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June 6, 1983
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge
of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call .was taken. Present: Councilmambers Nelson, Sindt, Harvey, and
Mayor Zaun. Absent: Councilmember Enright.
Also present: Keith Nelson, City Engineer; Roger Knutson, City Attorney;
Steve Michaud, Park & Recreation Director; Patrick McGarvey, City
There were no staff announcements,or citizen comments,
Councilman Harvey requested that items 4b and 4c on the consent agenda be
83.201.. Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the amended consent
agenda as follows;
a. Approval of the claims.
d. Receive advisory committee minutes.
e. Receive first quarter report of Fire Department..
f. Resolution designating Finance Director to sign applications for
training reimbursement money from Peace Officers Standards and
.Training Board® Resolution No. 83-52.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson.
83.202 Councilman Harvey pointed out that there were two typing errors in the
council minutes of May'.16th and May 25th, which he wished to have corrected,
and the Natural Resources Committee minutes of May 17th and Park & Rec.
Committee minutes of June 1; and with the corrections, he moved to .approve
those items, seconded by Sindt.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson,"Zaun.
At this time, the city administrator and city engineer reviewed with the
council the layout No. 2 received from M-DOT for the proposed improvement
of the intersection of Trunk Highway 50 and County Road 64-15, which is
also Holyoke Avenue and 202nd Street. They also reviewed the revised
layout No. 2 prepared by Consulting Engineers Diversified and recommended
the council. adopt two resolutions indicating the council has first
priority to the revised layout No. 2 as prepared by the .city engineering
consultant, but would also accept layout No. 2 from M-DOT if that is
the extent to which the department can participate in the improvement.
It was pointed out that when the project receives further approval from
M-DOT, the council would have to call a public improvement hearing for
whatever portion of the improvement project the council proposes to assess
to benefited property. An effort will also have to be made to secure
funding from Dakota County on their portion of the intersection improvement
in their 1984 budget,
June 6, 1983
83.203 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to adopt Resolutions 83-53
and 83-54 stating the City's approval for layout No. 2 from M-DOT and
the revised layout No. 2 as prepared by Consulting Engineers Diversified
.for the above improvement.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt.
The City Council reviewed the preliminary engineering. report on the extension
for sanitary sewer along County Road 64, which is 202nd Street from 204th
Street west to Kenrick Avenue and then south to the proposed Lakeville Inn
hotel site. Tt was proposed that a public hearing be called on the proposed
improvement for July 5th.
The city administrator advised the council that the July 5th council agenda
will include the Rembrandt Enterprises application for a horse race
track facility, which may generate a large attendance at the council
meeting. He recommended the council move the council meeting from the
council chambers to the J.F.K. Elementary School cotmnons for that meeting,
and that this would have to be stated in the public hearing notice for
this proposed pro,~ect.
83.204 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 83-59
calling a public improvement hearing un the proposed extension of sanitary
sewer from 204th Street westerly along County Road 64 to Kenrick Avenue
and south. on Kenrick Avenue to the proposed Lakeville Inn hotel site for
July 5,.1983 at the J.F®K. Elementary School in Lakeville.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey.
The City Council reviewed the resolution which would set council policy
on how the payment of park cash dedication fees could be included in a
development contract.
83.205 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 83-55
establishing policy on the payment of park cash dedication fees.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson.
83.206 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to approve the offer of
Bradley Turbes to purchase lot 2, block 4, Oak Shores 2nd Addition from
the City of Lakeville as per .the letter received from Patrick Farrell,
City Attorney.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun.
At this time the City Council took up consideration of a resolution
setting city policy on the Lake Marion level and assistance in protecting
properties from high water. Mr. .Lang was present and stated his concern
for the situation. Mrp Rick Ringeisen was present and said he appre-
ciated the council°s assistance in offering sandbags, and he questioned
. • • •
June 6, 1983
whether the sandbags would be offered to protect land as well as structures
under the proposed policy. The consensus of the council was that the
resolution can be interpreted to include protection of property as well
as buildings.
83,207 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 83-56
stating City Council policy on the control of Lake Marion water levels
and providing city assistance. in the event of high water to affected
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt.
