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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
APRIL 3, 2003
The Apri13, 2003 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Stolte
in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
Flag pledge and roll call of members:
Present: Reuvers, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, ex-officio Puncochar.
Absent: None
Staff Present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Daryl Morey, Planning
Director; Ron Mullenbach, Associate Planner; Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer;
Daniel Licht, Northwest Associated Consultants; Brett Weiss, WSB & Associates;
Roger Knutson, City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary.
The March 20, 2003 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
The March 20, 2003 Planning Commission work session notes were approved as
i presented.
Mr. Morey stated that the following items were distributed to the. Planning
Commission at tonight's meeting:
1. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee motions from
their April 2, 2003 meeting regarding Midwest Asphalt, Gander
Mountain, and Lakeville High School No. 2.
2. Revised Interim Use Permit for Midwest Asphalt.
03.37 Motion by .Drotning, Second by Swecker to recommend to City Council approval
of the Apri13, 2003 Consent Agenda as follows:
Approve .the application of James D. Flint for athree-year extension of a
Special Home Occupation Permit to operate a photo studio out of his home,
located at 16320 Javari Court.
Ayes: Reuvers, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Planning Commission Meeting
Apri13, 2003
Page 2
ITEM 6. MIDWEST ASPHALT (tabled from the March 20, 2003 Planning Commission
Chair Stolte .continued the discussion of Midwest Asphalt's application for an
Interim Use Permit to allow the expansion of excavation and mining at the existing
Midwest Asphalt Company sand and gravel mining operation, located east of
Interstate 35 and north of 195 Street, from the March 20, 2003 Planning
Commission meeting.
David Sellergren, attorney representing Midwest Asphalt, Blair Bury, Midwest
Asphalt, and Thomas Radio, attorney for Richard Bury, were in attendance at
tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the Planning Commission or public
may have.
Mr. Sellergren asked that the pending criminal case regarding the removal of trees
be kept separate from the Interim Use Permit request because the trees. were
removed by the landowner, Richard Bury, not the applicant, Midwest Asphalt. He
reiterated that Midwest Asphalt has never operated in the treed areas. Mr.
Sellergren stated that Midwest Asphalt is willing to post a security in the amount of
.$60,000 to guarantee the preparation of an end use plan and restoration plan by a
date certain. Mr. Sellergren requested approval of the Interim Use Permit for
Midwest Asphalt, with the exception of stipulation 3c of the revised Interim Use
Permit. Midwest Asphalt feels that the reforestation should be done by the
Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the planning report. Mr. Morey
identified concerns that were raised at the March 20, 2003 Planning Commission
meeting, including past tree removal, reforestation, and the submittal of a revised
end use plan. He identified the revisions to the Interim Use Permit that was
handed out at tonight's meeting.
Mr. Morey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City
Council approval of the Midwest Asphalt Interim Use Permit, staff recommends
approval subject to the 26 stipulations listed in the revised Interim Use Permit and
the Findings of Fact dated April 3, 2003.
Commissioner Drotning commented on the relationship of the owner to the leasee
(father and son). He is also concerned about the restoration plan and suggested
that the mining be permitted until December 31, 2003, rather than December 31,
2004.. Commissioner Drotning wanted to be sure that he property owner, Richard
Bury, supports the City's Zoning requirements with respect to the end use plan.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 3, 2003.
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Chair Stolte asked for a definition of reclamation lan and end use lan. Mr.
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Sellergren stated that a reclamation plan will show what the land will look like with
final grades, roads, berms, trees, etc. An end use plan shows what the ultimate land
use will be.
Mr. Radio stated that the instructions given by Richard Bury to the tree cutting
service was to clear out the dead and diseased trees. He indicated that Mr. Richard
Bury was only notified of the exact number of trees that were taken down a month
ago, He stated that the Planning Commission has to remember that he is presumed
innocent pending the outcome of the criminal case. The tree issue and the .request
for an IUP should not be intertwined and he requested that they keep the two
issues separate. Mr. Richard Bury is willing to work with the City staff regarding
the end use plan.
City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that unfortunately, Mr. Bury didn't only
cut dead and diseased trees down, he also .cut down healthy trees, including aaks,
not only in the bowl of the mining pit, but also the face of the pit and on the lake
side of the bluff.
Commissioner Grenz asked whether the removal of the trees was a clearing or
logging of the property and whether there was a profit made on the tree removal?
