HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-85 i ?4 ~ ' ~ S CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1985 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Council members Nelson, Sindt, Enright, and Mayor Zaun. Absent: Councilman Harvey. Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Keith Nelson, City Engineer; James Robinette, Community Development Director; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk. Staff announcements: There were none. Citizen comments: Mr. Robert Foster of 9925 - 185th Street read a list of questions concerning how his neighbor's property was being used and whether or not it was legal under the zoning ordinance and other city ordinances. Mr. Foster was referred to the city staff for them to check out the nature of_his complaints and whether or not violation of the ordinances are occurring. Council member Sindt moved to add items 13a, b, d, a and f to the consent agenda from the Other Business agenda. 85.489 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve. the consent agenda as amended. (Council Consent Agenda attached hereto is incorporated by reference and specifically. made a part hereof.) Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. 85.490 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to approve the license agreement with ASCAP for 1986 at the rate. of $289 per. year and authorize the mayor and clerk to execute it. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. At this time, Dr. John DuBois presented his report concerning the further development and. rental of antenna space on the top of the Dakota Heights water tower as a revenue producing venture of the city to private radio operators. Mr. Du Bois presented_an outline of improvements the City would need to invest in the property in order to position itself to rent the facility to private operators and eventually make a profit from it. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1985 85.491 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to approve the report and establish the budget as recommended by Dr. DuBois from the general fund of the city and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of the building and house the radio equipment at the base of the tower, with a further stipulation that expenses of the improvements will come from the general fund and all rental fees obtained by the city from private operators will be placed into the general fund to reimburse the city for its expenses and eventually to build funds for other city building projects. Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Zaun. At this time the city administrator updated the city council on the result of meetings conducted between citizen groups from. the Queen Anne and Connelly Mobile Home Parks and himself concerning whether or not one or both parks wish ao stay. in the I-35_redevelopment project number two area. It was pointed out that the next meeting has been set for December 3rd, when additional answers to questions presented by the group at the November 12th meeting will be discussed. The administrator and citizens .present requested the council to continue this matter until the December 16th council agenda. 85.492 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to table the matter to the December 16, 1985, council meting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson., Zaun, Sindt. 85.493 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Enright to approve the planned unit development conditional. use .permit for Bernco, Inc. as recom- mended by the planning commission and. consultant. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. 85.494 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No. 85-112 vacating the utility easement as shown on outlot B of McStop 1st Addition due to the fact that the property has been replatted into the McStop. 2nd .Addition,. and new easements have been provided in the second addition plat. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. 2 . - • • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1985 The city administrator recommended that the council adopt a motion authorizing and directing the .staff to contact.. the Minnesota Depart- ment of Transportation in an effort to get all of the street lights turned on that service the I-35/County. Road 70 interchange that are under the jurisdiction of M/DOT and to direct the staff to look into the installation of additional city street lights on city streets in the vicinity of .the interchange and McStop addition due to the anticipated. increase in_traffic volume. 85.495 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to authorize and direct the city staff to_contact the Minnesota Department of Transportation in an effort to get all of the street lights turned on under their jurisdiction at the I-35/County Road 70 interchange and to have the appropriate utility companies prepare the street lighting plan on the city streets in .the vicinity of this interchange. and development to improve traffic safety .and visibility in the area. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Zaun. At this time Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on the issuance of up to $15,000,000 of housing revenue bonds for the SouthFork Village apartment complex. The city clerk attested to the legal notice. Mr. Steve Schumeister, an a torney for the developer, briefly presented the project to the council. There was no one else present wishing to speak. 85.496 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt. 85.497 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to adopt the housing program and Resolution No. 85-113 approving the $15,000,000 housing revenue bond .issue. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. 85.498 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to approve the amendment to the development contract with the developer .for the SouthFork Village apartment project to allow the grading of the site to .start during the course of the winter. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. 3 v • i CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1985 At this time Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on the proposed issuance of up to $3.5 million of industrial development revenue bonds for the Mills Fleet Farm store, The city clerk attested to the legal notice. Mr. Tom Green, representing Mills Fleet Farm, was present and gave a brief report on the proposed financing for the project. There was no one else present wishing to speak on the project. 85.499 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Zaun. 85.500 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No. 85-114 approving the issuance. of the $3.5 million of industrial development revenue bonds for the project. Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes,. Enright, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt. At this time the city staff presented the. proposed 1986 utility fund budget to the council and recommendations on steps .that should be taken to identify inflow and infiltration problems of the city sanitary sewer system resulting in a very high quantity of sewer billings for the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission to the City. It was pointed out .that in addition to the I & I_anticipated problem, there may be some discrepancy in the metering from the MWCC to the City and there may be significant I & I problems in the .metro .interceptors, especially in northeast Lakeville. 85.501 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to adopt the 1986 utility fund budget by adopting Resolution No. 85-115. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. 85.502 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No. 85-116 establishing the utility user rates .and policy for 1986. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. 85.503 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to authorize Consulting Engineers Diversified to update their inflow and infiltration study on the City sanitary sewer .system and the metropolitan system within the City of Lakeville to identify .problems and present_recommenda- tions for correcting them that will result in .less flow due to I & I. 4 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1985 Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Zaun. 85.504 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve Change Order No. 1 to Crossings, Inc. on project 85-9 for the .purpose of conduct- ing a pedestrian path from Dodd Road to County Road 64 within the easement obtained by the City. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt. 85.505 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to approve a release agreement on the Rolling Oaks plats, as recommended by the city attorney, and authorize the mayor and clerk to execute it. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt, Enright. At this time the city council took up discussion on the potential for joint use of the city property at the northwest corner of 202nd Street and Holyoke Avenue for a combined school administration and future city hall site that would .facilitate the joint use of a public meeting room and entryway for each jurisdiction. 85.506 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to authorize the city administrator to advise the. superintendent of Lakeville School District No. 194 that. the City is prepared to make a portion of the city site at the northwest corner of 202nd Street and Holyoke Avenue available to .School District No. 194 at a cost of $1.00 per year forever, and that the city is willing to share the cost for prepara- tion of a conceptual site plan and building plan now with the school district, plus the city would be willing to pay a portion of the yearly maintenance costs for the .public meeting room once it is built. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Enright, Nelson. 85.507 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to authorize the city staff to send statements to our congressional representatives concerning the proposed federal tax bill in congress. Roll call was .taken on the motion... Ayes, Sindt, Enright, Nelson, Zaun. 85.508 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to adjourn the council meeting. 5 . ~r , J CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1985 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt. Time: 9:10 p. m. Respectfu ly s witted, Patrick E. McGarve , City Cle Du ne Zaun, M o 6 s • CITY OF LAKEVILLE AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1985 7:00 P.M. Call to order. Flag pledge. 1. Roll call. 2. Staff announcements A. Attorney B. Engineer C. Administrator 3. Citizen comments. 4. Consent agenda. a. Approval of the minutes of the November 4, 1985, council meeting. b. Approval of the minutes of the November 6, 1985, special council meeting. c. Approval of the claims for payment. d. Approval of the minutes of the following advisory committees. Planning Commission, November 7, 1985 Park & Recreation Committee, November 6, 1985 Cable T.V. Board, November 12, 1985 e. Approval of an ASCAP license for the liquor store. f. Approval of a snow removal agreement with M/DOT for 1985-86 snow removal on Trunk Highway 50. g. Approval of a special assessment agreement with Ross Nelson and Michael Thurston for sewer and water connection charges in McStop 2nd Addition. 5. Receive report from Dr. John DuBois for construction of a radio system building. a. Approval of the report. 6. Motion to reconsider, or table to a future meeting, the removal of either Queen Anne or Connelly Mobile Home Park sites from the I-35 rede- velopment project number two. ~ • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA NUVEMBER 18, 1985 7. Application of Berneo, Inc. for a planned unit development conditional use permit to allow expansion, creating more than one building on a single parcel of land, at 11356-215th Street West. 8. Application of McDonald's Corporation for vacating drainage and utility easements on Uutlot B, McStop 1st Addition, as shown on the McStop 2nd Addition plat, in the vicinity of I-35 and County Road. 70. 9. Public hearing on the application of SouthFork Village Limited Partner- ship for the issuance of $15,000,000 of housing revenue bonds for the SouthFork Village apartment complex at the south side of Highway 50, next to the SouthFork Shopping Center. a. Resolution approving the bond program. 10. Public hearing on the application of Mills Properties, Inc. for the issuance of $3,500,000 of industrial development revenue bonds for the Mills Fleet Farm store on the east side of Kenrick Avenue between Connelly Mobile Home Park and the Friendship Inn. a. Resolution approving the bond program. 11. Receive the utility fund budget for 1986 and recommendations from staff. a. Resolution adopting the 1986 utility fund budget. b. Resolution adopting the water and sanitary sewer user rates effec- tive 1986. 12. Approval of change order number one with Crossings, Inc. on improvement project 85-9, for construction of a pedestrian path from Dodd Boulevard to County Road 64 near Antlers Park. 13. Any other business. 14. Adjourn. 2 . CITY COUNCIL AGENDA November 18, 1985 OTHER BUSINESS ITEMS a. Receive bids and authorize the sale of used city equipment b. Approval of easement agreements on the Friedges property for the Lake Marion Outlet Control project. c. Approval of partial release of development contract on the Rolling Oaks plats. d. Authorize taking of proposals for the rental of the former St. Paul Company farm land purchased by the city. e. Approve the third quarter report from the Fire Department. f. Approval of payment to Leonard Bentson in the amount of $114.00.