At this time the City Council took up consideration of a drainage problem
that was reported by Mr. Ray Anderson and Mr. Ron Draper affecting their
property on the south side of 185th Street. The city engineer gave
a report on the drainage in the area and some preliminary recommendations
on ways to improve storm drainage control and conveyance in the area.
Mr. Anderson presented pictures of what he feels the problem is as it
affects his property, and Mr. Draper stated his concern over how drainage
is affecting his property to the east and south of Mr. Anderson's.
Steve Grohoski was present and stated that he did not feel the drainage
from Woodridge Estates contributed to any of the problems alleged by
Mr. Anderson or Mr, Draper.
The city administrator explained that the preliminary plat had been filed
by Tom Ames and Jerry Everson for development of property on the south
side of 1$5th Street to the west of Mr. Anderson's, and that it may
offer one means of providing improved storm drainage conveyance and
control for the area. The administrator also explained that if the. City
needs to construct storm drainage improvements in the area which
benefit the drainage district., that the costs under the present policy
would be assessed to affected and benefited properties. The adminis-
trator pointed out that the preliminary plat will be on the July 7,.1983
Planning Commission agenda for the Ames-Everson property.
83.208 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to receive the engineer's
letter of June 2, 1983 on the drainage situation.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
.83,209 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Harvey to adopt Resolution Na, 83-57
authorizing Consulting Engineers Diversified to do the preliminary
engineering report for storm drainage :improvements in the Clay's Acres
addition and surrounding area.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson.
I; ~ . •
June 6, 1983
At this time Dave Owen presented the plat map showing the previously
approved Barrett First Addition preliminary plat and the revised
preliminary plat of the Barrett addition. The revised plat was necessary
due to errors in topographic information and grading associated with
the site. The Planning Commission recommended approval`of the revised
Barrett Addition preliminary plat and the final plat of the first addition.
83.210 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve the revised pre-
liminarg plat. of Barrett Addition.
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun.
The city administrator mentioned that the engineering. feasibility .report
on improving the east end of 175th Street was complete, and that the
improvement hearing should be called or the developer should be required
to escrow their share of the future improvement costs on 175th Street.
83.211 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 83-58
approving the final plat of The Meadows 4th Addition and approving the
development agreement and authorize the mayor and clerk to execute it.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt.
At this time Mx. Gary Eastland stated that the developer is ready to move
ahead on the Dakota Plaza addition development..
83.212 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to approve Change Order No. 1
to Barbarossa & Sons. in the amount of $81,058 for .the. improvements in the
Dakota Plaza addition.
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey.
83.213 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve an agreement with
John Re DuBois, not to exceed $4,300.,. for a radio system study for the
public safety communication system with the cost to be paid out of the
proceeds of the bond sales for the new police station or equipment certifi-
cate. money.
Roll call was-taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun,. Sindt, Harvey, Nelson..
83.21 Motion was made by Sindt,,seconded by Nelson to approve and authorize
the city attorx~.ey to acquire easements necessary .for the sanitary sewer
system rehabilitation project in cooperation with the Metropolitan
Waste Control Commission.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun.
83.215 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to receive the .bids on the
word processing system and table further consideration of them until
the_July 5, 1983 council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt.
• r ~ • •
June 6, 1983
83.216 Nation was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to approve a 3.2 beer
license and a dance license to the Lakeville Jaycees, the beer license
being available for three locations, the street dance, Aronson Park,
Antlers''Park and during the Pan-O-Prog parade.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey.
83.217 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve an agreement
with Erkkila & Associates not to exceed $3,150.00 for an update of the
Comprehensive Park Development Plan, as outlined in the letter from
Mr. Erkkila dated April 29, 1983, and recommended by the Park & Recrea-
tion Committee.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson.
83,218 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to receive a letter .from
the Chief of Police concerning the need for a peddlers ordinance and
directing the city staff to draft an ordinance.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun.
83,219 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to approve Supplemental
Agreement No. 1 with the Minnesota Department of Transportation to
Agency Agreement No. 60629-M, Resolution No. 83-60.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt.
83.220 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve-two abatements
on properties in the city as recommended by the Dakota County .assessor's
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey.
