HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 10097 W,_ . ~M ~ _ _ , m , ~ r 1 Y ~Dd`~ City. of Lakevifl~~.~ ~ r' ~T~--, INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ~°"'bi"9 P°'"'it ~ 3d'.50 PLUMBING PERMIT PertnitFea......... & Receipt. Stote Surcharge . .50 TOTAL fEE PAID , 31. ~f1 P•[miaioo 7s herby ~roet.d to McGuire Mechanical / Jos M. Miller Cotist/ Building on Lot No. 12 Block it Subdivision Aonnayt3 Valleq Park $th Addn Parcol X22-21177-120-11 Plat itt the VILLAGE OF ~AKEVILLE to be used as Permit to install plumbing in new construcffbn ThXis permit is issued on the express condition that the .ERECTION -ALTERATION -REPAIRS _ INSTALLATION -MOVING -DEMOLITION respects to the. statements certified io in .the application for such perlrlit, and that all work shall be dyne in accordance with the Ordinance of LAKEVIL•LE, Minnesota and the Stag of Minnesota pertaining #o the construction of buildings. Street Address X623fi Fantasia. Avenue t=lenn A.Lan~Ord Director, Liuna~ snd Inspeetlon Attention is particularly called to the cutting up of streets, making main. sewer }j / connections driveways and curbs. ObtainpermitforsuchconstructionfromtheClTY By, !1,~PXI _ L,,..,"~1(J. OF LAKEVLLLE. Inspectiori Department Not Responsible For Any Damages to Public Utilities: i~ APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT . AND/OR SEWER AND WATER PERMIT • Job Site Address .16236 Fantasia Install Repair Lot 12 Block Addition Replace _ Alter Total 0 of Fixtures Est. Cost (Commercial) Plmbg. Permit Fee Surcharge 50 I* PLUMBING PROPaSED INS7ALLATt0N Total P_ 1mbA, Fee FIXTURES : Number of Stories - SInclud A;~h-7nc Bose lst 2nd _ _ 3rd 4th { Water Closet _ - / - Lavatory _ 1 _ Plumbing Fee Rates- BachTud J - Residential ` - Minimum : $15. SQ + Kicch- e--ns=nk - ~ .SO Surcharge for Wash Trays first four fixtures. - Each additional is Drinkin Fountain $2.50. ' - l Shower Commercial: ~ Floor Drains 1X up to $10,000; su- mp Purn~,- ~X above S10, 000; Catch Basin _ +.50 surcharge. Rain i.eader _ - ~ Minimum $25_.00 Water Softener ~ Uri- nil Cas Ran e ~ i Slop Sink Cuba a Dis sa! X I4 Dishwasher ~ Do not count separately, if rHeatcr - connected ~ ter" t~cy - - - they are i - to kitchen sink. Air Cond. Unit _ - 'BdrSink ~ ~ - Refri Drain - S WRates- II. Sewer & Water 29.50 PentaeF~- S Sewer Only 14.50.. ~ Water On1Y 14.50 State Surchar9• . 50 1~ta1 S/W S Joe Miller. Construction Owner's Name ~ 1813 3 .Cedar Ave_So . Farmington, Minn j Address - i Contractor's Name I`?cGuire Mechanical Services I c Address _~12,,-$c~x ~ l ~._1,~]~ Villl MM ! • CITY 0~'LAK~~~I:L~5044 Plumbing Inspect. Dept. ~ Send oppi;cotion and check for permit to : Box M Lakeville. MN 55044