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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
JUNE 6, 2002
The June 6, 2002 Planning .Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Wulff
in the. City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
Flag pledge and roll call of members:
Present: Stolte, Swecker, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, ex-officio
Absent: None
Staff Present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Daryl Morey, Planning
Director; David Olson, Community & Economic Developer Director; Frank
Dempsey, Associate Planner, Ron Mullenbach, Associate Planner; Jay Rubash,
Assistant City Engineer; David Licht, Consultant .with Northwest .Associated
Consultants; Bret Weiss, consultant with WSB; Jeff Bednar, consultant .with SRF;
Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary.
The May. 16, 2002: Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
Mr. Morey .stated that the following items were distributed to Planning
Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting.
L .The June 5, 2002 Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources committee meeting
motions regarding the Wild Meadow Villas final plat and the Crossroads
Sketch Plan.
2. Letter from John R. Meyers of OPUS regarding the CrossRoads Project.
3. Memo from David Olson regarding the County Board Action on the
CrossRoads Project.
4. List of proposed tenants in the Cedar 160 Retail strip center.
ITEM 5: WILD MEADOW VILLAS (Continued from the May 16, 2002 Planning
Commission Meeting)
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
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Chair Wulff continued the Public Hearing to consider the application of Steven
Klucas and Randy and Sondra Samos for the vacation of a public roadway and
utility easement in relation to the final plat of Wild Meadow Villas, located west of
Dodd Boulevard (C.R. 9) and north of 215 Street (C.R. 70), and to consider the
application of Progress Land Company, Incorporated for the final plat of 128 single
family .detached townhome lots. Assistant City Attorney Poehler .attested that the
legal notice had.. been duly published in accordance with state statutes and City.
John Stainbrook Project Manager from Progress Land Company was in attendance
at tonight's .meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or public
may have. Mr. Stainbrook provided an overview of the proposed Wild Meadow
Villas development.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented. the planning. report.. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Progress Land Company has. submitted an application for the .final. plat
of 128 single family detached townhouse. lots to be known: as Wild Meadow Villas
located west of Dodd Boulevard and south of 210~_Street.
Mr. Dempsey also. indicated that Steven Klucas and Randy and Sondra Samos have
applied for the vacation of an existing roadway .and utility easement in conjunction
with the .proposed final plat of Wild Meadow Villas. He stated that. Samos and
Klucas-own the three parcels .north of Wild Meadow Villas. that will. have a portion.
of 212 Street constructed on their property and located within an existing 50 foof
wide public roadway .easement. Mr. Dempsey stated that a 50 .foot wide, easement
for roadway and utility purpose was dedicated by the owners of three of the four
properties north of the Wild Meadow Villas final plat to allow. a possible future
street access at Dodd Boulevard. He indicated that the easement was dedicated as a
stipulation of a Planned Unit Development/Conditional Use Permit (PUD/CUP)
approved by the .City Council in 1990. The PUD/CUP allowed a lot line
rearrangement of the non-conforming parcels north of the proposed Wild Meadow
Villas final plat.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the new right-of--way for 212 Street will utilize only a
portion of the existing 50 foot wide drainage and utility easement on the adjacent
properties. With the approval of the preliminary plat, the City agreed to vacate any
excess easement on the north side of proposed 212 Street. A 40 foot wide strip of
the easement will be retained on' the north side of 212 Street. The remaining
portion of the easement will be vacated.
Regarding the final plat, Mr. Dempsey stated that the Wild Meadow Vllas_final
plat area is zoned RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District consistent with
Planning Commission Meeting
Jae 6, 2002
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the low to medium density .residential land use identified on the :2020 Land Use
Map and District 8 provisions of the 1998 Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Dempsey stated that there are .nine parcels north of the proposed Wild
Meadow Villas final plat area of which seven have single family homes. All nine
parcels are planned and. zoned for future single family residential development.
The developer will install stub sanitary sewer and water laterals and services for
the possible future subdivision of theparcels identified on the "ghost plat" sketch
prepared by the developer.
Mr. Dempsey stated that a portion of the Wild Meadow Villas property is located
within. the Shoreland. Overlay District. There are 13 lots that are located: either
.partially or entirely within the Shoreland. Overlay District.- He indicated that the
.plat will meet the 25% maximum allowable impervious. surface area requirement.
