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January 11, 982
The meeting was .called to order a,t Lakeville Senior High School by
I~2ayor Jensen at 7:`30 ,~.m, Roll call was 'taken. Present: Councilmernbers
Enright,:.Nelson Zaun® 5'ndt & Mawr Jensen.
Aiso presents Jeff .Roos and Keitri Nelson, Consulting Engineers Diversified,
Inc., Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk; and James Robinette,
Public Works Director; and Roger Knutsona City. Attorney...:..
Mayor Jensen o*~ened the bublic hearing on°°the proposed improvement to
Kodiak Avenue and a`portion of.,.175th Street and 172nd Street. The City
Clerk attested to the'.. proper legal notice for the hearing.
Mr. Nelson presented slides showing the 3.4cation'of the proposed'improve-
menu on-172nd Street, Kb~.iak F>venue and a part of~~175th Street. He also
showed slides giving the est.ircia.ted a5sess^~ents for each, component both
on a .front foot` and 'unit basis `method of_ assessment. _
Mr. DTelson's estimated cost for a. lot with 100`feet;.ofwdth was $9,748
on the front foot basis and $10,490 on the un:4t basis. qtr, Nelson stated
that f_or property. owners with larger parcels than 100 feet in width, they
would... receive more than one unit of_ assessment if their project could be
divided into additional buildable lots. "
At .this .time Mayor Jensen opened the meeting for questions and comments
from the audience.
Byron watschke asked the engineer why the .force main was being proposed
for the `sewer, .~r.'Nelson stated that by use of the force main, .the
:distance is only one-third as to the distance .that would have. to be used
with :a crravity ,line.
The City Clerk explained. that in the a?ast the City has used both the
unit method and a front foot method for assessing improvement costs.
The City Clerk advised Mr, [~atschke that if he owned a parcel of property
<-with, for example, 400 feet of frontageB he could expect to be assessed
for four units^if the unite method is chosen by the City Council..
Mrs. .Tex Ritter. asked about the assessment along the low land. area of
.172nd .Street, which she stated was being put um for sale as developable
.Another resident explained that he felt the method osf assessment should
take into account that Lakeshore prox~erty has amore value than non-Lakeshore,
The City engineer explained that the City will assess itself for the City
nark. on the south shore of Orchard Lake, the same as anv other property owner.
Ar~,ene ~7ech stated than they owned ,aronert~~ immediately west of Orchard Lake
nark and would like to be included in the project so that they can. hook
into the. sewer and water system if they buld.a new home on them ~ronerty.
Mr. Robert Peterson. stated that he and Russell Streefland will cooperate..
in the replotting of their property so that the forceman would not have
to be relocated_'intheefuture.
.Mr. Peterson stated .that he would favor ;the unit assessment as a means flf
getting the .project accompliahed.
Qrs. Flitter asked about the tyioe of curb and gutter. Mr. Nelson stated that
the City will..use a surmountable tyre,
At this time the City Couazcil'members made some comments. Mrs. Enright
asked about the parking by the City park. on the south shore, and the council
and engineer discussed alternatives for the imx~rovement of the road near
the .park.
Councilman Nelson stated that in 'his ootion, it was the proper time to move
ahead with the project,
• • •
January 11, 1982
Councilman<Zaun stated that'he favored the: unit method of assessment
and .moving. ahead with the project.
Mr. Zaun questioned how we would safeguard against the potential mroblem
of the municipal bond market being higher than the legal. limit allowed
by state law for the City to se11 bonds to (finance the project.
The City ..Clerk explained that'. the bond consultant would probably recommend
that we take the.. bids on'the project and hold hem'for 60 days to allow
the sale. of the bonds to be presented so that we can be sure that we
have .the funds to finance the project.
Mayor .Jensen stated that he thought it was a good positive public .hearing.
~'he City Clerk stated that the proposed assessment period would most likely
be for 20 gears beginning in 1983 to the year 2003.
82.24 P~Sotion was. made by Zaun, seconded py Nelson to close the public hearing.
Roll.'call-was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Zaun, Sndt & Jensen.'
Times 8:5:5 p.m.
82.25 Motion was made by. Zaun,. seconded by Sindt to adopt-Resolution No. 82--7
ordering the improvement project and authorizing the Citu engineering
consultant-to :prepare plans and'specifications.
Roll 'call was taken on the motion.- Aves, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Jensen:s~ Enright.
The meeting was adjD~rned`"by D2ayor Jensen.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick E. ~ScGarveyo Cite Clerk
Robert Jens Mayor
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