Mr. Radio indicated that it was a clearing and that no profit was made.
Break at 6:40 p.m.
Reconvened at 6:48 p.m.
Commissioner Grenz stated that he felt the trees should not be replaced until there
is a restoration plan in place so the trees will be located where they are most
Chair Stolte summarized what had been discussed. The Planning Commission felt
that stipulation 3c should remain, but with the following modifications:
c) Reforestation shall include the planting of 300, 2-1/2 inch caliper
trees. Eighty percent of the trees shall be red, white or pin oak. The
remaining twenty percent shall be hard. maple or ash. A letter of
.credit in the amount of $60,000.00 shall be submitted to guarantee the
planting of the replacement trees by November 1, 2003, unless
otherwise approved by City Council. If Midwest believes that 300
trees is an incorrect number, Midwest Asphalt, Inc. shall submit an
existing conditions survey documenting the correct number by April
15, 2003.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 3, 2003
Page 4
in Commission also recommended minor wording changes to
The Plann g
stipulations 3t and 3w to read as follows:
t) Midwest Asphalt, Inc. shall submit a reforestation plan as a part of a
reclamation plan and an erosion control plan by May 1, 2003.
w) Mining will be permitted until December 31, 2003 with restoration
completed by December 31, 2005."
03.38 Motion by Drotning, Second by Swecker to recommend to City Council approval
of the Midwest Asphalt's Interim Use Permit to allow the expansion of excavation
and mining at the existing Midwest Asphalt Company sand and gravel mining
operation, located east of Interstate 35 and north of 195 Street, subject. to the 26
stipulations listed in .the Interim Use Permit, as amended, and approval of the
Findings of Fact dated April 3, 2003.
Ayes: Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Reuvers.
Nays: 0
Chair Stolte. opened the public hearing to consider the application of the City of
Lakeville for the vacation of a street, drainage and utility easement located within
the Heritage Commons plat. City Attorney Knutson attested that the legal notice
had been duly published in accordance with state statutes and City Code.
Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the planning report. Mr. Morey. stated
that the City of Lakeville is requesting the vacation of an easement for public road
purposes underlying portions of Iberia Avenue and Heritage Drive north of 202nd
Street. He indicated that the Dakota County Surveyor has informed City staff and
the developer that the existing roadway easement must be vacated prior to Dakota
County recording the Heritage Commons 2nd Addition final plat approved by the
City Council on February 3, 2003.
Mr. Morey stated that the public road easement was dedicated to the City in
conjunction with an administrative subdivision approved for the development of
the US Bank located in the northeast corner of 202nd Street and Iberia Avenue.
Mr. Morey indicated that Dakota County did not require that the roadway
easement be vacated prior to the recording of the Heritage Commons .final plat.
Public right-of-way. was included on the Heritage Commons final plat for Iberia
• Avenue and Heritage Drive so the roadway easement is not needed.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 3, 2003
Page 5
• Mr. More stated that should the Plannin Commission recommend to Ci
Y g tY
Council approval of the easement vacation, Planning Department staff recommends
approval as presented.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
03.39 Motion by Swecker, Second by Grenz to close the public hearing at 7:00 p.m.
Ayes: Stolte, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Reuvers, Swecker.
Nays: 0
03.40 Motion. by Swecker, Second by Detjen to recommend to City Council .approval of
the vacation of a public easement for roadway purposes underlying a portion of
Iberia Avenue and Heritage Drive, north of 202nd Street, as presented.
Ayes: Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Reuvers, Swecker, Stolte.
Nays: 0
• Chair Stolte o ened the ublic hearing to consider the application of Oppdan, Inc.
p p
for a preliminary and final plat of one lot on one block to be known as Gander
.Mountain, located north of HOM Furniture and west of Kenyon Avenue, and. the
application for the vacation of a permanent public roadway, drainage and utility
easement. City Attorney Knutson attested that the legal notices had been duly
published in accordance with state statutes and City Code.
Dennis Crowe and Larry Barrett from Oppidan, Inc.;. Todd Rymer from Gander
Mountain; Jeff Cupka from Ryan Companies; and Dan Larson from Schnell &
Madson, Inc, were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer .any questions the
Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Crowe presented an overview of
the project.
Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach presented the planning report. Mr. Mullenbach
stated that Oppidan, Inc. is proposing to construct an approximately 87,000 square
foot retail store on 9.79 acres of land. He indicated that Oppidan, .Inc. has
submitted applications for the preliminary and final plat of one lot to be known as
Gander .Mountain and for the vacation of a public easement. Mr. Mullenbach
stated that the subject property .consists of an existing metes and bounds
description parcel owned by CRW Lakeville North (HOM Furniture) that. currently
includes a billboard.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 3, 2003
Page 6
• Mr. Mullenbach stated that the subject ro er is zoned C-3, General Commercial
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District. Mr. Mullenbach stated that the Gander Mountain use is considered more
compatible than the higher intensity commercial uses, such as restaurant uses, that
could have located on the property.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the Gander Mountain development lies adjacent to
the west side of Kenyon Avenue. Kenyon Avenue is designated as a major collector
in the City's Transportation Plan and functions as a frontage/local access road for
Interstate 35. He stated that a permanent public roadway, drainage and utility
easement and a permanent public trailway easement were obtained with the
Kenyon Avenue public improvement project in 2001. The developer is proposing
to vacate the roadway easement and rededicate it as right-of-way on the final plat.
The City of Lakeville will retain the existing permanent public trailway easement
over the easterly ten feet of the property. Kenyon Avenue was upgraded as a
three-lane urban roadway adjacent to the subject property in 2001. The subject
property was assessed for street, trail, sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer
improvements as part of the Kenyon Avenue reconstruction project. The deferred
special assessment for Improvement Project No. 2000-21 shall be paid in cash with
thefinal plat.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the loading dock is located in the southwesterly
corner of the building. He outlined the route that the trucks will take and the times
for deliveries. He stated that the developers have located the loading dock to
minimize its impact on the highest number of adjacent residents, and to avoid
mixing loading operations and semi-truck traffic with customer parking areas and
pedestrian walkways.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated the Mike and Sheila Hondl, 17000 Kenmore Drive, who
live adjacent to Kenmore Park and the proposed loading area, have raised concerns
with the screening of the existing. HOM Furniture, proposed Gander Mountain, and
future development on Outlot B, HOM Furniture. He indicated that the Hondl's,
HOM Furniture, and Gander Mountain .have come to an agreement for screening
between their property lines, which will consist of the installation by the developer
of a maintenance free privacy fence and seven, 12 foot tall black hills spruce trees
adjacent to the Hondl property.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated what the off-street parking requirements were and how
Gander Mountain will meet these requirements. City staff supports the deferment
of 17 stalls to allow for the incorporation of eight stalls specifically designed for
those customers towing boats or trailers or driving recreational vehicles. A parking
deferment agreement shall be signed by the developer prior to City Council
consideration of the final plat.
Planning Commission Meeting
Apri13, 2003
Page 7
• Mr. Mullenbach stated that the ro osed li htin lan identifies site li htin in
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compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. In addition, the developer has
designed the lighting plan to achieve zero foot-candle at the westerly property line
abutting: the 'existing single-family homes. This exceeds. Zoning Ordinance
Mr. Mullenbach stated that several residents at the neighborhood. meeting raised
concerns about a potential increase in noise from the freeway as a result of the
Gander Mountain project. The Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances do not require
individual projects to mitigate impacts from background noise, such as freeway_
traffic. However, Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the .developer has provided cross=
sections depicting existing contours and proposed improvements at three locations
within the development that show the proposed development will provide noise
abatement equal to or greater than what currently exists on the property.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that staff. is recommending a cash contribution to satisfy
the park dedication requirements for Gander Mountain. The Parks, Recreation and
Natural Resources Committee. recommendation was distributed at tonight's
Planning Commission meeting.
. Mr. Mullenbach stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the
City Council approval of the Gander Mountain preliminary and final plat and
easement vacation, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the
17 stipulations listed in the March 28, 2003 planning report.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Mike Hondl,17000 Kenmore Avenue
Mr. Hondl lives behind the Gander Mountain loading dock. He felt it was a poor
choice for the placement of the loading dock. He was concerned with the loading
dock hours and the lighting.
03.41 Motion by Swecker, Second by Drotning to close the public hearing at 7:25 p.m.
Ayes: Grenz, Drotning, Reuvers, Sweeker, Stolte, Detjen.
In answer to Mr. Hondl's concerns, Mr. Mullenbach stated, that the loading dock
hours are written as a stipulation in the March 28, 2003 Planning report. He also
explained why .the loading dock is located in the southwest corner of the building.
