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SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at J. F. Kennedy
Elementary School by Mayor Zaun.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, Nelson, and Mayor Zaun. Also present: Roger Knutson,
City Attorney; Keith Nelson and Tim Hanson from Donohue &
Associates, City Engineers; James Robinette, Community Develop-
ment Director; Dennis Feller, Finance Director; Betty Goodman,
Property Data Clerk; Pat McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk.
Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on the
assessments for Project 85-9, Clay's Acres Storm Drainage and
Road Improvements. The City Clerk attested to the legal notice.
Mayor Zaun then gave a brief history of the previous informa-
tional meeting and public hearings that were held in 1983, 1984,
and 1985 concerning drainage problems and road conditions in the
Clay's Acres area. The Mayor also indicated that the Council
had been receiving several letters from property owners in the
project area objecting to the assessments and raising questions,
including letters being handed in at tonights meeting. For that
reason the Mayor indicated that the assessment hearing would be
continued to a later date to allow the City Staff time to review
the questions, comments and objections, and write a response to
At this time Mayor Zaun recognized Steve Adochio, who read a
prepared statement listing concerns and questions concerning the
project and assessments. Mr. Adochio gave a copy of the
statement to the Council.
At this time Keith Nelson presented a slide showing where the
various improvements were made in the project area. He also
showed slides giving the estimated final costs for the compo-
nents of the project and the assessments. The final total
project cost was $739,454. The total amount being assessed is
Mr. Nelson pointed out that the total cost for the street repair
and overlay came to $259,763, of which $62,580 is being assessed
at the rate of $447 per lot for those lots which have a restored
and overlayed street in front of them.
At this time Mayor Zaun recognized citizens who wished to speak
to the Council regarding the project and assessments.
Patrick Flannagen stated that he felt the citizens had not been
represented strongly enough by their attorney and also raised
concerns about the storm water planning of the City.
, . f 1 ~ •
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
Larry Olmstead asked why his property in the Meadows Addition is
being assessed for a storm sewer lateral charge in addition to
the storm sewer area charge. Mr. Nelson indicated that Mr.
Olmstead's property, in part, drains on to 208th Street which
has the storm sewer lateral system under it and collects the
water .
Larry Johnson indicated he felt his property on the corner of
Jacquard and 210th Street, did not contribute drainage to the
lateral system on 208th Street. Mr. Nelson indicated that his
property does contribute water to the streets which flow into
208th Street storm drainage system; thereby, receiving benefit
from both lateral storm sewer and the trunk area charge.
Mark Miller asked about Lake Marion outlet and how this project
was assessed compared to this project. The City Administrator
explained that the Lake Marion outlet is paid out of the storm
drainage trunk fund and that most of the property through which
the new drainage ditch was constructed is now farm land and when
it is developed it will be assessed the storm area charge
through the development agreement.
Dianne McGibbon stated that Iterri Avenue was not patched prior
to the overlay and she felt that the $447 charge was for that
part of the street work; theref ore, Iterri Avenue should have no
assessment for the street work.
Mark Miller indicated that when heavy rains occur water still
comes over the curb at some locations and the staff indicated
that these situations will be watched and if they contribute to
similar problems for the area that steps will be taken to have
the property owner put the water into the drain the system. In
some instances that may require extending the storm the further
south along a street south property owner can connect their
service line to the public drain the system.
86-388 Motion by Enright, seconded by Sindt to continue the public
hearing to October 8, 1986, at 8:30 p.m. at the City Council
Chamber in Airlake Industrial Park.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright and Nelson. Time: 7:45 p.m.
At this time Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on Project
84-19 and 85-5, Kenrick Avenue and Junelle, 173rd Street
Improvements. The City Clerk attested to the legal notice.
Mr. Nelson presented slides showing the project area and im-
provements and slides showing the estimated cost for these
improvements and the final cost of $1,389,744.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
The City Clerk advised those present that the assessments would
be over a 20 year period beginning in 1987 at an interest rate
of 9.55 percent on the unpaid principal with the first years
interest being for fifteen months.
At this time Mayor Zaun recognized Dianne Gossard, who asked
about storm sewer costs. Mr. Nelson indicated that the storm
sewer costs were included in the street construction cost.
Glenn Peterson asked about the extension of the water line under
175th Street. Mr. Nelson indicated Mr. Peterson's project was
assessed for water lateral benefit.
