HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-01-04 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes APRIL 1, 2004 The April 1, 2004 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Drotning in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: .Present: Pattee, Swecker, Drotning, Detjen, Grenz, ex-officio Arvidson. Absent: Stolte, Reuvers. Staff Present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Erin Seeman, Associate Planner; Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: The March 18, 2004 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. ITEM 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Olson indicated the following items were distributed to the Planning Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting:. 1. March 31, 2004 Parks, Recreation .and Natural Resources Committee Meeting Motions regarding the preliminary and final plats for Kelleys First Addition, Jacob Glen Estates, and Lakeland Financial Place. Mr. Olson also indicated that the Planning Commission would be considering a motion under Item 9 to amend the Planning Commission meeting dates to include April 29, 2004 and delete May 6, 2004. ITEM 5, JACOB GLEN ESTATES Vice Chair Drotning opened the public hearing to consider the application. of Mike Rongitsch, Rongitsch Properties, Inc. for a preliminary and final plat of 8 single family lots to be known as Jacob Glen Estates, located south of 173rd Street and west of Flagstaff Avenue, and the vacation of public roadway, trail, and .drainage and.. utility easements. Assistant City Attorney .Poehler attested that. the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes :and City Code. -Grant Jacobson of Jacobson Engineers/Surveyors and Mike Rongitsch, from Roggtsch Properties, Inc. were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any Planning Commission Meeting Apri11, 2004 Page 2 questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Jacobson presented an overview of the project. Associate Planner Erin. Seeman presented the planning report. Ms. Seeman stated that representatives of Rongitsch Construction have submitted applications for the preliminary and final plat of Jacob Glen Estates, which consists of 8 single family lots located at 17299 Flagstaff Avenue. Ms. Seeman indicated that the developer is also requesting the vacation of all existing public roadway, trail, and drainage and utility easements along with the preliminary and final plat. Ms. Seeman stated that there. is a single family home and a large outbuilding located on the subject property. These structures, along with the existing well and septic systems, and the driveway access to Flagstaff Avenue will be removed with the development of this property. Ms. Seeman indicated that when the adjacent Country Pond South preliminary plat was approved in 1990, a conceptual lot layout was included for this property in the development plans. Ms. Seeman stated that the Jacob Glen Estates preliminary and final plat is consistent with the original concept for the development of this property. Ms. Seeman stated that. the. subject property is zoned RS-3, Single Family Residential District. 'She indicated that there are single-family homes in the adjacent Country Pond .South. development to the north, south and. west, and in the Meadow Brook and Dodd Ridge developments across Flagstaff Avenue to the east of Jacob Glen Estates. Ms. Seeman stated that the subject property meets RS-3 District. lot area and. width requirements and the proposed house pads meet minimum building setback requirements. Ms. Seeman indicated that the Jacob Glen Estates preliminary and final plat abuts Flagstaff Avenue and Folsom Path. A 50-foot west half right-of-way for Flagstaff Avenue is shown on the preliminary and final plat plans in compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. She indicated that no access is allowed or proposed off of Flagstaff Avenue. Ms. Seeman stated that Folsom Path is a local street within a 60 foot right-of-way that will be extended 270 feet into a cul-de-sac from its existing terminus in Country Pond South to serve the eight single family lots in Jacob Glen Estates. She indicated that the proposed 520-foot length of the Folsom Path cul-de-sac rneets the 600-foot maximum Subdivision Ordinance requirement. Planning Commission Meeting Apri11, 2004 Page 3 Ms. Seeman stated that two single-family lots in the Jacob Glen Estates preliminary and final plat abut Flagstaff Avenue. A four-foot earth berm is shown on the east side of the two designated buffer yards that abut Flagstaff Avenue. She indicated that transplanted trees are proposed to be installed on and around the berm. Ms. Seeman indicated that there are 155 significant trees located within the subject property boundaries. The plan proposes that 34 significant trees be saved. Also, efforts are being made to transplant 76 additional significant trees. This would result in a loss of only 45 significant trees on this site. She indicated that if any of the transplanted trees died, they would be replaced at a 1 to 1 ratio. Ms. Seeman indicated that staff is recommending a cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication requirement for Jacob Glen Estates. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee made a recommendation at their March 31, 2004 meeting, which was distributed at tonight's Planning Commission meeting. Regarding the easement vacation, Ms. Seeman indicated that the developer is proposing to vacate existing public roadway, trail, drainage and utility easements located on the subject property. She stated that Flagstaff Avenue and Folsom Path right-of-way dedication will replace the easements to be vacated. Boundary drainage. and utility easements will be dedicated as shown on the preliminary and final plat. Ms. Seeman stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the Jacob Glen Estates preliminary and final plat and easement vacations, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 7 stipulations listed in the March 26, 2004 planning report. .Vice Chair Drotning opened the hearing to the public for comment. Tim Rosa, 17350 Foliage Avenue Mr. Rosa indicated that he was happy that the previous owners were leaving. He didn't understand why the City let them make the noise they did with their motorcycles, etc. He was told by his realtor, when he bought his property in 1993, that nothing would be built behind his property. He wanted to know what will happen to his property value with these new homes going in. He also was concerned about a number of Black Walnut trees located on the site and whether they would be taken down. 04.30 Motion by Swecker, Second by Pattee to close the public hearing at 6:13 p.m. Ayes: Pattee, Swecker, Drotning, Detjen, Grenz. Nays: 0 Planning Commission Meeting April 1, 2004 Page 4 In answer to Mr. Rosa's concerns, Vice Chair Drotning stated that the City had always envisioned that there would be houses built on the subject property. Folsom Path was designed to serve these future houses. Mr. Olson explained that the City has attempted to enforce City ordinances when. violations occurred,. however, it was difficult for the City to address the concerns of the neighbors in all cases. Vice Chair Drotning indicated that the Planning Commission does not address property values in their review of plats, but he feels this development would. be a positive amenity due to the large lots and the size of the homes. .Commissioner Swecker stated that this is the first time that she has seen a development come through that will be transplanting trees. Commissioner Grenz pointed out that the tree inventory did not list any Black Walnut trees. The developer indicated that he was aware there were Black Walnut trees on the property, but they must have looked like Ash trees at the time of year when the tree inventory was completed. The Planning Commission agreed that this will be a good infill development for this area and very compatible to the neighborhood. Commissioner Pattee lives in this neighborhood. and was very. pleased with the layout and the tree preservation. 04.31 Motion by Pattee, Second by Swecker to recommend to City Council approval of the Jacob Glen Estates preliminary and final plat, located south of 173rd Street and west of Flagstaff Avenue, and the easement vacations subject to the 7 stipulations listed in the March 26, 2004 planning report. Ayes: Swecker,. Drotning, Detjen, Grenz, Pattee Nays: 0 ITEM 6. SUPER AMERICA (Tabled from the March 18, 2004 Planning Commission meeting) Vice Chair Drotning continued the Public Hearing to consider the application of ` Vernon R. Kelley for a preliminary and final plat to be known as Kelleys First Addition,: located north and east of Kenwood Trail and south of 175d' Street, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow a convenience store with motor vehicle fuel sales, automatic. car wash and outside sales and display. Planning Commission Meeting Apri11, 2004 Page 5 i Lonnie Anderson and Jack Matasosky from APPRO Development, along with Vern Kelley, the owner of the property and his manager Joel Booth. were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Anderson presented an overview of the project. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that Vernon R. Kelley and representatives of Super America have submitted plans for the development of a convenience store with motor vehicle fuel sales,. a commercial car wash and outdoor sales and display. Mr. Dempsey indicated that the proposed Super America facility would be developed as part of the CSAH 50 project scheduled to begin construction in May 2004. He showed that the existing Super America located at the southeast corner of 175 Street and Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50) will relocate to the proposed new site in conjunction with the CSAH 50 .Interim Improvement Project. The existing Super America building will be removed after the new facility opens to allow for widening of CSAH 50 in this area. Mr. Dempsey stated that the preliminary and final plat of Kelleys First Addition consists of one lot and one outlot. Lot 1 exceeds the minimum lot area and lot