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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
NovEMBER 4, 2004
The November 4, 2004 Planning Commission meeting was called'to order by Chair
Stolte in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
.Flag pledge and roll call of members:
Present: Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Blee, Ex-officio Arvidson.
Absent: Drotning.
Staff Present: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Allyn Kuennen, Associate
Planner; Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Andrea Poehler, City Attorney; and
Penny Brevig, .Recording Secretary.
The October 21, 2004 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
The .October ` 21, 2004 Planning Commission work session notes were approved as
Associate Planner Frank Dem se indicated the followin items were distributed to
p Y g
the Planning Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting:...
1. November 3, 2004. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources.
Committee Meeting. Motions regarding the Zweber Farm Tenth
Addition preliminary and final plat.
Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the application of Curtis
Savstrom for a.Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the construction of an
addition to a house with anon-conforming setback within the Shoreland Overlay
District of Lake Marion, located at 9926 - 199 Street. Assistant City Attorney
Poehler attested that the. legal. notice had been duly published in accordance with
State Statutes and City Code.
Curtis and Nancy Savstrom were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any
questions that the Planning -Commission or public may have. Mr. Savstrom
presented an overview of the project. He stated that his neighbors, Thomas and
Patricia. Rasmussen, had concerns about the existing oak tree located on the
property line .west o£ the proposed building addition. Mr. Savstrom indicated that
he understood their concern and would do everything possible to protect the tree.
Planning Commission Meeting
November 4, 2004
Page 2
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Curtis Savstrom is proposing. to construct an addition onto the. rear of
his existing .house and to reconstruct the roof of the house, which is currently a
gable roof with the .gable ends facing east and west. He indicated that the new
gable roof will have gable ends facing north and south. Mr. Dempsey stated that
the proposed new addition will meet the required 10-foot side yard setback, with
the exception of the two small triangular areas that will be filled in when the new
gable ends are constructed. He indicated that the areas above the old gable ends
will be constructed at the existing 9.3-foot setback to the west property line. Mr.
Dempsey stated that the addition will meet the 75-foot setback to the Lake Marion
Ordinary High Water Level.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the addition will replace the existing deck on the south
side of the house. He indicated that a new paver-brick patio will be constructed
outside the lower level walkout. The site will meet the maximum 25% impervious
surface area. Shoreland Overlay District requirement following the proposed
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit Amendment, Planning Department
staff recommends approval subject to the 4 stipulations listed in the October 29,
2004 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated November 4, 2004.
Chair :Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Patricia Rasmussen, 9930199tH Way
Ms. Rasmussen
s concerns/questions were:
Would like a stipulation added that an inspector be on site to be sure the
oak tree is protected during excavation.
? Thought any addition had to stay Within the original footprint of the house.
? Run off from the new drip line of the house may affect her property.
? Whose liability is the oak tree if it dies?
04.130 Motion by Detjen, Second by Swecker to close the public hearing at 6:15 p.m.
Ayes: Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Blee.
Nays: 0
Chair. Stolte explained the process for adding onto non-conforming structures and
the building setback requirements.:
Planning Conunission Meeting
November 4, 2004
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Mr. Dempsey indicated that based on the proposed survey, the roof will not shift
water onto the neighboring property. Mr. Savstrom stated that he will be putting
gutters on that side of the house.
Mr. Dempsey recommended the following stipulation be added to address the
concern regarding the oak tree:
5. The property owner and contractor shall take measures to minimize
impact to .the existing oak ..tree on the property line west of the=
proposed building addition. The property owner or contractor shall
contact the City's .Environmental Resources Coordinator prior to
beginning excavation for the house addition so that the
Environmental Resources Coordinator can oversee excavation and
tree preservation measures. The: property owner. and contractor shall°
follow the tree preservation .measures recommended by the
Environmental Resources Coordinator.
04.131 Motion by Swecker, Second by Blee to recommend to City Council approval of a
Conditional Use: Permit Amendment to allow the construction of an addition to a
house with anon-conforming setback within the Shoreland Overlay District of Lake
Marion, located at 9926 - 199 Street, subject to the 4 stipulations listed in the
October 29, 2004 planning report, along with the addition of Stipulation 5, .and
approval of the Findings of Fact dated November 4, 2004.
Ayes:.. Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Blee, Reuvers.
Nays: 0
Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the application. of Motoprimo
Motorsports for a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor display for Motoprimo,
located at 16640 Kenrick Avenue. Assistant City. Attorney Poehler attested that the
legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City
Garry Kieves of Motoprimo Motorsports and Greg Dalbec from Ryan Companies
were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the Planning
Commission or public may have. Mr. Kieves and Mr. Dalbec presented an
overview of the project.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Motoprimo Motorsports, LLC has applied for a conditional use permit
Planning Commission Meeting
November 4, 2004
Page 4
to allow outdoor sales. and display area at the front of their proposed building to be
constructed in the northeast corner of 167 Street and Kenrick Avenue.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the total proposed area.. for outdoor sales and :display
meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and will not be visible from the
adjacent residential neighborhood. He indicated that the outdoor sales and display
area will be paved with concrete and. will not take up space required for parking.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the City Council, at the time of preliminary and final
plat approval, had some concern regarding the grass area .where the .future
expansion is proposed, and wanted to restrict motorized. vehicles from parking or
test-driving in thaf area. Mr. Dempsey recommended the following stipulation be
5. Test-driving or parking of motorized recreation vehicles or.
automobiles shall not be permitted on the grass area identified for
future building .expansion.
