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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
OCTOBER 10, 2002
The October 10, 2002 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair
Wulff in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
Flag pledge and roll call of members:
Present: Stolte, Reuvers, Wulff, Detjen, Drotning, ex-officio Puncochar.
Larson arrived at 6:15.
Absent: Swecker, Greez.
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; David Olson, Community and
Economic Development Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Ron
Mullenbach, Associate Planner; Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Bret Weiss,
WSB & :Associates; Roger Knutson City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording
The September 19, 2002 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
The September 19, 2002 Planning Commission work session meeting notes were
approved as presented.
Mr. -Morey stated the following items were distributed to the Planning Commission
members and staff before tonight's meeting.
L October 9, 2002 Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting
motions regarding the Green CUP, Lakeville Commerce Center East,
Lakeville Town Office Development, and Crossroads.
2. E-mail from Pat Lynch from the DNR with his recommendation regarding
the Green CUP.
3. E-mail from a resident on Joplin Path with her concerns about the speed
limit on 165 Street related to the Lakeville Town Office Development.
Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider the application of Gary and
Donna Green for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of an addition
to a house to within 20 feet from the top of a bluff in the Shoreland Overlay District
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October 10, 2002
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of Orchard Lake. City Attorney Knutson attested that the legal notice had been
duly published in accordance with state statutes and City Code.
Alan Voight, Mrs. Green, and her contractor, were in attendance at tonight's
meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or public may have.
Mr. Voight presented an overview of the project.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Gary and Donna Green have submitted plans and an application for a
Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of an addition to their existing
single family home located at 17060 Judicial Road. He indicated. that the proposed
addition will be set back 23 feet from the visual break of the bluff.
Mr. Dempsey presented background information of the Greens' original variance
request. On January 31, 2002 the Planning Commission and the DNR agreed, after
a discussion was held with the Greens, to support a revised definition of bluff that
utilizes a visual identification of the bluff for existing single-family homes. The
revised definition of bluff was approved by the City Council on March 18, 2002. Mr.
Dempsey indicated that the Greens have submitted plans with their conditional use
permit application utilizing the revised bluff definition and bluff setback
. requirements. The Greens have submitted a letter withdrawing their variance
Mr. Dempsey stated that the proposed addition will not require extensive site
grading or other Shoreland alterations. All disturbed areas must be reestablished
with ground cover such as sod, seed and mulch or permanent landscaping within
48 hours after the site work is completed.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the proposed impervious surface area is .24.7%, and
there will be no impervious surface area located within the bluff impact zone.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the subject property is conforming with a 31,217 square
foot area and 141 foot width. The parcel is a legal conforming parcel of record. He
indicated that the proposed height of the building will be less than .the 35 feet
permitted by the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the proposed house .addition will conform to` all
setback requirements and performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance subject
to conformance with the stipulations recommended in the conditional use permit.
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the.. Planning Commission recommend to City
Council approval of .the Conditional Use Permit, .Planning Department staff
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October 10, 2002
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recommends the five (5) stipulations listed in the October 4, 2002 planning report,
and approval of the Findings of Fact, dated October 10, 2002.
Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public for comment. -
There were no comments from the audience.
02.127 Motion by Detjen, Second by Drotning to close the public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
Ayes:. Stolte, Reuvers, Wulff, Detjen, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Commissioners Puncochar and Stolte indicated that it was a pleasure to work with
Mr. and Mrs. Green through this process, and with their cooperation a good
outcome was achieved.
02.128 Motion by Drotning, Second by Detjen to recommend to City Council approval of
the Conditional Use Permit for Gary and Donna Green to allow the construction of
an addition to a house to within 20 feet from the top of a bluff in the Shoreland
Overlay District of Orchard Lake, located at 17060 judicial Road, subject to the five
(5) stipulations listed in the October 4, 2002 planning report, and approval of the
• Findings of Fact, dated October 10, 2002.
Ayes: Reuvers, Wulff, Detjen, Drotning, Stolte.
