HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-02 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes FEBRUARY 7, 2002 The February 7, 2002 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Wulff in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: Present: Stolte, Larson, Michaud,. Wulff, Grenz, Detjen, Drotning, ex-officio Puncochar. Absent: None Staff Present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Ron Mullenbach, Associate Planner; Alyson Morris, Development/Design Engineer; Jay. Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. ITEM 3: APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: The January 17, 2002 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. The January 17, 2002 Planning Commission work session minutes were approved. as presented. ITEM 4: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Morey stated that the following items were distributed to the Planning Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting: 1. February 6, 2002 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting motions and recommendations regarding Cornerstone Lake 2nd Addition and Springbrook. 2. E-mail from Sandi Sauber and Shari McKnight representing Ladies Workout Express. Mr. Morey introduced the new Assistant City Engineer, Jay Rubash, to the Planning Commission. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION OF THE 2001 COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS City Administrator Robert Erickson gave a short presentation of the Decision Resources, LTD community survey results. He highlighted the issues that related to the. planning and development of the City of Lakeville. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 2 ITEM 6. CONSENT AGENDA 02.09 Motion by Michaud, Second by Grenz to recommend to City Council approval of the February 7, 2002 Planning Commission Consent Agenda as follows: A. Approve the application of D. R. Horton, Inc. for a final plat of 10 single family lots to be known as Vermillion Springs Third Addition located on the west side of Highview Avenue, north of 165 Street. Ayes: Stolte, Larson, Michaud, Wulff, Grenz, Detjen, Drotning Nays: 0 ITEM 7. PAIGE JELEN Chair Wulff opened the public. hearing to consider the application of .Paige Jelen for a Special Home Occupation Permit to allow the operation of a hair salon in a single family residence, located at 17360 Foliage Avenue. City Attorney Knutson attested that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with state statutes and City Code. Ms. Jelen was in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or the public may have. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the :planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that Ms. Jelen submitted an application for a special home occupation permit for the purpose of operating a hair salon out of her home located at 17360 Foliage Avenue. Ms. Jelen is currently licensed to cut .and style hair with a State of Minnesota cosmetology license. Mr. Dempsey indicated that an addition to the south side of the home with a side .entrance. is proposed to allow customers to access the lower level of the home which is where the salon work area will be located. Mr. Dempsey stated that on January 17, 2002 at the request of Planning Department staff, the .Planning Commission met informally with Paige and Joseph Jelen to discuss the proposed :addition onto their home with a separate entrance that would be used for the proposed hair salon. Mr. Dempsey indicated that there are 10 general provisions in Section 11-32-7A of the .Zoning Ordinance which all permitted and special home occupations must conform. He stated that the 10 provisions are all being met by the Jeleri s. Mr. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 3 Dempsey indicated that according to Ms. Jelen's application, the hair salon will be located on the lower level of the two-level split home. Ms. Jelen will be the only person .employed in the hair salon. No more than one. client at a time will be served and by appointment,.only. Mr. Dempsey stated that the site plan indicates that there is adequate space for off-street customer parking on the three-car garage width driveway. No customers will be allowed to park on the street. Ms. Jelen indicated that she will be selling shampoo, conditioner and other hair care related products produced off-premises. Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City Council approval of the Jelen Special Home Occupation. Permit, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 12 stipulations listed in the February 1, 2002 planning report and the Findings of Fact dated February 7, 2002. Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public for comment. • There were na comments from the audience. 02.10 Motion by Michaud, Second by Detjen to close the public hearing at 6:25 p.m. Ayes: Larson, Michaud, Wulff, Grenz, Detjen, Drotning, Stolte Nays: 0 Chair Wulff thanked the Jeleri s for meeting with the Planning Commission prior to formally submitting their Special Home Occupation Permit application. Commissioner Drotning indicated that this was a fairly straight forward request that meets Zoning Ordinance requirements. 