HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-18-82 CITY OF LAKEVILLE CC)Ui~TCIL MEETING Januar<r 18 , 1982 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Jensen. The pledge of allecriance o the flag was given. Roll ca1.1. waS taken. Present: Counclsnembers Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright .and Mayor Jensen........ _ Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Jim Johnson, Consulting City Engineer; Patrick McGarve~7® City Administrator/Clerk; .James Robinette, Public ~7orks Director; Richard Radermacher, Chief of Po~.ice; Steve Michaud,' .Park & Rec Director. 82.26 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve the minutes. of the January 4, 1982 council. meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,.Ne~:so~n, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt & Enright. 82.27 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to approve theclaimsfor payment as presented. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sndtd Enright & Nelson. Staff reports: City Administrator. The City Administrator. advised the council of the situation on the ~urbes property on the south side of 175th Street west of Orchard Lake parka Mrs.. Turbes had received legal notice of the public hearing, but had been told in a phone call by the administrator. that the boundary for the improvement had. been drawn at the west side o.f Orchard Lake bark.. It may be necessary to include the property end. that she either.signa petition if the project .is to be extended if some other people wish, or a new hearing would have to be called if she opposes the project. g2, 2g Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to receive the minutes of_ the P1;anning Commission® Park & Recreation Committee and Natural Resource Committee. meetings. Ro1.l call was taken on the motion. :Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson & Jensen. At this time Mayor Jensen :asked the administrator. to advise the council of the status`of the proposed utility project along County Road 64 to the I-35 area on the east and west side and along '~enrick Avenue south of County Road 64. The City Administrator stated that Mr. Richard Ungar had called from Scottsdale, Arizona, ,and he indicated that his proposed Ramada Inn financing had. not been accomplished on a long-term firm basa.s. Fie had orevi.ously staffed that if his financing was not secure for the motel facility, he would not need 'the utility ?project at thss time. :The administrator also advised that .Z~rs. Itman had called and stated they were xiot prepared at this. time to guarantee assessments sinceher brother's death. Mr. James H. Gilbert, an attorney representing Mrs. Roberts, presented a letter and astatement in opposition to the project at this time. Councilman Zaun. stated that he did not feel .there was a sufficient amount o_f..support or need for the.. project at this time. 82,28 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to deny; the proposed improvement project of extending utilities westerly along County toad b4 to the I-35 area and south along Kenrick Avenue. Roll call was. taken on the motion'., Ayes, Sindt, Enricxht, Nelson, Jensen &Zaun. At this tine councilanan Zaun reported on the.status of the r~roposed;Cable TV ordinance and renewal of the franchise with Metro Cable. He stated that the committee hoped to have a final draft of the ordinance ready for the next council meetingP and that negotiations were still going on with the owners and representatives of Metro Cable. -1~- . • • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING January 18, 1982. 82.30 Motion was made. by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to receive a draft of the proposed Cable TV .ordinance and to table further action on it to the ..February 1, 1982 council meeting, Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson,..Tensen, Zaun & Sindt. At this time Mr. Robert Lurtsema addressed the City Council, concerning his application for a dance license for. the .Sea Girt Inn on 168th Street and his plans to improve. the building. r4r. Lurtsema stated that he was aware of the city,o~dinance requiring an on duty police officer, or officers, that would comply with it when he is conducting adance. rRr. Glenn Klotz stated that the cost estimate for making the improvements to the building to eliminate the de#ciencies listed by the State fire anarshall and building inspector's. office and City.. offices is $12,.800.. There were three ladies .present at the meeting who are residents in the neighborhood and :raised questions and concern about the operation of the Sea Girt Inn and how it would be managed. The City Atctorney stated that the City Council could establish conditions for the issuance of a dance license. Tie City Council and ?fir. Lurtseana .discussed .the `operation. of he Sea .Girt Inn and, especially,. dances at the establishment. As a result,of the discussion, '.the council set the following conditions. 1. `Patrons are to clear the parking lot 'and premises no later than 2 a.m. 2. Police control and the number of off.=duty officers to be hired..bv Mr. Lurtserna will be at the direction and.descretion of the. Lakeville Chief of Police far dances. 3. There will be a limit of 250 patrons on the premisesfor dances as a condition of the dance license,..with the limit t~ossbly at a lessen figure if required by the fire code. 4. Dances are to be .held only on Friday, Saturdays: or Sunday of the week. 5. The improvement o.f the parking lot on the north side of 168th Street is to be made by Mr. Lurtsema, including blacktopping and str~ing® no later than August 1, 1982, in accordance with a planpresentedbv Mr. Lurtsema and approved by the City 'engineer. 6. All structural and fire code deficiencies must be corrected before the dance license' is to be in: effect. 