Nays: 0
Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider the application of Dakota
Electric. Association and Lakeville Land, Ltd. for the preliminary and final plat of
one lot and two outlots to be known as Lakeville Commerce Center East to allow
the construction of an electric substation in the C-3, General Commercial District,
located south of 205 Street, north of 210 Street, east of Interstate 35 and west of
Kenrick Avenue. City Attorney Knutson attested that the legal notice had been
duly published in accordance with state statutes and City Code.
Craig Knutsen from Dakota Electric Association was in attendance at tonight's
meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or public may have.
Mr. Knutson presented an overview of the project.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Lakeville Land, Ltd. and Dakota Electric Association (DEA) have
submitted an application for a preliminary and final plat of one lot and two outlots
Planning Commission Meeting
October 10, 2002
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to allow the construction of a 12.47 .kilovolt electric substation on the sub'ect
property. He indicated that a portion of the property is being preliminary and final
platted for the proposed electric substation (Lot 1) and the remainder is being
preliminary and final platted into Outlots for future development. The future
development of these outlots will require that they be preliminary and final platted
into lots.
Mr. Dempsey stated that Dakota Electric Association (DEA) has identified a need to
construct a new 12.47 kilovolt electrical substation to serve the southwest area of
Lakeville. The Lakeville Commerce Center East preliminary and final plat property
is zoned C-3, General Commercial District.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that in 1999, the State of Minnesota legislature mandated
that all electrical substations .and transmission lines between 33 kilovolts and 200
kilovolts are exempt from conditional use permit requirements. The proposed
substation is 12.5 kilovolts which requires approval of an administrative permit.
Mr. Dempsey stated that on December 18, 2000, the City Council approved the
vacation of a portion of excess Kenrick Avenue right-of-way adjacent to the
property now proposed as the Lakeville Commerce Center East property.
Mr. Dem se stated that the Lakeville Commerce East relimina and final lat of
p y P rY P
one lot and one block totaling 1.59 acres in area exceeds the minimum lot
requirements in the C-3, General Commercial District. He stated that there are two
outlots proposed. Outlot A and Outlot B will be retained by Lakeville Land, Ltd.
for future commercial development.
Mr. Dempsey stated that all parcels in the Lakeville Commerce Center East
preliminary and final plat will be accessed .from Kenrick Avenue. Currently,
Kenrick Avenue meets the required 100 feet of right-of-way width.. He indicated
that Kenrick Avenue is planned to be upgraded to an urban section design in the
future. The preliminary and final plat of the property will require that the
developer submit an escrow for the future upgrade of Kenrick Avenue town urban
section. The preliminary and final plat of Outlots A and B into lots and blocks will
also require payment of an escrow for the future upgrade of Kenrick Avenue at the
time of final plat.
Mr. Dempsey stated that there are no significant trees located on proposed Lot 1,
Block 1. A total of 56 nursery grown spruce, ash and amur maples will be planted.
consistent with the landscape plan.
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October 10, 2002
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Mr. Dempsey stated that the Parks, .Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
reviewed the plans at their October 9, 2002 meeting. Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeville
Commerce Center East will require a cash contribution for park dedication. Future
platting of Outlots A and B into lots and blocks will require the payment of park
dedication at the time of final plat.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the tallest structure will be the 58 .foot mast and
antenna located in the center of the site, which are exempt from the height
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. There will be a 6-foot tall chain link
security fence with 1-foot high barbed wire.
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City
Council approval of the preliminary and final plat of one lot and two outlots,
Planning Department staff recommends the 4 stipulations listed in the October 4,
2002 planning report.
Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
02.129 Motion by Drotning, Second by Stolte to close the public hearing at 6:25 p.m.
Ayes: Wulff, Larson, Drotning, Stolte, Reuvers.
Nays: 0
Abstained: Detjen
Commissioner Detjen abstained because he is employed by Dakota Electric
Commissioner Drotning asked DEA whether they will allow additional antennas to
be installed on their structure. Mr. Knutsen indicated that at this point in time they
would not allow additional antennas.
