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Planning Commission .Work Session
Thursday, January 31, 2002
Marion Conference Room
The Planning Commission work session commenced at 6:00 p.m. in the Marion
Conference Room..
Commissioners Present: Wendy Wulff, Dale Detjen, Karl Drotning, Gerry Grenz,
Tom Michaud, Lowell Miller Stolte, and Jim Puncochar.
Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Associate Planner Frank
Dempsey, Dan Licht of NAC, and Pat Lynch of the DNR.
Public Present: Gary and Donna Green, 17060 Judicial Road.
Shoreland Overly District Bluff Discussion
Mr. Lynch stated that the first draft of the Shoreland Overlay District standards
occurred in 1976. In 1989, the first draft amendment including the bluff
regulations was drafted. In 1991, the DNR adopted the definition of a bluff that
included a visual identification method to determine the bluff and bluff impact
zone. The existing City of Lakeville Shoreland Overlay District definition for bluff
uses a mathematical formula and was approved by the DNR and adopted by the
City of Lakeville in 1993 as part of a comprehensive update to the Shoreland
Overlay District section of the Zoning Ordinance.
Under the current ordinance, a 30 foot building setback from the top of the bluff is
required for lots created March 1, 1993 or thereafter and a 20 foot building setback
from the top of the bluff is required for lots created prior to March 1, 1993. The top
of the bluff is defined using the current mathematical formula. The Planning
Commission felt that situations may occur where construction on lots created prior
to the adoption of the bluff regulations (March 1, 1993) may be acceptable utilizing
the visual identification method to determine the top of the bluff. The visual
identification of the bluff could be utilized to determine the building setback from
the top of the bluff for lots created prior to March 1, 1993 only byconditional use
permit and subject to the following criteria:
1. Engineered plans must be submitted that demonstrate that there will be no
impact to the physical integrity of the bluff.
2. A shoreland impact plan must be submitted.
Planning Commission Work Session
January 31, 2002.
• 3. The surveyor must provide across-section elevation drawing showing the
ordinary high water level, the top and toe of the bluff, the bluff impact
zone, and all .existing and proposed structures.
4. No impervious surface area is permitted within the bluff impact zone.
The Planning Commission expressed support for utilizing the DNR approved
visual identification bluff definition for existing legal non-conforming parcels and
instructed staff to make the necessary amendments for discussion at a February
21, 2002 work session.
Sign Ordinance Amendment Discussion
Staff presented a-draft "red-lined" amendment to the Sign Ordinance concerning
signage for multiple tenant office buildings as prepared by Dan Licht of Northwest
Associated Consultants (NAC), which was based upon direction from Planning
and Community and Economic Development department staff. City staff has
received several requests from the owners and tenants of multiple tenant office
buildings to allow more than one office tenant to be displayed on the building's
freestandng_or wall signs.
The draft amendment "cleans up" certain areas of the Sign Ordinance related to
• business signage that need clarification and adds language that would allow
multiple tenant office buildings to list individual tenants on-the freestanding sign
provided the sign does not exceed the maximum allowed within the respective
zoning district.
The Planning Commission. expressed their support for the proposed amendment.
They indicated that they would like wording added to the draft amendment. that
would allow two separate commercial or industrial uses to co-locate on one
freestanding sign, provided no other freestanding signs are permitted on either
Staff will incorporated the suggested wording into a revised draft amendment,
which will be scheduled #oi- a public hearing at .the February 21, 2002 Planning
Commission meeting.
Zoning Ordinance Update Discussion
Staff presented their running list of issues associated with. the two-year review of
the. Zoning Ordinance Update, approved on July 17, 2000, as directed by the City
Council. The following is the list of issues discussed by staff and the Planning
Planning Commission Work Session
January 31, 2002
Chapter 11-15-5 and 11-15-7
Specify that building and deck additions and the construction of detached accessory
buildings are expansions to non-conforming uses and structures that are not permitted.
