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Minutes for meeting on: March 18, 2009
ITEM 1 Call to order
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
ITEM 2 Roll call
Committee members present were: P. Messinger, T. Goodwin, K. Miller, S. Kelly, and J. Peterson. Also
present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Manager Mac
Lafferty, Environmental Resources Specialist Ann Messerschmidt, Steve McComas from Blue Water
Science, and Recording Secretary T J. Ruter.
ITEM 3 Approval of the March 4, 2009 meeting minutes
The minutes of the March 4, 2009 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were
presented. They were approved as written.
ITEM 4 Citizen comments
John Feges and Rolfe Worden, consultant and attorney for Dick Bury respectively, were present at the
meeting for Item 7 on the agenda. Chair Miller welcomed them to the meeting.
ITEM 5 Staff reports and summary of current projects
Steve Michaud had nothing else to add to the written staff reports. Committee members did not have any
additional questions.
ITEM 6 SWPPP and Wellhead public hearing/meeting
Chair Miller opened the public meeting at 6:01 p.m. Mac Lafferty introduced Ann Messerschmidt,
Environmental Resources Specialist, along with Steve McComas from Blue Water Science. He further
explained that staff planned an open format for the meeting and asked committee members to ask
question as needed. Ann Messerschmidt explained the purpose of the public hearing; it's a requirement for
the MPCA's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and the Minnesota Department of Health
Wellhead Protection Program. She gave a PowerPoint presentation and explained the Wellhead Protection
Program first. Its purpose is to identify Drinking Water Supply Management Areas (DWSMAs) and
potential contaminant sources. The plan also indicates how to elimuiate, minimize, ar manage threats to
the quality of the City's ground water supply.
Ann then presented the SWPPP information. The SWPPP involved best management practices and six
minimum control measures. She explained that it is also the coordination of various departments to make
sure that the SWPPP requirements are followed. The environmental resources staff has also been made
aware that an audit could take place at any time and is working to proactively identify any potential gaps or
issues at this time. Chair Miller asked if staff is creating apre-audit checklist. Ann responded that they are
creating checklists and would like to be very prepared when an audit happens.
Ann explained the new format of the 2008 Annual Report. It was changed to dovetail with the SWPPP
reporting more effectively. She spoke about the department's outreach efforts in the past year including
classes at Ritter Farm Park, distribution of 500 rain barrels with Dakota County, storm drain stenciling
projects, web site updates, and conservation tips on the Messages page. She discussed the results of the
Blue Thumb workshops; seven rain gardens and three shoreline stabilization projects were completed in
2008. Ann also briefly reported on the Adopt-A-Pond program, Roadside Watershed Clean-up Day (with
750 volunteers last year), the Casperson Park Rain Garden, Chadwick Farms South Creek Remeander
Project, Casperson Park Shoreline Restoration, and Market Plaza Project.
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
March 18, 2009
Page 2
She reported on one of the biggest projects for the department in 2008, which was the 205`'' Creek
Channel Stabilization Project. Staff began looking for grants in 2007, applied for them, and was able to
commence the project in 2008. There has already been a vast improvement in water quality as a result.
Ann finally discussed some of the other grants the department received in 2008; it received over $156,000
in grant awards for various projects. She then introduced Steve McComas from Blue Water Science who
would discuss the lake projects.
Steve McComas explained to committee members that he would summarize the 2008 highlights and
discuss the 2009 projects. He first spoke about Kingsley Lake. The water quality is high in this lake.
Curlyleaf pondweed was discovered in 2007, so they took sediment samples to study it more thoroughly.
They discovered it is not conducive to heavy growth of invasive species. It is has mostly native plants and
they will continue to monitor the vegetation.
Steve mentioned that Valley Lake is one of the first lakes in Minnesota in which experiments with barley
straw was used to try to improve water quality. They had some success until a huge population of bluegill
sunfish took off and some construction took place. They have been watching and manipulating the fish
population to regain the water clarity. In 2009 they will continue to monitor the fish and continue to use
the barley straw.
Steve discussed how Lee Lake has not had great water quality historically. They have been improving it
over the last few years with Baxley straw and working with the DNR regarding fish removal. The City of
Lakeville is one of the few cities in the metro area with only one lake on the impaired list. Staff and Blue
Water will continue to work in 2009 to improve Lee Lake with the ultimate goal of getting it off the list.
Orchard Lake is another lake on the unimpaired list. Steve reported that in 2009 there will be weed
harvesting along with the use of herbicide to decrease the cuxlyleaf pondweed growth. He also reported
that it was showing signs of bottom algae; 2008 was the first year it rose off the sediments and came to the
surface, likely due to climatic factors. There is a pond project in the works for 2009 so that they can
continue keeping the water flowing into the lake cleaner and clearer.
Finally, Steve McComas discussed Lake Marion. It also has the unimpaired status, low algae, low
phosphorous, and decent water clarity. In 2009, they will continue the tracking of non-native plants and
keep it stabilized which should keep it off the impaired list He mentioned it is nice to be a preventative
mode rather than a reactive mode at this time.
