HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-02 work session CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Work Session Minutes NOVEMBER 21, 2002 The November 21, 2002 Planning Commission work session was called to order by Chair Wulff in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Roll call of members: Present: Stolte, Swecker, Wulff, Detjen, Grenz, Reuvers, ex-officio Puncochar. Absent: Drotning Staff Present:. Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Dan Licht, Planning Consultant from NAC; .Jay Rubash, Assistant .City Engineer; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. Developers Present: Don Patton, D. R. Horton; Richard Palmiter, Town & Country Homes; Keliy Murray and Terry Weissmann, Weissmann Homes, Inc.; Ev Wright, Wright Homes, Inc.; Jim Allen, Taylor Development Corporation. ITEM 3: APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: Mr. Morey clarified that an appeals process must be established within the Sign Ordinance if comprehensive sign plan review becomes an administrative function • as discussed at•the October 24, 2002 Planning Commission work session. .The October 24, 2002 Planning Commission work session minutes were. approved as presented. ITEM 4: RECEIVE COMMENTS FROM DEVELOPERS REGARDING THE CURRENT TOWNHOUSE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. Daryl Morey stated that developers of townhouse projects approved since the July 17, 2000 Zoning Ordinance Update was adopted were invited to attend tonight's work session and provide their feedback to staff and the Planning Commission. regarding the existing townhouse performance standards. He stated that written comments were received from three townhouse developers and they were included with the Planning Commission's packet materials. Chair Wulff opened the floor for additional developer comments. Comments from Don Patton representing D.R. Horton: • Townhomes need to be reasonably priced in the marketplace so they are • affordable for young, first time homebuyers. Planning Commission Work Session November 21, 2002 Page 2 • • Chapter 11-58-17.B.1 should be rewritten to be more flexible for new townhouse products offered in the marketplace. • .Chapter 11-58-17.B.4.a should be modified to require a specific setback between buildings. He felt that this provision is too complicated as written. • Chapter 11-58-17.B.4.b should be changed to require 25-foot setbacks from private. drives, rather than 30-foot setbacks. • The roof overhang requirement in Chapter 11-58-21.C.3 should be more flexible. • There should be more flexibility with the exterior materials requirement so the townhouses don't end up looking like "army barracks." (Chapter 11-58- 21.C.4) • Consideration should be given to allowing more than an 8-unit townhouse building. (Section 11-58-5.G) • Suggested allowing "bump-outs" on private streets and driveway areas in front of garages to meet the guest parking requirement. (Section 11-58-21.J) Comments from Terry Wensmann and Kelly Murray .representing Wensmann Homes, Inc.: . • ..Regarding building, they believe that a 25-foot front yard setback is more than sufficient from private and public streets. {Chapter 11-58-17.B.3) • Agreed with Don Patton on the roof overhangs. Felt that 12 inches should be sufficient. (Chapter 11-58-21.C.3) • Felt that longer private .drives should be .allowed with "bump. out" guest parking for more efficient and creative subdivision designs. (Section 11-58- 21.I) • Off-street guest parking should be reconsidered. Allowing parallel parking on the private drives and bump outs rather than "parking lots" would be more efficient and less expensive. (Chapter 11-58-21.J) • Eliminate the land use transition requirement. (Chapter 11-58-23) Felt that any public street, regardless of classification, should serve as a transition from one use to another. • Felt that storm shelters should not be required for split-level townhomes. (Chapter 11-58-21.E) • Felt that the exterior building materials requirement for townhomes was too strict and more flexibility is needed. {Chapter 11-58-21.C.4) Planning Commission Work Session November 21, 2002 Page 3 Comments from Richard Palmiter representing Town & Country Homes: • Wanted to let the Planning Commission know that value' was the most important issue with home buyers. If the home buyer could decide to have a safe room, a larger garage, an extra 30 feet of driveway, or the price lowered on the home, they would choose the lower price every time. The developers were all in agreement about wanting to know .more about the affordability criteria that allows exemptions from certain performance standards, such as storm shelters, garage size, roof overhangs, driveway length and .exterior building materials. Mr. Morey indicated that the Planning Commission and Staff will take the. developer's comments into consideration for further discussion. at .the December Planning Commission work session. Planning Department staff will inform the developers of any changes the Planning Commission recommends to the townhouse. performance standards. ITEM 6: STAFF NOTICES • The next regular :Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for_December 5,..2002. A Planning Commission work session is scheduled for December 19, 2002. The January Planning Commission meetings will be rescheduled to January 9 and January 23 due to the New Years holiday and to align with the January City Council meetings. There being no further business, the work session was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Penny B g, Recording Secr tary