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council.. approval of the Conditional Use .Permit, Planning Department. staff
recommends approval subject to the 4 stipulations listed in the October 29, 2004
planning. report,. along with the addition of Stipulation 5, and approval of the
Findings of Fact dated October 21, 2004.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were rco comments from the audience.
04.132 Motion by Pattee, Second by Reuvers to close the public hearing at 6:25 p.m.
Ayes: Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Blee, Reuvers, Pattee.
Nays: 0
The Planning Commission and the applicant agreed with the addition of
Stipulation 5.
04.133 Motion by Detjen, .Second by Pattee to recommend to City Council approval of a
Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor display for Motoprimo, located at 16640
Kenrick .Avenue, subject to the 4 stipulations listed in the October 29, 2004 planning.
report, .along with-the addition of Stipulation 5, and approval of the Findings of
Fact dated November 4, 2004.
Ayes: Stolte, Detjen, Grenz,. Blee, Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker.:
Nays: 0
Planning Commission Meeting
November 4, 2004
Page 5
Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the application of D. R. Horton,
Inc. for a Preliminary and Final Plat of two (2) single-family lots to be known as
Zweber Farm Tenth Addition, located west of Highview. Avenue and north of
Hollybrook Trail. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had
been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Mike Suel of D. R. Horton Homes was in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer
any questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Suel
presented an overview of the :project. He indicated that he agrees with- everything
in the planning report except Stipulation number 3, letter c, which states,. "Increase
the berm: to be a minimum of 4 feet in height." Mr. Suel stated that b. R Horton
Homes will be happy to install more landscaping adjacent to Highview Avenue,
but they don't want to remove the existing trees to install a berm.
Associate Planner Allyn Kuennen presented the planning report. Mr. Kuennen
stated that D. R. Horton has submitted a preliminary and final plat application for
the development of Zweber. Farm .Tenth Addition, which. is zoned. RS-2, Single
Family Residential District and includes two single-family lots. He indicated that
access to both lots will be from 176 Street.
Mr. Kuennen stated that Zweber Farm Tenth Addition was previously platted as
Outlot A, Zweber Farm Fourth Addition. He indicated that a small temporary
stormwater treatment basin was constructed on this outlot #o treat stormwater
runoff until a permanent stormwater treatment basin could be built downstream of
the development.
Mr. Kuennen stated that on July 6, 2004 the City Council approved the Pine Grove
final. plat located down stream of Zweber Farm Tenth Addition on the east side of
Highview Avenue. He indicated that the construction of regional storm water
ponding in the Pine Grove development has the necessary capacity to allow the
temporary stormwater basin within Outlot A, Zweber Farm Fourth Addition to be
filled in and developed into the two proposed single-family lots.
Mr. Kuennen stated that Zweber Farm Tenth Addition meets the minimum lot
requirements for the RS-2 District.
Mr. Kuennen described. the existing berming and landscaping along Highview
Avenue, which was installed prior to the adoption of the current Zoning Ordinance
requirements for buffer yard screening. He identified the modifications being
proposed to increase the landscaping, but maintain consistency with the previously
developed additions of Zweber Farm.
Planning Commission Meeting
November 4, 2004
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1VIr. Kuennen stated that should the Planning Commission .recommend to .the City
Council approval of the Zweber Farm Tenth Addition preliminary and final plat,
Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 5 stipulations listed
in the October 28, 2004 planning report.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Andy. Schindler, 8610176th Street West
Mr. Schindler asked what the timing would be for construction and why are only
two homes being proposed when there are three lots available to be built on.
04.134. Motion by Detjen, Second by Bleu#o close the public hearing at 6:32 p.m.
Ayes; Detjen, Grenz, Blee, Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte.
Nays:: 0
Mr. Suel indicated that there will be three houses built. Lot 1, Block 2 was platted
with Zweber. Farm Fourth Addition, but a house has not been built on that lot yet.
Mr. Suel stated that they were hoping to start building the two houses this fall.
They need to install the storm water pipe under Highview Avenue :first. Mr.
Rubash explained why the temporary basin was installed and that removing it
should not have any affect on the previous additions of Zweber Farm.
Commissioner Swecker stated that she was fine with removal of Stipulation 3c as
long as the developer works with the City to develop good screening.