02.130 Motion by Drotning, Second by Stolte to recommend to City Council approval of
the .Preliminary and Final Plat of .one lot and two outlots to be known as Lakeville.
Commerce Center East to allow the construction of an electric substation in the C-3,
General Commercial District, located south of 205 Street, north of 210 Street, east
of Interstate 35 and west of Kenrick Avenue, subject to the four (4) stipulations
listed in the October 4, 2002 planning report.
Ayes: Larson, Drotning, Stolte, Reuvers, Wulff.
Nays: 0
Abstained: Detjen
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October 10, 2002
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Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider the application. of Marmon LLC
for the:
A. Preliminary-and final plat of 171ots to be known as Lakeville Town Office
B. Rezoning from O-R, Office/Residential Transition District to PUD,
Planned Unit Development;
C. The vacation of public street, drainage and utility easements (tabled at
the September 19, 2002 Planning Commission meeting).
City .Attorney Knutson attested that the legal notice had been duly published in
accordance with state statutes and City Code.
Tom Dunsmore from The Dunsmore Company of Minnesota was in attendance at
tonight's meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or public may
have. He presented an overview of the project.
Community and Economic Development Director David Olson presented the
planning report, which was written by Daniel Licht, of Northwest. Associated
Consultants, Inc. (NAC).
• Mr. Olson stated that Marmor LLC has submitted develo ment Tans for an office
p P
park located at 165 Street and Kentucky Avenue, east of Kenrick Avenue. They
are proposing to construct five separate two story or two-story walkout office
buildings with 17 tenant spaces on 3.45 acres. Mr. Olson indicated .that the
individual .tenant. spaces are to be owner-occupied through platting the
development in a unit and base lot configuration.
Mr. Olson stated that Marmor LLC's application involves consideration of a
rezoning to PUD District to accommodate the proposed multiple principal
structures on one base lot, preliminary and final plat to combine Lots 6 and 7 of
Jackson's First Addition. and re-plat the property in a base lot/unit lot
configuration, and vacation of existing public street, drainage and utility easements.
Mr. Olson indicated that the subject site is proposed to be platted in a unit/base lot
.configuration, similar to townhouse developments, to accommodate individual
ownership of the tenant. spaces. He stated, however, that the O-R District does not
make provision for multiple principal buildings on one base lot or unit/base lot
subdivision of the. property to allow for individual ownership. Because of this, Mr,
Olson indicated that rezoning the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development
would be necessary.
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October 10, 2002
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Mr. Olson indicated that the buildin setback re uirements of the O-R District will
g q
apply to this development. The site plan identifies all of the buildings comply with
the required setbacks measured from the perimeter of the site. He indicated that
the internal building setbacks for a PUD are based upon building heights. He
indicated that a 20-foot setback between buildings is required for this. PUD. The
site plan will need to be revised to provide a minimum separation between
buildings of 20 feet.
Mr. Olson presented the proposed building designs. The five proposed buildings
share common architectural themes and materials. He described the building
facades and indicated that "cemplank" siding will be used .for the majority of .the
Mr. Olson stated that the proposed landscape plant list is appropriate, has goad
variety of materials, and is consistent with the size requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance. He indicated that the landscape plan should., be revised to provide
additional low level evergreen shrubs along the south edge of the parking lot east
of the driveway access, so as to screen vehicle headlights from casting glare south
towards. the residential neighborhood. The parking lot screening was requested bg
the adjacent. residents at the neighborhood meeting.
Mr. Olson stated that the sub'ect site has fronta e alon 165 Street,. which is
l g g
designated as a major collector in the City's Transportation Plan. As part of the.
preliminary plat, Mr. Olson indicated that the applicant will dedicate an additional
seven feet of right-of-way to bring the full width to 80 feet consistent with the
Subdivision Ordinance. The seven feet of additional right-of-way includes the
existing trail and. is currently covered only by easement. This easement is proposed
to be vacated in favor of the additional right-of-way dedication with the final plat.
Mr. Olson also indicated that one access to the 165 Street is proposed at a location
aligning with Kentucky Avenue to the south. This will provide for safe. turning
movements at the intersection with 165 Street.
