MARCH 16, 2009
Mayor Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Present: Mayor Holly Dahl
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Bellows
Council Member Wendy Wulff
Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney
Tom Vonhof, Police Chief
Keith Nelson, City Engineer
Dennis Feller, Finance Director
David Olson, CED Director
Steve Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director
Brian Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Mr. Mielke stated the Council has been. provided copies of a letter from
the Downtown Lakeville Business Association expressing support of
Agenda Item 8.
Mr. Michaud presented the Parks 8~ Recreation Department 2008 Annual
Chief Vonhof presented the February Police Department monthly report.
Council Member Bellows suggested that future reports include statistics on
calls related to death notification/suicide and crisis intervention, as these
types of calls can be very time consuming for the officers.
City Engineer Keith Nelson presented an engineering project update.
Citizens' Comments -None
Consent Agenda
09.18 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Swecker to approve the
consent agenda items as follows:
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a. Claims for payment.
b. Minutes of the March 2, 2009 City Council meeting and the
February 23, 2009 Council work session.
c. Receive minutes of the February 24, 2009 Economic Development
Commission meeting.
d. Mechanical amusement device license for Mendota Valley
Amusement, Inc. at Buffalo Wild Wings, 18425 Orchard Trail.
e. Land lease agreement with Miller Farms.
f. Resolution No. 09-17 approving change orders for the Police
Department project.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 7 - HiPP Memorandum of Understanding
Mr. Mielke presented a Memorandum of Understanding that defines
responsibilities, commitment, and purpose for continued work through
High Performance Partnerships (HiPP) in 2009 and beyond. The proposed
Memorandum of Understanding represents a commitment by Dakota
County and its cities to work together on collaborative ideas.
The HiPP process, which began ih 2003, entailed an extensive dialogue in
the county resulting in an identified list of 20 high potential opportunities.
A steering committee guided the process and, ultimately, six of the 20
became the focus of a number of work groups and the member
communities. The largest single accomplishment was the consolidation of
91 1 dispatch centers.
Mr. Mielke explained that the current Steering Committee has determined
that if HiPP is to continue to be successful, it needs to refocus its efforts. It
is envisioned that the Steering Committee will prepare a scope of work
that will identify new areas of potential collaboration in the County, with
an eye toward cost savings. The Memorandum of Understanding does
not commit the participating organizations to a financial investment
beyond the time of an elected official and the chief administrative official
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of each organization. Any costs later identified would require additional
approvals. Mr. Mielke recommended the City Council approve the
Memorandum of Understanding and appoint a member of the City
Council to serve on the Steering Committee.
09.19 Motion was made by Wulff, seconded by Bellows to approve the High
Performance Partnership (HiPP) Memorandum of Understanding and
appoint Council Member Kerrin Swecker to the Steering Committee.
Mayor Dahl indicated that she would like to continue serving on the
Steering Committee, along with her colleagues from the other member
cities. She suggested that Council Member Swecker could serve as an
alternate. Mr. Mielke explained that the committee structure does not
allow for alternate committee members.
Council Member Swecker stated she is very interested in serving on this
committee. Council Member Wulff stated she feels it is important to give
more council members exposure to the rest of the county.
09.20 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Swecker to divide the previous
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Roll call was taken on the motion. to approve the High Performance
Partnership (HiPP) Memorandum of Understanding. Ayes, unanimous.
Roll call was taken on the motion to appoint Council Member Kerrin
Swecker to the Steering Committee. Ayes, Wulff, Bellows, Swecker. Nays,
Rieb and Dahl
Item 8 -Redevelopment Incentive Planning Grant Agreement
Mr. Olson stated the Dakota County Community Development Agency
awarded a redevelopment incentive grant to the City of Lakeville in the
amount of $15,000 for planning activities in Pioneer Plaza and the
adjacent downtown parking area. He explained that the Downtown
Development Guide identifies a public plaza and parking lot at 208tH
Street and on both sides of Holyoke Avenue. It also identifies plaza
improvements on the west side of Holyoke Avenue, as well as pursuing the
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options for the creation of public parking in this area. This planning grant
will provide for a plan to be developed for these possible improvements.
The $15.000 grant requires a local match, and City staff has identified
unexpended Community Development Block Grant funds previously
allocated to downtown code improvements.
09.21 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve the
Redevelopment Incentive Grant Program Planning Grant Agreement with
the Dakota County Community Development Agency and authorize staff
to retain a consultant to prepare the plan.
New Business -None
Announcements -
- Council work sessions, March 23 and March 30, 2009
- Next regular City Council meeting, April 6, 2009
Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, c~rjy Clerk