83..221 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve a settlement
agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Manley Wheeler and authorize the payment of
$750.00 for the settlement as recommended by the city attorney on
project improvements along 185th Street and Ipava Avenue.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson.
83,222 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve. an .agreement and
authorize the establishment of vending machines by a private concession
operation in Antlers Park, Aronson Park, Bunker Hi11 Park and the three
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun.
83,223 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to authorize and approve an
agreement with Mr. Cook for concession operation at the Antlers Park
pavilion for the summer season of 1983.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt.
~ ~ e:. • • •
June 6,.1983
At this time Councilman Nelson had to leave the meeting to go to work.
The City Council set a work session of the City Council ft~r 7:00 p.m.
on Sune 13, 1983 at the city ha1L.
83.228 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to adjourn the council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey.
Time° 10'08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick E. McGarvey, City Cl
Du ne Zaun, May
~ ! ~
June 6, 1983
7:00 P,M.
Call to order,.
Flag pledge,
1. Roll call.
2. Staff announcements:
A. Attorney
B. Engineer
C, Administrator
3, Citizen. comments.
4, Consent agenda:
a. Approval of the claims for payment,
b. Approval of the minutes of the May 16, 1983 regular meeting.
c, Approval of the minutes of the May 25~ 1983 special council
d, Receive the minutes of the following advisory committee meetings.
Planning Commission, May 31, 1983
Natural Resources Committee, May 170 1983
Park & Recreation Committee, June 1, 1983
e, .Receive the first quarter report of the Fire Department.
f. Resolution designating the Finance Director to sign applications
for training reimbursement money from Peace Officers Standards
and Training Board,
5. Resolution stating the City request for improvements to the inter-
. section of T,H. 50 & Co. Rd, No'S,64 and 15 (.Holyoke Avenue and 202nd
Street) and support of the project.
6. Resolution receiving the preliminary engineering report for extension
of sanitary sewer system along Co. Rd. 64, 202nd Street from 204th
Street west to Kenrick Avenue and south on Kenrick to the proposed
Lakeville Inn hotel site, and calling a public hearing on the proposed
7. Resolution adopting policy on the payment of park fees on development
, ~ • •
8, Approval of an offer to purchase lot 2, block 4, Oak Shores Second
Addition, from the City,
9, Resolution stating city council policy on the control of Lake Marion
water levels,
10, Receive engineering report on drainage control alternatives near
the west end of 185th Street,
11, Report on the meeting with residents in Clay's Acres area and author-
ization to the City Engineer to prepare a preliminary report on storm
12, Approval of-the revised preliminary plat of Barrett's Addition located
north of 1?5th Street and adjacent to Christina Huddleston Elementary
13, Approval of the final plat resolution and developer agreement on
The Meadows Fourth Addition.
14, Approval of change order number one to Barbarossa and Sons for
improvements in the Dakota Plaza Addition, '
15, Approval of a proposal from Dr. Jahn R. DuBois, Communications
Engineer for a technical, operational, economic evaluation and
remedial action for municapal radio communications systems.
16. Authorization for the City Attorney to acquire easements for
sanitary sewer project 80-9, sanitary sewer rehabilitation (M.W.C.C.).
17. Receive bids on a word processing/micro-computer. system and staff/
consultant recommendations.
a. Award of the purchase contract.
18. Approval of a 3.2 beer. license and... dance license to the Lakeville
Jaycees for Pan-O-frog.
19. Approval of a proposal from Erkkila and Associates .for an update
of the 1979 Park and Open Space System Plan as per recommendations
of the Park and Recreation Committee.
20. Authorization to the staff to prepare a peddler and street sales
ordinance as recommended by the .Chief of Police.
21. Approval of a supplemental agreement number one. with the Minnesota
Department of Transportation to agency agreement number 60629M,
on the T.H. 50 and Co. Rd. 9 (Dodd Rd.) project.
j • • •
22. Approval of assessment abatements on Lantto's Building & Development,
.Inc. and the City of Lakeville.
23. Approve a settlement agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Manley E. Wheeler
for removal of trees as part of the 185th Street/Ipava Avenue project.
24, Any other business.
25. Adjourn.