Mr. Olson stated that the site design includes sidewalk access to the front of each of
the units, as well as the rear of the walk-out buildings... Two sidewalk connections
are also provided to the public trail along 165 Street.
Mr. Olson stated that the site plan provides 175 off-street parking stalls, of which
six are designated disability accessible. This meets Zoning Ordinance
requirements. In addition, the parking areas meet applicable setback requirements.
Mr. Olson indicated that plans for one freestanding monument sign to be located
on the west side of the driveway have .been submitted. The size of the sign
Planning Commission Meeting
October 10, 2002
Page 8
structure and the si area meet the re uirements for free standin si sin the 0-R
~ q g ~
District. Mr. Olson stated that plans have also been provided for one, 2 square foot
wall sign for each of the individual tenant spaces, which have an exclusive exterior
entrance. If the proposed wall signs are modified in the future, a revised
comprehensive. sign plan would have to be approved by the Planning Commission
and City Council
Mr. Olson indicated that a trash dumpster and enclosure will be located on the west
side of the site. He stated that staff contacted one of the waste haulers serving
Lakeville and they indicated that it is fairly common for the drivers to manually
remove dumpsters from their enclosures so they can be accessed by the trucks.
Mr. Olson indicated that Park and Trail Dedication requirements were not satisfied
when Jackson
s First Addition was platted. The City's Comprehensive Park Plan
does not identify any land needs in the area of the subject site. Park dedication
requirements are to be satisfied as a cash contribution as recommended by the
Parks, .Recreation and Natural Resources Committee at their October 9; 2002
Mr, Olson display a composite grading and drainage plan for four adjoining parcels
including the Lakeville Town Office Park. City staff has been negotiating with the
owners and developers of these four parcels to improve the storm water
management design for the entire area, which is part of the Crystal Lake::Drainage
District. Through the cooperation of the owners and developers of these four
parcels, a shared stormwater basin will be constructed on the Malmberg Bond
property. The developers of the Lakeville Town Office Park and Lakeville Family
Dental properties will .pay. to the City a cost equivalent to the stormceptor that
would have been required to be installed on their properties. This payment will be
used to offset the cost of the construction of the stormwater basin on the Malmberg
Bond property. Malmberg Bond will dedicate the necessary easements, for the
construction of the basin and storm sewer pipes that will convey storm water to the
Lakeville Town Office Park development.
Mr. Olson stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to City Council
approval of the Lakeville Town Office Park preliminary and final plat, PUD
rezoning and easement vacation, Planning Department staff recommends the 10
.stipulations listed in the October 3, 2002 planning report, and approval of the
Findings of Fact dated October 10, 2002.
Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public for comment.
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October 10, 2002
Page 9
Carl Skeps, 16528 Kentucky Avenue
Mr. Skeps thanked the developer and City staff for hosting- the neighborhood
meeting on September 18, 2002. His concerns are:
? Landscaping/tree preservation. The existing trees may be in poor condition,
but they help buffer noise from the freeway. Also, the landscaping proposed
along 165th Street will not adequately screen the parking lot from the
? Traffic. Traffic levels have been on the rise in the neighborhood. The
residents are concerned about speeding on Kentucky Avenue and the safety
of their children.
02.131 Motion by Stolte, Second by Reuvers to close the public hearing at b:55 p.m.
Ayes: Larson, Drotning, Stolte, Reuvers, Wulff, Detjen.
Nays: 0
Chair Wulff confirmed that more landscaping should be installed to help buffer the,
residential. neighborhood from the proposed. parking area. The developer agreed to
install additional landscaping south of the parking lot. Mr. Olson indicated that the
revised landscape plan must be submitted for staff review prior to the City Council
.Commissioner Puncochar addressed the. traffic issue. He indicated that it was
likely surrounding neighborhood traffic on Kentucky Avenue that would :increase
as a result of this development. He also referred to the e-mail from a resident
regarding the speed limit on 165th Street. The Police Department does not
determine the speed limits on City streets. Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash
stated that the speed limit on 165th Street, which is a major collector, is 45 m.p.h.