The Wild Meadow Villas final plat also meets the density and minimum 50% open
space requirements of the Shoreland Overlay District.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that there are two Outlots proposed in .the. Wild Meadow
Villas final plat. Outlot A will be retained by the developer and will be combined
with a future remnant parcel when the property to the north is developed. Outlot B
i includes park. land. dedication for: the future greenway trail: corridor, stormwater
ponding, and the DNR creek/wetland area,
Mr. Dempsey stated that the grading plan and landscape plan for Wild Meadow
Villas proposes the construction of a 4 foot high berm and the installation of a
staggered row of 6 foot tall spruce trees spaced 15 feet apart along Dodd Boulevard.
He indicated that County Road. 9 is classified as a corridor in the City's Corridor
and Gateway Design. Study. The proposed landscaping ,meets the .requirements of
the Zoning Ordinance and the Corridor and Gateway Design Study. Also, Mr.
Dempsey indicated that the buffer yards of Lot 1, Block 1; Lots 1-10, Block 5; .and
Lots 1-7, Block 6 must be sodded to the Dodd Boulevard right-of-way line.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
recommended a combination of land and .cash to meet the park. dedication
Mr. Dempsey .presented an overview of the RST-2 District Standards, which are
listed in the May 10, 2002 planning report. He stated that several of the proposed
detached townhome building plans must be revised prior to City Council
consideration to show basements or storm shelters in compliance with Zoning
Ordinance requirements.
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June 6, 2002
Page 4
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City
Council approval of the roadway and .utility. easement vacation and the Wild
Meadow Villas .final plat, Planning Department staff recommends the 17
stipulations listed in the May 10, 2002 Planning Report.
Chair Wulff continued the hearing to the public for comment..
There were no comments from the audience.
02.52 .Motion by Michaud, Second by Detjen to close the public hearing at 5:45 pm.
Ayes: Stolte, Swecker, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Commissioner Stolte questioned the Dakota County Plat Commission's concerns
regarding the alignment of the. intersection of 212 Street with Dodd Boulevard and
about noise control. Mr. Rubash explained. that the City is aware that the 212
Street and Dodd Boulevard intersection is about 5 degrees off a 90 degree
alignment, however, it does meet City guidelines for a local street.: Mr. Dempsey
indicated that noise control is addressed with the landscape screening and 4 foot
berms along Dodd Boulevard.
02.53 Motion b Drotnin , Second b Swecker to recommend to Ci Council a royal
Y g Y tY Pp
of the roadway and utility easement vacation and the Wild. Meadow Villas final.
plat, subject to the 17 stipulations listed in the May 10, 2002 Planning Report.
:Ayes: Swecker, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Stolte.
Nays: 0
Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider the application of Independent
School District 194 for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 89-09 to allow
the existing .Independent School District 194 Community Education facilities to
occupy a vacant tenant space located within the Kenwood Center, 17765 Juniper
Path. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly
published in accordance with state statutes and City Code.
Mr. Pete .Martin, ISD 194. Community Education Director was in attendance at
tonight's meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or public may
have.. Mr. Martin explained that the school district has a shortage of space in their
existing facilities and they need #o utilize a vacant tenant space in the Kenwood
Center to meet the demand for their Community Education programs.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
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Pl nnin D'
a g .erector Daryl Morey presented the planning report Mr Morey stated.
that the application to amend Conditional Use Permit No. 89-02 will allow the
Lakeville School District to occupy a vacant tenant space in the Kenwood Center for
their Community Education programs. He indicated that .CUP. 89-09 allowed .the
school .district to establish Community Education programs in vacant tenant space
located on the west side of .the U-shaped Kenwood Center, which is located in the
southwest quadrant of Kenwood Trail {CSAH 50} and Juniper Path and is zoned C-
3, General Commercial District. CUP 89-09 was amended in 1991 and 1992 to allow
the'school district to expand their Community Education programs into adjacent
vacant'tenant space on the west side of the Kenwood Center.
Mr. Morey stated that ISD 194 is now proposing to locate Community .Education
programs in a 3,451 square foot .vacant tenant space on the east .side of the
Kenwood Center between Mankato Rehabilitation and Video Update. The school
district proposes to utilize the new .space for.. Early Childhood Family. Education
and Kid Zone Extended Day programs.
Parking was raised as an issue with a previous CUP amendment in 1992,- and the
owner of the Kenwood. Center, the Welsh companies, prepared a detailed parking
study at that time. Mr. Morey stated that the Welch Companies have updated their
. parking study to reflect current tenants and parking demands.
