the Manufactured Homes Association.. Mr. Brastad answered questions from the council and citizens present concerning manufactured homes and handed out written infor- rlation an them. The City Council then considered an ardinance recommended by the Planning Commission. which. would amend the Lakeville zoning ordinance establishing dwelling unit restrictions for residential housing and distinguishing types of housing, regulating its use and authorizing its location in various zones. Counclmember Sindt-then introduced some amendments she proposed. to the ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission.. Council members, staff and citizens-.present discus ed the proposed ordinance and proposed amendanents to it. 82..462 Motion was made by`Enright, seconded by Sndt to refer the amendments proposed by Counclmember Sindt back to the Planning Commission for their study and recommendation to the City Council. Ro11 ca11 was taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, 5ndt, Enright, Nelson. The City.. administrator advised those present that the matter would be put on the November 18th planning Commission agenda.. At this time, Mr, Darrell Gonyea and Mr. John Houston presented the replat of the- Acorn. Heights addition plat and explained the reasons for the replat. He pointed out that they wo'~ld be willing to remove the existing billboards on the p7:at at this time if the replat of the 14 lots were approved. 82.463 Motion was. made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to ap~rave the preliminary plat of the replat .of Acorn Heights addition, including the five recommenda- bons from the .Planning Commission and consultant concerning the plat. Rr~ll ca7.l was taken on the- motion.. Ayes, Zaun;, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen. At this time, the City Council took up consideration of an ordinance rezoning a panel of property on the west side of I-35 owned by Jack Young, who was present. Mr. Young stated that he had. no objection to the proposed zoning to B-W. 82:464 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to adopt Ordinance No. 2l0 rezoning the property from.R-1 to B=W. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes., Sindt, Enright,.Nelson, Jensen, zaun. 82.465 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to apT~rove_the conditional use permit and preliminary plat for the Valley''Christian Church located at the southwest corner-of 160th. Street and Foliage Avenue as recommended by the Planning Commission. -1- r~ • • CITY OF LAKEVILZE COUNCIL MEETING November 1,;'1982 Roll call was taken nn the motion. Ayes,, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sndt. At this time,. the 'City Council took up .consideration of-the .final plat and the.:development agreement for Oak. Ri:dge:Heights addition. Mr. Steve Grnhoski was present ce~ncernne~ his plat. The council discussed .the requirement for an irrevocable-.letter n~..credit fortwo,-years and Mr. Grohoski's request to allow some other farm of financial ``security guarantee- ing the first two years of assessments that would be suitable to the-city Council. The City attorney .explained the advantages and disadvantages of a letter of credit and other,..fnrms of security that might be:cansidered. 82.466 Motion was: made by Zaun, seconded ,by Sindt tg approve the final plat of- Oak Ridge Heights addition subject to the executinn'nf the development agreement: between the parties with`'the direction that any change trom the November 1, 1982 draft of the development agreement that is negotiated ; .between Mr -Grnhoski and` the city staff must° be brought back to the City Council for further consideration and approval before the agreement and the plat will be signed by the mayor ar~r~ city clerk. Rpll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Nelson, ,7ensen, Zaun, Sndt, Enright. 82.467 Motion was made by Nelsen, seconded by Sindt to approve the preliminary report for Oak Ridge, Heights ac~ditinn improvements ..and. authorize the preparation, of plans and specifications subject to the developer. posting with the City the estimated cost for. the plans and specifications. Roll call was taken on the motion.- Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt,: Enright Nelson. At this time, Mr. Denver Kaufman.-and Mr. Gary Ja.cnbson appeared before the City Council concerning their request to plat into'. 