HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-02 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes MAY 2,•2002 The May 2, 2002 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Wulff. in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: Present: Swecker, Stolte, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, ex-officio Puncochar. Absent: None Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner, Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, .Recording Secretary.. ' ITEM 3: APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: Commissioner Detjen requested that the 2nd paragraph on Page 7 of the April 18, 2002 minutes read: "Commissioner Detjen confirmed that the overhead utility lines referred to in the Planning Report are the.transmission lines fronting the property." The A ril 18, 2002 Plannin Commission minutes were approved, as amended. p g ITEM 4: SWEARING IN OF NEW PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER, KERRIN SWECKER Ms. Swecker was welcomed by Chair Wulff .and sworn in as a new Planning Commission member by Assistant City Attorney Poehler. ITEM 5: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Morey stated that the. following items were distributed to the Planning Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting. 1. A copy of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. May 1, 2002 meeting motion regarding the St. Frances woods 8d' Addition Final Plat. ITEM 6: ST. FRANCES WOODS 8TH ADDITION Chair Wulff opened discussion to consider the application of Dale Pexa for a final plat of 29 townhouse units to be known as St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition, located east of Kenrick Avenue, south of 205 Street. • Planning Commission Meeting May 2, 2002 Page 2 The developer for St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition, Dale Pexa and Rick Osberg from James R. Hill & Associates were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer questions that the public or Planning Commission may have. Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the planning report. Mr. Morey stated that Dale and Frances Pexa have submitted an application. for the final plat of St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition, consisting of 29 townhouse lots, 5 common area lots, and 3 outlots, located south of 205 Street and west of Kensington Boulevard. Mr. Morey explained the history of the St. Frances Woods 7~ Addition preliminary and final plat as outlined in the April 26, 2002. Planning Report. He indicated that the City Council has approved two extensions of the St. Frances Woods 7 Addition preliminary plat to allow the developer time to complete the phasing for. the St. Frances Wood development. Mr. Morey indicated that the St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition final plat is subject to the performance standards approved with the St. Frances Woods 7~ Addition. preliminary plat/PUD. .The townhouse buildings, which are not subject to the current RM-1 district standards, include basements, 528 square foot garages, and • brick or stone on the front elevations. Mr. Morey stated that the developer submitted homeowners association documents.. with the St. Frances Woods 7~ Addition final plat. He indicated that the developer must submit documentation that St, Frances Woods 8~ Addition will be included in the existing. homeowners association or submit separate homeowners association documents for this development. Mr. Morey stated that building setback flexibility for the townhouse buildings and the proposed building pads for the 29 townhouse units in St. Frances Woods. 8~ Addition meet the approved St. Francis Woods. 7~ Addition preliminary plat/PUD setback requirements. Mr. Morey stated that the St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition final .plat abuts Kensington Boulevard, which is designated as a minor collector street in the City's Transportation Plan. Mr. Morey stated that Kensington Boulevard was constructed, including eight foot wide bituminous trails on both sides, adjacent to the St. Frances Woods development with the 7~ Addition final plat improvements. A five foot wide trail easement .will be dedicated by the developer along Kensington Boulevard with .the final plat of St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition consistent with the 7~ Addition final plat. Planning Commission Meeting May 2, 2002 . Page 3 • Mr. Morey indicated that the development of St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition includes the construction of two segments of Kaiser: Way, a public street, and the extension of Kearney Path, a private street that will be constructed to City standards but will be maintained by the homeowners association. Mr. Morey stated that the developer is proposing to construct 18 guest parking spaces to serve the 29 townhouse units in St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition consistent with the guest parking spaces shown on the approved preliminary plat/PUD plans. Mr. Morey stated that a landscape plan, which includes the entire St. Frances Woods .development, was approved with the St. Frances Woods 7~ Addition final plat. The landscape plan. reflected Planning Commission and City Council recommendations related to the approved preliminary plat/PUD. Mr. Morey indicated the plan includes a mixture of Black Hi11s Spruce, Colorado Spruce, Amur Maple, and Red Splendor Crab trees along both sides of minor collector Kensington Boulevard. The approved landscape plan also includes Black Hills Spruce trees on the south.. side of Block 3 adjacent to Fairfield Business Campus and foundation. plantings for each townhouse unit. Mr. Morey stated that at .their May 1, 2002 meeting, the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee made a recommendation. of a cash contribution in the amount of $38,425 ($1325 X 29 units) to satisfy the park dedication requirements. He indicated that. this is the park dedication. fee in effect at the time.. of the approved preliminary plat/PUD. Mr. Morey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City Council approval of the final plat of St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition, Planning Department staff recommends the 15 stipulations listed in the Apri126, 2002 planning report. Commissioner Drotning asked if the developer was concerned about construction access through the .project when they are developing the future phases. He also asked about their phasing time line. Mr. Morey stated that the City... Council has approved two extensions of the preliminary plat to allow the developer additional time to complete project phasing. He stated that all phases must. be final platted within two years of the date the preliminary plat was approved. • Mr. Osber indicated that construction access must come throu h the development g g from Kensington Boulevard. There is no access from the wesfi or south. The Planning Commission Meeting May 2, 2002 Page 4 developer is not concerned about construction traffic impacting the project's residents. Regarding their phasing time line, the townhouses initially didn't sell as quickly as they had hoped. He indicated that buyer appeal in this area has improved and sales have increased. Commissioner Drotning confirmed that the developer will retain control over the homeowners association until 70% of the townhouses are sold. Commissioner Grenz asked if the developer can request more extensions. Mr. Morey indicated that this is the last townhouse project being developed under the standards in place prior to the July. 17, 2000 Zoning Ordinance Update. He stated that if the recent extension wasn't granted and the developer had to re-plat based upon current RM-1 district Standards, the design of the development would be different between the project phases. This would be contradictory to Comprehensive. Land Use Plan and .zoning Ordinance goals and objectives for townhouse developments. Staff is recommending that the developer be allowed to complete the project phasing consistent with the approved preliminary plat%PUD. • Mr. Osberg indicated that there are 63 townhouse units remaining to be final platted, and depending.. on the sales market, they may be platted in one or two phases. .Commissioner Detjen asked about the adjacent property to the west. Mr. Morey stated that two commercial outlots, which Mr. Pexa owns, were platted in St. Frances Woods 7~ Addition. He confirmed that when they are proposed for commercial development in the future, they would have to be platted into lots and blocks. Commissioner Drotning stated that there is a large utility easement that separates the residential and commercial lots in the St. Frances Woods development. Mr. Morey and Mr. Pexa indicated that landscaping was installed in this area as a buffer yard screen with the first development phase to allow the plantings time to grow before the commercial lots are developed. 02.45 .Motion by Drotning, Second by Michaud to recommend to City Council approval of the application of Dale Pexa for a final plat to be known as St. Frances Woods 8~ Addition, subject to the 15 stipulations listed in the Apri126, 2002 Planning Report. • Ayes: Stolte, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotriing, Swecker. Nays: 0 Planning Commission Meeting May 2, 2002 Page 5 • ITEM 7: NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Drotning was not in attendance at the April 18, 2002 Planning Commission meeting when the interim ordinance establishing a one-year moratorium on commercial development east of I-35 at the C. R. 50 interchange was discussed. He commented that he agrees with the interim ordinance to allow the City time to study and officially map future road alignments and indicated that he felt the action will benefit the whole community. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Penny ~ v' , Recordin ~ ecr Lary ATTEST:. Wendy Wulff, Chair