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` ~ ~ . ` CITY OF LAICEVILLE COUI~YCTZ ?~..EETING February 1, 1.982 The meeting was called. to order at 7:30 x~,m, by Mayor Jensen.. The pledge of alaegiance to the, flag was given. Roll call was taken, Present:'. Councilr.~embers Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright and .Mayor .Jensen, Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Keith I~Ielson, Consulting City Engineer; Patrick McGarvey; City Administrator/Clerk; James Robinette, Public Works Director. 82,42 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Sindt to approve the minutes of the January 11, 1982 special council. meeting, Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes® Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt & Enright. 82.43 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Zaun to approve the minutes of the January 18, 1982'regular council meetincx. Roll. call was taken on the..motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindto.Enright & Nelson. 82,44 Motion was made by Enright,. seconded by Sindt to .approve the claims for payment as presented, Roll ca11 was.. taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt, Enright & Nelson. At this time Mayor Jensen presented a x~laque in appreciation for. 13 years of service to the City of Lakeville to John Antolik. Mr. Antolk served on a Planning Commission, and Mayor Jensen commended him for his service to the community. At this time Mr, Ed Mako and Judith MCCOurt presented a slide r~resentation on .the work. of the .Joint. Para Transit Committee and the status of a study bents conducted by the committee on the .future feasibility of z~ara transit .service within five cities. 82.45 Pdotion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to receive>the minutes of the Planning Commission, Natural Resource Committee and Xouth Advisory Board meetings. Rolf ca~.l was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt Enright, Nelson & Jensen. 82,46 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded. by Nelson to table consideration of the application,of Ken_Zak'to the E"ebruary 16, 1982 council meeting upon _Mr, Zak's request. - Ro11 call was taken an the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, ,Tensen & Zaun. At this time the City Attarney'brieLed the council on the status of the sludge-ash site selection process in the metro area and presented a letter from his office.. Mr, Tim Kelly also audressed the council concerning the status. -The council discussed the need,for a moratorium on the`site selection process so that other alternatives can"be studied.,' 82.47 Motion was made bar Zaun, seconded bv:Sndt to adopt Resolution No. 82-8 requesting: the legislature to adopt a bill in support of a moratorium on the sludge.-ash disposal .process:,. .Roll :Call was taken on. the Prnotion. A~~es, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun & Sindt. At this time the City Council took up consideration of a letter/petition from nine property owners along 175th Street requesting an engineering `feasibility report on the extension of sanitary sewer, caster and street improvements to their property along the street.. The staff discussed with. vl_ . ~ • • t CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEE~°ING February 1, 1982 the council the past history of_ engineering reports f_or these improvements in this area of Lakeville and the extra cost that is involved. because of the soils, lake and reduced front footage and narrow streets involved, It was decided to have the staff take a look at previous engineering data and reports before deciding whetheror..not to .invest im another engineering '.'feasibility study.. 82.48.. Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to receive a met.ition from the nine property .:owners. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun, 5indt & Enright. At this time Mr. Detlef Stroh, Mr. Frank Woytek and Mr .Jeff Kennedy apraeared before. the Gity Council concerning the x>roposed ordinance renewing the franchise for_Metro Cable, Inc. Mr. Kennedy, an attorney .representing the owners, stated that. the draft of the ordinance they. had received almost totally met with their approval, however, they did-have a couple of items .they wished to discuss with the ,city attorney. Councilman Zaun;gave the City Council a report on the negotiations to date between the Cable m.V. Committee of the council and Metro Cable. Councl- member Sndt stated that the February 1,.1982 draft of the. ordinance was very. close to finalization in .her. opinion. Mr. Stroh. stated tha'c the process had been long® but note. hard, and than he .believes it'wilyresult in a better system for Lakeville ..from Metro' Cable in the future years than what, the city. has had the nest 10 years. The city attorney .recommended that the council take no action on the ordin- ante at this time so that the final few revisions can be made and then .have the ordinance sent to the Minneso~ca Cable Communications Board far their review and approval prior to City~Council action on it.` He stated hefelt this could be accomplished in time`for the Februa,rv 16th council meeting agenda.: _ 82.49 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded-by'Zaun to,t~.ble consideration of the, Cable 'I'.V. ordinance to the February 16,.1982 council meeting agenda. Roll call was t~.ken on the motion..,Ayes.Jensen, Zaun Sndt, Enright & Nelson. 82°50 Motion was made by Sndt, seconded.: by Enright to table any action on changing the present city precinct boundaries or polling places until the redistricting af-statelegi~lative districts is completed. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, faun, Sindt Enright, Nelson & Jensen. At this time Richard Radermacher, Chief o.f Police, ,presented a list of. names to the City Council of citizens and business people who indicate a willingness to.support a new t~olice station for Lakeville and-to work on a committee to 'study the need for it and alternatives. 82..51 Motion was made by Za:un, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 82-9 establishing. a citizens task force. to study the need for and alternatives for a new..police station-':far Lakeville, with the. task force to make its initial .recommendation to the council no later than July l~ 1982. Roll call wastaken'on the anotion. Ayes, Sindt,.Enright, Nelson,. Jensen & Zaun. 82.52 ..Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve the ~ourchase of police professional liability insurance in the amount of $4,233 annual premium and the.$10,000 life insurance for the auxiliary police department members at 'the cost of $15 per year per officer, as recommended by the police Comria~ttee. Ro11 call `was taken on the .motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson., Jensen; Zaun & Sindt. -2- • ~ • ' ~ CITY OF,LAKEVILLE COUNCIL'MEETING Februa~'y 1, .1982 82,53 Motion was made by .Zaun, seconded by Sindt to ;a.~amrove a bingo license for the Rosemount Lions Cl~zb and uraive the 3acmd 'Roll ca7.1 was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Nelson, Jensen,-Zaun, Sndt &'Enright. 82.54 M©tion was made by Nelson', seconded by Sndt to approve a bingo license for the Lakeville Ja~ceesand`waive the bond. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt;, Enright & Nelson. 82.55 Motion was ,made by Zaun, seconded by,Sindt to an~rove a change in the hours f_or the motor vehicle lcsnsin.~ office to 8:30' a.m, to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson ~ Jensen. 82.56 Motion was.:made by Sndt, seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution No, 82-10 appointing Rabert ~7ensen to "a erm on the Lakeville. H.R.A. expiring Ax~ril 24, 1985; Nancy Enright to a term on the Lakeville H.R,A expiring April 24, 1984; and Betty 8indt to a-term. on the H.R.A. expiring April 24, 1987,. Roll call was taken. on the motan. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen &Zaun. 82,57 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Enright to receive the fire department's. annual rex~ort for 1981. Poll,call was taken on the motion, Ayes,.Enrght, Nelson, Jensen,`'Zaun & Sindt, 82,58' Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Enright to approve the :election of Barry Christensen to the position of Fire :Chief for athree-year term. Ro11 call was taken=on.the motion, Ayes, Nelson, Jensen; Zaun, Sindt & Enright. 82.59:: Motion was;made by Zaun, seconded by Ne15on to approve the election of `Patrick Harvey as chairman. of the Planning Commission for 1982'. Roll Gall was taken on the motion. Ayes® Jensen, Zaun, Sindt Enright & Nelson. Councilmember Enright stated that she would like to suggest a working session agenda. be prepared`, and she had some ideas for items to be included. upon it and would be meeting with the administrator. The City administrator reported that in a telephone call with Gerald Toberman on February 1st he statedthat'`he would have the :ditch cleaned out before spring. It was decided to have the-City attorney send a letter to Mr. Toberman on the matter and to glace the item back on the Marchlst council agenda if there is no action taken by that time in cleaning the .ditch. Mayor Jensen reported that House File 1641 concerning the city's Holyoke Avenue and. 202nd Street MSA project would be given'a,hearing'before the Transportation Committee of the House of Representatives at 12 noon on February 3rd, and that the administrator should be present to testify, 82,60 Motion was made-by Zaun, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution; No. 82-11 in suppozt of House File 1641 concerning an agreement with M-DOT for the advancement by the City of City funds from our MSA account for. the State's share ~f the project, to be .repaid by the State.' Roll eall,was taken on the Motion, Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson & Jensen. '82,61 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to a?~prove a bingo license for the Lakeville PISA and. waive the bond. Roll Call was taken~on the.. motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen &Zaun. _3- ' CITY OF LAKEVILLECOUNCIL MEETING Februar~r l , 3.982 82.62 Pdotion was made by Zaun, aeconded by Sindt to approve the releass as recora~r?ended by the City attorney 'caith Crown Cork & Seal. Connpany in the connection charge lawsuit and authorize the mayor and clerk to execute the- release. Roll call was taken on the motion: `Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Jensen, Zaun & Sindt,. 82.63 Motion was made by Zaun,:seconded by,Sindt to rece%ve azad approve a petition from Mrs. w.J'. Barrett requesting sanitary sewer and street mtarovement extensions to serve her .property an.,the east~and west side of Ipava Avenue north. of 175th Street and `authorize the City engineer taextend the plans to her north boundary on the west side~of.Ipava for the'mprovements. Ro7.l call was taken on the motion. Ayes, NelSOn, Jensen„Zaun, Sndt & Enright. 82.64 Motion was made by Zaun, 'ascended by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 82-12 ..appointing. Robert 3ensen and Betty Sindt to the City Council Mobile Home Coanmttee. Ro~.l call was taken on the motion. Ayea, sensen, Zaun® 5indt, Enright & Nelson. The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 p.m. by the mayor. Resr~ectfully submitted, Patrick Eo McGarvey® City C rk Robert Jsns Mayor.