HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-07-83 • • . CITY OF LAKESTILLE COUNCIL MEETING MARCH.7~ 1983 f` The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm~ by .Mayor Zaun. The pledge of allegiance-to the flag was given.' Roll call was taken. Presents Councilmembers DTelson, Sindt, Enright, Harvey ..and Mayor Zaun. Also present: Keith Nelson, City Engineer; James Robinette,, Community Development Directory Richard Radermacher, Chief of Police; Gary Fuchs, City Attorney; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk; Barry Christensen,. Fire .Chief. Staff announcements: The city administrator advised the council of a letter that had been drafted for council consideration and authorization to send to the Community Develop- ment Corporation of the Archdiocese of St. Paul..concerning a request for them to file an application fora senior citizen housing project in Lakeville, 'The .letter included a statement that the city would be willing to'provde some .financial assistance to''help acquire the site fora senior apartment building. The mayor"indicated that the matter. to authorize the letter would be taken ,up under other business. on the agenda, Citizen comments: Pastor Ralph Tyielski spoke to the council and raised the concern about the, moral aspects of having a horse race track in Lakeville. Councilman Nelson requested that Item 4(d) be removed from the consent agenda. 83.72 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve all the items. except.. 4(d) on theconsent agenda. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Harvey. Councilman_Nelson indicated that he wished to have this item tabled until the. city code was amended to allow for up to 20 years of assessment for multiple housing units on the unit connection charges. £33.73 Motion was mace by Harvey, seconded. by Nelson to table Item 4(d} until the March 21_countil agenda, Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, 7aun, Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson. ~t this. time,. Mr, Dave Owen from Land Plan, Inc, presented the preliminary plat of the Barrett Addition, Mr. Owen indicated the plat contained 55 acres of land and 143 single family lots, with average lot size being 13,280 square feet and the range being from 11,000 square .feet to 22,000 square feet, Mr. Owen indicated that the developer would include as covenants on the property the requirement to have a double attached garage with each house and a hard surfaced driveway as`covenants. P~Ir. Mel Lehman spoke in favor of 'the plat as ;t ha been revised on behalf of neighbors in the Dakota Heights additions, Mr. Dave Tabaka read a prepared<`statement concerning .potential future. access. to his. parents' property located to the north and northwest of the property indicating concern over a lack of access.. Mr. Arlan Lamb spoke infavor of the plat. _h_ • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 7,.1983 The City Council discussed the need for pedestrian walkways running from the west boundary of the elementary school site into the plat. It was the consensus of the council that the sidewalk along 175th Street should be sufficient in that area. The council also-discussed the need. for including concrete curb and gutter in on that hard surface sidewalk along 175th Street now that the property is being developed in that area of the city. Also the need for an upgraded storm sewer system was discussed along 175th Street, and it was the consensus of the council that a pre- . liminary engineering report on the widening. of 175th Street to an,urban section with concrete curb and gutter from Ipava Avenue to the existing urban section on 175th Street-should be prepared at this time now that the school property and Barrett property^have been developed and will begin to be developed. 83.74 Motion was .made by Nelson, seconded by 5ndt to approve the preliminary plat of the Barrett Addition with the following conditions: That the City receive cash in lieu of land for the ;park dedication;. the plat be required to pay its share o~ the installation of storm sewer,'concrete curb & gutter and sidewalk along 175th Street; and that no pedestrian access be required from the west side of the school property except for the sidewalk along 175th Street. Bell call was taken on the motion. Aves, Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun. .The City Administrator advised the council that.. Mrs. Barrett had paid the $1,000 fee for a preliminary engineering report on the public improvements for the plat and had requested the council to authorize a report. 