02.11 Motion by Drotning, Second. by Stolte to recommend to the City Council approval of the application of Paige Jelen for a Special Home Occupation Permit to allow the operation of a hair salon in a single family residence, located at 17360 Foliage Avenue, subject. to the 12 stipulations listed in the February 1, 2002 Planning Report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated February 7, 2002. Ayes: Michaud, Wulff, Grenz, Detjen, Drotning, Stolte, Larson. Nays: 0 i Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 4 ITEM 8. CORNERSTONE LAKE 2ND ADDITION Chair Wulff opened discussion to consider the application of Town & Country Homes, Inc. for a final plat of 52 townhome units to be known as Cornerstone Lake 2nd Addition, located at the southeast corner of Pilot Knob Road and 170 Street. Richard Palmiter from Town & Country Homes, Inc. was in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Palmiter gave a brief overview of their project. He indicated he had three points that he wanted to address. ? The revised landscaping along Pilot Knob Road based upon comments from the Planning Commission during their review of the Cornerstone Lake final plat. The revised berming and landscaping screen was .identified on a cross section view from Pilot Knob Road. ? Storm shelters. Town and Country Homes will be building safe rooms within each unit as originally proposed. ? Status of the roadway easement. Town and Country Homes. is still negotiating with the adjacent property owner to the south to acquire the easement .for the second public street connection for the Cornerstone Lake development,. at Pilot Knob Road. Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the planning report. Mr. Morey stated that Town and Country Homes representatives have submitted an application for the final .plat of Cornerstone Lake 2nd Addition, which proposes the development of 52 attached townhouse units on 7 lots with 2 common area lots and 2 outlots, on land located south of 170 Street (C.R. 58) and east of Pilot Knob Road (C.S.A.H. 31). Mr. Morey indicated that the Cornerstone Lake preliminary plat was approved,by the City Council on June 4, 2001 and the Cornerstone Lake phase 1 final plat of 48 townhouse units was approved by the City Council on September 4, 2001. Mr. Morey stated that the Cornerstone Lake preliminary plat includes the connection of Encina Path to Pilot Knob .Road to provide a second access for the development. The Encina Path connection to Pilot Knob Road requires the Planning Conunission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 5 developer to obtain a roadway easement from the adjacent property owner to the south.. As indicated earlier tonight, the developer has been unable to obtain the roadway easement from the adjacent property owner at this time. Mr. Morey indicated that the approved Cornerstone Lake phase 1 development contract only allows the development of up to 100 townhouse units in Cornerstone Lake prior to the construction of the Encina Path roadway connection. Mr. Morey stated that he developer is proposing to plat only 52 townhouse units with the 2nd Addition. He stated that the developer must continue their efforts to obtain the Encina Path roadway easement from the adjacent property owner prior to submitting a final plat for the remaining 64 townhouse units in the Cornerstone Lake preliminary plat. Mr. Morey stated that 170 Street is designated as a major collector in the City's Transportation Plan. The south half right-of-way for 170 Street was dedicated with the Cornerstone Lake phase 1 final plat. The development contract for the .Cornerstone Lake .phase 1 final plat required the developer to upgrade. the south side. of 170 Street to an urban section, including a right turn lane at Embers Avenue and an eight foot wide bituminous trail, in 2002 in lieu of a cash escrow. Mr. Morey indicated that .when the development contract was drafted,. Dakota i County was planning to turn 170 Street (C.R 58) back to the City. However, Dakota County is now considering incorporating 170 Street into ,their East-West Corridor Study and retaining ownership of the street. Mr. Morey stated. that since the exact design of 170 Street, based upon the designation of the roadway by the County with the completion of their Corridor Study, is undetermined at this time, staff is recommending the Cornerstone Lake development .contract be amended with the 2nd Addition development contract to require the cash escrow instead of the street upgrade. Mr. Morey stated that, as Mr. Palmiter mentioned earlier tonight,. the .developer has submitted a revised landscape plan, including the cross section drawing with the Cornerstone Lake 2nd Addition final plat. The landscape plan was revised as requested by the Planning Commission during their review of the Cornerstone Lake phase 1 final .plat to include only evergreen trees for buffer yard screening adjacent to Pilot Knob Road.. The proposed evergreens consist of 8 foot tall Black Hills and .Colorado Spruce and. White Fir trees. The City's Corridor and Gateway Design Study does not list White Fir as an allowed evergreen tree. As such, Mr. Morey indicated that the developer agreed the landscape plan will be revised to replace the White Fir trees with Austrian Pine trees. S Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002. Page 6 Mr. Morey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City