Mr. Nelson also indicated that the street lights involved along
a portion of the project area will be bid out later this fall
and assessed in the fall of 1987 after installation in the
spring of 1987.
86-389 Motion by Enright, seconded by Harvey to close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, Nelson, and Zaun.
8:10 p.m.
86-390 Motion made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to adopt Resolutions
86-105, 86-105A, adopting the assessments roll and the assess-
ment roll with def erments on projects 84-19 and 85-5.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Zaun,
Sindt, and Harvey.
At this time Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on Project
85-3, Holyoke Avenue Streetscape project. The City Clerk
attested to the legal notice.
Mr. Nelson showed slides giving the estimated and final costs
for the components of the project. Total final project cost.
came to $463,601 and the City is paying $158,843 of the final
cost. Mr. Nelson also showed slides of the unit cost for the
various components.
At this time Mayor Zaun recognized questions and comments from
the audience. Dr. O'Brien asked if he was being assessed for
three street lights. Mr. Nelson indicated that the properties
are not assessed for individual lights, but rather on a front
foot basis, the rate being unif orm throughout the project area.
• r ~ •
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
Mr. Roy Kuehn criticized the difference in the final cost that
affected his property compared to the estimated cost, especially
as it concerns street lighting.
Mr. Patrick Wren also criticized the difference in the street
lighting costs and wanted to know why there was an increase in
the street lighting installation. The City Administrator
explained that at the public hearing in July of 1985 the project
was presented with street lighting only on one side of Holyoke
Avenue which was less than what existed on a portion of Holyoke
Avenue at that time. As a result of the comments received at
the improvement hearing, plans were ordered with street lighting
to be installed on both sides of Holyoke Avenue from the 210th
Street to upper 206th Street.
Mr. John Kruse also questioned the diff erence in the final costs
as it affected his home, compared to the estimated cost. The
staff explained that since his property is zoned commercial, but
used as residential property, most of his assessment is def erred
without interest until and unless his property actually becomes
commercial in usage.
86-391 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Enright.
Nayes, Sindt and Harvey.
86-392 Motion made by Nelson, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution
86-106, adopting the assessment roll except for those parcels of
property owned by Roy Kuehn, Patrick Wren, and John Kruse which
are continued until the October 6th Council Meeting for further
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Enright, Nelson.
Nayes, Sindt and Harvey.
At this time Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on Project
84-2, Trunk Highway 50-County Road 5. The City Clerk attested
to the legal notice.
Keith Nelson showed slides showing the location of the improve-
ments along the highway. Mr. Nelson indicated the final project
cost came to $2,931,390. City participation in the project
totals $1,558,944, with the state, county, and federal govern-
ments picking up the rest of the cost for these highways.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
City Clerk advised those present that the assessment period
would be for 20 years at an interest rate of 10.07 percent on
the unpaid principal.
The Mayor opened the meeting for questions and comments and Mr.
& Mrs. Squires asked the Council about the possibility of a
disability def erment on their property. Their daughter, Mrs.
Blanchard, also questioned the possibility of a deferment for
the commercial benefit on their property until the residential
use of the property changes to a commercial use as the property
is now zoned.
Staff was instructed to send application for disability defer-
ment to the Squires.
86-393 Motion made by Nelson, seconded by Harvey to close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, and Nelson.
86-394 Motion made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution
86-107 approving the assessment roll for project 84-2 with the
exception of the parcels of property for which the city had
received written objections which will be continued until the
October-6th Council Meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, Nelson, and Zaun.
At this time Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on the
assessment 86-2, Valley Park area sealcoating improvement. City
Clerk attested to the legal notice.
Their was no one present wishing to hear the presentation on the
project or ask questions or comments.
86-395 Motion by Sindt, seconded by Nelson to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, and Nelson.
86-396 Motion made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to adopt Resolution
86-108, adopting the assessment roll for Project 86-2, Valley
Park area street sealcoating.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, Harvey, and Zaun.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
At this time Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on Project
86-8, Meadows West final street overlay. City Clerk attested to
the legal notice.