83.75 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Harvey to authorize Consulting Engineers. Diversified tt~ prepare a preliminary engineering report f_or the public improvements required for the Barrett Addition. ; Ro11 call was .taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt. 83..76. Motion was made,by Harvey,, seconded by Sindt to authorize Consulting Eng.in- eers Diversified to prepare a preliminary engineering report far the improvement of 175th Street from Ipava Avenue. to the end of the existing urban section for the upgrading of the rural section to an urban section wi h concrete curb and .gutter, sidewalk and storm sewer improvements.' Roll cell was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. The City Council took: up consideration of a request from the Pan-O-Frog Board of Directors far the City to pay the cost for satellite toilet facilities on the weekend of the Pan-O-Frog parade in downtown Dakeville. The administrator pointed out that the council had not included the funds in the budget, but that there was funds in the contingency pert of the city budget if the council wished to .allocate the money, 83.77 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to approve the payment for satellite toilets for the Pan-O-Frog events on the parade weekend fore 1983 in the amount of $650 and to appropriate money from the contingency funds in the 1983 general fund budget. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, 'Enright, .Harvey. Nays, Sindt. At this time, Mr. Steve Sizer, Chairman of the citizens committee for a new police station, presented copies of the preliminary findings and recommendations from the comariittee based on the citizen survey taken as a part of the February newsletter. Mr. Sizer stated that the answer to question #l indicated that a substantial majority of the citizens do support the city`s proposal for anew police facility. However, Mr. Sizer reported that it was apparent from the survey that the majority of the citizens feel that the facility needs to be substantially. cut in .size and cost at this time and a plan worked out for the facility to be enlarged at a future date when needed. Mr. Sizer indicated that the -2- • i CLTY OF L.$KEVILLE COUNC2L~MEETING committee would be asking the council. to authorize. two public meetings on-the issue, `one for March 28th at the Lakeville High School and another for March 29th at the fire statio#~ #2't4.present the survey findings and revised plans for a poli.ce`faclity to the public anc~ solicite their comments and reactiom. • Mayor Zaun asked Mr. Sizer i£ the coanmittee~~aas working with the architect to prepare a revised plan for the council and citizens to consider, and. Mr. Sizer indicated that they were. 83.78 P~lotion was made by Enright, seconded'by 5indt to authorize the citizens committee on .the new 'police station to have two public .meetings, ;one on March 28th at'Lakeville High :School and the other on March 29th at the .fire station #2 to present the survey findings to the public and the future plan from the committee and to give the preliminary reoom- mendations;to"the City Council at the March.2lst council meeting, and to officially-receive the survey findings. Rol call: was taken on themotionr Ayes, Zaun., Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Ne]aon. 83.'79 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to receive the minutes of the police; committee meeting of March 3, 1983. Roll call was::taken on the motion... Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun. At this time, .the City Council took up consideration of votngfor aperson to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission by the use of a paper ballot with each council member signing. their name to their respective ballot. The council vote was taken, and the votes were tabulated. The city clerk announced than the council had voted. as follows: Three votes for Steve Sizer and two votes ..for Diane MacGibbon .for an appointment to the Planning Commission, .with Mr.'Sizer being appointed. 'The council then voted,.by paper ballot for an appointment to a vacancy on the ~ab1e T.V. Board. The city clerk tabulated the ballots and announced the vote as follows: Three votes .for Terrance Langhorst and twa votes for Joe Lewellen. Terrance Langhorst was`appainted to the Cable T.V. Board. Mr. Szer's appointment is for a term which will expire on .January 1, 1986; ' and Mr. Langhorst's is for a term which w11 expire.. on January 1, 1985. 8.3.80 Motion. was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to reappoint Dave.Ostlund to a term on the Natural Resources Committee for a.term which will`expi~e on January 1,.1985. Roll ca11 wastaken on the motion.' Ayes,,Enright, Harvey, Nelson,.. Zaun, Sindt.' At this time', the City Council discussed the appointments to the recently established'commttee. on future. public building needs in,Lakeville. Thee committee would consist of a representative from the Chamber of Commerce, a representative from the enor citizen group of Lakevlle,`a repre- sent~,tive from the Lakeville School Board, 'a representative from the, City `Council;, a representative from the'Dlanninq Commission, who would also have contact with the Rosemount"school district, a representative - from the 'police citizen committee,'a representative from the fire depart- ment and a representative from the community center_ctizen grout.