Mr. Morey added that the speed ,limit on 165th Street is less east side of Ipava
Avenue due to its curvilinear design and the location of Oak Hills Elementary
School. Mr. Knutson stated that MnDot determines speed- limits and they could
possibly raise the speed limit if a speed study was requested.
Commissioner Drotning was concerned about the location of the dumpster. He
thought that it should be more centrally located. Mr. Dunsmore indicated that one
double loaded dumpster has worked well at similar sites they have developed.
Chair Wulff .and Commissioner Drotning questioned the elevation of the site. The
parking lot elevation and 165th Street are lower than the adjacent homes. Rich
Revering, Civil Engineer for Ulteig Engineers, indicated that 165th Street is 2 to 3
feet higher than the parking lot. Headlights should not be a problem but evergreen
shrubs; could be added to help screen the parking lot.
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October 10, 2002
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Commissioner Drotning stated that he is ver im ressed with the site. He
Y p
indicated that the buildings will provide a better buffer for freeway noise than the
existing trees on the property.
It was agreed by the Planning Commission, City staff and the developer, that the
existing trees located in the middle parking lot island should be removed and.
healthy nursery stock trees and shrubs should be planted in their place as allowed
within. the Minnegasco pipeline easement..
Commissioner Stolte agreed with Engineering Department staff comments
regarding the proposed storm water management plan for this development and
the adjacent Malmberg-Bond property.
Commissioner Larson asked about the driveway alignment. Mr. Rubash explained
that the driveway alignment with Kentucky Avenue was considered the best option
for traffic movement and safety reasons. He`indicated that a median at this location
would not work because it would greatly impact lane sizes.
02.132 Motion by Stolte, Second by Reuvers to recommend to City Council .approval of
.the Preliminary and Final Plat. of 17 office townhouse unit lots to be known as
Lakeville Town Office Park, a rezoning from O-R, Office/Residential Transition
District to PUD, Planned Unit Development, and the vacation of public street,
drainage and utility easements, subject to the 10 stipulations listed in the October 3,
2002 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact, dated October 10, 2002.
Ayes:. Drotning, Stolte, Reuvers, Wulff, Detjen, Larson.
Nays: 0
Chair Wulff opened the public hearing to consider the application of D. R. Horton-
Minnesota, OPUS Northwest, and Ed McMenomy for the following in relation to
the Crossroads mixed-use development, located south of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH
(9) between Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Flagstaff Avenue:
A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to guide property on the 2020 Land
Use.., Plan consistent with the proposed uses in the Crossroads
preliminary plat;
B. Comprehensive Plan/Metropolitan Urban Service -Area (MUSA)
Amendment to bring property within Staged MUSA Expansion Area A
(2005) into the current MUSA;
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October 10, 2002
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C. Rezoning of one institutional lot (church and school); ten commercial
lots; .and one high-density residential lot (senior housing) from C-3,
General Commercial District and RM-1, Medium Density Residential
District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District and Development
Stage Planned Unit Development Approval;
D. Rezoning of 13 single-family lots from RS-2, Single Family Residential
District to RS-3, Single Family Residential District;
E. Preliminary plat of 141 single family lots; 317 attached townhome lots;
eight (8) townhome common area lots; one (1} institutional lot {'church
and school}; ten (10) commercial lots; one (1) high density residential lot
(senior housing); and 16 outlots; and
F. Variance for cul-de-sac length in excess of 600 feet;
City Attorney Knutson attested that the legal notice had been duly published in
accordance with state statutes and City Code.
Mike Suel, from D.R. Horton, introduced commercial area developer John Meyers
of OPUS Northwest, architect Kathy Anderson of KKE & Associates, and project
engineer Joel .Cooper of James R. Hill, Inc. who were in attendance at tonight's
meeting to answer any questions the Planning Commission or public may have.
s Mr. Suel presented an overview of the residential portion and Mr. Meyers
presented an overview of the commercial portion of the Crossroads project.
Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach presented the Crossroads planning report. Mr.