Commissioner. Reuvers stated that the trees that are currently adjacent to Highview
..Avenue look bad, but the new landscaping that will be added should be consistent
with the`Zoning Ordinance. He stated that he has talked with many residents that
live in Zweber Farm and feel that D. R. Horton has been unresponsive to their
issues. He does not think that Zweber Farm Tenth Addition should move forward
until the storm water pond is fully completed in the Pine Grove Addition.
Mr. Suel stated that if the residents of Zweber Farm feel that D. R. Horton has been.
unresponsive to drainage concerns, .they should. call Jay Rubash, Assistant 'City
Engineer.. He can inspect the situation to determine if D. R. Horton is responsible.
Mr. Suel also stated that the storm water pipe will be installed to the Pine Grove
Addition storm water basin before they grade the site.
04.135 Motion by Blee, Second by Swecker to recommend to City Council approval of he
Zweber Farm Tenth Addition Preliminary and Final Plat, located west of Highview
Planning Commission Meeting
November 4, 2004
Avenue and north of Hollybrook Trail, subject to the 5 stipulations. listed in the
October 28, 2004 planning report, as amended.
Ayes:. Grenz, Blee, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen.
Nays: Reuvers. Commissioner Reuvers feels that the current residents' drainage
issues should be resolved, along with full completion of the regional stormwater
basin in Pine Grove, prior to approval of Zweber Farm Tenth Addition.
Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the application of the City of
Lakeville. for. a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the construction of a
City of Lakeville Elevated Water Tower adjacent to the Central Maintenance
Facility in the RM-1, Medium Density Residential District, located south of Dodd
Boulevard and west of Cedar Avenue. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested
that the legal notice had been duly published.. in accordance with State Statutes and
City Code.
Associate Planner Allyn Kuennen presented the planning .report. Mr. Kuennen
stated that on August 16,.2004. the City Council approved a conditional use permit
to allow the .Central Maintenance Facility to be constructed on City owned property
located at 7570 179th Street within the RM-1, Medium Density Residential District.
He indicated that the elevated .water tank is proposed to be constructed on
approximately one acre of land on the north side of the future 179th Street.
Mr. Kuennen stated that the elevated water tank is proposed to be constructed at
the center of the site with a parking and access. driveway around the base of the
tank. He indicated that the temporary access to the site will be from a driveway
placed directly across from the employee driveway for the Central Maintenance
Facility until 179th Street is upgraded or when the area to the west is developed..
Mr. Kuennen indicated that the entire perimeter of the elevated water tower site
will be enclosed with an 8-foot tall black vinyl coated chain link fence. with a gate
for access.
Mr, Kuennen stated that the proposed water tower meets the Zoning Ordinance
requirements and is consistent with the .previously approved conditional use
permit for the Central Maintenance Facility. He indicated that the proposed use is
compatible with the existing and proposed land uses in the area and conforms to all
the performance standards as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Kuennen stated .that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit Amendment, Planning Department
Planning Commission Meeting
November 4, 2004
Page 8
staff recommends approval as presented, and approval of the Findings of Fact
dated November 4, 2004.
Mr. Rubash stated that the proposed water tower will have a 1.5 million gallon
capacity and will be 125 feet high. The tank will be painted blue and will possibly
include the City's logo on the exterior face. He indicated that the specifications will
include a base bid for an all steel base and tank similar to the Fairfield Business
Campus water tower, and an alternate bid for a composite structure. The
composite structure will have a steel tank on top of a concrete base.. Mr. Rubash
stated that the final type of elevated water tank will be determined pending the
results of a cost/benefit analysis of the submitted bids.
Mr. Rubash stated that the interior of the base will include an area for storage and
the placement of the mechanical equipment for the operation of the water tower.
The base will also include a mezzanine area that may be used for lease space for
electrical transmitters .and a future generator to provide emergency power for the
Mr. Rubash stated that this water tower would be replacing the current Valley Park
standpipe located between the Georgetown Way and Gerdine Court cul-de-sacs
east of Cedar Avenue.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
04.136 Motion by Swecker, Second by Reuvers to close the public hearing at 6:55 p.m.
Ayes: Blee, Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz.
Nays: 0
Commissioner Swecker asked Mr. Rubash to explain the difference between the
two different types of water towers proposed. She also asked when the water
tower in Valley Park would be removed. Mr. Rubash summarized the difference
between an all steel water tower, and a concrete pillar and steel bowl composite
water tower. He also indicated that the Valley Park standpipe would not be
removed until the leases with the cellular telephone companies with radio
transmitters located on the tower were re-negotiated.
04.137 Motion. by Detjen, Second by Pattee to recommend to City Council. approval of a
Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the construction of a City of Lakeville
Elevated Water Tower adjacent to the Central Maintenance Facility in the RM-1,
Medium Density Residential District, located south of Dodd Boulevard and west of
Planning Commission Meeting
November 4, 2004
Page 9
Cedar Avenue as presented, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated November
4, 2004.
Ayes: Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Blee.
Nays:. 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny ig, Recording cretary
Lowell Miller Stolte, Chair