10-acre size lots approximately 140 acres. of land located nn the west side`of I-35: Mr. Kaufman explained that it would be almost impossible to develope the property into 10-acre tracts if the entire 7.4 cent charge for storm sewer ..were levied at this time on those size parcels for such.. low density. The council and staff discussed the matter, and the consensus of the council was. that appropriated amendments should be drafted through the ordinances governing storm'sewer so that low density development can be accommodated without an:exc.essve storm sewer charge at the initiation of the development,,' and whereby some of it can be deferred until the property is re-subdivided into smaller, mare urban parcels in the future. At this time, Mr. James Robinette gave a report on a staff meeting between the city staff`and-M-DOT District 9 staff concerning the improvement of Highway_50 and County Road 5-near I-35. The meeting was held on November 1,'1982 at-the M-DOT District 9 office. It was reported that. the District 9 would-need a resolutionfrom.the City Council. indicating City support for making these .improvements, since the Highway Department budgeting through 1987 has nn funds in it for the upgrading of Highway 50 in this area. It was also pointed out that the District 9 staff-would be prepared to prepare a preliminary report on the .concept plan recently reviewed by-the parties. The council and staff discussed .the potential costs for the improvement and some of the problems :involved. 82.468 Motion was made by Jensen, seconded by Nelson to table the matter to the November 15th council agenda for further-consideration. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,`Zaun, Sndt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen.: The council members discussed appointments tn;a committee made up of one member of the City Council, one member of the;Plannnq Commission and -three citzens`to review the. city sign a~dinance. The mayor reported that Paul Krause had volunteered to serve-on the committee. Steve Grohosk volunteered to serve on-the committee from the Planning 'Commission, :,and Nancy Enright from the City Council. -2 . ~ i CITY OF' LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 1982 82.469 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Zaun to table the matter until the November 15th council agenda for making the appointments:. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sndt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun. 82.470 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve and authorize Consulting Engineers Diversified to make the appropriate updates to documents for the city and Metropolitan Waste Control Commission sewer rehabilitation project in Lakeville for a cast not to exceed $1,000.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt. The City Council discussed the resolution which would. increase the lump sum retirement benefit for Lakeville firemen to $1,200 pex year beginning in 1983. ~'he city administrator pointed out that the request is far further increases in 1984 and 1985, as he recalled. The council members decided to table the matter to allow the appropriate members of the fire department to appear before the council. 82.471 Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Nelson to table .this to either the November 15th or December.6th council agenda:- . Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. 82.472 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by`Sindt to approve a purchase order for an ice making machine in the amount of $2,485.00 to Eddie's Refriger- ation for a Scottsman model HG800. Roll call, was taken on the m~ton. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. Jim Robinette advised the City Council that temporary opening of Ixonia Avenue near Dakota Heights tt~ facilitate access to the people living on that street due to the construction of 185th Street. Mr. Robinette also gave the City Council an update on the hazardous waste siting process in a meeting he had held. with the staff members from the Minnesota Waste Management hoard. It cvas agreed that a representative of the board will be put on the November 15th agenda to present a slide presentation on their siting process to the City Council prior to Citizen Comments. Mr. Keith Nelson advised the council members of Airlake Industrial Park's wishes to extend sanitary sewer and utilities near County Road 70 and, Cedar Avenue intersection and their desire to have the City Council author- ize C.E,D. to prepare the plans and specifications for them so that they could hire a contractor to do the work and then have the City accept the improvement after it has been finished and inspected by the City's consul- Cant. It was also advised that the praject will consist of an office- warehouse building facility proposed to be financed through tiie issuance of industrial revenue. bonds. 82..473 Motion was_made by Zaun, seconded by Sindt to call a public hearing on the sale of industrial revenue bonds for a special council meeting on Novernber,29, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. and to authorize Consulting Engineers Diversified to prepare the engineering plane and specifications for the utility extensions with he costs to be paid for the engineering work and the construction by the developer. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, 7.aun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen. 82.474 Motion was made by Sindt seconded by Nelson to grant final acceptance to city utility improvement projects 80-1 and ~0-10 as recommended by the city. engineer., Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun. 82.475 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Enright to approve a purchase order in the amount of $2,577.40 to Clarey's for equipment for the fire department as recommended by the fire chief. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt., -3- • • • • , CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING .November 1, 1982 82.476 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to add?~t Resolution No. 82-85 op}~osing bond registration proposed in congress due to tke increased costs involved. to 1oca1 government and to the public. Roll call was taken pn the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sndt, Enricrht: 82.477 notion was made by Enright, seconded by 8indt to authorize Mr. Tim Kelly to attend a.conferenceon waste alternatives to show desires, with the .cost to be reimbursed by the City,:.. Roll ca11 was taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun,,'Sindt, Enright, Nelson. Mayor Jensen adjourned. the council.:meetn~ at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, atrick E. McGarvey, City C rk Robert Jensen. sayor _4_ . • • . CITY OF LAKEVIZLE AGENDA COiJNCIZ MEETING November 1, 1982 7:00 P.M. Call to order.. Flag; pledge . 1. Roll call. 2. Staff announcementsc A. Attorney B, Engineer C. Adminstrator- 3: Citizen comments. 4. Consent. agenda: a. Approval of the minutes. of the October 18, 1982 regular council meeting.., b. Approval of the claims for payment. c. Receive the minutes of'the following advisory committee meetings: Planning Commission, October 2l, 1982 Natural Resources Committee, October 19, 1982 Park. and Recreation Committee, October 20, 1982 d. Approval of specificatigns and advertisement for bids`on new police cars: and ,one truck. e. Approv~.l of .the 1982-83 snowmobile and ski.. trail agreements with the Minnesota Department of Natural'Resources. Adopt resolution aopr©dnq a ca4perative agreement withthe Nlinnesot~ Dei~artment of Transportation for snow .removal on state highways in Lakeville. (:Resolution. No 82--$2) g. Adopt resolution's~.~ttna the utility trunk fund water. and sanitary sewer connection fees..for 1983. .(.Resolution, No. 82-83) h.. Adcipt,resolution-eliminating the utility depos requirement and authorizing .refunds.. on current-deposits.(Resoluti:cn No.. 82-84) i. Receive the third quarter general fund and liquor fund reports. 5.. Review of information on tie state ,and federal building codes as they 'relate to manufactured, homes. a. C©nsideration of an ordinance amending the Lakeville zoning 'ordinance establi hing dwelling uni restrictions: for residential pausing,' dis inguishing types of housing, regulating its .use, and authorizing s locations in-:.various zones. 6. Appleati:on of ,7oda, Inc. for a preliminary plat of a re~plat of Acorn. Heights Addition. east of I~35 and north. of Minnreg Road... 7. Anplicatian of Jack Young/City of Lakeville to rezone from R~ly LoweDensit~r Single Family `Residential, to B-W, Busness~Warehouse, a parcel, of,pronerty located at the southeast corner of Keokuk.' Avenue and 215th. Street on the west side bf I--35. a. Adoption of an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 167, rezoning the parcel to B-W. ` ~ ~ `e.• . ~ ~ .r -L. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA November 1, 1982 ..(Continued) 8. Application of Valley Christian Church/Denns R, Gramentz for a canditional use permit and'the r~lattng of Outlot A, Donnay's Valley Park 3rd Addition, at the southwest carnet ~if_160th Street and Foliage Avenue. 9. Final plat approval of Oak Ridge Heights Addition located north of Woodridge Estates Addition and east of Highway 50, and approval of the development agreement. 10. Report from the staff on the concept plan meeting with M-DOT for improvements. to .Highway 50 and'Kenrick Avenue east of I-35,- and Highway 50/County Road 5 west of `2-35:.; 11. Appointments to a committee to review"the sign ordinance and make recommendations on changes to it. 12. Approval for the enetineering consultant t© update the specif- cations., cost estimate, project schedule, and engineering agreement for construction supervision services on the sewer system rehabl- itation project,.MWCC, 71-03~-415. 13. Adopt resolution setting the lump sum retirement benefit fox the volunteer firemen, 1983-85. 14. Approval. to purchase. one ice making machine for ' 1ic~taor stare number one.. 15. Ang-other business. 16. .Adjourn..