The developers have agreed to install screening 16 feet high, including a vinyl,
M maintenance free privacy fence, spade-in 12 foot tall evergreen trees in this location,
and designed the lighting plan so there would be no glare onto the adjoining
residential lots.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 3, 2003
Page 8
City Administrator Robert Erickson. indicated that the owner of the. property, Mr.
Johanson, had several opportunities to sell the property for higher intensity
commercial uses, such as car dealerships and restaurants, but chose to wait for a
use more compatible with the adjoining neighborhood. Mr. Erickson thanked the
residents and developer for their cooperation on this project.
The Planning Commission agreed that this is a very compatible use .for the
property. The Planning Commission discussed parking, the three 'driveway
accesses, directional signage at .the driveway accesses, and truck access to the
loading dock.
03.42 .Motion by Detjen, Second by Reuvers to recommend to City Council approval of
the Gander Mountain preliminary and final plat and easement vacation, subject to
the 17 stipulations listed in the March 28, 2003 planning report.
Ayes: Drotning, Reuvers, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz.
Nays: 0
Chair Stolte opened the public hearing to consider the application of ISD 194 for a
Preliminary and Final Plat of one institutional lot to be known as Lakeville High
School No. 2, a Comprehensive Plan. Amendment to change the land use
designation of the subject property from Medium Density Residential and Office
Park/Business Campus to Public and Semi-Public and bring the subject property
into the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA), a Zoning Map
Amendment to include the entire property in the RM-1, Medium Density
Residential District and to remove the RAO, Rural/Agricultural Overlay District,
and conditional use permits for the construction of a public high school in the RM-1
District, .the construction of a building greater .than 35 feet in height, and the
construction of a public street in the Floodplain Overlay District. City Attorney
Knutson attested that the legal notices had been duly published in accordance with
state statutes and City Code.
Superintendent Gary Amorosso, and Business Services Manager Lonnie Smith from
ISD 194, Joel Dunning from Wold Architects, and David Rey from Anderson-
Johnson Associates were in .attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any
questions the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Smith thanked City
staff for their cooperation on this project. Mr. Dunning and Mr. Rey presented
overviews of the project. Mr. Dunning distributed a response memo addressing
-the stipulations listed in the March 27, 2003 planning report and the March 28, 2003
engineering report.
Planning Commission Meeting
Apri13, 2003
Page 9
Daniel Licht from Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. presented the planning
report. Mr. Licht stated that Independent School District # 194 has submitted plans
for a high school campus to be constructed on land located southwest of 210 Street
and Jacquard Avenue. He indicated that the facility includes a new high school
building and accessory outdoor athletic facilities.
Mr. Licht stated that the proposed .development involves a Comprehensive Plan
amendment to guide the site for public/semi-public uses and include it within the
.current MUSA, a Zoning Map Amendment to include. the entire property in the
RM-1 District and remove the RAO District overlay, .Conditional Use Permits for a
school use within the RM-1 District, building height .greater than 35 feet, and street
construction in the Floodplain Overlay District, and a preliminary and final plat.
Mr. Licht stated that the subject site is divided between two land use categories
identified on the 2020 Land Use Plan. The north portion of the. site is guided for
Medium Density Residential land uses. The. south portion of the site along CSAH
70 is guided for Office Park/Business Campus use. He indicated that the subject
site is also located within MUSA Expansion Area "B", which is proposed to be
served with sanitary sewer after 2010..
• Mr. Licht explained why the development of the high school will require a
Comprehensive Plan amendment to bring the subject site into the. current MUSA.
He indicated that he recommends that the .Land Use Plan also be modified to guide
the. subject site for Public and Semi-Public Uses consistent with other school sites
within the City.
Mr. Licht stated that based on the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan,- the
zoning designations on the subject site are divided between two districts. No
provision is made for school uses in the CC District or the RAO District. Therefore,
Mr. Licht indicated that it is necessary to amend the Zoning Map to include the
entire property within the RM-1 District and remove the RAO District overlay.