Mullenbach stated that D.R. Horton, OPUS Northwest, Crossroads Church, Ed
McMenomy and Mike Devney have submitted applications for the development of
an approximately 240 acre mixed use project to be known as Crossroads. He
indicated that the development is proposed to include 140 single family lots; 192
back-to-back style townhome unit lots; 125 row style townhome unit lots; 8
townhome common area lots; 1 church/school lot; 1 senior housing lot; 10
commercial lots and 16 outlots. -The commercial development, which includes
approximately 178,000 square feet of commercial floor area, including retail,
restaurant and .day care, is proposed to be anchored by an approximately 69,00(?
square foot Cub Foods on Lot 7, Block 6.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the project requires the extension of trunk sanitary
sewer from Flagstaff Avenue, the extension of watermain from the intersection of
Dodd Boulevard and Glacier Way, the construction of 179th Street between Cedar
Avenue and Flagstaff Avenue, and connection and expansion of an .existing
regional stormwater management pond in the south-central portion of the project.
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October 10, 2002
Page 12
Mr. Mullenbach presented the 2020 Land Use Plan, which. provides a transition of
land uses from the more intense commercial uses along Cedar Avenue and Dodd
Boulevard to the less intense low density residential land uses adjacent to the
existing Country Pond South and Greenridge single family developments to the
The subject property was zoned a combination of C-3 District, RM-1 District, RS-2
District and RS-3 District with the Zoning Ordinance and Map Update approved: on
July 17, 2000. The Zoning Map corresponds to the land use. transitions depicted on
the 2020 Land Use Plan.
The developers are requesting an amendment to the 2020 Land Use Plan to adjust
land. use boundaries consistent with the land uses and street alignments proposed
within the Crossroads preliminary .plat. The developers are also. requesting the
2020 Land Use Plan be amended to designate the senior housing project as High
Density Residential, the church/school use as Public/Semi-Public, :and the City-
owned outlots as Restricted Development.
In conjunction with the preliminary plat, the 10 commercial lots, senior. housing lot
.and church/school lot are proposed to be zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that .the PUD zoning would provide the City with
greater control over the eventual development on these properties. The anchor
grocery tenant and two strip retail buildings are requesting development stage
planned unit development approval along with. the preliminary plat. The
:remaining uses within the PUD District would require approval of a planned unit
development amendment prior to development.
The developer is also proposing to rezone 13 single family lots from RS-2 District to
RS-3 District to provide consistent setbacks and building scale throughout the
single family portion of the development.
Mr. Mullenbach stated that the Devney property is located within Staged MUSA
Expansion Area A (2005). The developers are requesting a comprehensive plan
amendment. to bring approximately 26 acres of the Devney property into the
current MUSA. Approximately 8.5 acres of the 26 acres to be brought into the
MUSA would be used for residential or commercial development. The remaining
acreage would be platted as right-of-way (primarily for 179 Street} and
stormwater management. The inclusion of the property currently outside the
MU5A is critical to the feasibility and functioning of the Crossroads development
due to the location of 179 Street on the Devney property.. The location of 179'
Street is dictated by Dakota County access spacing guidelines along Cedar Avenue
Planning Commission Meeting
October 10, 2002
Page 13
• and the location of the median break constructed on Cedar Avenue with the
roadway improvements in 2000.
The proposed land use plan amendments, MUSA amendment, and rezonings are
consistent with the Crossroads sketch plan, which was reviewed by the Planning
Commission and approved by the City Council in spring 2002.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the development abuts or includes four major
transportation elements. Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) abuts the development on the
west side.. Cedar Avenue was upgraded to a four-lane divided urban roadway in
2000. A median break was provided for 179th Street approximately 1/4 mile south. of
Dodd :Boulevard. The Dakota County Plat Commission has approved a variance
for aright-in/right-out only driveway on Cedar Avenue to serve the commercial
Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) abuts the development on the north side. Dodd
Boulevard will be re-constructed as a four-lane divided urban roadway as part.: of
this development. The City of Lakeville and Dakota County will be entering into
an agreement to allow the City to be the lead agency for the improvement project.
