HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-25-04-04 City of Lakeville Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes May 25, 2004 Marion Conference Room, City Hall Members Present: Comms. Brantly, Emond, Gehrke, Matasosky, Pogatchnik, Schubert, Tushie, Ex-Officio member City Administrator Robert Erickson Members Absent: Comms. J. Erickson, Miller,. Smith, Ex-Officio .member Todd Bornhauser -Executive Director -Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce Others Present: Pat Regan, Airlake Development, Inc., Staff 'present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Amanda Schwabe, Economic Development Coordinator 1. Call Meeting to Order. Chair Matasosky called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room of City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota. • 2. Approve Apri127, 2004 Meeting Minutes Motion 04.08 Comms. EmondfSchubert moved to approve the minutes of the April 27, 2004 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Review and discussion of proposed outline and schedule for preparation of 2005-2007 Strategic Plan for Economic Development Due to the time consuming nature of agenda item 3, Mr. Regan's presentation. to City Administrator Robert Erickson was moved to the beginning of the meeting. 4. Presentations to retiring City Administrator Robert Erickson Pat Regan, a partner in Airlake Development, Inc., which owns a majority of the available land in the Airlake Industrial Park, was in attendance to present a plaque that included aerial photos of the Airlake Industrial Park from approximately 1.989 when Bob started as City Administrator and a current aerial photo as of 2004. Mr. Regan stated that he appreciates the opportunity to thank Bob and that it has been a pleasure. for Airlake Development, Lnc. to work with the City of Lakeville. City Administrator Erickson thanked. Mr. Regan for his commitment to the City of Lakeville. • Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes May 25,2004 • Chair Matasosky then presented a gift on behalf of the EDC to Bob and his wife Shelley for all of the guidance he has given to the EDC. Chair Matasosky stated that a number of tangible and intangible items were accomplished during City Administrator Erickson's .time with the City of Lakeville. City Administrator Erickson thanked the Charter members of the EDC and other current members for their dedication, hard work and great memories. He continued to say that his replacement, Steve Mielke who is currently the City Manager of the City of Hopkins, was. hired at the May 24th City Council meeting and will .begin working with the City of Lakeville June 21St: Comms. Pogatchnik stated that City Administrator Erickson would be leaving big shoes to fill. City Administrator Erickson shared with EDC members that one of the highlights of his time here, as City Administrator was when high standards for constructing buildings were developed and implemented. He stated that the buildings constructed in the Airlake Industrial Park in the last five years are exemplary. 3. Review and discussion. of proposed outline and schedule for preparation of 2005-2007 Strategic Plan for Economic Development Mr. Olson informed EDC members that the planning process is anticipated to begin in August, however it has been determined that the discussion and planning for this project and the process should begin now. He continued to say that staff attempted to put together an outline of a process very similar to the one that was .utilized in the preparation of the current three-year. plan. ldeally, staff envisioned having enough time to complete the Strategic Planning process by December and present the 2005-2007 .Strategic Plan for Economic Development to the City Council for approval in January. He stated that in August the EDC would review the previous plan with the Mayor to discuss City Council priorities. A joint work session with the City Council would take place later in the fall. He explained that staff would rely on the EDC member's knowledge from the last .planning session to assist new staff and members through the process. Mr. Olson welcomed comments on the timeline and process. He stated that staff would use comments to refine the timeline, which will be brought to the June meeting for acceptance. Comm. Emond questioned whether it was appropriate to bring in a facilitator? • Mr. Olson stated that there is currently .$5,000 in the 2004 budget for. an outside facilitator. He explained that staff is considering bringing in two facilitators to assist in 2 Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes May 25,2004 • the beginning and ending stages of the process. Two possible facilitators are Todd Rapp at Hirnle Horner due to his familiarity, knowledge and working relationship with the City of Lakeville and Tim Penney of the Humphrey Institute who recently spoke at Leadership Lakeville. Mr. Olson shared that outside influence can often bring in creativity and perspective to the Strategic Planning process. Comm. Pogatchnik shared that this process will be a lot different from the .previous Strategic Planning process simply because of all of the upcoming changes. Chair Matasosky questioned whether a select few of the EDC members should meet with staff to map out target dates before the June EDC meeting? City. Administrator .Erickson explained that having a completion goal of December is good considering the upcoming November elections. He continued to say that it is often beneficial to start and finish the Strategic Planning process with the same policy makers. Comm. Pogatchnik stated that it is not a good idea to let the Strategic Planning process drag on. Mr. Olson asked EDC members if it would be a good idea to bring in the first facilitator in August? • Chair Matasosky stated that bringing. in the facilitator in August is a good idea and that the August meeting may have to be longer. Comm. Pogatchnik acknowledged that it would be hard to do Strategic Planning during a regular meeting and that a longer amount of time may be necessary. He suggested. having a "mini-retreat". City Administrator Erickson asked Comm. Tushie if there was another community in the metro area that could give the EDC a perspective or vision? Comm. Tushie responded by saying that Maple Grove is positioned in a similar situation in the metro area as Lakeville, they have a regional draw and they have grown quickly, which may provide insights as a result of their experiences. Chair Matasosky shared that the Mayor of Woodbury once attended an EDC meeting to speak on the topic of attracting retail A sub-committee was formed of Chair Matasosky and Comms. Brantly and Pogatchnik, which will arrange to meet once or twice before the June EDC meeting to discuss a process flow chart and target dates. Chair. Matasosky stated that meeting with the sub-committee would. give the EDC a • good start. 3 Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes May 25,2004 Comm.. Brandy asked .EDC members to identify obvious issues so the sub-committee will have an .idea of other member's opinions. The following issues were identified: • Affordable Housing • Transportation (East-West Corridor) • Retaining an Identity • Post Office • Heritage Commons Concept • Technology Infrastructure • Industrial Park Land Chair Matasosky stated that the EDC also needs. to look into the amount of staff time necessary to complete the Strategic Planning process. Mr. Olson responded by saying that work on the United Properties and Co. Rd. 50 .projects will be lessening in the near future. 5. Director's Report • Mr. Olson stated that work has commenced on both the Co. Rd 50 and 60 Interim Improvement Projects. Work on Co. Rd. 50 is being concentrated on the east side of CSAH 50 starting at Jurel Way where the major road widening is taking place.. He stated that 57 feet of right-of-way was acquired on the north side of Co. Rd. 50 to allow for work to begin. Mr. Olson continued to say that the construction activity on Co. Rd. 60 would involve constructing a temporary bridge on the east side of the existing southbound bridge. Once the temporary bridge is in place, the southbound bridge will be removed and replaced. Mr. Olson informed EDC members that through the end of April, the City has .issued building .permits with a total valuation of $68,869,814. He shared that the Gity has issued 61 permits for commercial and industrial construction through May 20t" of this year with a total valuation of $10,489,150. He explained that the 59,000 square feet of additional retail space to be constructed adjacent to the SuperTarget in TimberCrest is included in the commercial permit valuation. Mr. Olson noted that the Planning Commission held three meetings in April and the City Council held three meetings in May to facilitate the large number of commercial and residential projects seeking development approval. He stated that the Aprii 29t" Planning Commission agenda consisted entirely of commercial projects.. • 4 Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes May 25,2004 • Mr. Olson informed EDC members that Comm. Emond introduced Jody Braun, owner of Enggren`s Market as the spotlighted business at the May 17th City Council meeting. 6. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Atte ted to: manda Schwabe, R. T. rantly, Secretary Economic Development Coordinator • 5