HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-03 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • Planning Commission Meeting Minutes FEBRUARY 20, 2003 The February 20, 2003 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Stolte in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: Present: Swecker, Stolte, Reuvers, Grenz, Drotning, ex-officio Puncochar. Absent:. Detjen Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Ron Mullenbach, Associate Planner, Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. ITEM 3: APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: The February 6, 2003 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. The February 6, 2003 Planning Commission Work Session notes were approved. as • presented. ITEM 4: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Morey stated that the Public Hearing Notices for tonight's agenda items, Creekside Village and ISD #194 were not published in the February 8 edition of the Life & Times Newspaper, however, mailed notice was sent to all property owners within 500 feet of the proposed projects. He indicated that staff will present the planning reports and recommend that both public hearings be opened for public comment and Planning Commission questions. The public hearings should then be continued to the March 6, 2003 Planning Commission meeting so the public hearings can be duly published in the Life & Times Newspaper and the Planning Commission can,make a recommendation of these two agenda items. Mr. Morey indicated that Lowell Miller Stolte, Kerrin Swecker, Gerald Grenz, and .Karl Drotning are scheduled to attend the Dakota County Transportation Policy Plan/Public Open House on Wednesday, February 26 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Mr. Morey stated the following items were distributed to the Planning Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting. . 1. February 19, 2003 Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting motion regarding Creekside Village. Planning Commission Meeting February 20, 2003 Page 2 • ITEM 5. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 .Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the application of ISD #194 for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow five area schools to construct site improvements. The schools and their proposed improvements are as follows: Christina Huddleston Elementary Parking Lot Expansion Crystal Lake Elementary Driveway .Access Improvements JFK/ McGuire Junior High Parking Lot. Expansion Kenwood Trail Junior High ~ Loading Dock/Building Expansion Orchard Lake Elementary Office Expansion Lonnie Smith, Business Manager for ISD #194, Nick Marcucci from Wold Architects & Engineers, and Dave Rey from Anderson-Johnson Associates were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any. questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Marcucci stated that ISD #194 is .proposing a kitchen -expansion and enlargement of the loading .dock at Kenwood Trail Junior High. The existing dock • area will be removed to allow a kitchen expansion of approximately 1,100 square feet. He indicated that a new concrete loading dock will. be constructed behind the kitchen expansion. A doorway will connect the kitchen/receiving. area to the new loading dock. Mr. Marcucci stated the ISD #194 is proposing a building expansion. at Orchard Lake Elementary that will include a new principal's office, approximately 126 square feet in size, and require shifting the front entryway to face south instead of east. He indicated that the addition will be constructed on the east side of the building and under the existing roofline. A canopy is proposed above the new entryway. Mr. Rey stated that ISD #194 is proposing to re-pave areas of an existing parking lot at Christina Huddleston Elementary. He indicated that this will include the addition of 37 new parking spaces. The parking lot will be expanded into an existing landscaped area on the south side of the site adjacent to 175 Street. Mr. Rey stated. that ISD #194 is proposing to add 34 parking spaces to serve JFK Elementary and McGuire .Junior High. Due to limited parking during special events, the school district has determined that the 34 additional stalls are needed even though existing parking meets Zoning Ordinance requirements. He stated that the proposed re-surfacing of the tennis courts is on hold at this time. Planning Commission Meeting February 20, 2003 Page 3 • Mr. Rey stated that ISD #194 is proposing to widen the southern-most driveway onto Ipava Avenue at Crystal Lake Elementary to allow ease of exiting the parking lot. .This will include the addition of an exclusive right turn lane.. Following the improvements, the southern most driveway will consist of an ingress lane and left/straight and right turn egress lanes. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey thanked Mr. Marcucci and Mr. Rey for their presentations. Mr. Dempsey highlighted the Zoning Ordinance requirements for each school. Mr. Dempsey .stated that the kitchen expansion at Kenwood Trail Junior High meets the height requirement of 35 feet and all lot setback requirements. He indicated that the office expansion proposed for Orchard Lake Elementary. also meets the building height requirements and all lot setback requirements.. Mr. Dempsey stated that the proposed. parking addition for Christina Huddleston Elementary meets the Zoning Ordinance. setback requirements of 15 :feet from public right-of-way. The parking addition will not affect- the planned :improvements: to widen 175~? Street from Ipava Avenue to Junelle Path in 2005, as • the 175 Street improvements can be accommodated within the exiting right-of- way. Mr. Dempsey stated that the school district has determined that the 37 additional parking stalls are needed during special events conducted at the school,.. even though the current 90 stalls-meets Zoning Ordinance requirements. The improvements meet all other RS-2 District performance standards. Mr. Dempsey indicated that the new parking spaces at JFK Elementary/ McGuire junior High will be located within existing grassed areas to the north, east, and south of the existing parking lot located between the two schools. The proposed parking expansion meets the Zoning Ordinance setback requirements _of 15 feet from public right-of-way and 5 feet from side lot lines, and meets all other RM-1 District performance standards. Mr. Dempsey indicated that the improvements. to Crystal Lake Elementary do note affect the setbacks or parking on site and meet all RS-3 District performance standards. Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit Amendments for Christina Huddleston Elementary, Crystal Lake Elementary, jFK Elementary/McGuire Junior High, Kenwood Trail Junior High, and Orchard Lake Elementary, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 2 stipulations listed in the Planning Commission Meeting February 20, 2003 Page 4 February 14, 2003 planning report, and approval of .the Findings of Fact dated March 6, 2003. Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. 03.17 Motion by Drotning, Second by Grenz to continue the public hearing to the March 6, 2003 Planning Commission meeting. Ayes: Swecker, Stolte, Reuvers, Grenz, Drotning. Nays: 0 Commissioner Reuvers .indicated that the parking improvements are long overdue and he is very much in favor of the improvement projects. Commissioner Swecker asked when theprojects are scheduled to begin and when they are scheduled to be completed. Mr. Marcucci indicated that construction is scheduled to start on June 9, 2003 and be completed. by August 15, 2003. • Commissioner Drotning confirmed with Wold Architects that there would be sheet drainage for the additional parking at JFK/McGuire Junior High. Commissioner. Puncochar asked if there were any future plans to expand the parking lot at JFK so there would be more parking spaces closer to the school. Mr. Smith indicated that the school district has limited resources right now, but agreed that it would be considered at a future date. Mr. Morey stated. that the parking lot expansions have been identified in the past by the Planning Commission with CUP amendments for temporary classrooms at JFK and other schools and shows a good faith effort by the school district to address parking demand. Mr. Morey stated that the applicant should be present for the .continued public hearing.. at the March 6, 2003 Planning Commission meeting. Staff does .not anticipate any changes to the plans prior to the March 6~ meeting. ITEM 6. CREEKSIDE VILLAGE • Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the application of M. W. Johnson Construction for: Planning Commission Meeting February 20,2003 Page 5 A: Preliminary and Final Plat of 17 single-family lots on 4 blocks and 2 outlots, to be known as Creekside Village, located north of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and west of Foliage Avenue; B. Variance for cul-de-sac length in excess of 60 feet; C. Rezoning of the subject property from RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District to RS-3, Single Family Residential District. D. Vacation of a public roadway easement and public drainage and utility easements. Trent Johnson from M. W. Johnson and John Wingard from Bohlen Surveying and Engineering. were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or public may have. Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach presented the planning report. Mr. Mullenbach stated .that representatives of M.W. Johnson Construction are requesting approval of the preliminary and final plat of Creekside Village, which consists of 17 single- family lots on four blocks and two outlots, located north of Dodd Boulevard and west of Foliage Avenue. He indicated that the subject property is zoned RS-3, Single Family Residential District and RST-2, Single and. Two Family Residential. . District and includes three outlots and onemetes. and bounds description parcel to be administratively subdivided with the final plat from an adjacent parcel owned by Lucas Wanga. He indicated that M.W. Johnson is requesting rezoning of the. entire development to RS-3 District, vacation of existing public easements, and a variance for cul-de-sac length, in conjunction with the preliminary and final plat. Mr. Mullenbach stated that all lots in the Creekside Village preliminary and final plat meet the minimum single family requirements of the RS-3 District. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that there are two outlots proposed with the Creekside Village preliminary and final plat. Outlot A will be deeded to the City of Lakeville with the final plat. Outlot B will be retained by the developer and could be combined with the future development of the Wanga property. Mr. Mullenbach stated that the Creekside Village development abuts Dodd Boulevard, Foliage Avenue and Galena Avenue. He indicated that Galleon Circle is a local street proposed to be extended as a cul-de-sac .street to serve the development. The preliminary and final plats identify 75 feet of north half right-of- way for Dodd Boulevard and a full 60-foot wide right-of-way for Galleon Circle. • Mr. Mullenbach stated that the developer has drafted a concept development plan. for the adjacent Wanga property. Consistent with comments received from the Dakota County Plat Commission, the property is not allowed an additional access Planning Commission Meeting February 20, 2003 Page 6 • to Dodd Boulevard and must. be .served off Galleon Circle. The concept plan identifies the extension of Galleon Circle approximately an additiona1160 