82.31 rhotion was made by Zaun, seconded by Enright "to approve the issuance of a dance license ;to i~Ir. Robert Lurtsei~a doing business at the Sea Girt' Inn at 10220 168th Street subject to the conditions listed above as. set_by the City' Council. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes Nelson, Jensen,. Zaun,.Sindt & Enright. .82.32 Motion was made; by Zaun, seconded by-Sindt to abpoint Mr. Dennis Miller to a vacancy on the Lakeville Planx}ing Commission-for a term which will expire on ~Tanuary 1, 1985. Roll call was taken"an the motion. Ayes, ,Jensen, faun, Sindt, Enright & Nelson. The City Administrator advised the council that Mr. Ed-1~~akowas. 'not available to attend the meeting concerning theeParatransit Committee activities, and that 4~4r. Hazel had indicated he wished to resign from the coanmttee. Mayan Jensen advised the council that the proposed. cooperative agreement with Eureka Township for building inspection may be moreaccebtable if the City offexed an inspection service and. retained 'the ..permit fees charged. b~~ Lakeville in lieu. of bil3~inq Eureka Township? on an hourly basis. -2- • CITY OF LAIC~~t2I,LE ~®UNCIL ~A~4EETIIVG January 18, 1982 82.33 Motion was-'made by Zaun, seconded. by Ne1sQn to table consideration. of the agreement and direct the City Administrator to redraft the. agreement ..where the City charges the Hermit fees and keeps 'them for the inspection services.. rendered, rather=khan charge_by the hour. Roll call was taken on the motion.' Ayes, Zaun, ~'nright Nelson® Jensen.. Naas, none.: Councilmember Sindt was; temporarily absent. At this time M,r. Steve Michaud, Park ~ Rec Director, a~resented a man and written reriort concerning the acquisition`and development of the new city ?ark.which is ;located in the Foxborough development. Mr, Michaud indicated that with the preliminar~r`plat being completed of ahe second addition, an additional four acres of land wi11 be added to the park nronerty, and that the developmentof,the park would proceed..on apriorty basis from the cash.-dedicated by the'eleveloper. 82.34 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by. Enright to a~aprove the revised site plan for :the ~°oxborough Addition .park as recommended btu the Park & ?tec Director.' X2011 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Jensen & Zaun. At this time the City. Council" discussed the alternatives for dividing Precinct 2 into two sub-precincts and the establishment of a second. polling place, Mayar Jensen proposed using Fire Station.#1 as the polling place for Precinct land the south ,part of Precinct 2. The council. discussed .the alternatives and asked that the matter be presented in the local mews- papers f_or citizen 'consideration and. feedback. 82.35 Motion was made. by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to table farther action on the division of Precinct 2 and the establishment of xaolling places to: the Febrtaarv 1, 1982 council :meeting. . Roll ca11. was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Jensen,. Zaun & Sindt. At this time Councilman Nelson had to leave the council meeting. At this time the City Administrator presented a sketch plan for the xaolce station and eossibly city. hall,. which substantially followed the .earlier developed plans for the facility asadamted to a flat building site. The Chief of Police stated that in his opinion the Police Department needed a new facility very badly. Mayor J®nsen suggested that the council consider..establshing,acitize~ committee o work on the police station iaro7ect. The mayor asked `the City admnistrator to make some recammendations on the establshnent'of a citizen committee at the February 1, 1982 council meeting. At this time the City Council took up consideration of an ordinance establish- ing as a condtionalsuse. group day care nursery facilities. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tholkes were present and explained ~ahy they felt there was a need for such a facility, especially`in the Airlake Industrial Park. 82'.36 Motion was made' by Zaun„ seconded by Sindt to adopt Ordinance No. 198 with one correction,. removing the word °'permitted°' in front of conditional, as recommended by the Planning Commission.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensen,, Zaun, Sindt & Enrighta 82.37 Motion was made by Zaun,-:seconded by Sindt to granta rafflelicense to .the hakevi le Lions Club and waive ahe bond. Roll call was taken on, thee:. motion. Ayes, Zaun~,` Sindt, Enright &.Jensen. The council discussed the tat~as o~ the sludge-ash. site selection ?~rbcess .Nand directed the administrator to put he matter on the February 1st council _ agenda-for consideration.. _3_ • , • CITY OF LA.KEVI~LE COUNCIL, MEETING January 18®'1982 The .council also-decided to have awork-session beginning. at 7e00 p,m, on February 10'1982 to hear a report from Mrs. Enright on the Newly Elected Officials'Conference she would. be attending. Mayor Jensen asked the administrator to see that the 'dog catcher Maid attention to the Dakota Heights additions, ~,rhere complaints had been received .:concerning dogs running at large.. .82,38. A2otion =gas made by Zaun®`seconded by Sndt to refer to the police committee .for a recnmmendaton an the purchase of 'police professional ~.iability insurance. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensen, Zaun, Sindt & Enright. 82.39. 'Motion was.-made by Zaun, seconded by Sindt to ;approve pay estimate No. 4 - ta Sandmark Construction: in the amount of $4,750 for work on The:Meadows 2nd Addition. Rall call was taken on the motion. Ayes,`Zaun Sindto Enria~ht & Jensen. The council discussed, along with Mr. Patrick Harvey, the Chairman of the Planning Commission, the need f_or the staff to get `..some .information to the Planning `Commission on tha costs `the City charges f_or reviewing development proposals.. 'the aneetng was adjourned at 10:05 p,m. by Mayor Jensen. Respectfully submitted., s Patrick E. McGarvey, City Clerk. Ro ert Jens ayor