HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 10457 City of Lakeville ,,9~5- st~.so 10457 PLUMBING PERMIT Permit Fee.......... .S~ RECELPT State:Surcharge..... .TOTAL FEE PAID • F) Permission is hereby granted to Jahn fliltner Plumbing / Joe '~11er Building on Lot No. 2!1 Block 11 Subdivision Donnay = s Valley Park ~t?1 Add'n Parcel No. ;rk22-?_1].77--2nJ-~11 In theClTY OF LAKEVILLE to be used as permit to install plumbing in new Construction This permit is issued on the express condition that the ERECTION ALTERATION REPAIRS INSTALLATION MOVING DEMOLITION respects to the statements certified to the application for such permit, and that ail work shall be done in accordance with the Ordinance of LAKEVILLE, Minnesota and the State of Minnesota pertaining to the construction of buildings. Street Address Fantasia Avenue '~~tnx~ Lan~ar~ Director, License and Inspection F ( ~ Attention is particularly called to the cutting up of streets, making main sewer connections, driveways and curbs. Obtain permit for such construction from the CITY OF LAKEVILLE. Inspection De artment Not Res onsible For An Dama es P P Y 9 to Public Utilities. Call for inspections: 469-4431. CITY OF LAKEVILLE (612) 469-4431., APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Glenn A. (Barney) Langord Plumbing & Heating Inspector Job Site Address $ ~ Legal: Lot Block Addition Owner or General Contractor ~ rp f i~~ C / .~`s~' Address Subcontractor's Name ~--,1~~,,~ ~C Tel. ~ ~ G~ Address /~~~Y ~ 9 Box Gity ~~~~_'o Zip PROPOSED IttSTAI.LATiON PLUMBING FEE RATES: PLUMBING FIXTURES • Numbcr of Stories Residential: ..(Include •Rongh_Tnc 8osc 1st 2~d _ 3rd .4th _ ~ Minimum: $15.50 + .50 ® ' surcharge for first WaterClosct _ ~ _ _ four fixtures. Balance Lavatory ~ ~ of fixtures $2.50 each. Bath Tub _ ~ ~ ' Commercial Kitchen Sink ~ _ M~ 1% of contract cost, up washTra s ~ to $10,000 and over ° $10,000 + .50 surcharge.. Drinking Fountain Minimum of $24S0 +.50 Sho.yer surcharge . ° Floor Drains Sun, Pum Plmbg. Permit Fee j~1 ~ d P P Catch Basin Surcharge .50 Rain Leader TOTAL PLUMBING Water Softener Urinal Cas Ran e Slop Sink Carta a Dis sat. X° ~ * No charge for these d ~ ~ ~ two fixtures, if they Dishwasher are connected to the _ Water Heatcr kitchen sink. LGAS e.~ftEG~~_ I'~ Air Cond. Unit Bar Sink ~ Refri Drain Send application & check to: Sewer & Water Connection($29.50 + .50) CITY OF LAKEVILLE Meter ($60.00) . Inspection Dept. Box 957 Pre Lakevill ssure Reducing Valve ($26.40) . ~ e, MN 55044