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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
JUNE 3, 2004
The June 3, 2004 Planning Commission meeting was. called to order by Chair Stolte
in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
Flag pledge and roll call of members:
Present: Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Reuvers, ex-officio Arvidson.
Absent: Drotning.
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; David Olson, Community &
Economic Development Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Allyn
Kuennen, Associate Planner; Leif Hanson, Zoning Enforcement Coordinator; Jay
Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary.
The May 13, 2004 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
Mr. Morey indicated the following items were distributed to the Planning
Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting:
L June 2, 2004 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
Meeting. Motions .regarding the Argonne Village final plat, JAC
Company preliminary and final .plat, and Cherrywood Crossing
preliminary and final plat.
2. Copy of a letter from the Dakota County Plat Commission regarding
Argonne Village.
Mr. Morey stated that under New Business he would like to discuss. a joint work
session regarding Brandtjen Farm.
Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the request of United Properties
Investment, LLC for the vacation of 9 easements. The final plat of 4 commercial lots
to be known as Argonne Village, located east of Kenwood Trail. (C.R. 50) and south
of 175 Street is also being requested, however does not require a public hearing.
Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice for easement and
right-of-way vacations had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes
and City Code.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 2
Dan Parks from Westwood Professional Services and Bruce Carlson from United
.Properties were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the
Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Parks presented an overview of the
Community & Economic Development Director David Olson presented the
planning report. Mr. Olson stated that United Properties is requesting approval of
the Argonne Village final plat of four commercial lots and seven outlots, located on
the east. side of CSAH 50 between 176th Street and Jubilee Way. He indicated that
the developer is also requesting approval of a final stage planned unit development
.for Lots 1-4, Block 1 of the final plat.
Mr. Olson stated that the Argonne Village final plat is consistent with the PUD
rezoning, development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat
approved by the City Council on May 3, 2004.
Mr. Olson stated that the Argonne Village final plat proposes 7 outlots. Their
proposed uses are described in detail in the May 27, 2004 planning report.
i Mr. Olson stated that approximately 1500 feet of Junelle Path extending from
Kenrick Avenue will be reconstructed and relocated as part of this development.
He indicated that a turnaround with a 45-foot radius is being provided on the south
end of the reconstructed Junelle Path cul-de-sac. He stated that while this portion
of reconstructed Junelle Path exceeds the 600-foot limit for cul-de-sac streets, the
new alignment and reconstruction of this. existing street have been determined to
be an improvement of anon-conforming street condition that provides access to
existing homes. Mr. Olson indicated that a temporary access road will be required
during. construction to provide access to these homes.
Mr. Olson described the final site plan, the proposed access points, and the
roadway and pedestrian improvements that are proposed as part of the City's
CSAH 50 Interim Improvement Project. He indicated that the driveway access and
site circulation designs have not changed from the Argonne Village preliminary
plat and PUD plan.
Mr. Olson clarified. the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. motion
to indicate that the City will be constructing concrete sidewalks on CSAH 50 and
Kenrick Avenue as part of the CSAH 50 Interim Improvement Project. The
developer is required to construct a concrete sidewalk along Junelle Path to the first
. access point into Argonne Village.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 3
Mr. Olson stated that the developer is also requesting. to vacate the existing
alignment of Junelle Path and 176 Street and interior roadway, drainage, and
utility easements that are no longer needed. He indicated that this right-of-way has
been replaced by new platted right-of-way within this plat and the recently
approved Right-of-Way Map No. 4 that platted the new right-of-way of the CSAH
50 Interim Improvement Project.
Mr. Olson indicated that the developer has begun clearing trees from the subject
property based on the tree preservation. plan and grading .permit that was
approved following approval of the preliminary plat.
Mr. Olson stated that the Argonne Village final plat lot area, lot width, and building
and parking setbacks all meet Zoning Ordinance requirements.
Mr. Olson stated that the grocery. anchor is proposing five loading berths each with
a screening wall. Loading for the attached multi-tenant retail building will be
available in the rear of the building with adequate area provided to allow tractor
trailer circulation.
• Mr. Olson indicated that the applicant has submitted a revised landscape plan that
incorporates the recommendations contained in the preliminary plat planning
report prepared. by Dan Licht of NAC. The landscape plan indicates that all
Landscape areas will be irrigated and complies with the parking lot landscaping
:.requirements and the City's Corridor and Gateway Design Guidelines.
