HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-26-82 ~ ~ • CITY Off' LAKEV3LLE.SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ..April 26, 1982 ..The meeting was called to :order at 7:361 p.m. by Mayor Jensen.at the Lakeville Senior High School. Roll, call was taken. Present: Counclmembers Sindt, Enright, Zaun, Nelson and May~or'Jensen. Also present:` Darrell Schneider ahd Keith Nelson,, Consulting Engineers; Patrick Farrell, City Attorney;-Patrick-Mc Garvey, City Administrator/Clerk. Mayor Jensen .opened the public hearing on the proposed improvement of 185th Streetfrom.Jamaica'Path to Dodd Rc~ad..and Ipava Avenue from ':185th Street to'176th Street and explained the. purpo e of the hearing. Patrick Farrell attested to the proper legal notice of the hearing. Keith Nelson presented a slide showing the pr~j~c't design, type of road,-.and .cost estimates. Mr. Nelson explained that the ;road is proposed to be a 24-foot wide asphalt road with 8-foot gravel-shoulders... and ditches: He stated that. in some areas, additional right-of-wa_y beyond the present 66 feet would be necessary far the construction " of the ditch area. ~'he total estimated cost of the road improvement is $507,000. Mr. Nelson read the Gity assessment, policy for state-aid roads, including the area charge of $150 per dwelling unit and the front foot charge fora "rural .road. of $16 maximum_in 1982. Mr. Nelson then showed a tentative project schedule in the event the project was..ordered by-..the City Council'at this time. _At this irne Mayor Jensen opened the meeting to questions and comments from those in .the audience. and started with the property, owners with the smaller parcels.. Dick Hammond .,asked °.about the $150 -area. rate, and ~r. Nelson e~~slaa,nod that it .applies only. if there is ahouse or dwelling unit existing on the property.. If the property is vacant, then they would pay the charge" at the time the permit is issued for the building of a dwelling unit. George Handel asked.. if the two streets had similar use, anc~ Mr. Nelson indicated-that both are major collector .roads. Tom Sheridan asked :about the. need for tearing up these roads in the future when sewer and water utilities would be run. Mr, Nelson indicated that they-could most likely be run along. the sides of the asphalt of these roads due to the right-of-way available. Joe Sheridan asked how wide the road bed s,'and Mr, Nelson again .explained the design proposed. Manley Wheeler asked 'if there was any county aid°money available to pay toward these roads, and Mr: Nelson indicated .the-roads are not designated County state-aid roads.. Mr. Win 5abatka asked why. utilities couldn't be extended along. certain _ areas of 185th:: Street now. Mr. `Nelson showed a map of how .future sewer is being considered through the City comprehensive sewer 'plan for the urea along 185th Street. He also asked about :the drainage of .future utility costs and indicated that he didn`t believe his 330 feet along 185th. Street would be benefited in .the amount of $16 per foot. Ron. Draper asked about .the design and status of the road on the first stretch of 185th. Street adjacent to Trunk Highway 50. Mr. Nelson- indicated that the first 500 feet will have concrete curb'& gutter, and that the road will .then revert to a rural design up to Jamaica Path., :Carole. Love questioned the policy invo]_ving corner lot .assessments.. Mr. Nelson explained that the policy is four the property. owner to pay the entire front of-a lot plus one-half of_ the side: ~1_ • CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPEC2AL COUNCIL MEETING April 26, 1982 Terry 'Lave `asked about thesxseed limit on the road, and'Mr. Ne son ; indicated that-the design would be for 30. miles per hour, Wayne Burdick asked wha initiated the project, and Mayor Jensen explained that the City Council initiated the. project. Keith Nelson indicated that the properties to be assessed at this time would be assessed for up to 20 years at 8o interest..on.the unpaid principal each .year... Jerry `Everson .asked when the public hearing was held on the first stretch... of 185th Street; and the mayor indicated it was in the ,fall of 1981<. Daryl'McNab asked if maintenance on the gravel road was areal reason for the improvement, and Mr. Nelson indicated that maintenance costs 'for .these roads are increasing as the traffic increases and .oil prices increase due to the extra grading and'oiing necessary. Walt King asked why a City..needs to construct an asphalt road to serve ..agricultural land. Ron Draper asked why there is money avai able for these roads-when--the interstate'system can't be completed, and Mayor Jensen explained how the money is apportioned by the State for various 'types-of_ roads. At this time Darrell Schneider read the recommended assessment policy from the City staff concerning parcels larger than 10 acres in size. The staff-had proposed to the council a policy of assessing ;$16 per ....front foot be followed .with 8~.interest non-compounded. The staff =further recommended that the assessments be deferred up to 20 years or until such time that development of the property occurred, whichever happened, first. If.this policy were followed, the. staff estimated `that the estimated"assessments to be paid at this time would :decline from $287,776 to $44,480. At this time Mayor Jensen suggested a policy of assessing the farm land the $'16 per front foot at .thin time and then deferring that assessment on the farm land with-'no interest until such time as the land is subdivided and .developed. Joe Tabaka`objected t6 the deferment of the assessment and any interest that"might be involved. Mrs. Anderson asked the engineers if the road was going to be `straightened out, and Mr. Nelson indicated .that it would be constructed within the F center of the existing right-of-way. At .this time Mayor.Jensen asked the other oo~unci] members: if they had any comments to`make. . Councilman Zaun explained how at budget time the council `looked at roads .which could be consdered_for improvement.. Councilman Nelson explained the policy the City had used on 175th Street ,work and the increasing oiling costs for :gravel roads that are busy. roads. He also stated that he liked the policy proposed by the mayor on the assessment of the large farm parcels. ' Counclperson Enright-asked about how this deferment in the assessment.- of the'farm property, might involve green acre deferments,: and. City Attorney Bartell stated Ghat the. plan proposed by the mayor is considerably better than what green acre deferments would offer a property owner. Councilmember'Sindt`stated that she wished to have maintenance cost figures for these roads. prior'to making a decision on the project. 82.178 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to continue the public hearing to the May-3, 1982 council meeting in'the City Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. or; shortly thereafter.. -2- • • CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING April ~6,, 1982 Roll call was takea~ on the motion. Ayes, Enxight, Sindt, Jensen, Zaun & Nelson. 'the meeting was adjourned at 9c58 p.m. by'Mayor Jensen. Respectfully submitted, 1„ :Patrick E. McGarvey, City C1 Robert Je , Mayor -3-