HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-17-03 work session Meeting Notes Planning Commission Work Session Thursday, .July 17, 2003 Council Chambers The Planning Commission work session commenced at 7:45 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Commissioners Present: Dale Detjen, Karl. Drotning, Gerry Grenz, Steve Pattee, Paul Reuvers, and Lowell Miller Stolte. Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, planning consultant Dan Licht of NAC, Community and Economic Development Director Dave Olson, Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash, and Assistant City Attorney Andrea Poehler. Also Present: Bob Krogman representing the Minnesota Petroleum Marketers Association, Scott Teigen representing Kwik Trip, David Blatnik representing Superamerica, and Gary Thorson representing Mega Stop.. Planning Director Morey stated that at their June 16, 2003 meeting, the City Council tabled consideration of the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment recommended by the Planning Commission and referred the item back to the Planning Commission to receive formal suggested changes from motor fuel industry representatives. The suggested changes proposed by the Minnesota Petroleum Marketers Association were included in the Planning Commission's work session packet. Bob Krogeman of the Minnesota Petroleum Marketers Association presented their recommended changes. The Planning Commission's recommendation to the proposed changes is as follows: • Section 11-37-3.M.1. Agreed to delete the word "curb" and insert in its place the wording "pedestrian sidewalk" at the end of the paragraph. • Section 11-37-3.0.1 .c. Did not agree to delete this provision related to conditional use permits. • Section 11-37-3.0.2. Agreed to allow outdoor. sales and display in the following locations: • Adjacent to the principal building. • Linearly between two fuel pumps. • At the outside perimeter of the fuel pumps underneath the canopy. Planning Commission Work Session February 20, 2003 Did not agree to allow outdoor sales and display at the perimeter of the paved drive areas. • Agreed that the sales and display at the outside perimeter ofthe fuel pumps underneath the canopy for all motor fuel facilities approved after the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance amendment must be on a raised six inch curb island. • Section 11-37-3.O.3.a. Agreed to increase the allowed outdoor sales and display area from 5% to 10% of the floor area of the principal structure. • Section 11-37-3.O.3.b. Agreed to the following height limitations for the outdoor sales. and display .areas: • Adjacent to the principal building = 5 feet. • Linearly between two fuel pumps = 5 feet. • At the outside perimeter of the fuel pumps = 4 feet. The Planning Commission directed staff to prepare draft Zoning Ordinance amendmentlanguage incorporating their recommendations for formal • consideration at the August 7, 2003 Planning Commission meeting. The work session was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. espectfully submitted, D ryl h orey, P Wing Director. 2