Mr. Olson discussed the proposed building materials and building height and
indicated that they are in conformance with Zoning :Ordinance requirements, with
the exception of the parapet height on the grocery tenant space, which is being
approved as part of the PUD.
Mr. Olson indicated the changes that will be required in the Comprehensive
Signage Plan to be consistent with Sign Ordinance requirements. He stated that the
wall signage for the grocery tenant will be consistent with the signage approved on
the Cedar Avenue frontage of the Cub Foods in the Crossroads Development.
Mr. Olson stated that should the. Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Argonne Village final plat, final stage planned unit
development for. lots 1-4, Block 1, and the vacation of right-of-way and easements
located along CSAH 50, Planning Department staff recommend approval subject to
. the 21 stipulations listed in the May 27, 2004 planning report.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to thepublic for comments.
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June 3, 2004
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There were no comments from the audience.
.04.69 Motion by Pattee, Second by Reuvers to close the public hearing at 6:20 p.m.
Ayes: Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Reuvers.
Nays: 0
Chair Stolte asked Mr. Olson to explain why the developer is able to grade the
property before final plat approval_ Mr. Olson indicated. that with large
developments, such as TimberCrest, Crossroads, and now Argonne Village, upon
approval of the preliminary plat and wetland applications, the developers have
been allowed to seek approval of a grading permit.
Commissioner Swecker asked how the roadway improvements tie into the
Argonne Village development. Mr. Olson stated that the completion date of the
main improvements to CSAH 50 and Kenrick Avenue is August 15, 2004.. He
indicated that the development of Argonne Village will not get ahead of the
roadway. construction. United Properties and roadway contractors, along with the
Superamerica contractor. and the City have weekly construction meetings to keep
everyone apprised of the situation.
Commissioner Swecker asked if there were any confirmed leases for the multi-
tenant building adjacent to the grocery tenant. Mr. Carlson indicated that they
anticipate 18 different tenant spaces, but they have not begun actively marketing
Commissioner Reuvers explained the difference between the preliminary and final
.plat, and that the final plat is normally on the consent agenda and not included
with a public hearing.
04.70 Motion by Swecker, Second by Reuvers to recommend to City Council approval of
the Argonne Village final. plat, final stage planned unit development for Lots 1-4,
Block 1, and the vacation of right-of-way and easements located along CSAH 50,
subject to the 21 stipulations listed in the May 27, 2004 planning report.
Ayes: Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Reuvers, Pattee.
Nays: 0
Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the request of APPRO
Development for the preliminary and final plat of one lot to be known as JAC
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
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Company First Addition, located south of Lakeville Boulevard and east of
Hamburg Avenue, and the vacation of a public drainage and utility easement.
Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had beenduly
published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Jim Connelly, along with the design team from APPRO Development and John
Ryan from Genz-Ryan Plumbing and Heating, who will be the main tenant
occupying this building, were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any
.questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Connelly
presented an overview of the project.
Associate Planner Allyn Kuennen presented the planning report. Mr. Kuennen
stated that APPRO Development, who is representing JAC Company, has
submitted plans for a preliminary and final plat of one lot on the south side of
Lakeville Boulevard and east of Hamburg Avenue. Mr. Kuennen indicated that the
building is proposed to be constructed in two phases. The first phase will consist of
the JAC Company, FLP (Gent-Ryan} office/warehouse area and lease space for
additional tenants. The second phase will be an addition onto the rear of JAC
Company's warehouse space for a total of 95,602 square feet.
Mr. Kuennen added. that in conjunction with the preliminary and final plat the
applicant is also requesting the vacation. of public drainage and utility easements
along the. south and. west sides of the property.
