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Planning Commission Work Session
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Marion Conference Room
The Planning Commission work session commenced at 6:00 p.m. in the Marion
Conference Room.
Commissioners Present: Wendy :Wulff, .Dale Detjen, Karl Drotning, Gerry Grenz,
Paul Reuvers, Lowell Miller Stolte, ex-officio Jim Puncochar.
Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Associate Planners Frank
Dempsey, Ron Mullenbach and Janice Waataja, Assistant City .Engineer Jay
Rubash, Interim Environmental Resources Coordinator Mac Lafferty, Assistant
City Attorney Andrea Poehler, and planning consultant Dan Licht of NAC.
Interim Environmental Resources Coordinator Mac Lafferty briefly described the
Wetland Management Plan, .prepared by WSB & Associates in conjunction with
• Engineering Department staff.. Mr. Lafferty indicated that review of the Wetland
Management Plan by the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
was tabled at their December 18, 2002 meeting. The Planning Commission
made the following comments related to the Wetland Management Plan as
Does the Wetland Management Plan offer any incentives to developers fore
preserving wetlands?
• Does the Wetland Management Plan propose to increase building setbacks
from wetlands?
• Can the required buffer be included in the lot area requirements?
• How would the proposed changes affect approved developments like Prairie
Lake .and Timbercrest?
• Will the proposed changes apply to existing lots/homes?
Staff responded. NAC will review the impacts of the changes to the Zoning
Ordinance .proposed by the Wetland Management Plan. Continued discussion of
the Wetland Management Plan will take place at the January 9, 2003 Planning
Commission meeting following recommendation by the Parks, Recreation and
Natural Resources Committee at their January 8, 2003 meeting.
• .
.Planning Commission Work Session
December 19, 2002
The December 13, 2002 memorandum prepared by NAC outlining proposed
amendments to the Zoning Ordinance was reviewed and discussed. The
Planning Commission made the following comments related to the proposed
amendments as presented.:
Section 11-2-3 {Definitions)
NAC will further review the definition of Corner Lot for accuracy.
The proposed definition of Outdoor Storage will be amended to read, "...not
including required off-street parking and loading.."
Agreed that dog grooming should be included'as a Service Business (On-Site)
under the definition of Commercial Use.
Section 11-17-9A.3.b
Recommended that the proposed elimination of integral colored split face (rock
• face} concrete block as a permitted primary exterior building facade material in
residential districts be reviewed further with the future review of the RM-1 District
performance standards. The Planning Commission expressed an interest in
allowing this exterior material far apartment buildings.
Section 11-17-11A.2
Agreed with the three foot deck height limit for the side and rear yard setback
exception. Recommended that decks constructed prior to the adoption of the
Zoning Ordinance .amendment be exempted from the new standard.
Section 11-17-25
Agreed that storm protection should be required for any slab-on-.grade residential
building, not just townhouses. Also agreed that a separate storm shelter building
should not be allowed as an option because of potential difficulties accessing the
Section 11-18-9D.1
The wording of the first paragraph will be amended to read "...or as expressly
.:permitted by conditional use permit
Planning Commission Work Session
December 19, 2002
• Section 11-19-71.12
The proposed wording for subsection b(3) will be modified to also allow a hard
surface exception for detached accessory buildings that are intended to store
seasonal motor vehicles (i.e. collector cars, RVs, etc.).
Agreed to modify the wording for subsection d to read "Legal, non-conforming
driveways and parking area surfaces existing upon the effective date. of this
Chapter shall be-brought into compliance with this Section at the time of any
improvement to the property requiring a g-peace conditional use permit,
interim use permit, administrative permit, or variance."
Section 11-19-116
The. proposed wording will be amended to read "Except for single family, and two
family, . dwellings,
Section 11-19-13
Agreed to change the parking requirement for automobile. repair uses to "one
space per 200 square feet of floor area".provided a parking deferment would be
Section 11-21-5F
Agreed that proposed wording for new subsection 5 will apply to all fences, not
just privacy fences, and that ali fences should also be set back 10 feet from the
front property line (outside the front yard drainage and utility easement).
Section 11-21-9C.6
Agreed. to a .minimum. visual screening height of 10 feet for major collector streets
and 12 feet for both low and high density minor arterial streets.
Agreed to a .minimum berm height of 4 feet for major .collector streets and 6 feet
for both low and high- density minor arterial streets.
The wording of subsection b(1) will be amended to read "Plant material centers
shall not be located closer than ##ree-fi3 five feet (5') from the fence or
property line,
Agreed to eliminate the wording proposed .under subsection c(1) requiring buffer
..yard fences installed after subdivision approval to be at least 75% open. In
addition, recommended adding wording requiring regular maintenance of buffer
• yard #ences.
Planning Commission Work Session
December 19, 2002
• Planning Department staff will seek input. from a residential developer/s regarding
the proposed buffer yard screening requirements.
Section 11-30-15A
Agreed not to change the requirements that currently exist for satellite dishes in
residential districts.
Section 11-57-15B (RST-2 .District)
Agreed to discuss the proposed changes in conjunction with the future
discussion of the RM-1 District performance standards.
Section 11-70-3 {O-R District)
Agreedthatinstructionalclasses.such:as danceatudios,-music chools, and
martial arts centers should be allowed as a permitted use in the O-R District.
Also agreed that dog training should be considered an instructional class.
Section 11-72-7C.9 (C-2 District)
Agreed not to change the requirements hatcurrently.existfor outside storage. in
• conjunction with a major automobile repair use.
Section 1 i-73-7A.1 (C-3 District)
Agreed not to allow automobile dealerships in the C-3 District for compatible land
use, not tax base, reasons.
Chapters 86 and 87 (I Districts)
Agreed not to amend the district standards to allow motor fuel facilities in`the
Industrial Districts. The Planning Commission agreed to await the outcome of
Dakota County's East-West Corridor Study to determine if C.R. 70 will be
designated as a principal arterial. street. If so, this issue will be re-visited at that.
Section 10-2-3
The reference to Minnesota .State Statute requirements must be changed to
• 462.358 Subd. 3b.
Planning Commission Work Session
December 19, 2002
Section 10-4-2J
Agreed to eliminate the existing wording related to turnaround access for
residential lots fronting on a major collector or arterial street because driveway
access onto these streets. is not permitted.
Section 10-4-8K
Will review proposed changes, if any, to the park dedication requirement only as
recommended by the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee.
Section 9-3-7C. D, E, F and G '
Agreed to amend the wording proposed under subsection 1.a(1A) to read as
follows: "Commercial area identification signs shall be located on outlots of
sufficient size and area to accommodate said sign and related structure's
landscaping and to meet setback requirements."
• Section 9-3-8C
Agreed that there should be no limit on the number of tenants listed on multiple
occupancy commercial or industrial business signs, nor should a rninimum size
for each tenant listing be established.
Unless otherwise noted, all other proposed wording amendments were
acceptable as .presented in the December 13, 2002 NAC memorandum.
The Planning Commission agreed to hold a work session on January 9, 2003 for
the purpose of obtaining feedback from motor fuel facility owners and operators
related to the existing outdoor sales and storage requirements.
The work session was .adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
spectfully submitted,
Daryl M rey, Plan g Director