HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-02 work session Meeting Notes Planning Commission Work Session Thursday, February 7,.2002 Marion Conference Room The Planning Commission work session commenced at 4:00 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room. Commissioners Present: Wendy Wulff, Dale Detjen, Karl Drotning, Gerry Grenz, Tom Michaud, Lowell Miller Stolte, and Jim Puncochar. Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey and Dan Licht of NAC. Zoning Ordinance Update Discussion Discussion continued on the list of issues associated with the two-year review of the Zoning Ordinance Update. The following is the list of issues discussed. by staff and the Planning Commission: Chapter 11-58 (RM-1 District) Reduce the 30 foot guest parking setback from townhouse buildings and rights-of-way - provided they are properly screened. This should allow a more even dispersal of guest parking spaces throughout the townhouse development. Include a statement clarifying that decks and vinyl shakes or scallops are considered an acceptable material to meet the exterior finish requirements. Allow a 50 foot public street right-of-way width by administrative permit. Eliminate the need for an administrative permit for the alternative townhouse transition requirements (i.e. separation by a major collector or arterial street, or a 100 foot wide. publicly dedicated area).. Allow head-in guest parking spaces on low traffic volume streets serving a limited. number of townhouse units. Prohibit outdoor storage. Chapter 11-17-23 Add a safe room requirement for single family homes with no basements. Planning Commission Work Session February 7, 2002 Chapter 11-70-7 Allow veterinary clinics as a conditional use permit in the O-R District subject to the same stipulations as required in the C-1 District. This would be consistent with other permitted and conditional uses allowed in the O-R District (medical clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, and mortuaries). Chapter 11-75-7 Consider allowing instructional uses/classes (i.e. pottery or stained glass studio) as a conditional use in the downtown commercial district, A higher parking standard would need to be incorporated with this type of use. Chapter t1-75-7B.2 Modify to read `The residential design and construction standards as outlined in the RH-2 District are met." Chapter 11-87-3 Major automobile repair needs to be listed as a permitted use in he I-2 District consistenf-with the Zoning. Ordinance prior to the update._ Somehow, this use. was inadvertently left out of the permitted uses in the 1-2 District with the. Zoning Ordinance Update. • The following is a list of issues that need revision. or review related to the Subdivision Ordinance: Chapter 10-3-2E.4 Prohibit the use of individual lot ejector sanitary sewer pumps. Chapter 10-4-2 Establish a maximum driveway slope of 10% for newly subdivided lots. Chapter 10-4-6 Engineering Department staff is refining their standards pertaining to storm water drainage and infiltration basin standards. Chapter 10-4-11 B.3 and 10-4-11 D.1 Change the tree replacement requirement to 2 ~/z inch caliper consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. 2 Planning Commission Work Session .February 7, 2002 The following is a list of .issues that need revision or review related to the Sign Ordinance: Chapter 9-3-8G Review the instances in which electronic reader board signs are permitted in commercial districts. The Planning Commission directed staff to review the Apple Valley Zoning Ordinance .pertaining to townhouse developments and to review their newer townhouse developments located north of County. Road 46 in order to compare their standards and new developments to ours. The Planning Commission recommended that staff contact several townhouse developers who have developed projects under the requirements established with the Zoning Ordinance Update and invite them to discuss their views with staff and the Planning Commission at a future work session. This_work_session would focus only on townhouse development performance standards. The work session was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. e espectfully submitted, aryl rey, an g Director . 3