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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 23, 2005
Marion Conference Room, :City Hall
Members Present: Comms. Brantly, Emond, Erickson,. Gehrke, Matasosky, Miller,
Pogatchnik, Schubert, Ex-Officio member City Administrator Steve Mielke
Members Absent: Comm. Tushie, Smith, Ex-Officio ..member Todd Bornhauser -
Executive Director - .:Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce
Others Present: Staff present: David Qlson, Community & Economic Development
Director; Penny Brevig, recording secretary.
f. Call meeting to order.
Chair. Matasosky called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Marion Conference...
Room of City Hall, 20195 :Holyoke Avenue., Lakeville, Minnesota.
2. Approve January 25, 2005 Meeting Minutes.
Motion 05.04 Comms. Gehrke/Miller moved to approve the minutes of the
January 25, 2005 meeting as presented. .:Motion carried
3.., 2004 Economic Development Annual Report
Mr. Olson presented the 2004 Economic. Development Annual Report. The
PowerPoint presentation included commercial /industrial development statistics and
highlights of 2004, updated. information on major. transportation improvements, and
other- EDC initiatives. Mr. Olson's .presentation ':also included highlights of he
approved 2005-2007 Strategic Plan and the recommended 2005 'Work Program
Mr. Olson .indicated that the City Council approved the 1-35 / Kenrick Avenue Official
..Map at their February 22, 2005 meeting. He indicated to the EDC the location of the
proposed new park and ride.
Commissioner Erickson asked whether a new police station would be built in the
.near future. Mr. Mieike indicated that we are within one year of a decision. He
stated that the City Council has approved a space .needs analysis, which will help
determine whether we should add on to the current .police station or build a new one.
Economic Development Commission
Meeting. Minutes
February 23, 2005
Mr. Mielke added that the most effective option may be to consolidate police
i departments 911 dispatch function that would not be housed in our police
department. building. Mr. Mielke stated that the economics would not be a problem,
but turf protection could be a major obstacle.
4. Strategic Plan Work Program for 2005
Mr. Olson stated that staff has developed preliminary 2005 Work Programs .for the
four Strategic Plan goals that were recommended to be .pursued. this year. He
indicated that tall has identi#ied the necessary preliminary action steps, which goals
will require budget funding to complete, and the approximate time frame for the
completion of these action steps. Mr. Olson added that additional. action. steps and
more specific budget needs will be identified as more detailed work begins on each
of these goals..:
Mr. Olson stated that portions of previous years CDBG allocations that have not
been expended to date fiave been identified as a possible funding source for several
of the planning efforts and studies.
Mr. Olson statedthat he .presented the .proposed 2005 Work Program to the..City
Council at their February 22"d meeting.
Mr. Olson indicated that as discussed at the .January EDC meeting, staff. will
continue to pursue new efforts to maintain and create new .:partnerships with
organizations such as the Chamber of Camrnerce, and the Downtown Lakeville
Business Association. He indicated that staff .will also continue to develop new
.opportunities to improve public communications on economic development issues.
Goal #1: Facilitate an effort to create a long-term..plan to promote downtown
economic viability while retaining its unique and fistorical characteristics.
Mr. Olson stated. that there is potential for additional or higher density commercial
and residential redevelopment, but there needs to be cooperation between everyone
involved. -Mr. Mielke agreed that everyone needs to.agree on a vision and how we
will accomplish that vision. He indicated that more organization is needed.
The EDC members discussed forming a task force and who should be included in
the task force. They agreed that an outside facilitator should be utilized.
Mr. Mielke stated that we .must remember that re-development is different than
Goal #2: -Implementation of a process to facilitate development of East-West
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 23, 2005
Mr. Olson indicated that staff will be participating in Phase 11 of Dakota County's
• East-West Corridor Study that wiN be refining the location of the 185m .Street
alignment between Lakeville and Farmington and reviewing the 179t" Street
alignment between Highview Avenue and TH 3. Staff and the EDC will also study
potential benefits as well as impacts of CSAH 70 being designated as a principal
Goal #3: Completion of a study to determine the minimum marke# value of a
residential housing unit that generates sufficient City taxes . to pay for the City
services required by that unit.
Mr. Mielke discussed the economic. impacts of the residential market value and
market value homestead tax credit and how it impacts the City's budget.
Goat #4: Facilitate a process with the City Council to establish affordable housing
goals for the City.