Mr. Kuennen stated that the property is zoned I-2, General Industrial District. The
proposed office, warehouse and manufacturing building is a permitted use within
this .district. He indicated that the property also contains the Shoreland Overlay
District, which only allows 25% of the area to be impervious surface. The Zoning
Ordinance allows the applicant to apply for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP} to
have up to 75% impervious surface area. Mr. Kuennen stated that because the
applicant is showing 51% impervious area, the developer has applied for a
Conditional Use Permit to allow an industrial development with an impervious
surface area greater than 25% within the Shoreland Overlay District, which has
been advertised for a public hearing at the. June 17, 2004 Planning Commission
Mr. Kuennen stated that the project exceeds the requirements set forth in the
Zoning Ordinance for lot area, lot width, and building setbacks. He indicated what
the proposed. building height and design would be, including the temporary
. exterior storage area, which will need to be enclosed in an 8 foot tall chain link
fence and screened with a row of evergreen trees along the east property line.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
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Mr. Kuennen indicated that the proposed landscape plan complies with the
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, including shade trees along the front of the
lot to provide screening along Lakeville Boulevard and groupings of trees and
shrubs throughout the site.
Mr. Kuennen stated that access to the site will be from two points off Lakeville
Boulevard which meet Zoning Ordinance requirements for spacing between access
points on a major collector roadway.
Mr. Kuennen stated that the applicant is proposing to insta11167 parking spaces
plus 87 company vehicle stalls for a total site build-out of 254. parking. spaces, which
complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. He indicated that since this is a
multi-tenant building and. final uses have nofibeen determined, it is important to
insure that adequate parking is provided. As such,. Mr. Kuennen stated that a
stipulation will be added. to the development agreement requiring the owner to
.install additional parking stalls upon a finding by the. Zoning Administrator that
such additional parking stalls are necessary to accommodate the actual uses that are
located within the building. He indicated that a parking analysis will also be
completed by Planning Department staff prior to the construction of the second
phase addition to insure adequate parking will be provided for the existing tenants
and the future addition.
Mr. Kuennen stated that there is an existing 8-foot trail along the north side of
Lakeville Boulevard. He'indicated that an additional trail is proposed to be
installed on the south side of Lakeville Boulevard in the future, along with a 10-foot
wide trail along the South Branch of the South Creek, which will be part of the
greenway corridor system.
Mr. Kuennen stated that the developer is requesting the vacation of a drainage and
utility easement along. the south and west property line adjacent to the South Creek
area. He indicated that the easement will no longer be needed since this area will
be dedicated to the city as Outlot A which encompasses the wetland areas and
South Creek. Mr. Kuennen stated that an additional drainage and utility easement
must be placed over the floodway of South Creek located south of the proposed
infiltration basin, and over all of the swale on the west side `of the site conveying
runoff from Lakeville Boulevard to the North Branch of South Creek.
Mr. Kuennen stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the JAC Company First Addition preliminary and final plat
• and easement vacation, Planning Department staff recommends .approval subject to
the 14 stipulations listed in the May 28, 2004 planning report..
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 7
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
.04.71 Motion by Swecker, Second by Pattee to close the public hearing at 6:44 p.m.
Ayes:: Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker.
Nays: 0
Chair Stolte confirmed with the developer that they agreed with the 14 stipulations
listed in the May 28, 2004 planning report.
Chair. Stolte asked City staff to explain the Shoreland Overlay District 25%
impervious surface and why a conditional use permit is required. Mr. Kuennen
explained the purpose for limiting impervious surface area within the Shoreland
.Overlay District and the conditions for approval of a conditional use permit (i.e.
ponding and best management practices).
Commissioner Swecker asked who will own and maintain the infiltration basin and
stormwater treatment basin. Mr. Rubash stated that the basins will be privately
owned and maintained because they will only serve the JAC Company
Commissioner Swecker asked what types of material will be stored behind the
chain link fence. Used appliances will be stored behind the fence. Mr. Ryan
indicated that the appliances will only be stored for short periods of time until they
are picked up for recycling.. Mr. Connelly indicated that the. entire fenced area is
not visible :from the Lakeville Boulevard. Mr. Connelly stated that the outdoor
storage area will be removed with the second phase of .construction and the used
appliances will then be stored indoors. Commissioner Swecker suggested putting
slats in the fence for more complete screening.. He indicated that there. is no
timeline for the second phase of construction, however it could be more. than 5
years out. Mr. Morey indicated that the second phase would not require a planning
Assistant City Attorney Poehler stated that Stipulation 1 should be revised to read
as follows:
1. Conditional Use Permit is required to allow the developmenf to have
an impervious area of 51%.
04.72 Motion. by Detjen, Second by Pattee to recommend to City Council approval of the
JAC Company First Addition preliminary and final plat, located south of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 8
Boulevard and east of Hamburg Avenue, and the vacation of a public drainage and
utility easement, subject to the 14 stipulations listed in the May 28, 2004 planning
report, as amended.