Mr. Morey stated that the school district is in the process of signing a new 10 year
lease:: The new lease will be effective on August 31, 2002. He requested that the
,expiration date .listed in stipulation number 4 of the May 31,.2002 .planning report
be revised to read "August 31, 2012." The expiration. of CUP 89-09 and the
amendments will. coincide with the school district's new lease.
Mr. Morey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City
Council approval of the Independent School. District amendment to CUP No. 89-09,
Planning Department staff recommends the 4 stipulations listed in the May 31, 2002
planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated June 6, 2002.
Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public-for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
02.54 Motion by Swecker, Second by Stolte to close the public hearing at 6:00 p.m.
Ayes Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Stolte, Swecker.
Nays: 0
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June 6, 2002
.Page 6
Commissioner Drotning commented on the parking issue. He asked how the kids
are transported from their schools to the Extended Day program. Mr. Morey
responded with a detailed explanation of the parking study regarding peak parking
times. Mr. Martin indicated that buses will arrive at the center after the children get
picked. up from their schools. Parent drop off and pick up times usually last less
than five minutes.
The Commissioners inquired about why this was a conditional: use permit (CUP)
rather than an interim use permit (IUP).
Mr. Morey indicated that the difference between the CUP and IUP is a sunset date
is an inherent aspect of an IUP. He indicated that there was no IUP provision in
the. Zoning Ordinance when this CUP was approved in 1989. Staff .recommends
that the CUP be tied to the school district's lease at the Kenwood Center, consistent
with the .original CUP and subsequent amendments.
Chair -Wulff indicated that there needs to be an alternative solution for parking
during holiday parties, parent days, etc. The Welch Companies indicated that they
would. work with the school district to study alternatives to address parking for
special events.
Mr. Morey recommended the following modifications to stipulation 4 listed in the
May 31, 2002 planning report, and the addition of 5 and 6: ,
4. Change the expiration date to August. 31 2012.
5. The City Attorney will review the request for consideration as an Interim
Use Permit.
6. The school district and property owner shall examine alternatives for
addressing parking during. special events.
02.55 Motion. by Stolte, Second by Michaud to recommend to City Council. approval of
the amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 89-09, subject to the 4 stipulations
listed in the May 31, 2002 Planning Report, as amended, with the addition of the
stipulations 5 and 6, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated June 6, 2002.
Ayes: Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Stolte, Swecker, Michaud.
Nays: 0
Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider the application of John L.
Harrison for the vacation of a .portion of Upper 196 Way public right-of--way.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 7
A 'i n
ss sta. t City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly
published in accordance with state statutes and City Code.
John and Rose Harrison were in attendance at the meeting to answer any .questions
the Planning Commission or public may have. Mrs. Harrison presented an
overview of their .proposed house. addition in relation to the existing and proposed
right-of-way line.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that John and Rose Harrison own a lot with a single family home located at
10213. Upper 196 Way West. The lot was platted in 1910 as part of the Antler's
Park subdivision. Mr. Dempsey indicated that the of was re-platted in 1941 as part
of the Lenihan's Lots, Antlers Park subdivision. He stated that the house was
constructed in 1975 and. was not constructed in the location provided on the survey
submitted with the .building permit application. The. house is set back
approximately 29 feet from the front property line which is the northerly right-of-
way for Upper 196 Way. A 30 foot building setback is required.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the Planning Commission met informally with the
Harrisoris on April 4, 2002 to discuss their proposed addition and existing non-
conforming. building setback. in relation to the front property line as shown on the
as-built survey prepared by Jacobson Engineers and Surveyors. He indicated that
the proposed addition would be 7 feet from the front property line.
Mr. Dempsey explained that the Planning Commission instructed the Harrison's to
prepare a survey to identify the actual right-of-way width, location of the roadway
and existing utilities. The information would be used. to determine if any right-of-
way can be vacated to remove the non-conforming setback. for the house and to
accommodate their .proposed addition while maintaining adequate road right-of-
way in compliance with ordinance requirements and future right-of-way needs.