Tom Goodwin inquired about some of the maps regarding Orchard Lake. Steve McComas explained them
and provided some additional details. Tom then asked what type of sediment is conducive to curlyleaf
pondweed and Eurasian milfoil. Steve discussed the factors of sediment ph, iron content, and nitrogen
levels. Tom then inquired about changing the iron content in Orchard Lake for the last five years. Steve
McComas discussed Blue Water Science's experimental iron project. He explained how the DNR does not
yet identify it as a treatment; more data is needed to prove that it is not a pesticide and is a nutrient control
mechanism. Steve and his group are leading the way on this iron filings research.
(09.05) Motion made by Messinger and seconded by Goodwin to close the public hearing/meeting at
6:40 p.m.
5-Ayes 0-Nays
Motion passed.
(09.06) Motion by Goodwin and seconded by Kelly to accept the Environmental Resources
Department's 2008 Annual Report.
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Conunittee
March 18, 2009
5-Ayes 0-Nays
Motion passed.
Page 3
ITEM 7 Bury Property Acquisition public hearing
Chair Miller opened the public hearing at 6:41 p.m. Steve Michaud put a map on the overhead projector of
the project site. He explained that City staff applies fox various grants each year. A few of the grants
require a public hearing to discuss the project scope, type of activities involved, costs and financing, etc.
Steve introduced the Bury Property, which has been in the Comprehensive Parks, Trails, and Open Spaces
Plan for 20 years. Unfortunately, the City has not been able to pursue the property yet because of funding
Currently, the Bury family is doing a reclamation plan to close out the gravel pit. Additionally, the City has
been in several discussions with the family and its representatives the past several months. Steve Michaud
then explained how the idea of applying fox various grants occurred. He spoke about each grant for which
the City is applying and gave some background information. He further mentioned that projects are
ranked and assigned points; staff feels strongly that this project should earn a strong ranking because of its
scope and its close proximity to other previously funded projects. In addition, some of the grants would
assist with acquisition and others would be for development or trail construction. Finally, he added that
the Lake Marion Homeowners Association is in support of the proposed acquisition and has pledged
$2,000 in partnership with the City.
Steve Michaud discussed the project scope. The City of Lakeville would like to apply for grants that would
allow it to acquire up to 20 plus or minus acres of property, consisting of approximately 3,300 feet of Lake
Marion shoreline. Most of the shoreline rises sharply with portions meeting DNR bluff criteria. The entire
bluff area offers spectacular views of the Lake Marion basin.
He explained that the acquisition may take place in 2010 to 2011. The property is not yet in MUSA, but
will be open fox development in 2015.
The overall cost, at this time, has a range of $900,000-$2.7 million. A credit of six acres from a future park
dedication requirement would be combined with the acquisition of 14 acres for a total of 20 acres. There
would be no costs assessed to Lakeville residents at this time. The City of Lakeville would like to pursue
the financing of this acquisition with grants, if awarded.
Steve Michaud then discussed the other associated project costs. He also reported on the passive
recreational facilities, such as park benches and small shade shelters that may also be included in the final
project. Another parking lot is not planned for this proposed project. Finally, he discussed the long-term
management report prepared by the Environmental Resources Department for the grant process.
Chair Miller asked if there were any questions from the public. There were none. There were no questions
from the committee members.
(09.07) Motion by Messinger and seconded by Goodwin to close the public hearing at 7:04 p.m.
5-Ayes 0-Nays
Motion passed.
ITEM 8 2008 Annual Report
Pads, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 4
March 18, 2009
Stec-e Michaud spoke. brieflti~ about the annual report and the team effort that went into its preparation.. He
thanked T_1. Ruter for her creativity with the 2008 pull-out cover. Finally, he rnentioned that staff elected
to dedicate this year's report to John Hoger.
ITEM 9 Unfinished business
Tom Goodwin commented on the by the numbers section that showed how much revenue was collected
by the department ar~d asked about the budget status. Steve Michaud gave committee members a brief
overview. He said that proposed budget cuts will affect every department.Chair Miller inquired about the
tuneline for disclosing the information. Steve replied that he could share information when it becomes.
available. Pat Messinger asked if any reductions were black and white. Steve explained that some are
detailed and clear. Tom (:Toodwin also inquiredl ho~v this situation came to pass. Steve explained so±~~e of
the reasons behind ;he~1.44 million reduction for the 2009 budget. Finally, Steve commented that City
Council would meet on Monday to stmt making some very tough decisions.
ITEM 10 New business
Steve Michaud reported that Lakeville's eagles are back and .nesting at this tune. It looks like there may be
some eaglets again soon.
Chao- Miller reported on the tree sale with 143 trees sold as of ~~larch 18. He then inquired if staff would
continue to spread the word about the sale. Steve 1~Iichaud replied that staff is continuing to market it.
Mac Lafferty reported that a Blue Thumb workshop took place on March 17. It was very successful and
there were approximately 80 attendees. He also reported on the ~~'atershed Clean up Day, They have 300
voh~nteers to date and he commented on the ne~v t-shirts for 2009. Chair Miller asked Mac to email the
flyer as well as the shirt sample to the committee members.
ITEM 11 Announcements
The next rneeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for .F~pril 1,
2009 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall (Council Chambers).
Steve l~~Iiehaud announced that. he has Taste of Lakeville tickets available for ptvchase. Committee
members can contact him if they need some fox the ~Iay 14 event
ITEM 12 Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
Respectfully sub ~tted,
iii!- ~~ l.C ~---''~-1
Tame Jo Ruter, Recording SecretaLv