Ayes: Detjen, Grenz, Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte.
Nays: 0
Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the application of Ann and
James Proudfoot of Dance Works Performing Arts Studio for the preliminary and
finalplaf of one commercial lot and one outlot to be known as Cherrywood
Crossing, located east of 175 Street, south of Glacier Way and north of Dodd
Boulevard (CSAH 9). Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice
had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Ann Proudfoot, owner of Dance Works Performing Arts Studio was in attendance
at tonight's meeting to answer any .questions that the Planning Commission or
public may have. Ms. Proudfoot presented an overview of the project.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Ann and Jim Proudfoot have submitted applications and plans for the
preliminary and final plat of one lot and one outlot to be known as Cherrywood
Crossing. The Proudfoots propose to construct a 12,000 square foot one-story
dance studio building with plans for future expansion. He indicated that the
conceptual development. for Outlot A shows a possible 15,000 square foot
professional office building to be constructed by a separate developer.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the Proudfoots submitted an application for a
conditional use permit (CUP) for off-site shared parking for the future building on
Outlot A. The Dance Works Performing Arts Studio will be able to accommodate
.its parking needs on Lot 1, Blockl and will not require shared off-site parking. A
CUP will not be required unless off-site parking is needed for the future
development of Outlot A.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the history of the property since 1999, including the PUD
zoning approved in conjunction with the Cherry Highlands preliminary and final
plat.. He indicated the subject property will be developed utilizing: the C-1 District
performance standards consistent with the Cherry Highlands PUD rezoning.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 9
Mr. Dempsey stated that the preliminary and final plat of Cherrywood Crossing
consists of one lot and .one outlot, which exceed the Zoning Ordinance
requirements for minimum lot area and. lot width.
Mr. Dempsey discussed the proposed driveway access points on Glacier Way and
175 Street. He indicated that no additional right-of-way is needed for 175 Street
or Glacier Way. The developer. will construct an $-foot wide concrete sidewalk
.along Glacier Way.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the setback between the parking lot and sidewalk in two
locations: along 175 Street narrows to a point where there may not be adequate
room for of€ective landscape planting and screening between the sidewalk and
parking lot. Mr. Dempsey distributed an updated site plan that showed the
recommended setback of 10 feet between. the sidewalk and. parking lot along 175
Street, which was listed as Stipulation 6 of the May 28, 2004 planning report.
Mr. Dempsey presented the parking. requirements for the subject site with regard to
the first phase of the .dance studio, along with the requirements for the conceptual
plan parking for the future office building on Outlot A.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the Proudfoots hosted a neighborhood meeting for the`
proposed dance studio development on Tuesday, May 4, 2004 at Valley Christian
Church. Five neighbors were in attendance. There was .discussion regarding
screening,. site layout and access, traffic and possible traffic control along Glacier
Way at Goldenview Avenue to reduce speeding..
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Cherrywood Crossing preliminary and final plat, Planning
Department staff recommends approval. subject to the 11 stipulations listed in the
May 28, 2004 planning report.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were na comments from the audience.
04.73 Motion by Pattee, Second by Reuvers to close the public hearing at 7:20 p.m.
Ayes: Grenz, Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen.
Nays: 0
. Chair Stolte confirmed with staff that the 175 Street access is a right-in, right-out
only, with a full access from Glacier Way.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 10
Commissioner Swecker appreciated the flow of traffic for dropping off and picking
up students.
Commissioner Swecker recommended that the monument sign be shorter than the
20 feet allowed by the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Dempsey stated that a monument sign
is being recommended by staff. Ms. Proudfoot indicated that she .does not need a
lot of signage for her type of business. She plans to share signage with the future
office building.. The sign will likely be located near the 175th Street/Dodd
Boulevard intersection.
04.74 Motion by Pattee, Second by Detjen to recommend to the City Council approval of
the Cherrywood Crossing preliminary and final plat, subject to the 11 stipulations
listed in the May 28, 2004 planning report.
Ayes: Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz.
