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FEBRUARY 21, 1984
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge
of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council members Nelson, Sindt,
Enright, Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Keith Nelson, City
Engineer; James Robinette, Community Development Director; Patrick
McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk.
Staff announcements: The city attorney recommended that the council
adopt a resolution authorizing condemnation on some parcels of
property involved in the Trunk Highway 50/County Roads 64-15 intersec-
Lion improvement project where the city needs either temporary or
permanent easements to construct the improvement in. The mayor
indicated the matter would be .taken up under other business.
The city administrator advised the council that there would be no
liquor store change order to act on at the meeting and also recom-
mended .the council consider interviewing applicants for vacancies on
city advisory committees prior to the Clays Acres informational
meeting to be set by the council. The administrator also advised the
council that a special H.R.A. meeting had been called for February 22
at 6:30 p.m. at the city hall.
Council member Sindt removed the approval of the February 6th council
meeting minutes and the February 9th Cable Board minutes from the
consent agenda items, as they were not prepared for council considera-
84.74 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the amended
consent agenda.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
Enright, Harvey.
At this time Mr. Jack Welch, Consultant Planner for Mr. Duane
Dietrich, and Mr. Dietrich presented the preliminary plat and planned
unit development proposal for the Alpine Village development located
on the east side of Kenrick Avenue,. north of Forest Hills and south of
165th Street. It was pointed out that the development consists of 220
acres of land and two different sized lot areas for single family type
dwellings, 14 acres for multiple dwelling residential development, a
small area to be combined with other commercial property for an office
development area near Kenrick Avenue and 165th and a small convenience
commercial area near Kenrick Avenue. The proposal also includes: the
dedication to the city of approximately 12 acres for city park land
within the development.
• • •
February 21, 1984
The city council members reviewed the proposal and asked questions of
Mr. Welch and Mr. Dietrich concerning the style of homes, setbacks and
phasing of the development. Mr. Dietrich explained that the develop-
ment is expected to take three to five years to complete, assuming the
economy does not deteriorate.
84.75 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to approve the Alpine
Village preliminary plat and planned unit development conditional use
permit, subject to the developer entering into an agreement, and a
variance under the subdivision ordinance for the length of cul-de-
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright,
Nelson. Nays, Harvey.
Councilman Harvey voted nay due to his concern over the lot size and
house size being proposed.
84.76 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to table the rezoning
and comprehensive plan amendment for the Alpine Village until the
final plat comes before the city council for consideration and
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Sindt, Enright, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
84.77 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to set the deadline for
the filing of the final plat for the South Creek Addition development
as recommended by the community development director to June 1, 1984.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Harvey, Nelson,
Zaun, Sindt.
At this time Mr. Larry Thompson addressed the city council concerning
the interest expressed by Mr. James Peterson, and possibly others, for
planning out the development of the proposed race track for horse
racing in Lakeville on the property owned by Mr. Field and others.
Mr. Thompson stated that the ownership are the same owners as pres-
ently own the Renaissance Festival; and that if they were successful
in locating the horse race track in Lakeville, they would want to also
combine the Renaissance Festival on the Field property in the future.
Mr. Thompson indicated that there is less than a 50-50 chance they
would be able to meet all of the application requirements of the State
Racing Commission in the limited amount of time left between now and
the filing deadline of March 1, 1984. Mr. Thompson asked the city
council for a vote of confirmation of the Field proposal in the event
the developer could meet the application requirements and file the
application with the State Racing Commission.
84.78 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to approve, once again,
the concept for the horse race track in Lakeville on the so-called
Field site for the new developer.
• • •
February 21, 1984
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
84.79 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to set a special
council meeting for the purpose of having an informational meeting
with the property owners in the Clay's Acres area on the storm
drainage problems and possible solutions for March 22, 1984, at 7:30
p.m. at the JFK Elementary School commons area.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
Enright. Nays, none. Harvey abstained, as he lives in the area.
84.80 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to approve the survey
prepared by the city administrator on the ice arena proposal with one
change as recommended by Council member Enright and authorize the
staff to send the survey out.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
Enright, Harvey.
84.81 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to direct the city
administrator to arrange a meeting with the appropriate postal service
officials on the proposed relocation plans for the Lakeville Post
Office and express to the officials the council's concern over the
off-street parking at the Gephart site, the concern being for drive-up
mailbox locations as they affect the parking and street patterns.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright,
Harvey, Nelson.
84.82 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to approve the salary
schedule for officials in the volunteer fire department effective
February 1, 1984, as recommended by the fire chief.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
84.83 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the appoint-
ment of Andy Jaeger and Steve Schultz as first and second assistant
chiefs in the Lakeville Fire Department.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Harvey, Nelson,
Zaun, Sindt.