Chapter 11-16-13
Incorporate revised wetland bufferarea and building setback requirements consistent
with the Wetland. Management Plan currently being prepared.
Chapter 11-17-11A.2
Currently allows decks limited to the height of the ground floor level of the house to
encroach into the side and rear yard setbacks. For a house with a walkout, a deck
.located at the ground floor level of the house could be elevated 8-10 feet above the side
or rear yard grade. Under the current ordinance, this deck could be constructed within 5
feet of a side lot line and 10 feet of a rear lot line. This section will be reworded to
eliminate elevated decks from the allowed. setback encroachment.
Chapter 11-17-25
Require.an administrative permit for moving a house onto an unsewered .parcel in;the
city and require: a conditional use permit:with. criteria;addressing compatibility with the
neighborhood and architectural standards formoving a house onto a sewered lot.
• Chapter 11-18-7
Clarify that a freestanding gazebo is an accessory structure subject to the area, .height
and setback requirements for accessory buildings. A definition for gazebo will be added;
to the Zoning Ordinance.
Chapters 11-1S-7B, 11-21-5A, and 11-21-5G
Staff will review changing the newly adopted zoning permit to an administrative
Chapter 11-18-7C
Establish a minimum detached accessory building setback from a side or rear lot line in
the case of a buffer yard.
Chapters 11-18-9D, 11-57-5, and 41-58-7
The accessory building area limitations for single family uses in the RST-2,
RM-1, RM-2, RH-1, and RH-2 Districts should be the same as allowed in the RS-3
District (1,100 square feet for an interior lot and 1,250 square feet for a comer lot).
Single family uses in these five districts must adhere to the RS-3 lot area requirements
and accessory building area lmitatians are based upon lot area requirements.
Also, detached townhomes will be removed from this chart.
Planning Commission Work Session
January 31, 2002
• Chapter 11-19-71.12
Clarify under what circumstances a paved driveway is required for attached and
detached accessory buildings.
Chapter 11-19-11 B
Eliminate the administrative permit requirement for guest parking spaces.
Chapter 11-19-13
Increase the number of parking spaces .required for shopping centers based upon
discussion at the January 17, 2002 Planning Commission work session.
Also, establish a parking requirement for health clubs/fitness centers.
Chapter 11-21-5G.3
Clarify the setback from the: house and: property lines for a deck attached o a wimming
Chapter 11-21-9C.1
Include a minimum lot depth for buffer yards in the RST-1 and RST-2 Districts.
Chapter 11-21-9C.6.b(1)
Allow buffer yard fences-to be installed after subdivision approval provided they are
consistent with the other: provisions for buffer yard fencing.
Chapter 11-27-78
Clarify that parking in the driveway can be utilized to meet the parking requirement for
model homes, provided it is :not in a tandem arrangement. Also, reduce the required
number of off-street parking spaces from four to three.
Chapters 11-46-9B
Adopt restrictions on commercial animal feedlots similar to those recently adopted by
Dakota County.
Chapter 11-55-15B.8.a
Establish a minimum building setback from a street surface for manufactured home
parks existing prior to 1965 (Connelly and Queen Anne).
Plamung Commission Work Session
January 31, 2002
Chapter 11-57 (RST-2 District)
Establish a unit lot. similar to attached townhouses instead of a standard lot similar to
single family dwellings.
Establish a minimum side yard setback that is not based upon tike height of the
buildings.. A twenty (20} foot side setback between buildings was recommended.
Prohibit fences (except bufferyard fences), detached accessory buildings and outdoor
storage of RVs.
Given the late hour, the Planning. Commission agreed to continue discussion of
the list of issues associated with the two-year review of the Zoning Ordinance
Update to a work session to be held on February 7, 2002 at 4:00 p.m. in the
Marion Conference Room.
The work session was adjourned: at 10:40 p. m.
R pectfully submitted,
aryl. M ey, Plan i g Director
Frank Dempsey, As ciat Planner