Mr. Dempsey stated. that the Harrison's have. applied for .the vacation of
approximately 23 feet of the existing .platted public right-of-way of Upper 196
Way. to bring the existing house into conformance with the 30 foot front yard
setback requirement and to allow. the construction of a 250 square foot living area.
addition and a covered porch that would extend the existing porch around the
proposed new addition. The survey submitted with the Harrison's Vacation
application proposes to vacate a portion of 196 Way right-of-way down to a 51
foot width. adjacent to the porch proposed with the house addition in order to .meet
the 30 foot front yard setback requirement. A 60 foot right-of-way width is
required for local streets and is .recommended by the City Engineer for street and
utility maintenance.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 8
• Mr. Dem se ex lamed th wh n h hue wa n tructed in 1975 h
p y p at e to os s cos. to
foundation was not constructed in the location shown on the. survey submitted with
the building permit. The misplacement of the foundation resulted in a setback of
21.7 feet from the front property..line. The house is non-conforming with respect to
the front yard setback. Mr. Dempsey indicated that any addition to the building
must meet all setback. requirements.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the City Engineer does not support a deviation in the
required 60 foot right-of-way width. He does support the vacation of Upper 196
Way right-of-way down to the required 60 foot width, which would bring the
existing house. into conformance with the setback requirements: and would allow
the proposed 10 foot house addition only, not the proposed porch addition. Mr.
Dempsey indicated that. there is space on the property for a portion of the proposed
.porch or a porch in another location to meet the 30 foot setbackrequirement.
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning. Commission recommend to City
Council approval of the vacation of a portion of Upper 196 Way' right-of-way,
Planning Department staff recommends the 5 stipulations listed in the May 17, 2002
planning report.
i Chair Wulff opened the haring to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
02.56 Motion by Detjen, Second by Michaud to close the public hearing at 6:25 p.m.
Ayes: Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Stolte, Swecker, Michaud, Wulff.
Nays: 0
Commissioner Stolte confirmed the measurements of the right-of-way and the
intent to keep it consistent through .the entire neighborhood. Mr. Rubash indicated
that 196 Way is the primary roadway for approximately 70 residents in this
.:neighborhood, and the City Engineer recommends 60 feet of right-of-way for street
and utility maintenance.
Mr. Morey indicated that the width of the road now is 26 feet. When the road is
upgraded in the .future, it would be built to the standard 32 feet in width. Mr.
.Rubash indicated that the Harrison's retaining walls are in the current right-of-way.
The City maintains drainage on the south side of the road: and. utilities and
watermain on the north side..
Mr. Morey stated that vacating down to a 60 foot right-of-way width is a win-win
situation for the Harrison's and City. It will bring the Harrison's property into
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 9
conformance, which will eliminate a potential problem if they were to sell their
house in the future. It also allows them to build their house addition, but not the
extension of the porch.
Commissioner Drotning stated that historically, local street widths have been
.platted at 60 feet. He also indicated that the Harrison's lot is the largest on the
street and indicated that there is a wetland on the property. He felt there was more
than adequate space to construct their addition on the back of their house.
The. Planning Commission asked if the Harrison's will own the right-of-way to be
..vacated.. Ms. Poehler stated that the Harrison s would own the vacated right-of-
Chair Wulff agreed that this is a win-win .situation. She indicated that it is
appropriate to vacate the excess right-of-way in order to eliminate. the existing non-
02.57 Motion by Drotning, Second by Michaud to recommend to City Council approval
of the vacation of a portion of Upper 196 Way right-of-way, subject to the 5
stipulations listed in the May 17, 2002 planning report.
Ayes: Grenz, Drotning, Stolte, Swecker, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen.
Nays: 0
Break at 7:10 p.m.
Reconvened at 7:25 p.m.
Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider the application of Jeff Steinman
for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a total accessory building area in excess of
RS-3 and RM-1 district requirements, located. at 17401 Jonquil Avenue. Assistant
City Attorney :Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly published in
accordance with state statutes and City .Code.
Jeff Steinman was in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions the
Planning Commission. or public may have. Mr. Steinman gave an overview of his
proposed Conditional Use Permit request.
Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the planning report. Mr. Morey stated
that Jeff Steinman has submitted an application for a conditional use permit (CUP)
to allow a total accessory building area in excess of RS-3, Single Family Residential
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 10
District and RM-1, Medium Density Residential District requirements on his
property located at 17401 Jonquil Avenue, which is currently undeveloped. Mr.
Morey indicated that the east section of Mr. Steinman's property is zoned RS-3 and
the west section of the property is zoned RM-1.
Mr. Morey stated that Mr. Steinman has been issued a building permit to construct
a single-family home with an attached garage. The proposed house, which is
currently under construction, is located on the east section of the property in he
RS-3 District. Mr. Steinman is proposing to construct a detached accessory building
on the west section of the property located in the. RM-1 District.
