HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-24-02 work session Meeting Notes Planning Commission Work Session Thursday, October 24, 2002 Marion Conference Room The Planning Commission work session commenced at 6:00 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room. Commissioners Present: Wendy Wulff, Dale Detjen, Karl Drotning, Gerry Grenz, Paul Reuvers, Lowell Miller Stolte, and Kerrin Swecker. Staff Present: Planning .Director Daryl Morey and planning consultant Dan Licht of NAC. Staff provided a brief overview of the Zoning Ordinance Update process to date. Two work sessions were held previously this year, on January 31St and February 7t", and a list of issues were discussed at those work sessions. The purpose of tonight's work session is to discuss issues that have been raised since the earlier two work sessions. A list of issues was distributed to Planning Commission members prior to tonight's work session in the form of a memo dated Octoberl8, • 2002. The following summarizes the Planning. Commission recommendations related to the current Zoning Ordinance Update issues: ZONING ORDINANCE General Agreed to initiate the rezoning for Jeff Steinman and adjacent properties on Jonquil Avenue north of 175t" Street from RM-1, Medium Density Residential District to RS-3, Single Family Residential District. Agreed in principal to require an as-built survey to "pin the foundation" prior to framing for all residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. .Directed staff to research the typical cost to prepare this type of survey.. Will allowmultiple principal buildings on one base lot, or unit lot subdivisions, to accommodate office townhouse developments as proposed. with Lakeville Town Office Park by conditional use permit. Directed staff to research other cities' ordinances for allowing dog-training facilities as a permitted or conditional use in a commercial and/or industrial district. Also directed staff to research outdoor training (i.e. hunting) facilities. Planning Commission Work Session October 24, 2002 • Will establish district/performance standards for mini-storage uses, such as parking, landscaping, screening, caretaker unit, etc. Chapter 11-2-3 (Definitions) The definition of Lot, Corner does not have atypo - no change is necessary. Staff will further review the list of on-site service businesses listed under the definition of Commercial Use. Chapter 11-17-9A.3.c and d Recommended no change to the list of permitted exterior commercial, institutional and industrial building materials. Chapter 11-17-9A.3.c(3) and d(4) A statement will be added that integral colored concrete block cannot include natural gray concrete. Chapter 11-17-9A.3.d(6 and 9) • Recommended that the Economic Development Commission consider eliminating steel, fiberglass and aluminum wall panels and COR-TEN siding as allowed exterior industrial and institutional building materials, however, additions to existing steel, fiberglass and aluminum buildings could be allowed by conditional use permit. Chapter 11-18-7 Did. not want to prohibit bathroom facilities in residential accessory buildings. Chapter 11-18-9D The maximum allowable accessory building square footage in the RS-4 and RS-CBD districts will be increased to equal 10% of the minimum lot size requirements. Chapter 11-19-71.1 The wording "for single family and two family residential uses or" will be eliminated. 2 Planning Commission Work Session October 24, 2002 • Chapter 11-19-13 The required parking for major automobile repair uses should be increased. A new parking category for retail strip centers should be created. The same parking ratio will be required for animal clinics as is required for offices (1:200) to accommodate a potential future re-use of the building and site, however, a .parking deferment will be allowed. Chapter 11-21-5D Agreed that solid walls should be allowed by conditional use permit instead of by interim use permit. Chapter 1 i-21-5F Agreed that rear yard privacy fences on corner Pots should have a 10 foot street side setback to ensure traffic visibility. Chapter 11-21-9C . Agreed to increase the buffer yard screening requirements for arterial streets vs. major collector streets. A minimum screening height will be established. The .screening can include a combination of berming, landscaping and fencing to achieve the minimum screening height provided the berming, landscaping and fencing meets Zoning Ordinance size/height requirements. In addition, the landscape spacing requirement will be decreased to provide for a more effective screen. Chapter 11-26-7 Consistent with 2001 legislative changes, a conditional use permit is required for overhead transmission lines and substations "in excess of 33kv and up to 1OOkv". Chapter 11-58-21 C.3 (RM-1 District) Will clarify that the 18" overhang is only required for the soffit. A 12" overhang will be allowed on the gable end. Chapter t1-58-21 C.4 (RM-1 District) Will .consider eliminating the brick requirement on the rear of row townhouse buildings that back up to other row townhouse buildings, pending feedback from townhouse developers at the November 21, 2002 work session. 3 Planning Commission Work Session October 24, 2002 Chapter 11-58-21E (RM-1 District) i .Agreed that specific rooms (i.e. bathroom, laundry room, etc.) must~be designated for the storm shelter for slab-on-grade townhouse units to prevent the room from being used as storage space provided a minimum size is established. Staff will research FEMA and UBC requirements for safe room size. Chapter 11-62-13.A (RH-2 District) This paragraph should reference the "RH-2" District, not the "RH-1" District. Chapter 11-72-7C.9 (C-2 District) Staff will research outdoor storage in conjunction with a major automobile repair use. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: Chapter 10-2-3 Wording will be incorporated, consistent with State Statute, to require City Council consideration of a final plat within 60 days of a complete submittal. The . wording will reference the submittal requirements listed in Chapter 10-3-3. Chapter 10-3-3 The following items will be included in the final plat submittal requirements: application and fees, construction cost estimates, and tree preservation plan. Chapter 10-4-8K Agreed to change the wording for the combination of land and cash to equal a prorated percentage of land dedicated vs. land owed, instead of tying the cash requirement to the value of the land, subject to approval by the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. The following sample scenario of a plat with a combined land/cash park dedication utilizing the recommended change was presented: • 200 single family lots proposed on a 100 acre parcel • 10 acres of park land dedication required (10% of 100 acres) • b acres of park land proposed to be deeded to City (50% of requirement) • Total cash required if a cash only dedication is applied to the entire plat: 200 s.f. lots x $1,585/lot = $317,000 • Developer owes 50% of the cash only requirement under this scenario: $317,000 x 0.5 = $158,500 4 Planning Commission Work Session October 24, 2002 SIGN ORDINANCE: General Will allow multiple tenants to advertise on a retail freestanding sign. Performance standards will be created for these types of signs. Will allow corner #enants of retail strip centers to have signs on both walls regardless of street frontage. Chapter 9-3-7B.2 Single or double occupancy building signs will be eliminated from the RH-1 and RH-2 districts because business .activities are not permitted in the RH-1 and RH-2 districts. Chapter 9-3-8C The wording will be revised so that a comprehensive sign. plan is .required only for multiple occupancy commercial/industrial buildings with exclusive exterior entrances for tenants (i.e. those buildings that have the ability to install multiple wall signs as opposed to those buildings that just have a .multiple tenant listing on the freestanding sign). The Planning Commission also agreed that the . comprehensive signplan review should be an administrative function that does. not required Planning Commission or City Council approval Chapter 9-3-9, 9-3-10C and 9-3-11 A The wording will be changed to read "Zoning Administrator" instead of "Building Official". The work session was .adjourned at 8:30 p.m. R pectfully submitted, Daryl M rey, Pla n' Director 5