Mr. Olson reviewed the recommended .action .steps to review previous. affordable
housing goals for the City as well as obtain :new information to determine what the
future affordable housing needs and goals should be for Lakeville.
Chair Matasosky stated that he doesn't think that the Metropolitan Council should
determine what Lakeville's affordable -housing should be. He indicated #hat more
• studies need to be done. Mr. Olson and Commissioner Pogatchnik agreed that this
is an on-going issue that we have been'dealing with for many years.
Commissioner Gehrke stated that whatever the wages are that .are' being ;paid in our
individual city should also be considered when determining affordability.
5. Director's Report
Mr. Olson indicated that an updated.Commercial/Industrial/Institutional listing dated
January 24, 2005 was :included. in the EDC packets. He stated that -ten new
commercial and industrial .projects are currently :being. reviewed. Commissioner
Pogatchnik asked about Hertz Rental that was just approved by City Council Mr.
Olson explained that they wilt not be selling vehicles from this ..location. This will be a
small ,rental .office with a limit of five rental cars allowed on site.
Mr. Olson updated the EDC members on the continuing effort to work with. Dakota
County CDA and the VFW Post 210 to demolish the vacant, single.-family structure
at 20860 Howland Avenue. He indicated that asbestos abatement is scheduled for
February 24t" and 25t" with demolition to follow on February 28~' and March 1St.
Hoffbeck Trucking was the lowest bidder and will be completing the project.
Mr. Olson stated that the Dakota Electric Association has scheduled their annual
• Partners in Progress event. for March 9, 2005 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Royal Cliff
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 23, 2005
located at 2280 Cliff Road in Eagan. He indicated. that RSVP's are required by
Thursday, February 24t". He asked that they contact Amanda Schwabe if they are
planning on attending the event.
Mr. Olson stated that the EDC members received in their packets- the adopted
legislative policy .positions for EDAM which is the primary state-wide economic
development organization in the state that represents over 500 public and private
sector professionals .involved in economic development initiatives. Mr. Olson
referenced the 2005 EDAM Legislative Priori#ies included in the .packet and
suggested` that the EDC members contact him if they had any questions, comments
or concerns regarding. these legislative positions.
Mr. Qlson commented on and there was a short discussion regarding a U. S.
Supreme -Court case :regarding eminent domain and the definition of public purpose.
Mr. Mielke indicated that previously City Councils have always had the .authority to
determine what public ,purpose was.
Mr. Olson summarized the-building permit report-for January 2005, which shows a
total valuation of $12,578.453.. A copy of the complete building permit report through
January 31, 2005-was distributed to EDC members in their packets.
-Mr. Olson pointed out the handout at tonight's meeting regarding the 2005 Dakota
County Economic Summit being -held on March 16, 2005 at the :Dakota County
Technical College. He asked-that EDC members let Amanda. Schwabe. knowbefore
:March 4 if they would like to attend.
Mr. Mielke summarized the current status of the KPAC ,project. _He indicated.-that
due to the proposed reconstruction. of the intersection at 185t" Street and Dodd
Boulevard and the desire #o provide at least two indoor ice rinks on the :site, the
-amount of buildable wand on the KPAC site has 'been reduced, :and would also bring
the building 'rnto the wetlands. As a result, the City and KPAC are .evaluating the
possibility of constructing the facility across the street on Kings .Park and building
new ball fields on the original KPAC site. He .:indicated that the developer -has
agreed to :replace the ball fields on the .KPAC site and they may have space-for even
more ball fields than they would on the original Kings .Park.
Mr. Mielke indicated a time line for development. The KPAC developer would
develop the ball. fields this summer and KPAC would -start building the. athletic club
facility this fall after the summer baseball season is over. The City. and LBA are
currently reviewing this :proposed relocation and a decision will `be made by the City
and KPAC developer in the next month or two.
Mr. Olson updated the. EDC on the annexation of the Regan's property and the
airport -that is in Eureka Township. Their reception -was less than fiospitable, but the
Chairperson was extremely complimentary of Lakeville and our ;growth
Eeanomic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
FeGruary 23, 2(105
management. A task force will be created by Eureka Township. to discuss .options
for an orderly annexation process and agreement.
6. Adjourn
The meeting was,adjourned at 7:40 p.rn.
Respectfully submitted by: Attested to:
Penny rev' ,Recording Sec etary R. T. Brant y, Secretary