Mr. Morey indicated that a CUP is required because. the floor area. of .the proposed
attached garage, which. is 892 square .feet, combined with the floor area of the
proposed detached accessory building, which is 624 square feet, will. exceed the
maximum accessory building area allowed: in the RS-3 and RM-1 Districts.
Mr. Morey stated that Mr. Steinman intends to use the proposed detached
accessory building for the storage of a boatand. fora woodworking area.
Mr. Morey stated that a stipulation of the CUP will. require the proposed detached
accessory building to be removed if the property is subdivided in the future. The
exterior will consist of vinyl siding and asphalt shingles that will match the exterior
of the principal building that will be constructed on the lot. A stipulation of the .
CUP will require the driveway leading from the attached garage to the detached
accessory building to be paved with bituminous material as .identified on the site
Mr. Morey stated that should the Planning Commission. recommend to City
Council approval of the Steinman Conditional Use Permit to allow a total accessory
building area in excess of RS-3 and RM-1 district requirements, Planning
Department staff recommends the 6 stipulations listed in the May 17, 2002 planning.
report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated June 6, 2002.
Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public for comment.
.There were no comments from the audience.
_ 02.58 Motion by Michaud, Second by Drotning to close the public hearing at 7:40 p.m.
Ayes: Drotning, Stolte, Swecker, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz.
Nays: 0
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June 6, 2002
Page 11
Commissioner Drotning confirmed that if the. property is ever subdivided, the
accessory building must be removed from the property.
The Commission inquired about rezoning the west section of property to RM-3.
Mr. Morey indicated that the property could be rezoned in conjunction with the
CUP application or as part of the on-going Zoning Ordinance Update. He
recommended that the adjacent properties to the north and south that have the
same split zoning situation be included in any RM-1 to RS-3 rezoning.
Chair Wulff recommended that the properties be rezoned as part of the Zoning
Ordinance Update.
Commissioner Swecker confirmed that the CUP runs with. the property.
Commissioner Drotning pointed out that .the. neighboring property owner to the
north has a shed that encroaches 0.2 feet onto the .Steinman property. Mr. Morey
suggested that Mr. Steinman work. with his neighbor to remove the shed
The consensus by the Planning Commission was to process the rezoning with the
• update of the Zoning Ordinance.
02.59 Motion by Stolte, Second by Detjen to recommend to City Council approval of the
Steinman Conditional Use Permit to allow a total accessory building area in excess
of RS-3 and RM-1 District requirements, subject to the 6 stipulations listed in the
May 31, 2002 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated June 6,
Ayes: Stolte, Swecker, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz.
Nays:. Drotning -His reason being the zoning should be addressed in conjunction with
the Conditional Use Permit.
Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider the application of Messiah
Lutheran Church for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the
construction of a classroom and recreation addition to the west side of the existing
church, located at 16725 Highview Avenue. Assistant City Attorney Poehler
attested that the legal notice had. been duly published in accordance with state
statute and City Code.
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June 6, 2002
Page 12
Representatives of Messiah Lutheran Church .were in .attendance at tonight s
meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or public may have.
They provided an overview of their proposed CUP amendment to allow the
construction of an addition to the church.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that representatives of Messiah Lutheran Church have submitted an
application for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 88-01 for the
construction of a 10,000 square foot, two level addition onto the west side of the
existing church building, located at 16725 Highview Avenue. He indicated that the
total building addition will be approximately 20,000 square feet.
Mr. Dempsey stated than the proposed building addition will .include about 10,000
square feet of classroom/mechanical and storage space and about a 10,000 square
foot gymnasium/activity area, kitchen, and storage space on the''main level. Mr.
Dempsey also indicated that the plans propose to eliminate the existing
southernmost driveway and to construct a new driveway. on the north side of the
property to provide a full access to Highview Avenue consistent with the Messiah
Lutheran church Addition plat approved in 1992.
Mr. Dempsey. reviewed the history of Messiah Lutheran Church since the approval
of CUP 88-01 to allow the construction of Messiah Lutheran Church.
