HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-17-02 work session PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION NOTES JANUARY 17, 2002 JELEN SPECIAL HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT DISCUSSION On January 17, 2002, Paige and Joseph Jelen met informally at a work session of the Planning Commission to introduce the Planning Commission to their proposed hair salon special home occupation that would include the construction of a separate entrance-way into the lower level of their split level home at 17360 Foliage Avenue. Staff explained the purpose of the meeting. The Jelen's were proposing to construct the addition onto the house with a separate entrance- way to the lower .level to allow clients to access the hair salon work area without having to walk through the house. Staff requested the Planning Commission's input regarding whether or not the proposed addition met the home occupation provisions of the Zoning Ordinance concerning external alterations. The Planning Commission felt that the proposed addition complied with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance's home occupation standards and expressed general support for the project as proposed by the Jelen's. Associate Planner, Frank Dempsey stated that the public hearing for the Special Home Occupation Permit would come before the Planning Commission on Thursday, February 7th C-1 DISTRICT TEXT AMENDMENT DISCUSSION The Planning Commission met at a work session on January 17, 2002 to discuss proposed amendments to the C-1 District. City Administrator Robert Erickson, Planning Director Daryl Morey, and Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach were in attendance along with Planning Commission members Wulff (chair), Detjen, Drotning, Grenz, Larson, Michaud, and Stolte. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Todd Bornhauser was also in attendance. Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach stated that the City Council at their January 7, 2002 meeting set a public hearing for February 7, 2002. for the Planning Commission to consider zoning ordinance text amendments to the C-1, Retail Commercial District. Specifically, the Planning Commission is being asked to consider amendments to the permitted and conditional uses in the C-1 District. The proposed zoning ordinance text amendments are the result of existing and proposed uses in the Ipava Marketplace commercial center located at Ipava Avenue and 163~d Street.. Any amendment to the C-1 District, however, would apply to all C-1 District properties in the community. The C-1 District is intended to allow goods and services on a limited community market scale. Planning Commissioners should consider this in their discussions on appropriate uses. Mr. Mullenbach identified a total of nine parcels in the city that are currently zoned C-1 District and the current uses. A total of 20 acres of C-1 District zoning exists in .the city, approximately half of which is vacant, undeveloped property. 1 Convenience Restaurants with Seating The C-1 District currently allows "prepared food, delivery and take-out only" as a permitted use. Ipava Java has opened in the Ipava Marketplace commercial center with the understanding that they are not permitted to have seating. The City Council has asked the Planning Commission to consider whether convenience restaurant uses with seating is appropriate in the C-1 District. It was the general consensus of the Planning Commission members that such businesses, i.e. Ipava Java, and surrounding neighborhoods would benefit from some limited seating in coffeehouses, bakeries, ice cream parlors, etc. Planning Commission members also stated. the following: • No drive-thru facilities accessory to convenience restaurants should be permitted in the C-1 District. • No liquor shall be sold in convenience restaurants in the C-1 District.. • The seating capacity or seating area must be limited in some fashion. • Convenience restaurant uses in multi-tenant commercial buildings should be subject to a proof of parking analysis for the entire commercial center. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that restaurant uses are required through the Uniform Building Code. to provide a second bathroom when their seating floor area exceeds 300 square feet. Staff will review this requirement with Inspections Department staff in relation to a proposed zoning ordinance text amendment and a passible limit on the seating area or seating capacity for. a restaurant use. City staff will forward an ordinance amending the C-1 District to allow limited seating for convenience restaurants for the Planning Commission to consider at their February 7, 2002 meeting/public hearing. Health Club/Fitness Center Health clubs/fitness centers are not a permitted use in the C-1 District, but are permitted in the C-3, General Commercial District and C-CBD, Central Business District Area Commercial District. The only existing health club/fitness center use in Lakeville is located in the Enggren's Mall (Curves for Women). Life Partners health club/fitness center operated for a short time in Heritage Commons (C-3 District) and another health club/fitness center has been proposed for Kenwood Center. The proposed Ladies. Workout Express facility would have 24 workout stations. Some Planning Commission members indicated that they do not feel that a health club/fitness center use should be allowed in the C-1 District, regardless of size. Others felt that a health club/fitness center use with a limited floor area or limited number of workout stations may be appropriate, provide a proof of parking analysis is completed. City staff and Planning Commissioners .discussed some of the characteristics of the Curves for Women operation. Since the business moved into downtown, City staff has fielded concerns with the location and amount of parking required to serve the business's patrons. Such uses tend to have very high peak parking demands in relation to off-peak parking demand. • 2 Planning Commission members indicated that input from residents at the February 7, 2002 meeting/public hearing, additional information to be supplied by City staff, and completion of a parking analysis by the Ipava Marketplace building owner is necessary prior to a final recommendation on this issue. Planning Commission members and City staff agreed that amendments regarding convenience restaurant seating and health club uses should be considered separately. In addition, the Planning Commission will look at the required. parking for commercial centers as part of the overall zoning ordinance review during 2002. Respectfully submitted by: Ron Mullenbach Frank Dempse Associate Planner Associate Planner • 3