width requirements for a motor fuel facility in the C-3 District. Mr. Dempsey indicated that Outlot A will be owned by the City for stormwater treatment purposes. Mr. Dempsey showed that the preliminary and final plat of Kelleys First Addition will have frontage and access on the proposed new Kenrick Avenue. There will be no access onto CSAH 50. He indicated that when the Ultimate CSAH 50 improvements are made,175~ Street adjacent to the Super America site will be converted to a cul-de-sac at CSAH 50. Mr. Dempsey stated that the proposed convenience store will be served with sanitary sewer and water that will be installed with the CSAH 50 interim improvements. He indicated that all areas covered by impervious surfaces wi1T have drainage directed to an oil/water separator tank that will be located near the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1. The runoff then flows to the proposed stormwater treatment basin in Outlot A. Mr. Dempsey indicated that the grading plan for Kelleys First Addition was re- desgned #o save the existing mature trees between the proposed Super America driveway and the adjacent Inter Savings Bank property. The landscape plan will have to be revised to match the grading plan. Planning Commission Meeting Apri11, 2004 Page 6 Mr. Dempsey explained that the Zoning Ordinance allows motor fuel sales .and outdoor sales and display in association with convenience grocery operations and a .commercial car wash within the C-3, General Commercial District provided specific development standards are met. Mr. Dempsey discussed these development standards, which are listed in the March 26, 2004 planning report in detail Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the Kelleys First Addition preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 22 stipulations listed in the March 26, 2004 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated April 1, 2004. Vice Chair Drotning opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. 04.32 Motion by Swecker, Second by Grenz to close the public hearing at 6:42 p.m. Ayes: Drotning, Detjen, Grenz, Pattee, Swecker. Nays: 0 Commissioner Grenz confirmed the width of the proposed .Super America front sidewalk. He was concerned abouf the cars overhanging the sidewalk and the display of a double width of pallets with products. Lonnie Anderson of APPRO Development confirmed their sidewalk will be 10 feet wide at the front of the store building. He indicated that the areas of outside storage will consist of one pallet width which will reduce the width of the sidewalk to 5 feet, which is permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. 1VIr. Anderson discussed. the ingress and egress areas further upon Commissioner Swecker's request. She also asked Mr. Dempsey to go into more detail with regard to the interim and ultimate improvements for CSAH 50. Landscaping was discussed further with regard to the evergreen trees between the Inter Savings Bank site and the Super America site. The retaining wall at the exit of the car wash was also discussed in terms of its .appearance and ability to block headlights. Mr. Olson commented. that the City will engage a landscape architect to develop a plan now that the location and the size of the pond have been determined. These improvements will be completed upon the completion of the CSAH 50 Interim Improvements. The.Planning Commission discussed the storrnwater basin in Outlot A and that it was reduced in size due to the slight shift in the driveway between Super America Planning Commission Meeting April 1, 2004 Page 7 and the Inter Savings Bank site. The basins proximity to the trail on CSAH 50 was also discussed. For the Planning Commission s information, Mr. Olson stated that Stipulation 22 will be revised by the City Attorney in consultation with Mr. Kelley's attorney prior to the City Council's consideration of this item. He indicted that this is more of a legal issue than a planning issue. 04.33 Motion by Pattee, Second by Detjen to recommend to City Council approval of Kelleys First Addition preliminary and final plat, located north and east of Kenwood Trail and south of 175 Street and Conditional Use Permit to allow a convenience store with motor vehicle fuel sales, automatic car wash and outside sales and display, subject to the 22 stipulations listed in the March 26, 2004 planring report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated April 1, 2004. Ayes: Detjen, Grenz, Pattee,. Swecker, Drotning. Nays: 0 Break at 7:08 Reconvened at 7:23 ITEM 7. LAKELAND FINANCIAL PLACE Vice Chair Drotning opened the public hearing to consider the application of Lakeland Bancorporation, Inc. for the preliminary and final plat of one commercial lot and one outlot to be known as Lakeland Financial Place. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code. Lonnie Anderson and Jack Matasosky from APPRO Development, Grant Jacobson from Jacobson Engineer/Surveyors, along with representatives from the Lakeland Bancorporation were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the Planning Commission or public may have.. Mr. Anderson presented an overview of their project. He commented that they wanted to build a prairie style building with drive-up teller service.. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. 1VIr. Dempsey stated that representatives of Lakeland Bancorporation have applied for a :preliminary and final plat of one lot and one outlot to be known as Lakeland • Financial Place. He indicated that the property was platted as Outlot A with the Ipava Marketplace final plat in 1998. The .developer proposes to construct a one- Planning Commission Meeting April 1, 2004 Page 8 • story bank building with a lower level storage area on Lot 1 and will include drive- up teller service on the north side of the building. Mr. Dempsey stated that the proposed Lot 1, Block 1 of Lakeland Financial Place exceeds the minimum lot area and width requirements. He indicated that the 2.08 acre outlot to the east of Lot 1, Block 1 will be retained by the developer and will be preliminary and final platted at a future date under the requirements of the C-1, Retail Commercial District. Mr. Dempsey stated that the preliminary and final plat of Lakeland Financial Place has frontage and access on 163rd Street to the south and Itasca Trail. to the west. The subject property also abuts CSAH 46 on the north but no access is permitted per Dakota County restricted access requirements. Mr. Dempsey stated that 25 feet of additional road right-of-way will be dedicated for CSAH 46 with the Lakeland Financial Place final plat consistent with the Dakota County Road Plat Review Needs Map. Regarding landscaping, Mr. Dempsey indicated that all_disturbed areas will be planted with sod. The proposed trees and shrubs meet the requirements of the • .Zoning Ordinance and the Corridor and Gateway Design Guidelines for species of plant materials. Specification of the height of the shrub materials at the time of planting will. be revised before City Council consideration. He indicated that the developer will be required to submit a financial security to guarantee installation of the landscaping. Mr. Dempsey discussed the parking requirements, which are outlined in detail in the March 26, 2004 planning report. The first phase. of the bank on Lot 1 will require 33 parking spaces.. A total of 45 parking. spaces will be constructed with. the first phase. He indicated that future bank building additions will require an additiona130 parking spaces for a total of 66 parking spaces based on the floor area figures submitted by the developer. Sixty-seven parking spaces are proposed with the full development of the bank on Lot L Mr. Dempsey stated that the Lakeland Financial Place preliminary and final plat is located on a corner lot and is permitted to have wall signs on two sides of the building. He indicated `that the proposed wall signs are 60.5 square feet per sign and the proposed freestanding monument sign is 49.5 square feet per sign face, which is in compliance with Sign Ordinance requirements for the C-1 District. • Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council .approval of the Lakeland Financial Place .preliminary and final plat, Planning Commission Meeting April 1, 2004. Page 9 .Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 9 stipulations listed in the March 26, 2004 planning report. Vice Chair Drotning opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. 04.34 Motion by Pattee, Second by Swecker to close the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. Ayes: Grenz, Pattee, Swecker, Drotning, Detjen. Nays: 0 Commissioner Swecker appreciated the. excellent traffic flow through the parking lot. Commissioner Grenz agreed but commented on how busy the driveway access could be between the bank and Outlot A. Mr. Dempsey stated that there will be two: driveway accesses to serve Outlot A when it develops. at a future date. Vice Chair Drotning liked the cross driveway access between the two sites. He suggested putting a yield sign at the egress from the drive through. Mr. Rubash suggested the yield sign also, along with stop signs at both exits. The developer .agreed.. .There was some concern about. headlights shining into traffic on C. R. 46 as vehicles exit the. drive-up teller service. Mr. Jacobson indicated that the drive lanes on C.R. 46 are 5 feet higher than the bank parking lot. 04.35 :Motion by Detjen, Second by Pattee to recommend to City. Council approval of the Lakeland Financial Place preliminary and final plat, located at the southeast corner of 162nd Street {C. R. 46) and Itasca Trail, subject to the 9 stipulations listed in the March 26, 2004 planning report. Ayes: Pattee, Swecker, Drotning, Detjen, Grenz. Nays: 0 ITEM 9. STAFF NOTICES 04.36 .Motion by Detjen, Second by Grenz to recommend an amendment to the Planning Commission meeting dates to include April 29, 2004. and delete May 6, 2004. Ayes: Pattee, :Swecker, Drotning, Detjen, Grenz. Nays:. 0 Planning Commission Meeting April 1, 2004 Page 10 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, P g Penny B vi ,Recording etary ATTEST: f Karl Drotning, Vice C air ` •