Council approval of the final plat of Cornerstone Lake 2nd Addition, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 12 stipulations listed in the February 1, 2002 planning report. Commissioner Drotning indicated he was pleased with the cross section view of the landscaping along Pilot Knob Road, and .also with the .developer's decision to provide internal'safe rooms for each townhouse unit. Commissioner Stolte wanted to know if the trails that didn't get completed in phase 1 of the Cornerstone Lake development should be included with the .stipulations of Cornerstone Lake 2nd Addition. Mr. Morey indicated that the trails were included in the Development Contract for the Cornerstone Lake 1St Addition. Chair Wulff asked about the size of the berm along Pilot Knob Road. Mr. Palmiter indicated that the berm will be at least. 4 feet high with 8 foot tall evergreen trees. Chair Wulff also asked he .developer if they were planning. to install. the landscaping along 170th Street with. this development phase. Mr. Palmiter indicated that the buffer yard landscaping along 170th Street will. be installed-after the trail on the south side of 170th Street is constructed. Chair Wulff suggested the berming and landscaping along 170th Street be installed when the 3 townhouse buildings (22 units) on Outlots B, C and D, Cornerstone Lake, are preliminary and final platted. A determination on Dakota County's plans for 170th Street maybe. clearer at the time. Chair Wulff was concerned about the possibility of more noise from increased. traffic on 170th Street if it is identified as an east-west. corridor by Dakota county. In that case, berming and landscaping along 170th Street should be increased. 02.12 Motion by Detjen, Second by Grenz to recommend to the City Council approval of the Cornerstone Lake 2nd Addition final plat, subject to the 12 stipulations listed in the February 1, 2002 planning report. Ayes: Wulff, Grenz, Detjen, Drotning, Stolte,. Larson, Michaud. Nays: 0 Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 7 ITEM 9. SPRINGBROOK Chair Wulff opened discussion to consider the application of Town & Country Homes, .Inc. for a final plat of 154 townhome units to be known as Springbrook, located in the northeast corner of Kenrick Avenue and 205 Street. Krista Flemming, the Project Manager for Town & Country Homes, Inc., was in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Ms. Flemming gave a brief update of'their project. She indicated that there was a $50,000 grant awarded through the Metropolitan Council for the infiltration ponding proposed for this project. Ms. Flemming. indicated the following changes have been made to the Springbrook final plat: ? The private drive connection to the adjacent commercial parcel has been eliminated because the owner of the commercial property has no plans to develop the land before .the Springbrook development commences. Because of this, the pond within Outlot D has been shifted to the north and landscaping has been added to the north, east, and south sides of the pond. ? The monument sign which was proposed to be erected at Kensfield Trail and 205 Street will be placed with a separate outlot to be owned and maintained by the homeowners association. ? Internal safe rooms will be constructed in all units. Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the planning report. Mr. Morey stated that Town and Country Homes representatives have submitted an application for the final plat of .Springbrook, which proposes the development of 154 attached townhouse units on 26.84 acres of land located north of 205 Street and east of Kenrick Avenue. The preliminary plat of 154 attached townhouse units, called Stonegate at that time, was approved by the City Council on October 15, 2001. Mr. Morey stated that the Certificate of .Survey submitted withthe preliminary plat plans identified garden and planter encroachments into the subject property from the adjacent single family homes to the east. The developer has agreed to have all Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 8 encroachments removed by Apri130, 2002. The developer has notified the affected property owners of this timeline. Mr. Morey stated that there is an existing billboard located on the west side of the property adjacent to Kenrick Avenue, which, according to an agreement between the developer and the sign company, will be removed by May 1, 2002. Mr. Morey stated that the lot, block, and street design of the Springbrook final plat is consistent. with the preliminary plat approved October 15, 2001 with one exception. The preliminary plat proposed a private driveway access to the adjacent C-3 zoned parcel. The Planning Commission recommended, during their review of the Stonegate preliminary plat, that the driveway access be eliminated if a specific user of the adjacent commercial parcel is not identified at the time of final plat. Mr. Morey stated that he has talked with the current owner of the adjacent commercial parcel and he indicated to him that he has no immediate plans for the commercial property.. He did indicate that he anticipates commercial development after the Springbrook project development begins. As such, the developer has removed the proposed private driveway access from the final plat plans, has .shifted the pond within. Outlot D to the. north, and has added landscaping on the north, east, and south sides of the pond. Mr. Morey recommended that stipulations 13 and 17 of the February 1, 2002 Planning Report be revised as follows: 13. The .subdivision identification monument sign proposed on outlot D shall be relocated to a Homeowners Association outlot or common area Lot 6, Block 2 or Lot 11, Block 3. A sign permit must be issued by the City prior to the installation of the subdivision identification .monument signs. The subdivision identification monument signs shall meet Sign Ordinance area (65 square .feet), height (8 feet), .and setback (15 feet from the adjacent street rights-of-way) requirements, and provisions for their long term maintenance must be included- in the required homeowners association documents. 17. The slab-on-grade townhouse units shall include a main .floor room built to FEMA standards for .storm protection c''^'~^r ~~,.,,^~~~r^ in compliance with Chapter 11-58-21E of the zoning Ordinance. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 9 Mr. Morey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City Council approval of the final plaf of Springbrook, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 18 stipulations listed in the February 1, 2002 planning report, as amended. Commissioner Stolte asked staff why the path on 205 Street isri t being constructed adjacent to the commercial .parcel with the Springbrook development. Mr. Morey stated that this trail segment .will be constructed when the commercial parcel develops. Commissioner Detjen asked if the property .owner to the north was aware of this final plat. Mr. Morey indicated that staff forwarded a copy of the final plat plans to Mr. Beissel. .02.13 Motion by Grenz, Second by Michaud to recommend to the City Council approval of the Springbrook final plat, .subject to the amended 18 stipulations. listed in the February 1, 2002 planning report.. Ayes: Grenz, Detjen, Drotning, Stolte, Larson, Michaud, Wulff. Nays: 0 ITEM 10. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider a Zoning Ordinance. Text amendment related to the G1, Retail Commercial District to allow convenience restaurants like coffeehouses, bagel shops, bakeries, etc. to have seating within the C-1 District. Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach presented the planning report. Mr. Mullenbach stated that at the direction of the City Council, the Planning Commission is being asked to consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance text that would allow prepared food users to have accessory seating and allow health club/fitness center uses in he C-1, Retail Commercial District. He indicated that consideration of these amendments was initiated by the City Council on the recommendation of staff in response to .existing and proposed uses in the Ipava Marketplace commercial center, located at the northwest quadrant of Ipava Avenue and 163rd Street. Mr. Mullenbach stated that if the Zoning Ordinance is amended to allow these uses, the Ipava Marketplace building owners will still be required to prove compliance :with City parking requirements. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 10 Mr. Mullenbach gave some background information, as stated in the February 1, 2002 PlanniMg Report, regarding the initial .plan preparation for Ipava Marketplace by the building owners, SDC Equity Partners, beginning in Spring 2000. Mr. Mullenbach stated that several uses proposed by the building owners have not been allowed to occupy space in Ipava 1Vlarketplace because they are not permitted in the C-1 District. He indicated that the Planning Commission is being asked to consider amendments that may allow the C-1 District to be more viable for existing and future tenants in Ipava Marketplace as well as other C-1 District properties within the City. Mr. Mullenbach stated that at their January 17, 2002 work session, Planning Commission members discussed the appropriateness of allowing some prepared food uses to have accessory seating in the C-1 District. In addition, they agreed that accessory seating is a .logical extension of the coffeehouses, bakeries, ice cream parlors, etc. provided corresponding performance standards are put in place to ensure an appropriate scale for such uses in aneighborhood-oriented commercial district, including no drive-through facilities, no liquor sales, limited seating area, and proof of parking for multiple- occupancy commercial buildings. • Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the administrative ermit rocess will rovide Cit p P P Y staff with an opportunity to review accessory seating uses and require stipulations necessary to ensure an appropriate intensity level in a timeframe more conducive to business operations than the conditional use permit process. The 300 square feet of seating area was chosen to correspond to the Uniform Building Code requirements related to bathroom facilities. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that restaurants with more than 300 square feet of seating are required to provide both a men's and women's bathroom, rather than a single unisex bathroom. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that Planning Department staff is recommending approval of the amendment to the C-1, Retail Commercial District text related to seating. accessory to prepared food uses, as indicated in the February 1, 2002 Planning Report. Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public Mr. and Mrs. Deneen,16289 Ipava Avenue They are he owners of Ipava Java in Ipava Marketplace. They thanked Mr. Mullenbach and the Planning Commission for their consideration of this Zoning Ordinance Text amendment. They stated that they continue their no seating policy • if #his amendment is not approved. They stated they will follow the 4 stipulations listed in Mr. Mullenbach's February 1, 2002- Planning Report, but indicated that Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 11 the square footage listed as stipulation 3 may be too large and suggested that limiting the number of seats/tables maybe better. 02.14. Motion by Drotning, Second by Detjen to close the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. Ayes: Detjen, Drotning, Stolte, Larson, Michaud, Wulff, Grenz. Nays: D Commissioner Michaud asked about parking and if the owners of Ipava Java thought that their customers would stay longer if seating is added.. Mr. Deneen estimated that 80% of their customers will pick up their order and leave. Sometimes they might have small group settings at off-peak hours. He also indicated .that because they do not make the sandwiches to order, the customers will not have to wait for the sandwiches to be prepared. Commissioner Drotning thought that some sort of limited seating is appropriate. Chair Wulff wanted to know if there was any standard of how many .tables would fit in 300 square feet. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the number of tables and chairs is not: limited, .but making enough room for your customers would have a limiting effect. Commissioner Grenz felt that the amendment to include seating is good, but it should limit the number of chairs rather than square footage. The .commissioners all agreed that the seating was a good idea. Chair Wulff, Commissioners Michaud, Stolte, Larson, Detjen, and Drotning all agreed that. limiting the seating area to 300 square feet was better than limiting the number of chairs and/or tables. Commissioner Drotning wanted to make it clear that they were proposing to amend. the ordinance because it makes sense, not because the Deneen's business needs seating. 02.15 Motion by Stolte, Second by Michaud to recommend to the City Council approval of a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to allow seating accessory to bagel,. candy, coffee, delicatessen, ice cream, popcorn, nuts, frozen desserts, and soft drink sales in the C-1 District, as identified in the February 1, 2002 Planning Report. Ayes Drotning, Stolte, Larson, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen. Nays:. Grenz. Wants -the number of chairs limited, rather than square footage. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002. Page 12 Break at 7:30 p.m. Reconvened at 7:40 p.m. Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider a Zoning Ordinance Text amendment related to the C-1, Retail Commercial District to .allow commercial. recreation uses within the C-1 District. Mr. Mullenbach stated that at their January 17, 2002 work session, Planning Commission members discussed the appropriateness. of allowing health club/fitness center uses in the C-1 District. City staff has reviewed neighborhood commercial districts from other communities to identify their treatment of health club/fitness center uses. In summary, Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the appropriateness of health club-fitness center uses within a particular district is reflective of each community's desires. Mr. Mullenbach stated that Ladies Workout Express has submitted a building permit application for interior improvements for one of the vacant tenant spaces at Ipava Marketplace. The concept of Ladies Workout Express is that women would purchase memberships/enter into contracts for weight loss consultation and circuit • training with hydraulic fitness. equipment at 24 stations.. Typical visits would last approximately 30 minutes. Mr. Mullenbach stated that the Planning Commission is being asked for a recommendation on whether health club/fitness center uses should be allowed in the C-1 District? If the answer is yes, Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the Planning Commission must make a recommendation as to: ? Should these uses. be listed as a Permitted or Conditional Use? Conditional use permit review factors include compatibility with present and future land uses, ability of adjacent streets to accommodate .the proposed use, and compliance with parking regulations. ? Should these uses be limited in size? Mr. Mullenbach stated that the Planning Commission may also determine that such. uses are not appropriate in the C-1 District and recommend that no action be taken. Mr. Mullenbach also indicated that parking has #o be taken into consideration prior to .the occupancy of a building. He discussed the parking requirements for Ipava Marketplace and referenced the parking audit prepared by the owners of Ipava i Marketplace, SDC Equity Partners. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 13 • Mr. Mullenbach indicated that Planning Department staff is recommending that the C-1 District not be amended to allow health club/fitness center uses in the C-1, Retail Commercial Districts based on the purpose of the C-1 District and the intensity of the use. Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public Sandy Sauber and Shari McKnight, 651-463-4980 Ms. Sauber and Ms. McKnight are the proposed owners of Ladies Workout Express. They thanked the Planning Commission and the City of Lakeville for the opportunity to explain heir proposed business. Ms. Sauber explained the workout sessions with the 24 stations, the approximate length of time to complete the. circuit, and when they felt their busiest time would be. They feel that this business will satisfy the needs of Lakeville's growing population. Bruce Peterson, Ipava Marketplace Mr. Peterson is one of three owners of Ipava Marketplace. He feels that parking at Ipava Marketplace would not be a problem. He stated that he has owned many .commercial strip centers in his 35 years in the business and none of them have ever . had a parking problem. Dewey Johnson, Ipava Marketplace Mr. Johnson is owner/manager of Ipava Marketplace. He prepared the parking audit .and feels it is very accurate. He has heard no complaints regarding the parking at Ipava Marketplace. He feels Ipava Marketplace is well balanced in terms of its tenant mix. Marvin Lisvt, 763-546-1200 Attorney for Ipava Marketplace. He was concerned with what to call this type of fitness center because this type business didn't exist 5 or 6 years ago. He believes this is a less intense use than. some of the other businesses listed in the C-1 District, such as beauty salons. From. a legal standpoint, he believes this should be dealt with as a conditional use permit. He feels that the City needs to take into account the staggered uses of the businesses in Ipava Marketplace. He stated that the City needs to be creative and figure out a way to let this happen. 02.16 Motion by Stolte, Second by Michaud to close thepublic hearing at 7:45 p.m. Ayes: Detjen, Drotning, Stolte, Larson, Michaud, Wulff, Grenz. Nays: 0 • Commissioner Puncochar didn't think the comparison made by the Ipava Marketplace attorney between the women's workout facility and the beauty salon Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 14 was a good one. He stated that individuals don't make as many trips to a beauty salon as they do to a workout facility. Commissioner Stolte concurred with Mr. Lisvt as to what to call a workout facility such as Ladies Workout Express. He felt it wasn't a parking issue, but rather an issue of appropriateness in a neighborhood setting. Commissioner Stolte stated he supports allowing the use as a CUP in the C-1 District. Commissioner Grenz stated that he could support this type of use. only if there were no group lessons or sauna, hot tubs, ball courts, etc. Commissioner Drotning asked if a license is required from the state to sell memberships, and if so, is it because it's a health club or a money raising issue. City Attorney. Knutson indicated that all health clubs must have a state license to sell memberships. The Planning Commission agreed that this would be a good neighborhood use. They agreed that parking was an issue. Commissioner Detjen asked if the size of the Ladies Workout Express could be reduced. Ms. Sauber indicated that it could • not. :Commissioner Drotning felt more comfortable with the parking demand identified in the planning report rather than .the numbers provided in the owner's .parking audit. Chain Wulff pointed out that there are parking problems at other commercial strip centers in Lakeville. She thought that a different location may work better for a fitness center. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the Ladies Workout Express offers three .packages for franchise opportunities: 8 hydraulic machines and 8 cardiovascular machines; 10 hydraulic machines and 10 cardiovascular machines; 12 hydraulic machines and 12 cardiovascular machines, so there are alternatives for the businessowners, that would be less intense than proposed. Break at 8:45 p.m. Reconvened at 8:55 p.m. Commissioner Drotning asked how many C-1 District properties there are in Lakeville. Mr. Mullenbach stated that there are nine C-1 properties; two of which are vacant. Commissioner Drotning suggested that an independent parking study be done for Ipava Marketplace. He feels that the parking is not properly dispersed Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2002 Page 15 throughout the site. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the recommended parking for a health club would be 1 space per piece of equipment/cardiovascular area plus one space per employee. 02.17 Motion by Drotning, Second by Michaud to table consideration of the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to allow health club/fitness center uses within the C-1, Retail Commercial District until the February 21, .2002 Planning Commission meeting, to allow City staff to prepare an amendment to allow health clubs/fitness centers as a conditional use in the C-1 District with certain stipulations. Ayes: Stolte, Larson, Michaud, Wulff, Grenz, Detjen, Drotning. Nays: 0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:OOp.m. Respectfully submitted, • 1 Penn Bre ig, Record' cretary ATTEST: Wen Wulff, hair •