Mr. Licht stated that preliminary plats have been submitted for development of
153.46 acres for the high school campus consisting of one buildable lot and two
outlots. Outlot A is to be retained by the School District and Outlot B will be
deeded to the City and includes portions of South Creek, wetlands, and ponding
Mr. Licht stated that an EAW dated December 2002 was prepared by the .School
District and the City Council determined at their February 3, 2003 meeting that the
• project does not have the potential for significant environmental impact and that an
Environmental Impact Statement was not needed.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 3, 2003
Page 10
Mr. Licht indicated that because the subject site is not in the current MUSA, there is
not much existing development adjacent to the property. He indicated that there is
an existing single .family neighborhood to the north of 210 Street and two
exception parcels from the. subject site that are developed with single family
dwellings on the south side of 210 Street. Additional landscaping and site lighting
measures will be necessary to ensure compatibility of the use with existing or
planned residential uses to the north and east of the subject site.
Mr. Licht stated that all of the building materials are consistent with the. Zoning
Ordinance. Buildings in the RM-1 District. are limited to a height of three stores or
35 feet, whichever is less. The proposed building has a height of 62 feet to the top
of the penthouse roof. Mr. Licht indicated that exceptions to the building height
requirements are .allowed by conditional use permit provided that the front and
side principal building setbacks are increased by 5% for each 10 feet above thirty-
five feet. This would make the front and side yard setback requirements 35 feet
based on the proposed height of the building. The building location exceeds these
Mr. Licht stated that a landscaping plan has been submitted that meets Zoning
Ordinance requirements. It also takes into consideration the City's Corridor and
i .Gateway Design Study requirements for CSAH 70 incorporating tree massing and
native grass seeding together .with tree preservation.
Mr. Licht stated that the subject site has frontage along 210 Street and. CSAH 70.
He explained that the site plan has been designed such that traffic generated by the
high school is anticipated. to be split between these roadways with all vehicle access
provided to the site via an extension of Jacquard Avenue from 210 Street to CSAH
70 along the east edge of the property.
Mr. Licht indicated that a study has been completed by the City's transportation
consultant to analyze the impact of the use to surrounding roadways. The School
District will be responsible for the costs of the roadway improvements
recommended by the SRF traffic study.
Mr. Licht explained the Zoning Ordinance requirements for off-street parking and
based on that, what the parking needs will be at the high. school. He indicated that
a critical issue in evaluating the adequacy of parking for high school campuses is
the relationship of the various related .activities occurring on the property. The
combined parking demand for concurrent use of the stadium, auditorium or game
gym, or use of .one or more of these facilities during regular .class hours would
• greatly exceed supply. Mr. Licht indicated that the school district does not
anticipate such an event would occur through careful planning, however, if this did
occur, they have indicated that they would use off-site parking and shuttle bus
arrangements with existing schools.
Planning Commission Meeting
Apri13, 2003
Page 11
Mr. Licht stated that a lan identi in exterior li htin locations has been
p fy g g g
submitted with a detailed photometric plan showing the illumination field of all
proposed fixtures. According to Joel Dunning, the plan will be revised to show that
illumination at any property line does not exceed one foot-candle. He indicated
that all fixtures are required to be a shoe-box design with 90 degree horizontal
Mr. Licht indicated that since the facilities available at the high school contribute to
the City's overall recreation opportunities, park dedication is not required of school
. district properties.
Mr. Licht stated that the School District is responsible for construction of an eight-
foot wide bituminous trail on the west side of Jacquard Avenue between 210th
Street and CSAH 70. He indicated that prior to the opening of the high school in
2005, the City will construct a sidewalk on the east side of Jacquard Avenue
between 208th Street and 210th Street to provide a continuous pedestrian connection
from the neighborhoods north of the subject site. to the high school campus. A
greenway corridor trail will also to be constructed adjacent to South Creek as
`shown on the site plan. The School District will be responsible for grading the
multi-purpose trail adjacent to South Creek with the Second High. School
improvements. The. City will be responsible for construction of this trail at a later
Mr. Licht stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Preliminary and. Final Plat for the Lakeville High School
No. 2, approval of the. Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zoning Map
Amendment, and the Conditional Use Permits, Planning Department .staff
recommends approval subject to the 11 stipulations listed in the March 27, 2003
planning report, and approval of the Findings of Facts dated April 3, 2003.
Chair Stolte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Bob Ruddle, 3646 E. 130th, Dundas, MN 55019
Mr. Ruddle's concerns:
? Whether the easement from CSAH 70 would be maintained;
? .Where will. the storm. sewer flow during and after the high school
Nicole Anderson, 20998 jacquard Avenue
Ms. Anderson's concerns:
? Noise.
