HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-04 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes DECEMBER 16, 2004 The December 16, 2004 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Stolte in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: Present: Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Ex-officio Arvidson. Absent: None. Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF 1VIEETING 1VIINUTES: The November 18, 2004 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. The November 18, 2004 Planning Commission Work Session notes were approved as presented. ITEM 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Morey indicated the following items were distributed to the Planning Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting: 1. Copy of the Brandtjen Farm article published in the Sunday, December 12, 2004 edition of the Pioneer Press. 2. Draft of the December 15, 2004 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee minutes regarding Brandtjen Farm. ITEM 5. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider an Ordinance amending Title 11- 57-5 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Lakeville City Code concerning fences as a permitted accessory use in the RST-2, Single and Two-Family Residential District. City Attorney Knutson attested that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes. and City Code. Mr. Morey stated that the Planning Commission had a work session on November 18, 2004 to discuss fences for detached townhouse properties preliminary platted within the RST-2 District prior to April 5, 2004. This was in response to a request • from a resident of the Wild Meadow Villas development seeking approval of a fence`permit for his property. Planning Commission Meeting December 16, 2004 Page 2 • Mr. Morey indicated that the RST 2 District was established on July 17, 2000 for the purpose of allowing detached townhomes, which was a new housing product. He stated that the expectation and .intent of the Zoning Ordinance was that this land use would function much like a traditional townhouse development, with accessory use of yard space restricted to commonly maintained elements. However, initial detached townhome developments were proposed and approved with individual unit lots at least 7,500 square feet in area and 60 feet wide consistent with then applicable RST-2 District standards. Mr. Morey stated that this arrangement creates the perception within these neighborhoods of individual yards and potential accessory uses that would be allowed for a traditional single- :family lot. This perception is not consistent with the intent of the RST-2 District to allow detached townhome developments with homeowner association maintenance of common yard space and other elements. Mr. Morey stated that to address this issue, the .Zoning Ordinance update completed in April, 2004 amended the RST-2 District to require that all detached townhomes be platted in a unit and base lot configuration.. He indicated .that the ` owner of each .dwelling unit has individual ownership only of the parcel • approximately under the structure. The balance of the property is platted as a separate lot or an outlot and held in common by a homeowners association. He also indicated that the language was updated to specifically limit allowed accessory uses only to #hose structures or facilities owned by a homeowners association. Mr. Morey stated that at the November M~ Planning Commission work session, the Planning Commission agreed to allow fences on RST-2 District lots of record established prior to Apri15, 2004 provided the fences are made of maintenance free materials since homeowners association maintenance of the fence .could not be guaranteed by the covenants established with these initial detached townhouse developments. Mr. Morey stated that the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for their consideration. Mr. Morey stated that Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendment, as presented. Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. • Planning Commission Meeting December 16, 2004 Page 3 • 04.140 Motion by Detjen, Second by Pattee to close the public hearing at 6:05 p.m. Ayes: Reuvers, Pattee, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning. Nays: 0 Commissioner Swecker asked what other developments this affects and .approximately how many units. Mr. Morey stated #hat Wild Meadow Villas, Streefland Addition, Dodd Marsh Highlands, and Oaks of Lake Villa are. the detached townhouse developments platted between July 17, 2000 and April 5, 2004 totaling approximately 300 units. 04.141 Motion by Drotning, Second by Swecker to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance amending Title 11-57-5 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Lakeville City Code concerning fences as a permitted accessory use in the 1ZST-2, Single and Two-Family Residential District, as presented. Ayes: Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Reuvers, Pattee. Nays: 0 ITEM 7. .STAFF NOTICES • Mr. Morey stated that the next regular Planning Commission meeting will be January 6, 2004 and>we will have election of officers at that time. There will also be a work session after the Planning Commission meeting to finalize the Planning Commission's recommendation on :the Brandtjen Farm design elements for presentation to the City Council. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Penny B g, Recording etary ATTEST: owell Miller Stolte, Chair • Meeting -Notes S Planning Commission Work Session Thursday, Qecember 1:6, 2004 Marion Conference Room The Planning Commission work session commenced. at 6:20 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room at City Hall. Commissioners Present: Lowell Miller Stolte, Dale Detjen, Karl Drotning, :Gerry Grenz, Steve'Pattee, Paul Reuvers, Kerrin Swecker, and ex-officio .John Arvidson. Staff Present: Planning Director Uaryl Morey, Planning Consultant Daniel Licht of NAC, and Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash. Also Present: ;Tip Enebak, Rob Wachholz and Marc Putnam representing Tradition Development, and Bob Shaw with the St. Paul Pioneer 'Press. The Tradition Development representatives .presented their workshop booklet on .parks, open space and trails related to the proposed Brandtjen Farm PUD, The. following issues were discussed: • The City'will need .public drainage easements.. over the HOA/privately .owned ponds that treat storm water from .public areas (i.e. City streets). The City would not want ownership of these ,ponds due to the fiact that' he developer !is :proposing to install fountains and other water recycling features that may need regular .maintenance. The maintenance of these features should be handled by the Master HOA. • The City .will need access easements oven the HOA/privately owned trails and open spaces intended to be ipublicly accessible to ensure that this condition is maintained in the future. • Mr. Wachholz stated there would be a .Master Association and separate sub-associations in Brandtjen farm, similar to their Glub West ;project in Blaine. He stated that the Master Association would be a separate legal entity from the sub-associations. He also stated that an experienced :professional management company would be incorporated into the Brandtjen Farm .project to oversee the maintenance of the'HOA elements. He stated that the amenities will be .provided by Tradition Development to the HOAs as an unencumbered asset, as such, the HOAs will. not have to pay Tradition Development back for the cost of providing the amenities. Planning Commission Work Session Brandtjen Farm. December 16, 2004 • The Planning Commission stressed that well funded reserves must be a key component of the HOAs. • The Planning Commission discussed allowable .uses for the Farmstead Preservation area given likely development in the area over time. Mr. Enebak stated that the Farmstead Preservation/Event Area could initially include a horse track for special events, however, this area will likely evolve over time. Mr. Morey stated that an update on the Brandtjen Farm project is scheduled for a City Council work session on January 10, 2005. He stated that he would like to .provide he City Council with a summary of the Planning Commission' agreed upon design elements from the five work. sessions held this summer and fall He stated that staff would .provide the Planning'Commission with this information for review at a short work session on January 6, 2005. The work session was adjourned at 8;05 'p.m. Respectfully submitted,. ;Daryl rey, Pla Wing Director 2