.Nays: 0
• Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the request of Kwik Trip, Super
America, Holiday, and Amoco for Conditional Use Permit Amendments to allow 10
area motor fuel facilities to display sales merchandise outside on their properties,
located at:
Kwik Trip 20187 Dodd Blvd., 17388 Glacier Way, 16260 Kenrick Avenue
Super America 21070 Glade Ave., 16161 Cedar Ave., 16180162nd Street
Holiday 16255 Ipava Ave., 17280 Kenyon Ave., .7287161St Street
Amoco 7468167th Street
Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested. that the legal notice had been duly
published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Zoning Enforcement Coordinator Leif Hanson presented the planning report. Mr.
Hanson stated that 10 motor fuel facilities have submitted applications for a
conditional -use permit amendment to display sales merchandise outside on their
Mr. Hanson presented a short history of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance,
which the City Council approved on September 3, 2003 that included standards for
allowing the outdoor display of sales merchandise at motor fuel facilities. Mr.
Hanson summarized the approved performance standards allowing outdoor
display of sales merchandise, which are explained in detail in the May 25, 2004
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 11
planning report. Mr. Hanson explained that motor fuel facilities are allowed as a
conditional use in commercially zoned districts. He indicated that the proposed
.outdoor display of sales merchandise at each of the facilities requires a conditional
use permit amendment.
Mr. Hanson presented the proposed outdoor display areas for each of the `10 motor
fuel facilities listed in the May 25, 2004 planning report.
Mr. Hanson stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit Amendments to allow the ten
motor fuel facilities, as presented, to display sales merchandise outside on their
properties, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the
stipulations listed in the May 25, 2004 planning report, and approval of the
Findings of Fact dated June 3, 2004.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
04.75 Motion by Swecker, Second by Pattee to close the public hearing at 7:47 p.m.
Ayes: Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Reuvers.
Nays: 0
Chair Stolte confirmed with the motor fuel representatives present at tonight's
meeting that they agree with'the stipulations listed in the planning report.
Commissioner Grenz displayed some pictures that he took. with the front end of a
vehicle overhanging the curb more than the 24-inch standard listed in the Zoning
Ordinance. He felt that all the motor fuel facilities should have bollards in front of
the buildings to keep the front end of the vehicles from overhanging the sidewalks.
Chair Stolte asked City staff how the stipulations in the Conditional Use Permit
amendments will be enforced. Mr. Morey indicated that City staff will inspect the
sites and investigate any complaints. He stated the CUP amendment can be
.revoked if any of the motor fuel facilities are not in compliance with the approved
stipulations. He stated that it will be an enforcement issue for Planning
Department staff. Commissioner Arvidson indicated that it would be very difficult
for staff to enforce the car overhang of the. sidewalk.
Mr. Morey wanted to clarify that Planning Department staff asked the motor fuel
facilities to move the products they were displaying outdoors to the front. of the
Planning. Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 12
stores, away from the pump islands and perimeter of the site, while their CUP
amendment applications were being processed.
Mr. Morey stated that the propane tanks will need to comply with the fire code
with respect to their storage location. He recommended that the following
stipulation be added to all 10 of the motor fuel facilities CUP amendments:
"The. location. of propane tanks must be reviewed and approved by the Fire
04.76 Motion by Swecker, Second by Reuvers to recommend to City Council approval of
the Conditional Use Permit Amendments to allow the ten motor fuel facilities, as
.presented, to display sales merchandise outside on their properties, subject to the
stipulations listed in the May 25, 2004 planning report, as amended, and approval
of the Findings of Fact dated June 3, 2004.
Ayes: Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Reuvers, Pattee.
Nays: Grenz. He felt that the motor fuel facilities that do not currently have..
bollards at the front of their buildings should have them installed aspart of
their Conditional Use Permit Amendment.
Planning Director Daryl Morey discussed the scheduled July meetings with the
Planning Commission and it was decided to keep the regular meetings on July 1
and. July 15.
Mr. Morey informed the Planning Commission of a joint work session that would
be held on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 regarding Brandtjen Farm.. The work session
would be held at the Brandtjen Farm property, and would be hosted by the Parks,
Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee, and include the City Council,
Planning Commission, and Economic Development Commission. He indicated that
there will be a tour of the site and:: a presentation by the developer. Dinner will be
provided by the City. Details confirming the date and time will be forthcoming.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Planning Commission Meeting
June 3, 2004
Page 13
U- /
Penny. ig, Recordin cretary
well Miller Stolte, Chair