feet into the Wanga property. This extended cul-de-sac .would directly serve up to an additional five single-family lots. The easterly most portion of the Wanga property could. be combined with Outlot B, Creekside Village, to create a sixth single family lot. Approval of a preliminary and final plat is required for the future development of the Wanga property for up to six single-family lots. The developer has identified a four foot high berm with 41 evergreen trees to be :located on Lot 1, Block 1 within a 20 foot wide drainage and utility easement, and also within Outlot A to screen the existing homes within Donnay's Valley Park 3rd Addition. Mr. Mullenbach stated that all wetlands and floodplain areas have :been placed .within Outlot A, which will be deeded to the City of Lakeville with the final plat. A total of 9.57 acres of the 13.07-acre property lie within the Shoreland Overlay District for the South Branch of North Creek. A total of 5.66 acres of pervious surfaces will remain within Outlot A. The additiona11.52 acres of pervious surfaces will remain within building setback areas and the boulevard of Galleon Circle. • Therefore, the lots within the Creekside Village development will not. be subject to individual review of the maximum25% impervious surface requirement: Mr. Mullenbach stated that the developer for Creekside Village is requesting.. a variance for cul-de-sac length. Planning and Engineering staff supports the variance for cul-de-sac length due to the hardship created by the existing adjacent development and access spacing restrictions on Dodd Boulevard. The subject property is currently zoned a combination of RS-3, Single Family Residential District and RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District. The portion zoned RST 2 District lies south and west of the creek channel. He indicated that the developer is proposing to rezone this area to RS-3 District consistent with the proposed single-family lots and adjacent fully developed subdivisions. The proposed RS-3 District zoning is consistent with the 1998 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Mullenbach stated that in conjunction with the preliminary and final plat, the developer is requesting the vacation of public roadway and public drainage and utility easements within the preliminary and final plat boundaries. A blanket drainage and utility easement will be placed over Outlot A on the final plat to • accommodate existing private utilities. on the site. Planning Commission Meeting February 20, 2003 Page 7 • The Creekside Village -plans identify an overland multi-purpose trailway to be constructed from Dodd Boulevard to the Fairfield neighborhood park and to Foliage Avenue. The developer will also construct a sidewalk along the west side of Foliage Avenue.. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee reviewed the development at their February 19,.2003 meeting and recommended a cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication requirements. Mr. Mullenbach stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City Council approval of the Creekside Village preliminary and final plat, variance for cul-de-sac length, rezoning, and vacation of public. easements, Planning Department staff recommends the 10 stipulations listed in the February 14, 2003 planning report and approval of the Findings of Fact for the Variance request and the Findings of Fact for the rezoning request, both dated March 6, 2003. Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. 03.18 Motion by Swecker, Second by Drotning to continue the public hearing to the March 6, 2003 Planning Commission meeting. Ayes: Stolte, Reuvers, Grenz, Drotning, Swecker. Nays: 0 Commissioner Grenz asked if a bridge was going to be built for pedestrians to access the park. Mr. Mullenbach stated that a bridge crossing would be built at the narrow part. of the creek. Commissioner Grenz added that he believes there may be land available for a trail access adjacent to the .westerly plat boundary. If so, he recommended that an additional trail connection be added to provide access to Gannon Way. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that he will check on whether there is room for a trail connection within an existing public easement between the homes. Commissioner Swecker commented that this was a very nice infill development. She likes the .proposed screening and the trails. She asked if the cul-de-sac was temporary. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that it will be a temporary cul-de-sac within a temporary easement located partially within Lot 7, Block 5 and Lot 5, Block 3, Creekside Village. Staff has requested to the developer that the houses on these two lots be the Iast ones built in case the Wanga property develops in the near future and a permanent extension of the cul-de-sac can be made without impacting these two lots. Planning Commission Meeting February 20, 2003 Page 8 Commissioner Drotning indicated that it would be in everybody's interest to develop the Wanga property now if they are going to develop at all so that the projects can be developed simultaneously. Commissioner Grenz asked whether Dakota County or the. City could require that the two driveways on Dodd Boulevard serving the Wanga property be removed. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that with a preliminary and final plat of the Wanga property, both Dakota County and the City .can require that the driveways be removed and access be restricted. Chair Stolte agreed that this was a very good use. of the property. He stated the Planning Commission would continue the discussion and act on the applications at their March 6, 2003 meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • / Penny B evi ,Recording Secr tary ATTEST: Lowell Miller Stolte, Chair •