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No 10190
F F'y T w~i."~~L:H~.. a-,... i,. v.`,+ ~~;.v,r <at°~2re 5?•-,7, ,,,~':q~i+. .~'J'["a+f.~'3C'4s; w': y::,~t,~" Aaa~ia,~,c a ee - ~j ~ t^-.. ~ l~ ~ a- ~ ~i S City of Lakeville rT~ ? ~ ~ ~4 1 ~ ~ INSPECTION, DEPARTMENT SEWER ANb VIiATE~ ~P'ER~AIT Permit Fey.......... 2A. Sn State Surcharge . AND RECEIPT so _ _ - TOTAL FEE PAID . 30: ~0 Penrtissio~ ?s h.rb McGuire Mechan~~al / Jos. M. Miller Const. y gront~d ro Building on Lot No. I2 81ock `1 Subdivision nonnay's`~~,11ey Park 8th Addn - Parcel X22-2.1.177-i20-I1 Plat in the CITY OF LAKEVILLE to be used as Permit to connect to ~i t~ 4awPr and wat-Pr cvarP~ .This permit is issued on the express condition that the -ERECTION ,ALTERA710NREPAIRS INSTALLMENT ...-.MOVING _QEMOLITION respects to the stalements certified to in the application for suth pertrtit, and that all work shalt be done in accordance with the Ordinance of LAKEVILLE, Minnesota and the State of Minnesota pertaining to the construction of buildings. Street Address I6236 Fantasia .Av®nue Glenn A. Langord At~rrNon'b pertleWerty eelbd tdlhe cutting up Of streets, making main sewer connections driveways and Direetor, License and InrpKtlorr CUt'bs: Obtein,perlydt for aUCh conatructiohhom the CITY OF LAKEVILLE. Inspecton Department Not Reaponeibb ForArry Darnageato PudNo-lJpkt~es. The permitholder under8tend6 end agrees that granting this permit is not a warrardy or representation by the C,qy tltat the protect qf~ (>B Sete or 88dsfactory. $ Y The permit holder underatandti end agrees that the Gty shall have the right to make periodic inspecton doing cwn4trUCtbn. H1he pennM holder does not make arrangement for the inspection the City may tun oft thewateruntilsuch Inspection has been made. ~ r. ~R, i ~ ~ t , ~ fr _ ~ ~ ~ CITX OF LAKEVILLE SEWER AND WATER PERMIT APPLICATION May 1, 1984 Date Job Site Address 16236 Fantasia Legal: Lot 12 Block 11 Addition Owner or Builder Joe biller Construction Excavating Contractor Larson Excavating Address 15604 Cornell Trail City Rosemount, Minn Zip 55068 Private Sewer System ($29.50 + .50) $ Private Sewer Repair ($14.50°~+ .50) $ Sewer & Water City Connections*(29.50 + .50). $ Inside Plumbing Conversion (15.50 + .50)• $ Sewer Connection only ($14.50 + .50). $ Water Connection Only ($14..50 + .50). - $ Meter-($60.00) & Pressure Reducing ValYe. $ * Metro SAC Charge S/W C©nnection Units $ a TOTAL CHARGES $ ~ Is Street Excavation necessary? Yes No Y Signed d ~l~~~f/~f~r,:i~ Make checks payable to: City of Lakeville Send payment to: City of Lakeville Glenn A. .(Barney) Langord Inspection Dept.. Plumbing & Heating Inspect.. Box M Lakeville, MN 55044 Tel: (612) 469-4431 L