? Parking in front of her home.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 3, 2003
Page 12
• ? Speeding on 210 Street.
? Construction traffic.
? Potential loss of trees adjacent to her home.
? Wants to be kept up-to-date on the high school construction activities
impacting their neighborhood.
03.43 Motion by Grenz, Second by Swecker to close the public hearing at 8:55 p.m.
Ayes: Grenz, Drotning, Reuvers, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen.
Nays: 0 `
Break at 8:35 p.m.
Reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
The Planning Commission responded to .the public concerns. Commissioner
Puncochar, along with Mr. Erickson, indicated that there would be school zone
speed limit. signs installed to address any speed limit concerns. Commissioner
Puncochar stated that these speed limits would be strictly enforced by the Police
Department. Mr. Erickson indicated .that construction traffic would only be
.allowed to enter the. site off of CSAH 70 at Jacquard. Avenue.
• Mr. Erickson. addressed Ms. Anderson's concern regarding the loss of trees.. and
parking. He indicated that City staff would.. work with the residents to identify
which trees will be removed in advance of the roadway improvements. Mr.
Erickson stated .that the. 210 Street/Jacquard Avenue intersection would have a
four-way stop with turning lanes. In addition, the elevation of 210 Street will be
lowered approximately three feet, which will reduce the street grade and result in a
better landing by the Anderson home.
Brett Weiss from WSB & Associates addressed Mr. Ruddle's concerns regarding the
CSAH 70 easement, the storm water basin location, and the storm water drainage.
patterns. Mr. Weiss indicated that the basins would be constructed before any
impervious surfaces are added to the site. Mr. Rubash confirmed that proposed
storm water drainage is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Storm Water
The Planning Commission members discussed the following:
? The distance .from the parking lots to the athletic. fields. Commission.
members wanted to see the site plan change to move or create parking closer
to the athletic fields.
• ? The location of the high school building on the north side of the site does not
take advantage of the creek, wetland and ponding amenities on the south
side of the site.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 3, 2003
Page 13
• ? Internal traffic. circulation should be reviewed concernin student dro off,
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access to the football stadium, and connection of the staff, student. and bus
parking areas.
? Consideration should be given to eliminating at least one driveway access
onto Jacquard Avenue.
? Buses should not have to back up for student safety reasons and student
vehicles and buses should not have access to the same driveway. They
suggested a gate to separate the two parking areas.
? The greenway corridor trail should. follow CSAH 70 and be located entirely
on the south side of the creek.
? A conceptual development plan must be submitted for Outlot A.
? The loading dock facing Jacquard Avenue must be screened.
? Jacquard Avenue traffic figures be provided for Planning Commission
Mr. Rey explained the bus parking/drop off area-and how the buses would get in
to and out of the parking lot.
Mr. Licht indicatedthat the loading dock elevation is .higher than the proposed
.elevation of Jacquard Avenue, which would require. having 10-12 foot evergreen
• trees spaded in for screening .purposes.
Mr. Dunning explained that the parking lots were connected for overflow parking
purposes so if one lot is full, vehicles could access. other parking areas internally
without having to use Jacquard Avenue. Installing a gate to separate the bus and
student parking areas is acceptable as long as the gates are open during events held
after school hours.
Mr. Weiss indicated that. originally there were only four driveway accesses to
Jacquard Avenue, but staff requested the school district add the northerly proposed
driveway access. He stated that this access could be eliminated.
Mr. Erickson explained staff is recommending no driveway access to the high
school from 210 Street due to steep grades.
Commissioner Grenz indicated that he felt there needed to be more trails
connecting the ball fields and that the greenway corridor trail should be located
adjacent to CSAH 70.
Because of the issues discussed, it was suggested that a work session be held prior
• to the. Apri117~ Planning Commission meeting to discuss site, plan design options.
.Planning Commission Meeting
Apri13, 2003
Page 14
• It was decided that the Planning Commission would have a work session on April
16, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. with City staff and the school district development team to
discuss High School No. 2 site plan design options.
03.44 Motion by Reuvers, Second by Swecker to continue this request to the April 17,
2003 .Planning Commission meeting.
Ayes: Drotning, Reuvers, Swecker, Stolte, Detjen, Grenz.
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny ig, Recordi ecretary
well Miller Stolte, Chair