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February 22, 1983.
The meeting .was called to order at 7eO0 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge
of allegiance to the flag was given.-;
Roll call-was taken. Present:" Councilmembers.Nelson, Sindt, Enright, Harvey
-and Mayor Zaun.;
Also present: Roger Knutson, City. Attorney; Keith Nelson, City Engineer;
James Robinette, Community Development Director; PatriCk'McGarvey;-.City
Staff announcements: ~ -
The City-Administrator advised the council that they had been given the
application of.Diane MacGibbon, who is applying for the vacancy on the %
Planning Commission.
The administrator also gave the council a letter from the chief of'polce
recommending council repeal the resolution establishing the.. Youth Advisory
Board based upon the recommendation of the board remaining. members. and
chief. Thereason being no reasons orcause fore'.the board to .consider
at this time.
Citizen comments: .There were none.
At this .time the City Council interviewed Mr. Joe Lewellen for possible
appointment to the Cable T.V, advisory 'board.
8.3.62 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve all of the items
on the consent agenda.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Harvey.
At this time, Mayor Zaun explained to some citizens present representing
the community center facility that the council had adopted Resolution Nq.
83-16-on February 7th setting'up a citizens advisory committee on long
range public. facilities such as a community center building. Mr. Bill
Wilson indicated the committee was interested. in having a representative
serve on that. committee.
At this time, Keith Ne3.son presented the preliminary engineering ;report'
on the proposed improvement. of the intersection of'202nd Street and Holyoke
Avenue, which is County Road 64 and Trunk Highway 50. Mr. Nelson read
from the report the history of this proposed improvement project going
back into the late 1970's, including the proposal made at a public hearing
early in 1982. He .explained that the latest .proposal had come from.
M-DOT-in response to the City's request. for a lesser size road improvement.
The current M-DOT proposal is for an intersection improvement running
500 feet in length in each direction from the intersection, and that
his report also included options as directed by the City Council for
putting. the improvement further west to connect with the Dodd intersection
improvement and further south to connect to 205th Street. Mr. Nelson read
from the report the estimated costs for barious alternatives in his
Mr. Frank Pelach, Mrs. Merna Steberg and Mr. Bruce Ingersma were present
and asked questions of the staff concerning the report and proposed project:
The City Administrator advised those present that Dakota_County was proposing''
that County Road 64 be turned back to the City along .with several other
county highways, and that there would be a public hearing on the matter
at the Burnsville city hall on May 18th. In the event the county turns,
the road back prior to .the improvement project, the .city would lose the
55~ funding .from the county on that segment of the intersection.
.February 22, 1983
It was. pointed out that the council would take no action on the report
at this time pending receipt of a _pielimnary report on improving Trunk
Highway ,50 up near I-35 from the Minnesota Department of Transportation,.
and when the costs for that project were received, the staff would need
to prepare a proposed budget for these projects..
83.63 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to receive the preliminary
.engineering report from Consulting Engineers Diversified nn the proposed
improvement of the intersection of County Raad 64 and Trunk Highway. 50.
Roll call was taken on!.the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson.
83.64 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Harvey to approve the plans and
specifications and set the bid date for March 31, 1983 at 10 a.m. for
improvements. in the Meadows 3rd Addition, Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition and
the Lake-Vale Townhomes Addition.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun.
The City Council discussed tabling appointments to the Planning Commission
and Cable T.V. Board until the latest applicants who had submitted appli-
cations on or before February 7th could be interviewed at the next council
83.65 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to table the appointments
until. the March 7,.1983 council agenda.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Enright, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt.
83.66 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No. 83-19
setting forth attendance requirements for Cable T.V. Board advisory .members.
Roll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson., Zaun, Sindt, Enright.
At this time, Mr, Barry Christensen, Fide Chief, recommended the council
approve the. low bid of Clarey's in the amount of $10,162.45 for fire
83.67 Motion was.rnade by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to apprcve the bid of Clarey's
Inc. in the amount of $10,162.45 for equipment for the fire department.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Harvey.
83.68 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Harvey to repeal Resolution No, 76-28'
.establishing the Youth Advisory Board based on the recommendation of the
chief of police and letter 'dated February 18, 1983.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion r Ayes ,`Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson.
The City Administrator xead a resolution concerning the activities of
National Electric, Inc'._ in handling of'potential hazardous waste in a
building next to the 'City's well and water tower in Airlake Industrial Park.
The resolution stated the City's concern with the operation and was to be
submitted to the Dakota County commissioners and officials.
83.69 Motian was: made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 83-20
stating the City's position on the National Electric, Inc. operation.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,`'Sindt, Enright, Harvey, Nelson,. Zaun.
83.70 Motion was. made by Sindt, seconded by .Enright to authorize the city attorney
and staff, to prepare a zoning ordinance amendment which would make it a
requirement for handling of certain .waste products-in the industrial park
to be governed by the issuance of a conditional use permit from the City
Council in an appropriate industrial zone.
i •
February 22, 1983
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enrght,'Harvey, Nelson,.Zaun, 5indt'.
At this time the City Administrator advised the oouncil that Mr. Joe Errigo
of the Community Development Gorporati!on of the Archdiocese of Str haul
would be meeting with city officials and the mayor concerning their making
an application fora "202";;s-~nor citizen apartment building for Lakeville.
The meeting would be on"March 3' at 3:30 p.~ at the:cty hall.
Councilmember Enright asked the administrator to send out suggestions on
how the council: could vote for candidates to the Planning Commission.
The council decided to set a worksession agenda for March 14 198:3 at
7x00 p.m. at city hall.
83.71 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to adjourn he-meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes; Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,, Enright, :Harvey.
Time:. 9:08 p.m.
Respectfully yours,.
- ~
atrck E.. Me Garvey, City Cle
Dua a Zaun, Mayor
- -
February 22, 1983
7:00 P.M.
Call to order.
Flag .pledge..
1. Roll Call..
2. Staff announcements:
A. Attorney
B: engineer
C. Administrator
3. Citizen comments. `
4. Consent agenda:
a. Approval of the February 7, 1983 council minutes.
b. Approval of the claims for payment.
c. Receive the minutes of the following advisory committeemeetings:
Planning Commission, February 17,_1983
Park & Recreation Committee,.February 16, 1983'
d Approval of the 1983 pay schedule ,for officers of the fire
department and confirmation of the first assistant chief appointment..
e. Authorize a preliminary engineering report on Linder First Addition.
f. E'inal acceptance of utility,extenson in Airlake Industrial Park;
Project 82-11, subject to maintenance bond.
5. Discussion with representatives of citizens proposing a community
.center facility..
6. Recei~sre a, preliminary erigneerng report from C.E.D. for proposed
intersection improvements on Holyoke Avenue -and 202nd-Street West
(Highway 50 and Count:; Road ~4)
7. ..Approval of plans and specficatonssfor=improvements in The Meadows
Third, Orchard Lake Second and Lak~3-'da'le Townhorr~es additions and
setting of a bid`takingdate.
8. Appointments to the planning Comma..s~~.on and Viable T.V. Board.
9. Resolutionsetting forth .terms o~'appointmentto the Cable T.V.
Board and attendance requirements.
10. Approval of the award of purchase of equY~is~ent for the fire department.
11. Any other business,
12. Adjourn.