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JULY 20, 1987
The rneetinb was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by iKayorLaun. The pledge
of allegiance to the flag was .given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council members Nelson, Enrigtrt, Sindt,
Harvey .and Mayor Zauri.
Also present: koger Knutson, City Attorney; DarylLuelke, Consulting.
City Engineer; James Robinette, Community Development Director; 'rtich
Raderrnactrer, Chief of Police; Patrick 1tcGarvey, City Adrrinistrator-
Staff announcements:
The city attorney presented to the council a release from the terms of
the developrnLnt agreement for lot 1, block 3, of Woodridge 3rd Addition,
which he advised the council to approve. It was decided to take the
matter up under Other Business.
The city adrnlnistrator advised the Councilaf two iteriishanded out prior
to the meeting to be added to the Other Business agenda, involving arr
update on information concerr~iub tyre riowntown redevelopruerit project and
approval of a purchase agreerarent to sell the. 3.3 acre parcel owned by
tiro City on Jacquard Avenue near Lake 'Iarion to Jarres Ellen and assigns
as part of a tax increment project to be approved in tare future.
Councilman tarvey added agenda items ~~12 and 14 to tl-ie consent agenda,
and all items under Other Business item X615 except item i5e, approval of
the. release for lot 1, bloc. 3, G,loodridge Estates 3rd Addition.
87.325 ;lotion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to approve the consent
agenda as amended.
Council Agenda attached hereto is incorporated by reference anti
specifically made a part hereof . )
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Enright, Sndt,
iiarvey .
At this time, Mayor Zaun recognised the owners of the Terra Products
business and presented an outline of their company's history to the
Council as a part of their request for concept approval for a planned
unit development rezoning of their property on the east side of I-35.
Councilman Harvey raised his concern about the oversized sign on ttte
property and when it would be wrought into conformance with the sign.
ordinance, as well as meeting the landscaping requirements of tyre City
zoning ordinance and the building exterior material ordinance require-
ments. It was pointed out that in most YUll's and development proposals,
the developer presents the plans which show the Council the. intent to
JULY 20, 1987
meet the ordinance requirements and a schedule for meeting them. Other
council members indicated their desire to have that information prior to
acting on the concept plan request.
i~fayor 'Laura indicated that the issue of bringing tkie sign into confor-
~aarrce would need to be addressed, and that the landscaping plan would
need to be completed and a time schedule offered, especially for the
north and south sides of the property, and that the entire concept plan
would need a tine schedule for compliance and completion attached. to it.
The developers indicated they would like until the August 17th council
meeting to comply with this additional information request.
87.32b i~iotion was tirade by 5indt, seconded by Harvey. to table the matter on the
Terra Products request for rezoning to PUD for a conditional use permit
concept plan approval to the August 17,.1987, council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
37.327 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sirrdt to continue to a later time
in the meeting action on the application of Dave and Cathy Smith for a
sideyard variance.
Roll. call was taken on tare motion. Ayes, Enright, Sincit, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
At tYris time, ~1r. John Schweich and f~Ir. ~Sruce Schrridt presented the
concept plan for the PUD for Setrmitty's Bus Service property near
McGuire Jr. High School and south of 210th Street. Ttrey indicated that
it was difficult to submit a deadline for their future phases to expand
the facilities, as it depends on ttte growth of the Lakeville School
District and the need of .the district for additional bussing. "rIe
indicated that 90 to 95 percent of the students in the Lakeville
District are bussed.
87.3L8 Tlotion was tirade by Sindt, seconded bytiarvey to approve the concept plan
for the PUD.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, 'Zaun,
87.329 notion was. made by Garvey, seconded by Enright to table approval of the
final plat of the Cedar Glen addition at tare request of the developer,
as they were not in agreement at this time with the terms of the
developmerrt agreement.
Ro11 call was taken on the rrotion. ayes, 1-larvey, lvelson, Zaun, Enright,
• •
JULY 20, 1987
87.330 Plotion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to table until later in
the meeting action on interviewing the applicant for consideration of
appointment to fire Park and recreation Committee to see if the applicant
shows up.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Enright, Sindt,
At this ti~ae, 1'-fayor Zaun oper~eci the public hearing on the application of
Eureka Federal Savings & Loan for an on-sale liquor license. for the.
former Lakeville Lodge facility. fir. John ICahler and Pat Laniel were
introduced to the council. [sir. Laniel gave a background of his experi-
ence in the liquor, restaurant and lodging industry, and ~•ir. Kahler have
his. background. in the business.
There was no one else present wishing to coriment on the license applica-
87.331 P•fotion was made by Nelson, seconded by Harvey to close the public
Roll call was taken on file ruotion. Ayes, Zaun, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
87.332 notion was made by Harvey, seconded by iVelson to approve the issuance of
the on-sale liquor license to Eureka Federal Savings & Zoan for the
property located at 20800 Kenrick ~wenue.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
Nelsorx, Zaun.
At this time, i~fayor Zaun opened the public Bearing on the issuance of an
on-sale .liquor license to Ronald J. Kveton and Kevin J. Templeton for
the Ule Piper Znn located on the east-side of Cedar Avenue. t~lr.
Templeton was present.
There was no one present wisi~ing to comment on the application..
87.333 notion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to close the public
hearing .