Mr. Dempsey. stated that the property is adjacent to Highview Avenue. Highview
Avenue is classified as a high density minor. arterial/parkway with a 60 foot ~i
right-of-way requirement. He indicated that a 50 foot ~i right-of-way was platted
in 1992 with Messiah Lutheran Church Addition. A 10 foot wide roadway
easement and an additional 10 foot wide. boundary drainage and utility easement
will be dedicated as part of the church expansion project.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the church is required to provide a $11,650.00 letter of
credit for the paving and curbing of the parking lot and driveways and removing
the existing southerly driveway.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the. proposed building exterior will be a cream colored
artificial stucco to match the existing building exterior. Burgundy accent bands will
be included on the exterior. He stated that windows will also add visual interest to
the building exterior.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the existing church sign will be located within the new 10
foot boundary drainage and utility easement. The church must either relocate the
existing sign as part of the proposed expansion or sign an encroachment. agreement
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June 6, 2002
Page 13
and submit a $2,500.00 cash escrow to guarantee the relocation of the sign when
Highview Avenue is upgraded in the future.
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City
Council approval of the Messiah Lutheran Church .Conditional Use Permit
. Amendment, Planning Department staff recommends the. 10 stipulations listed in
the May 31, 2002 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated June
6 2002.
Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
02.60 Motion by Drotning, Second by Michaud to close the public hearing at 8:05 p.m.
Ayes:. Stolte, Swecker, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Commissioner Grenz asked if classes will be held simultaneously .with regular
worship services. Representatives of the church indicated that the present plan is to
have classes only when worship services are not being held.
The representatives of the church felt they.. shouldn't have to put up a cash escrow
for the sign relocation because they are anon-profit organization.. The Planning.
Commission concurred that the City must have an escrow or letter of credit from
the church to relocate the church sign at the time Highview Avenue is upgraded.
The church- representatives stated they preferred to provide. aletter-of-credit to
guarantee the sign relocation.
Mr. Morey .suggested the following wording for Stipulation. 7: The church. must
relocate the existing. sign with the proposed addition or sign an encroachment
agreement and submit a financial security to relocate the. sign at the time Highview
Avenue is upgraded.
02.61 Motion. by Detjen, Second by Michaud to recommend to City Council approval of
the Messiah Lutheran Church Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the
construction of a classroom and recreation addition to the west side of the existing..
church, subject to the 10 stipulations listed in the May 31, 2002 planning report, as
Ayes: Swecker, Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Stolte.
Nays:. 0
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 14
Break at 8:15 .m.
Reconvened at 8:25 p.m.
Chair-Wulff opened discussion and review of the CrossRoads sketch plan proposed
by D.R. Horton and OPUS Northwest, LLC, consisting of 317 attached townhouse
units, 141 single family lots, 140 senior apartment units, 182,000 square feet of retail
commercial space, an 800 seat sanctuary .church, and a 420 student elementary
school, located at the southeast corner of Cedar Avenue (C.R. 23) and Dodd
Boulevard (C. R. 9).
Terry Matula from D.R. Horton and John Meyers from Opus Northwest, LLC, in
addition to other representatives of D.R. Horton, OPUS, Cub .Foods and
CrossRoads Church, were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any
questions the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Matula provided an
extensive overview of the residential section of the CrossRoads project and Mr.
Meyers provided an overview of the commercial section of the CrossRoadsproject.
.David Licht from Northwest Administration Corporation (NAC) presented the
• planning report. Mr. Licht stated that D.R. Horton, OPUS Northwest, LLC, and
CrossRoads Church have made a joint sketch plan submission for a mixed use
development project located in the southeast quadrant of Cedar Avenue and. Dodd
Boulevard. He indicated that the applicants and City staff have devoted a
considerable amount of time to this project in an attempt to resolve various issues.
The applicants hosted a neighborhood meeting on May 7, 2002 where a number of
comments and .concerns were voiced.
Mr. Licht indicated that the proposed uses are a mix of single family low density
dwellings, mid density townhomes, high density elderly units, a church sanctuary,
a church school and a retail commercial/office development to be constructed on
approximately 200 plus acres of land.
Mr. Licht presented an overview of the timing and phasing.. of the CrossRoads
project, which he details in his May 30, 2002 planning report.
Mr. Licht. stated that .the proposed development will require Comprehensive Plan
Amendments and corresponding rezoning of property. These .amendments. and
rezonings are viewed as major policy concerns in .contrast to technical design
matters and as a consequence he asked that the Planning...Commission consider
these at the sketch plan stage of review. He indicated that the land use issues are
the addition of a portion of Staged Expansion Area "A" to the current MUSA, and
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 15
• the reconfi ation and reallocation of the ado ted Com rehensive Plan land uses
P p
and related zoning to that proposed by the applicants for the CrossRoads project.