`'- 83.81 Motion was made by Sindt; seconded by Harvey-to appoint Joe Flascher, Bi11-Wilson, Dennis Miller, Steve Schultze, Patrick McGarvev,-Steve"Sizer, and Nancy Enright to the future public building needs committee and to .request the `senior citizens and C~iamber df-Commerce to advise the council of the 'individuals they wish t© have appointed'at a futuredate. ' Roll. call was taken on the motion.' Ayes, Harvey; Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. -3- _W 'r ' . CITY OF Lp,KEV7LLE' CUUNCIL MEETING MARCH 7, 1983. Item`#12 on 'the agenda was. not acted upon because the preliminary plat had already been approved in November, 1982. 83.82 Motion was: made by Nelson, seconded kiy Sindt to approve a raffle l~,cense for the Bloomington Lioness Club and waive the bond. Roll call. was ..taken on the motion., Ayes-,,N~lson, Zaun, Sndt, Enright, Harvey. 83.83 Motion was made by Sindt,-seconded by Nelson o adopt Resolution No. 83-21 stating the City's`postion'n favor.. of Dakota-Gounty returning 30% of the .gravel tax on gravel mined with~.n the city of Lakeville directly to the citv:of Lakeville. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sndt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson. 83.$4 Motion was made by En~'ight, seconded, by Sindt to authorize the city administrator to send a letter to the Community Development Corporation of the Archdiocese o~ St. Paul stating the City"s request for the corpor- ation to file an application for a senior housing project in Lakeville and providing the city with assistance toward the project.. Roll call was taken 'on -the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun. The city administrator presented the general release anc~ settlement with Benedict Justen which. had been .received .from his attorney and recommended for .approval by the City Attorney, Roger Knutson. 83.85 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by-Harvey to authorize the mayor and .clerk to sign the general release and settlement with Benedict Justen and approve the settlement. Ro1.1 ca11 was taken on the motion. Ayes,`Enright, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, 5indt. At this time, the city administrator read a letter of resignation from James Martin from hisYnosition as Liquor Store Manager effective June. 1, 1983, for the purpose of retirement. 83.86 Motion wasrnade by Sndt, seconded by Nelson to accept the resignation of James: Martin as Liquor Store Manager :effective June 1, 1983. Roll."call was taken'on the motion. ,Ayes Harvey, Nelson,:Zaun, Sindt, Enright. 83.87 ..Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Enright to receive the annual report `for 1982 from the Lakeville Police Department. Ro11 call was taken on. the motion. Ayes,-Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Harvey. 83.88 Motion was made by Sindt,'seconded by'Enright to adjourn the council meeting.- 'Ro11 ca11 was taken an the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright,, Harvey, Nelson. Time: 9;10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, r ° 4-' ~ ~ ~fw Patrick E , Mc arvey , City Clcc~rk Duane Zaun, or i ~ CITY OF LAKEVILLE .AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING March 7,.1983 7:00 P.M , Ca11 to order, .Flag `pledge. 1. Roll call. 2,. Staff announcements: A. Attorney B. .Engineer C. Administrator 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consent agenda... a. Approval of the minutes. of 'the :February 22, 1983 .council meeting. b. Approval of the claims for payment. c. Receive the minutes of'the following advisory committee meetings. Natural Resources->Commi~.tee, February 1, 1983 Cable. T.V. Board, Fe3~ruary 8:, 1983. d. Approval of a special assessment agreement with: Lakeville Develapment Carrnpany. e. Adopt resolution opposing the "closing>of the metro region office afthe:.Department...of°Natural Resources.. f. Authorization to install two street lights at two .intersections. g. ....Approval of quotes for :carpet and curtains for the fire station second floor. 5. Preliminary,plat of the Barrett Addition .located.. north of 175th; Street and west of Ipava Avenue', 6. Request for the City to provide satellite toilet facilities for one weekend; during the Pan-O-Prog celebration. 7. Presentation of the preliminary findings--and results of the recent survey;,on the police station by the citizen. committee. 8. Appointment.to the Planning Commission. 9. Appointment to the Viable T.V. Board.. 10. Reappointment of ..David Ostlund to the Natural Resources Committee. 11. Appointments to the study committee on future public building needs in Lakeville by the mayor.. 12. Preliminary plat of the Dakota Plaza Addtion_located at the southeast corner of Cedar Avenue anal 160th Street. 13. Approval of a raffle license for the Bloomington. Lioness Club for an event at the Chart House on .April 11, 1983. 14. Resolution stating the City Council position on the Dakota County draft ordinance on distribution of the county tax on gravel exca~taton. 15. Any other business. 16. Adjourn.