Improvements to Dodd Boulevard will be financed by the developer.
• Three street accesses are rovided alon Dodd Boulevard to serve the
P g
development. Gerdine Path and Glacier Way align with existing streets on the
north side and provide full intersections on Dodd Boulevard.. The third street
connection at Glencoe Avenue was approved by the Dakota County Board of
Commissioners as a temporary median opening. The median will be closed at the
direction of the County Engineer at such time as the intersection becomes a traffic
safety concern or meets traffic warrants.
179th Street will be constructed by the developer as a two-lane urban section, with
turn-lanes, from Cedar Avenue to Flagstaff Avenue and Flagstaff Avenue will be
reconstructed by the developer as a two-lane urban section with turn-lanes adjacent
to Crossroads.
Mr. Mullenbach stated that the first phase of the Crossroads development will be
the extension of a high pressure watermain through the development to connect to
an existing watermain stub in 175th Street. He indicated that the sanitary sewer
system to serve the development is temporarily connected through the
Meadowbrook development east of Flagstaff Avenue. The developers of
Crossroads are required to make the permanent connection from the North Creek
Manufactured Home Park property as a part of the first phase of the development.
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October 10, 2002
Page 14
Mr. Mullenbach stated that a Wetland Replacement Plan application was submitted
to the City on September 30, 2002 and was processed by City staff with notices
being sent on October 1, 2002. He indicated that the preliminary plat is subject to
compliance with the Wetland Conservation Act.
The development contains 140 single-family lots that have been sized and
dimensioned consistent with RS-3 District requirements. ,The developer is also
requesting a variance for cul-de-sac length on Flushing Hills Court. The variance is
recommended for approval due to the proximity of an underground gas pipeline
easement and the need to provide alternative street access to two existing single-
. family homes along Flagstaff Avenue.
Mr. Mullenbach also outlined issues related to providing alternative street access'to
the two single-family homes, along Flagstaff Avenue. Existing improvements and
grades make removing their driveways from Flagstaff Avenue to Flushing Hills
Court challenging. The developer has made significant effort to provide alternative
access. The owners of the northerly exception parcel are required to relocate their
driveway, per the administrative subdivision approval for their lot in 1997. The
owners of the .southerly exception parcel are not required to relocate their
driveway, but will have the option in the future.
• Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the townhome Tans have been reviewed for
conformance with the performance standards of the RM-1, Medium Density
Residential District and were found to be in compliance.
Mr. Mullenbach stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the
City Council approval of the Crossroads preliminary plat, comprehensive plan and
MUSA amendments, rezoning, and variance, Planning Department staff
recommends approval of the 37 stipulations listed in the October 4, 2002 planning
report. and the Findings of Fact for the variance and rezonings.
-Chair Wulff opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Terry L. Hoke, 17515 Gage Court wanted to know where the 13 single family lots
proposed to be rezoned from RS-2 to RS-3 were located in relation to his home and
what the difference was between the two zoning districts. Mr. Hoke also wanted to
know when the area directly behind his home would be graded and developed.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the single-family lots proposed to be rezoned from
RS-2 to RS-3 were located to the south of his property. The RS-2 District requires a
100 foot lot width. and, 15,000 square lot area. The RS-3 District requires an 85 foot
lot width and 11,000 square lot area. Mr. Hoke's property is zoned RS-3 District.
Planning Commission Meeting
October 10, 2002
Page 15
Pro'ect en ineer Joel Coo er indicated that the area behind Mr. Hoke's home
l g p
would be graded immediately due to the fact that the earthwork must be balanced
over the entire site.. Mr. Hoke indicated that he wanted to make the developer
aware of existing drainage and erosion conditions near his home within the plat
area. Mr. Cooper indicated that because the grade slopes toward Mr. Hoke's yard,
the construction of Gerdine Path will be completed in the phase (Phase .II) as the
single-family lots adjacent to Mr. Hoke's home. This will reduce drainage in the.
backyards of the existing home by approximately 75%. Mr. Cooper indicated that
Phase II should be under construction in the summer of 2003.
