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Wednesday, September 15, 1982
6:25 P.M.
Council Chambers
Present: Councilmembers Sindt, Zaun, Enright, Nelson; Patrick McGarvey,
City Administrator; Dennis Feller, Finance Director.
Absent: Mayor Jensen.
Dennis Feller explained to the council that budget proposals submitted
were those of the. department heads and had not been adjusted, except
for certain inter-department transfers concerning salaries. As presented,
the budget was almost in balance for 1983 with only a $755 increase
in fund balance. There are no increases in new personnel positions;
only those capital outlay items which could primarily be financed by
certificates of indebtedness were included in the budget. However,
there were requests (but not budgeted} for new .personnel which were
shown on page 101.
Police Department
Present: R. Radermaeher, Police Chief; Greg Grose, Asst. Chief; P.
Oxley, Police Reserves Chief; D. Southward, Police Reservist.
It was explained to the council that the Psycolog test was equipment
used to narrow the list of suspects. Squad cars would be replacements
for cars which are expected to have over 100,000 miles by April, 1983.
The reason for the increase was primarily due to capital outlay needs.
Radermacher explained that the reason for the requested dispatcher was
because of the need for a backup due to sick leave, vacation, etc.
Paul Oxley reviewed the need for equipment and snowmobile clothing.
It is difficult to keep credible volunteers unless the City is willing
to properly equip the reservists. The four-wheel drive is to be used
primarily during storms and would probably last eight to 10 years..
Concerning who schedules as to when the reservists worked, Mr. Oxley
replied that they are required to work a minimum of eight hours per
month riding in squads. Police have ll radios, of which four are worn
out. Four new radios are requested for 1983. The reservists have five
hand-held radios and are requesting one more for 1983.
Mr. Zaun explained that the council would be considering the 1983 requests,
and adjustments might be made.
Public Works Department
Present: J. Robinette, Wm. Hoffbeck.
Mr. Robinette gave a presentation on the status of street employees in
relation to ..those in other towns and in comparison to prior years. Mr.
Robinette stated that a man is scheduled to be transferred from the
park department in October, 1982, until late March, 1983. He stated
that he felt this wasn't fair to the park and recreation department or
the street department. He also commented that he felt the mechanic
should be promoted to Mechanic III. Mr. Robinette also pointed out
the need for a secretary and a copy machine, and that he felt these
expenditures could be paid for from the utility department. Concerning
the sealcoating program, Mr. Robinette stated that the City had 45-50
miles of streets,of which .four miles was to be sealcoated in 1983 with
the requested budget of $31,000. When asked to choose whether the added
man or the clerk was more important, Mr. Robinette had no comment.
Mr. Robinette stated that he would settle for a part-time secretary if
~ ~ •
September 15 , 1982
Fire Department
Present: B. Christensen, Fire Chief.; B, Johnson, Fire Relief Association
Mr. Christensen reviewed all increases with the council, The fire station ~ z.
is in desparate need of paint, which could be paid for from the Capital
Improvements Fund. Also, the upstairs of Station No. 1 should be finished,
including the installation of a bed, using money left over .from the
fire station fund. With the upstairs remodeled, the ambulance could
be operated out of that station and, thereby, reduce response time.
Mr, Christensen stated that the fire department can wait until the new
police station is built and then tie Station No. 1 into the police back-
up generator. Also, the back-up .generator at the current station could
be transferred to Station #2 at that time. The specifications for the
midi-pumper can wait until 1983 with delivery of the truck in 1985.
Parks and Recreation
Present: Steve Michaud, Park and Rec. Director.
Mr. Michaud stated that the priorities for the parks were: (1) Improve
part-time help performance. Some of the CETA help enlisted during 1982
was unreliable, unproductive and unable to provide proper supervision,
(2) Improve on full-time help, The transfer of J. Graff to the street
department during winter months means that the parks will have to do the
work with 2~ people, which during 1981 had been done with six people.-
The concession stand had. worked well in 1982, Discussion also centered
around improvement of Jacquard. Avenue park seeding project.. The question
of tying revenues to expenditures is an ongoing concern. Part-time
heap would be provided during Christmas vacation, after school daylight-
. hours and weekends at the hockey rinks. This part-time help had been
cut from the budget earlier in the year, but it could be shown that there.
had been personnei savings in other programs due to CETA, which would
facilitate the transfer.
Schedule a budget meeting for 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 22.
Discussion will be concentrated on balancing the budget, property taxes
and personnel.
Respectfully submitted,
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Dennis Feller, Finance Director