City Clerk advised the Council that Jack Lankas, the original
developer of the Meadows West, had made some storm sewer trunk
improvements as a part of the Meadows West improvement for which
credit was due from the City. Council was advised, Mr. Lankas
had given permission to apply the credits from the storm sewer
improvements to his obligation to finish the asphalt paving in
the Meadows West Addition which was completed by the City. The
City Administrator recommended to Council to cancel the assess-
ments on all the lots in the Meadows West Addition since the
storm sewer improvement credit equal all but $27.00 of the cost
for completing the street.
There was no one else present wishing to speak on the project.
86-397 Motion made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Enright,
Nelson, Zaun, and Sindt.
86-398 Motion made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to adopt Resolution
86-109, authorizing the transf er of storm sewer credit to the
project fund for the Meadows West Street final overlay.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Nelson, Zaun,
Sindt, and Harvey.
At this time Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on 85-10,
Indra Way utility and street improvements. City Clerk attested
to the legal notice.
City Engineer made a brief presentation on the project improve-
ments and cost.
Mr. Robert Milan stated that his large parcel of property at the
corner of Indra Way and Trunk Highway 50 was causing a hardship
due to the utility and street improvements on that large of a
parcel for one single family house. The City Administrator
suggested that the Council assess the utility improvements at
this time, since Mr. Milan is planning to connect to the systems
and use them, and def er the street improvement without interest
until the property is used for commercial use or further
86-399 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to close the
public hearing.
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SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
Harvey, and Enright.
86-400 Motion made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to adopt Resolution
86-110 and 110A, adopting the assessment rolls and def erring a
part of the assessment on the Milan property for the street
improvements without interest until such time as the property is
used for commercial purposes or further subdivided.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, and Nelson.
At this time the City Administrator recommended that the Council
consider authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute an option
agreement for the purchase of the Power Center property on Trunk
Highway 50 from Mr. Tinglehoff. The purpose of the option would
be to give the City time to investigate whether or not the
property would be feasible for an expanded off -sale liquor store
~~2 operation or to assist in clearing of the property for rede-
velopment for new commercial uses. Cost of the option would be
$10,000, ending on December 3, 1986 with the option to extend it
beyond that if the City is interested in picking up the interest
cost to Mr. Tinglehoff on the $600,000 purchase price.
86-401 Motion made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to authorize the Mayor
and Clerk to execute the option agreement with Mr. Tinglehoff on
the Power Center Self -Service Incorporated property.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, and Nelson.
86-402 Motion made by Nelson, and seconded by Sindt to adjourn the
Council Meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
Enright, and Nelson.
Time• 0: p.m
atrick E. McG rvey, City Clerk
Dua a Zaun, M r
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
7:00 P.M.
1. .Roll call.
7:00 2. Public hearing on the assessments for projects 85-9, Clay's
Acres storm drainage and road improvements.
a. Attest to legal notice.
b. Presentation of the project costs and assessments.
c. Questions and comments.
d. Motion to close the public hearing.
e. Adoption of the assessment roll.
7:30 3. Public hearing on the assessments for project 84-19, Kenrick
Avenue, Junelle Path, 173rd street utility, and street
a. Attest to legal notice.
b. Presentation of the project costs and assessments.
c. Questions and comments.
d. Motion to close the public hearing.
e. Adoption of the assessment roll.
8:00 4. Public hearing on the assessments for project 85-3, Holyoke
Avenue, 207th Street and Holt Avenue streetscape improve-
. ments.
a. Attest to legal notice..
b. Presentation of the project costs and assessments.
c. Questions aid comments.
d. Motion to close the public hearing.
e. Adoption of the assessment roll.
8:30 5. Public hearing on the assessments for project 84-2, Highway
50, County Road 5 near I-35 improvements.
a. Attest to legal notice.
b. Presentation of the project costs and assessments.
c. Questions and comments.
d. Motion to close the public hearing.
e. Adoption of the assessment roll.
9:00 6. Public hearing on the assessments for project 86-2, Valley
Park area street seal coating.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
9:15 7. Public hearing on the. assessments for project 86-8, Meadows
West street project.
a. Attest to legal notice.
b. Presentation of the project costs and assessments.
c. Questions and comments.
d. Motion to close the public hearing.
e. Adoption of the assessment roll.
9:30 8. Public hearing on the assessments for project 85-10, Indra
Way utility and street improvements.
a. Attest to legal notice.
b. Presentation of the project costs and assessments.
c. Questions and comments.
d. Motion to close the public hearing..
e. Adoption of the assessment roll.
9. Any other items.
10. Adjourn.