The applicants require this direction prior to proceeding with the .formal
submission' of applications.
Mr. Licht stated that other land use issues on which the City Officials may wish to
comment include the adequacy of the buffer area. between the existing single family
development to the east and the proposed medium density townhomes west of
Gerdine Path. He indicated that the developers haveproposed a row of:new single
family lots east of Gerdine Path, abutting the back yards of the existing homes.
Additionally, a 100 foot buffer area is proposed west of Gerdine Path which would
be a landscaped greenway containing a public trail.
Mr. Licht indicated that there is general compliance with the Comprehensive Plan's
land use for .the area, but some neighborhood objection was received. on the amount
of medium density housing that is proposed for this development.. Mr. Licht stated
that direction at this time in the process may serve to resolve this issue as part of
.continuing processing considerations.
Mr. Licht. stated that the introduction of high density housing in the form of elderly
• market living units into the area and a major. church and church `sponsored
elementary school. need to be discussed. Also, Mr. Licht indicated that the two
existing developed lots along Flagstaff, at the northeast corner of the project. site,
need to be reviewed as to the manner in which these properties are provided
Mr. Licht stated that zoning is not typically considered as part of the sketch plan
review and comment phase of the process, but .the zoning for the CrossRoads
Church, church sponsored elementary school, and .elderly congregate and assisted
living ::housing is a matter which requires direction.. He indicated that Staff's initial
suggestion is fo have these activities regulated through a PUD Zoning .District
because of the uncertainty on the exact size and type of development which will
.take place. The PUD Zoning District approach will allow the. City the opportunity
to work with. the church and developers to insure that all considerations are
Mr. Licht indicated that the City's traffic consultant, SRF, has been involved
throughout the later phases of project. planning and has documented their study
and analysis, which has been included in the planning report, along with a number
of transportation issues of which City Officials need to be aware. Mr. Licht
summarized the transportation issues. Mr. Licht added that additional right-of-
way and easements are needed for Flagstaff Avenue and that acquisition of the
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 16
easements from ad'acent ro er owners should be a condition of sketch lap
J p p P
Mr. Licht stated that there are no treatment capacity issues generated by the
addition of this .development to the City's. sanitary sewer discharge levels.
However, a sanitary sewer easement over a portion of the North Creek Mobile
Home Park property is required and should be a condition of sketch plan approval.
He indicated that as it relates to water service, the CrosslZoads project results in a
positive outcome, as it provides a permanent improvement and resolution of a
water pressure problem which has existed in the residential area east of the project
Mr. Licht indicated that an element of significant concern to the City is the handling
of storm water drainage on and beyond the CrossRoads site. He stated that due to
a change in adopted land use as part of the City's 1999 Comprehensive Plan, the
development .which is to take place as part of the City's plans and that of the.
developers is beyond that anticipated in the 1995 Lakeville Storm Water
Management Plan, 'The developer will be required to limit runoff leaving the site to
the southeast to pre-development rates.
Mr. Licht stated that trails will be .constructed. to accommodate pedestrian
movements and recreation throughout the project, including sidewalks and trails
.along streets internal to the project. He indicated that no public park facilities are
proposed within the project.
Mr. Licht stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City Council
general approval of the CrossRoads Sketch 'Plan, Planning Department staff
recommends the 9 stipulations listed in the May 30, 2002 planning report, subject to
the following amendments:
4. The resolution and implementation of required traffic improvements
including the acquisition of necessary permanent public roadway, drainage
and utility easements from the adiacent McKinley and Tutewohl ~ro~erties
along_Flagstaff Avenue.
5. The resolution and implementation of required 'engineering concerns
(utilities and storm drainage), including a permanent public drainage and
utility easement from the North Creek Mobile Home. Park to accommodate a
trunk sanitary sewer extension.
Chair Wulff stated this was not an official public hearing, but asked if it would be
beneficial to take comments from the public at this time.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 17
City Administrator Robert Erickson indicated the following concerns that the
neighbors had at the neighborhood meeting:
L The proposed extension of Fortune Trail to Gerdine Path
2. The proposed extension of Gerdine Path to the south end of the site
3. Phasing of the project
4. Water pressure
5. Matching existing. single family backyards with site grading for single
family homes fronting Gerdine Path
6. Access points
Chair Wulff opened the meeting to comments from the public;
Ann Gerloch,17733 Fortune Trail
Are stop signs proposed at the Gerdine Path and 175th Street intersection?
