July 22, 1982
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m, by Mayor Jen en. Roll call
was taken. Present: Councilmembers Nelson,. Zaun, Bindt and Mayor Jensen.
Absent:. Councilmember Enright.
Also present: Roger Knutson., City Attorney; Patrick McGarvey, City
Administrator/Clerk; James Robinette, Public Works Director.
Mr. Roger Knutson presented two letters of credit received from the
developers of the Argonne Park plat, the 35-50 Development Corporation.
Mr. Knutson explained the purpose of the $400,000 letter of credit from
the Richfield Bank and the $100,000 letter of credit-from the.. Burnsville
Bank to guarantee that the'. developers will complete the public improve-
ments satisfactorily. The mayor pointed out that the reason the special
meeting was called is that the development agreement as previously approvod
by the City Council requires a letter of-credit of 1000 of the construction
costs, which in this case would mean the '!developers. would have a $400,-000
loan from the Richfield Bank plus a $400,000 letter of credit.. Under
-the proposal being made, the City would have the fight to draw against
the $400,000 loan money and approve any of the payments made by the
bank for the developer from the $400,000. In-addition the City would
have asecond letter of credit for $100,000.
The City Attorney stated hat in hip opinion he felt the security was
82.330 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve an addendum to
the development agreement with the 35-50 Development Corporation con-
cerning the letters of credit and authorizing the mayor and clerk to
execute the addendum.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt.
82.331 Motion was .made by Sindt seconded by Zaun to approve 35-50 Development.
Corporation to begin grading on the Argonne Park plat for up to 14 days
pending receipt of the executed $400,000 letter of credit from the
Richfield Bank.
Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Nelson..
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Jensen at 8:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
/ ~
Patrick E. McGarv y, City Cl
Robert Je en, Mayor