84.84 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to review the proposed
cooperation agreement with Dakota County for improvement to Cedar
Avenue south of Trunk Highway 50 to the city limit and call a public
hearing on the proposed improvement for the April 2, 1984, council
meeting at 8:00 p.m.
i • •
February 21, 1984
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
84.85 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the coopera-
tive agreement with Dakota County for improvements to the intersection
of Trunk Highway 50 and County Roads 15 and 64 and authorize the mayor
and clerk to execute it.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
Enright, Harvey.
84.86 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the bingo
license for the Orchard Lake Sportsmans Club and waive the bond
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright,
Harvey, Nelson.
At this time the city administrator discussed with the council the
need to enter into a new lease with the new owners of the Gephart
building for the motor vehicle licenses office and advised the council
that the lease had not been prepared by the landlord in time for the
council meeting, as was indicated on the council agenda.
84.87 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to table consideration of
the lease with Peoples Savings and Loan Association for the motor
vehicle licenses office until the March 5, 1984, council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
84.88 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No.
84-18 to authorize and approve condemnation on parcels of property
necessary for either permanent or temporary easements to construct the
Trunk Highway 50 and County Roads 64 and 15 highway improvements.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Harvey, Nelson,
Zaun, Sindt.
84.89 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve a cooperative
.agreement with Dakota County and the City of Apple Valley for the
installation of traffic signals at the intersection of County Roads 23
and 46 and authorize the mayor and clerk to execute it.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
84.90 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Harvey to approve an easement
with Patrick Wren for utility purposes on the south side of his
property located on the west side of Iberia Avenue and authorize the
payment of $1,800 for the easement as per recommendation of the city
attorney and staff.
' • • •
February 21, 1984
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
Enright, Harvey.
At this time the city administrator advised the council that the
public hearing previously set by the council on February 6th for
improvements extending water and sanitary sewer lines along County
Road 64 and Kenrick Avenue to County Road 70 needed to be reset due to
notices not. being prepared in time to meet the March 5th previously
set public hearing date.
84.91 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No.
84-19 calling a public hearing on the proposed extension of water and
sanitary sewer lines along County Road 64 to Kenrick Avenue and south
on Kenrick Avenue to County Road 70 for the March 19, 1984, council
meeting in the council chambers.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright,
Harvey, Nelson.
84.92 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to adjourn the council
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
Time; 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, '
Patrick E. McGarvey, City C1
Dua a Zaun, Mayo
• • •
FEBRUARY 21, 1984
7:00 P.M.
Call to order.
Flag pledge.
1. Roll call.
2. Staff announcements
A. Attorney
B. Engineer
C. Administrator
3. Citizen comments.
4. Consent agenda.
a. Approval of the minutes of the February 6, 1984 council
b. Approval of the claims for payment.
c. Receive the minutes of the following advisory committees.
Planning Commission, February 2, 1984
Natural Resources Committee, February 7, 1984
Cable T.V. Board, February 9, 1984
d. Approval of the agreement with Dakota County for the Minnesota
Emergency Employment Development Act.
5. Application of Duane Dietrich for a preliminary plat-conditional
use permit, planned unit development, rezoning and variances, and a
comprehensive plan amendment to include the plat in the 1990 urban
service area, for a development identified as Alpine Village
located to the east of Connelly Mobile Home Park.
6. Extension of the final plat deadline for the South Creek Addition.
7. Presentation from staff and consultant-developer on the revised
Lakeville horse race track proposal on the west side of I-35, south
of 195th Street and north of County Road 64.
8. Set a special council meeting for the purpose of an informational
meeting with residents in the Clay's acres area on the storm
drainage problems and solutions.
Y ~ • •
9. Authorize staff to mail out a survey of registered voters on an ice
arena proposal.
10. Comments on the proposed re-location of the Lakeville Post Office
into the northeast corner of the Gephart building.
11. Approval of the salary schedule for officers in the fire department
for February 1, 1984, to January 31, 1985.
12. Approval of the appointment of Andy Jaeger as First Assistant Chief
and Steve Schultz as Second Assistant Chief in the Fire Department.
13. Approval of the joint powers cooperative agreement with Dakota
County for the Cedar Avenue road improvement project from Highway
50 south to the city limit, and set a public improvement hearing.
14. Approval of the joint powers cooperative agreement with Dakota
County on the County Roads 15 and 64, T.H. 50 intersection project.
15. Application of the Orchard Lake Sportsmans Club for a bingo
16. Approve lease for Motor Vehicle Offices with Peoples Savings & Loan
17. Any other business..
18. Adjourn.