HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 10598 lTv x•T ....+`F h,e iii' "N r. ewe, ~ ~ n ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~.a - ~ t r,', mow} . Ci#y of Lakev~~,le '1 i ~AuQUSt 12. lg 85 ~To ~ 059$ , ; ; INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 'SEWER AND'11VATER PERMIT PermitF«.........._ 29.s0 AND RECEIPT state sutrcbarge so TOTAL FEE PA;D . 30.00 Permiuioo is hereby granted to P~pmouth Plumbin&/Joe MillP3 Constr Etuild;nq on Lot No. 15 81ock Subdivision Donnay's Valley Park $th Addn Paireel X22-21177-150-11 Plat. ;n he CITY OF L.AKEVILLE to be used as p~r~it to Connect to city water and sewer system. This permit is issued on the sxpress condition that the ..ERECTION `ALTERATION ,~.rREPAIRS ;NSTALLMENT .MOVING - ~DEMOLITIONrespects to the: statements certified to in the appikat;on; for such permit, and that alt work shail'be done in accordance with the Ordinance of L.AKEViLLE, Minnesota and hs Sfah of Minnesota pierta;niny to the construction of buildings. Street Address 16`290 Fani~sta Avenue G enn A Langord AttentkNr's particularly capad to the cutting up of str6eta making main sewer connections, driveways and DireetOr, Lit:ee?st and Mspettlon curb: ObtaNt permit for auchconsWCtion.from the.CITY OF IAKEVH.LE.: fnspection t'~partmentlrk>t -peeDOtreible Fax Arty Damages tP PuMic Utintiea. i The permR holder underetarWa and agrees that grantingth~s PermR. is not a warranty or representationby tf,e City Hutt the project win be sate or sat~fect«v. i3y :The perrntt holder untleratands and agreee'that the City shah have the right to make periodic inspection ,during construction:# the permit tWWaz doesnot makearrangement for the inspeUianthe Gity may tixh oft Uta water until such inapectigth~ been made. I - L ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t) r. ,,~i,~ ~ ~ ~-ti ~ CITY OF LAKEyZLLE SEWER AND WATER PERMIT APPLICATION Date C~ / ' ~S Job Site Address l"O ~'~,iL/ T/11i:~ Legal: Lot Blo~~c7?k Addition Owner or Builder ./OG Excavating Contractor y tiIIR~6, ~+~j ~~S Tel.~~'-' •~~+7'~ Address +r~}~~ /t3 fly ~,t~„ ,i?. City ~ ~p~.~ Zip S~y4~~ Private Sewer System ($29.50 + .50) $ Private Sewer Repair ($14.50 + .50) $ City Sewer & Water Connections*(29.50 + .50). $ 3 p,0 0 Inside Plumbing Conversion (15.50 + .50)• $ Sewer Connection Only ($14.50 + .50). $ Water Connection Only ($14.50 + .50). - $ Meter ($60.00) & Pressure Reducing Valve. $ * Metro SAC Charge S/W Connection Units $ TOTAL CHARGES $ „~0+°-'"" Is Street Excavation necessary? Yes No Signed ~,~„~.y~(/ %y~~t~.t.~I'I,i Make checks payable to: City of Lakeville Send payment to: City of Lakeville Glenn A. (Barney) Langord Inspection Dept. Plumbing ~ Heating Inspect. Box 957 ' Lakeville, MN 55044 Tel: (612) 469-4431