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, iVelson, Zaun,
87.334 i~fotion was made by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to approve the issuance of
an on-sale liquor license to Ronald J. Keeton and Kevin J. Templeton for
the Ule Piper Inn located at 16604 Cedar Avenue South.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, iiarvey, Nelson, Zaun, Enright,
~ • r !
JULI' 20, 19$7
At this time, the City Council received from the consulting city
engineer the updated transportation plan for the City and briefly
discussed it. Ttre city administrator pointed out that the Council might
wish to have a cross section of a road right-of-way included for a
parkway type street, and the council indicated to the engineer to
.include such a cross section in the plan.
87.335 l`iotion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to receive the draft of the
updated transportation plan and discuss it at a future work session of
the City Council.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, L•'nright, Sindt,
87.336 ~~fotion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson. to approve a release for
Lot 1, Block 3, of 1Joodridge Estates 3rd Addition, and authorize the
.mayor and clerk to execute it.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Eriri~ht, 5indt, Harvey,
87.337 elotiorr was made. by Sindt, seconded by iVelson to grant a variance to Dave
and Cathy Smith for a sideyard setbaclt to construct a new garage on
their house located at 17401 kodiak Avenue rro closer than 10 feet to the
sideyard lot line as recommended by the .planning consultant and planning
comcrission .
1:011 call was taken on the motiun. Ayes, Enright, Sndt, Harvey,
delson, Zaun.
87.338 :lotion was made by .Harvey, seconded by Nelson to table until the t'~ugust
3rd council meeting personal interviews and consideration of appointment
to the vacancy on the Park and Recreation Committee.
Roll call was taken on the. .motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun,
Councilman Nelsonpointed out the need to possibly order in stop signs
on the streets connecting to the north side of 175th Street west of
Christina Huddleston School.
37.339 notion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to adjourn the council
Roll call was taken on tree motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Enright, 5indt,
~a r vey .
JULY 20, 19&7
Tirae: 9:15 p.in.
Resp • -full subi [ted, -n
atr ck E. hicGarvey, City Clerk
Uua ie Zaun, t~iay
JULY 20, 1987
7:00 P .~3 .
Call. to order.
Flag pledge.
1. Roll call.
2. Staff announcements.
A. Attorney
B. Engineer
C. Administrator
5. Citizen comments.
4. Consent agenda.
a. Approval of the minutes of the July 6, 1987, council greeting.
b. Approval of the claims for payment.
c. Receive the minutes of ttre following advisory committee ureetings.
Planning Commission, July 2, 1987
Park and Recreation Committee, July 1, 1987
Natural Resources Committee, July 7, 1987
d. Approve plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for
bids on Improvement Project 87-9, sanitary sewer, water main, storrir
sewer and streets for the Carroll. Property, Cedar Clen and Chapel
e. Approval of final payment and acceptance of improvements for
SouthFork Village Apartments, Iraprovernent Project 85-2.
f. Receive feasibility study for proposed extension of high pressure
water main, Improvement Project 87-2I.
g. Approve change order ail for Improvement Project 87-1, Valley Park
8th, Phase 4C, to accomplish utility work for Project 86-15, Ken
Larson parcel.
5. Application of Terra Products for rezoning to P.U.D. and a conditional
use permit to expand and iruprove their plant on the east side of Z-35
north of County Toad 64.
a. P.U.D. concept plan approval.
JULY 20, 198 7
6. Application of Dave and Cathy Smith far a side yard variance on the
setback for a new garage located at 17401 Kodiak Avenue.
7. Application of Sctmiitty & Sous for a planned unit development condi-
tional use permit to expand their bus operation facilities north of
cicGuire Jr. H;lr School.
a. P.U.D. concept plan approval.
8. Resolution approving .the final plat of ;edar Glen Addition and the
development agreement with Ground Development Company, and a minor
comprehensive plan amendurent to include the plat in tare 1990 urnan
service area.
9. Interview with final applicant for appointment to the Park and Recrea-
tion Advisory Committee.
10. Public hearing orr the application of urelta rederal Savings and Loan for
an on-sale liquor license for the former Lakeville Lodge restaurant and
a. Approval of the on-sale liquor license.
11. Public hearing on the application of Ronald J. Keeton and revin J.
Templeton for an on-sale liquor license for the idle Piper Inn.
a. Approval of the on-sale liquor license.
12. Receive bids for 165th Street and Ipava Avenue improvements, streets,
water main, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and appurtenant work, Improve-
ment Project 86-15.
13. Receive Draft Cornprehensive Transportation Plan for the ity of Lake-
ville for review and comment..
14. Adapt an ordinance amending Title 9, Chapter 1, of the City Code
concerning building codes. (Ordinance No. 326 )
15. Any other business.
a. Approve payment of $L6,6UU to Leith liarstad.
b. Fire Department District Ctrief confirmation.
c. Change order orr Liquor Store ;~2.
d. Alarm system proposals for Liquor Store 4r`2.
e. Release for lot 1, block 3, Woodridge Estates 3rd Addition.
f. Purchase agreement intent for. 3.3 acres of Jemm Electric property.
g. Receive petition from Foxboroubh residents.
h. Receive letter from Lake Marion home Association.
Request staff to do ordinance on inflatable signs.
j. Receive information on downtown redevelopment.
k. Request accounting on costs of City for Pan-O-Frog.
16. Adjourn.