HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 10108 .t^.,,. s~ Vic. 9~ "a' a~K ~"ay i;~'zA y ~ , i~~ ~ Id r City a# ~Lakevitle ~~~ruarg 198b N~ ~ ~ ~ 0$ LNS'PECTION DEPARTMENT Permit Fee 2 4.5 SEWER AMD WlATER PERMIT', ~ ~ 141 D RECEIPT State Surcharge i ra. TOTAL FEE pAlD . ~ `30 • D4 McGuire Mechanical / Joe Miller Const. P~rmh~ion is hrby Qrantid to Building on Lot No. 2 i 81ock ~ Subdivision Dontaaps >Vgllep Park 8th Addis Pareel #~22-21177-021-06 Plat in the CITY OF LAKEVILLE to be used as Permit to install pi v sew rend w r Qp:t~_- _ This permit is issaed art the express condition that the ,ERECTION ----ALTERATION ,-REPAIRS INSTALLMENT -MOVING -.DEMOLITION respects io the statements certified to in the application for suefi permit, and that .alt work-shall be done in accordance with the; Ordinance of LAKEVILLE, Minnesota and the State oft Minnesota pertain'rnq to the construction of buildings. Street Address 16425 Farcry jaAV ~ Glenn A. Lanford Attention bpertlculerly called to the cutting upof streets, making main sewer connecttons driveways and Director, LitMSe and Inspection CUfbS: ObtaM1. perihif fW SUCK GOnS1fuCUOnhOm the CITY OF LAKEVILLE. Inspection Departmenf Not Reaponaltile For Arty Dernepea to PutiBOUdNties: The permk holder Understands and agfee5 that granting this permit is not a warranty or representation by the City the project wfM be safe or satisfactory: B ~ The pamdt flOlder understandsend ag?Bes,thatthe City shall have the right to make periodic inspection < during COf165'BCtkRI. K ~1B permit tgMtBl does. riot make arangement for the Inspection the City may tUm off the water until such Inspection: has teen made. a. t; ~ ~ ~V, i.. ,~,a ~ 3 c ~ ' 9~' e CITY OF LAKEVILLE APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT AND/OR SEi~tER AND WATER PERMIT ~ ' lob Site Address 16425 Farcry Way Install Repair Lot 2 Block 6 Addition Replace Alter Total ~ of Fixtures Est. Cost (Commercial) Plmbg. Permit Fee__, Surcharge .SO PLUMBING PROPOSED lNSTALLATtON Total Plmbg. Fee I' Number of Stories FIXTURES: .(Include RflL_o _ Bose 1st 2~d 3.d 4th 1 Water Closet _ Lavatory _ • _ _ Plumbing Fee Rates- BathTub -s ~ _ Residential: - _ Minimum : $15 . SO + Kitchen Sink . SO Surcharge for first four fixtures. wash Trays Each additional is Drinkin Fountain $2.50 shower _ Commercial: Floor Drains 1X up to $10,000;. _ ~x above 510,000; Sump pump - SO surcharge. Caccfi.Basin _ Minimum $25.00 Rain Leader Water Softener Urinal Cas Ran e Slop Sink Cuba a Dis sa! X _ Do not Count Dishwasher ~ ~ ~ separately, if wacerHeate:r they are connectec ~ ~'~E`-t-d-• - to kitchen sink. Air Cond. Unit Bar Sink _ _ M_ Refn Drain S W Ra t e s- - -b - I I. Sewer 6 Wa t e r 2 9.5 0 Pen>wt F•• q Sewer Only 14. SO SrateSurchs?d . SO Water Only 14.50 Total S/W S.e b, bQ i Owner's Name Joe Miller Construct~~_ Address `~..g,133--,G'_~.Ve- S4~-~xingo~tn~,-~~inn:-~'024 Contractor's Name _MCGuire _Mt3ChanlCSl _S~rtij.GOS, .InC..,.. Add~css __~21,~~~i.311._I3fllt_._Lc~.ls-ev] OF LAKEVILLE Plumbing Inspect. Dept. Send oppf~ccation and checi~ for permit to : Box M Lakeville. ?SN 55044