HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 9999 ~ _ , T.~ t• t _ S a.~. e 999 r Clty Of Lekevllle January 13, ~ R4 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Plurotsieg Permit . 4.5~ PLUMBING PERMIT Permit Fee.......... State Surchorge 10.00 .TOTAL FEE PAID . Culligan at Northfield /Ted Russell Permission is heerby granted to I2 10 Donnays Valley Park 8th Addn Building on tot. No. Block Subdivision Parcel X22-21177-120-1~ Plat in the VtLLAGE OF LAKEVILLE'to be used as Permit to install water conditioning unit Xis permit is issued on the express condition that The x ERECTION -ALTERATION -REPAIRS _iNSTALLATION -MOVING _DEMOLITIONrespecis to the statements certified to in the application for ~ such :permit, and fhaf all work shall be done in accordancewitK the Ordinance of LAKEVIL•LE, Minnesota and the State of Minrlesofa pertaining to 'the construction of buildings. Street Address 16405 Fantasia Avenue Glenn Langord - Direcfo?, Licens! and Inspection t Attentidh is particularly. called to the cutting up of streets, making main sewer 1 connections, driveways and curbs. ObtainpermitforsuchconstructionfromtheClTY By, j~~.~~ OFLAKEVILLE: Inspection.Department NofResponsible For Any Damages to Public Utilities: GITY OF LAKEViLLE APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT f,' Permit Fee...... $ 9.50 WATER CONDITIONING UNIT State Surcharge .50 TOTAL DUE...... $10.00 Service Address.._1~~/D~ ~~¢-~,¢5 Owner Name Ts !,L-~~ ~ ~ Contractor Name ~cGG~I , Contractor Address j ~7-. City ~~~r2-r d-1lC r ~ G ~ 2iP G~.. ~ Telephone ~-i L7~ J ~ ~'t " .S 3J U Date - ~ _ 9 CITY OF IAKEVIILE (8t2) 469-443t 8747 -208TH ST. W. • BOX M LAKEVlLLE. MN 55044