Mike Stewart, .6815175th Street West asked whether the .sidewalks on 175th Street
will continue into the Crossroads development and whether the City will consider
pedestrian crossings on Flagstaff Avenue adjacent to Dodd Trail Park and
Greenridge Park.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that sidewalks will be constructed on both. sides of 175th
Street with the Crossroads development. The request to consider pedestrian
crossings on Flagstaff Avenue will be forwarded to the Public Works Director.
Steve Eck, 6867 175th. Street West. asked whether stop signs will be placed on
existing 175th Street.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that staff determined at the sketch plan review that the
need for stop signs along 175th Street is more appropriately reviewed following full.
build-out of the Crossroads development when permanent traffic patterns have
Commissioner Puncochar commented that monitoring 175th Street to assess the
traffic could be done. He asked when the final phase of Crossroads would be
completed. Mr. Suel responded in 2005 or 2006 depending on the construction
season and sales.
02.133 Motion by Drotning, Second by Detjen to close the public hearing at 8:20 p.m.
Ayes: Stolte, Reuvers, Wulff, Detjen, Larson, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Commissioner Stolte confirmed that the Jensen driveway is required to be relocated
off of Flagstaff Avenue as a stipulation of the administrative subdivision approved
in 1997 that was agreed to by Mr. and Mrs. Jensen. Mr. Mullenbach confirmed this
requirement and indicated that staff is recommending that Lots 6-9, Block 19 be
. reduced to the minimum lot width of 85 feet to increase the width of Outlot M to
accommodate the driveway. He also confirmed that Mr. and Mrs. Wolff were not
Planning Commission Meeting
October 10, 2002
Page 16
re uired to relocate their drivewa when their arcel was administrativel
q Y P Y
subdivided. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the developers have been working with
the Wolff's to identify a possible driveway relocation, but the Wolff's do not wish to
relocate. their driveway at this time.
Commissioner Stolte asked about parking for the Senior Housing project. Mr. Suel
indicated that it is planned to have underground parking for each unit and surface,
guest parking in compliance with City requirements. The parking will be
incorporated into the design of the project when it is proposed as part of a planned
unit development amendment.
Commissioner Stolte asked about the MUSA amendment. Mr. Mullenbach stated
that the MUSA Amendment will be forwarded to the Met Council following City
Council action. The size of the MUSA amendment and its locationin Area A makes
it a "housekeeping" item for which the Met Council would typically waive their
review authority.
.Commissioner. Stolte asked if all. the roads in the Crossroads development would be
constructed in Phase I. Mr. Mullenbach stated that 179 Street, Flagstaff Avenue,
and Dodd Boulevard would be constructed in Phase I. The remaining .streets
. would be constructed as necessary to provide access to platted -lots within each
Commissioners Stolte and Drotning thought the entrance into the Cub parking lot
from the. south was awkward. Mr. Meyers indicated that many variations were
considered before they decided .that the current proposal was the best option.
Chair Wulff indicated that there should be more screening adjacent to the
townhomes along Dodd Boulevard. Mr. Cooper provided cross-section views of
how berms could be added in this area. Mr. Suel also agreed to additional
landscaping to increase the buffer yard screening for the townhouse units located
adjacent to Dodd Boulevard.
02.134 Motion by Detjen; Second by Drotning to recommend to City Council approval of
the Crossroads preliminary plat, Comprehensive Plan and MUSA amendments,
rezonings to Planned Unit Development and RS-3, and a variance for cul-de-sac
street length, subject to .the 37 stipulations listed in the October 4, 2002 planning
report and approval of the Findings of Fact for the variance and rezoning requests.
Ayes: Reuvers, Wulff, Detjen, Drotning, Stolte.
Nays: 0
Planning Commission Meeting
October 10, 2002
Page 17
Mr. Morey updated the Planning Commission on the upcoming Planning
Commission meetings and work sessions planned for October, November and
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny evi ,Recording Secr ary
• en y Wulff, hair