? Will other traffic controls (i.e. stop signs) be placed on 175th Street between
Gerdine Path and Flagstaff Avenue?
Steve Eck, 6867175th Street .West
? Commented favorably on the elimination of the proposed Fortune Trail to
Gerdine Path
? Asked why a Cub Foods store was being proposed rather than a more
upscale grocery store
Thought the Coach homes (row-style townhomes) should be the only
townhome style built
Dan Hollenbeck, 6841 175th Street West
? Traffic volume issues on 175th Street
? Traffic patterns within the existing neighborhoods
? Why put in a Cub Foods store rather than Byerly's or Lund's
? Noise levels
? Should only use the .coach style townhomes
Wade Adams, 6892 174th Street West
? Amount of traffic on 174th Street
? School bus stops are unsafe in existing neighborhood
? Stop signs and where they will be located in the existing neighborhood
Cordt Rose, 17706 Fortune Trail
? Wanted an upscale grocery store
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 18
Am ensen-Wol 1774 F
y J ff, 5 lagstaff
Wanted reasons why they should remove their existing driveway access off
of Flagstaff Avenue
? Wanted to know the value of homes in Phase III, which are adjacent to her
home.. Wanted requirement that they be priced similar to or higher than her
existing home
Break at 10:25
Reconvened at 10:35
Mr. Erickson stated that Gerdine Path and 175 Street are minor (or neighborhood)
collector roads. Roads in the area will be monitored and evaluated by the City to
determine whether stop signs are necessary. Mr. Erickson indicated that it is
premature to put stop signs in until the road connections are made so .the City can
.evaluate the new traffic patterns. Mr. Erickson indicated that _175 Street has
concrete sidewalks on both sides.
Mr. Erickson stated that 179 Street will be built in the first phase of the
CrossRoads project. and will be take 8,000 cars. off of Dodd. Boulevard, Flagstaff
Avenue, and 175 Street. The .construction of 179 Street will also mean quicker
• response time for emergency vehicles.
Mr. Erickson explained that the proposed Cub Food.. store will be about half the size. .
of the Apple Valley Cub Foods store.. It will: be more of a neighborhood store. The
City is still hoping for an upscale grocery store in the Heritage Commons
development at-Dodd Boulevard and C.R. 50.
Chair Wulff, along with the rest of the Planning Commission, concurred that the
project is something that Lakeville .has been planning for in this area. They
expressed support for the proposed sketch plan.
Commissioner Michaud asked about the zoning districts. Mr. Licht indicated that
the commercial project, senior housing project and the church/school will be zoned
PUD to allow the City greater flexibility and control in evaluating these uses.
Commissioner Swecker wanted to confirm that there would be no residential uses
above the commercial space and that the Comprehensive Plan amendments. will
occur prior to the re-zoning. Mr. Licht stated that no mixed-use buildings are
proposed in the commercial area. He also stated that the Comprehensive Plan
amendments, MUSA amendment and rezoning would all be considered with the
preliminary plat.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 2002
Page 19
mmi i n
Co ss o er Puncochar stated that the City or the developers of this proposed
project-have no intention of creating traffic problems. He recommended that the
..neighbors call the police if they see people speeding or ignoring stop signs.
Commissioners Grenz and Detjen indicated that they like the plan and the street
layouts. They feel it will be a good development for the City and the surrounding
.Chair. Wulff asked the developers to .consider ways to make it very clear that
Gerdine Path is a residential street. in a residential neighborhood. Mr. Matula
suggested either a landscaped median or monument signage.
Chair Wulff added that she wanted to be sure that there would be significant
screening for the single family lots proposed adjacent to major collector or arterial
streets with berming and landscaping when the preliminary plat plans are
02.62 Motion by Michaud, Second by Detjen to recommend to :City Council general
approval of the Crossroads Sketch Plan subject to the 9 stipulations .listed in the
May 30, 2002 planning report, as amended.
Ayes:. Michaud, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Stolte, Swecker.
Nays: 0
Mr. Morey .reminded the Planning Commission members of the 5:00 p.m. -start time
for the June 20, 2002 Planning. Commission meeting.. Also, he indicated that there
will be no adjustments made to the July schedule due to the remodeling of the
Council Chambers for the July 18 and August 1 Planning Commission meetings.
We maybe using the school district's office in order to be televised.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, ATTEST:
w ~
Penn rev'g, Recording e etary We ~ ulff, C air