September 10, 1979
The meeting was called to order at 6c30 p.m, by Mayor Lekson. Roll call
was taken. Present: Councilmembers Nelson, Spande, Zaun, Curry and Mayor Lekson.
Also present: Gregg Murphy of the George M. Hansen Company; Dennis Feller,
Finance Director; and Patrick E. McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk.
The council met with Mr. Murphy to review the 1978 audit of the City records.
The council discussed the recommendations that Mr. Murphy contained in the
79.441 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Lekson to adopt Resolution No. 79-79
setting a public hearing on the assessment for the Highview Avenue street
project for the Larson and Zweber properties for October 1, 1979 at 8 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Curry, Zaun and Lekson.
At 7:35 p.m. Mayor Lekson reconvened the special council meeting and opened the
public hearing on the proposed Junelle Path street improvement project..
Patrick Farrell, City Attorney, attested to the legal notice in the newspaper
and affidavit of mailing and stated that Mr. Terry Zion's property had been
omitted from the mailing; however, Mr. Zion was present and had registered on
the. attendance list at the hearing.
Darrell Schneider, Consulting City Engineer presented the bids received by the
City on .the Junelle Path improvement project. He showed on an overhead projector
and screen the original cost estimate and the bid received from Blacktop Service
Company of Burnsville. The low bid is in the amount of $43,650 for construction.
Mr Schneider explained why he felt the bids were higher than his original
cost estimate and what the alternatives were to the council on the project at
this time. Mr. Schneider explained that he felt the wisest alternative would
be to proceed with the project and award the contract, as he doubted that the
City would experience any lesser cost at a later future bidding date.
Mr. Schneider explained what the proposed assessment rate would be using the
Alternate No. 3 plan of assessment which was adopted by the City Council at
a previous public improvement hearing. He stated that the new estimated
front foot rate of assessment would be $13.55 and the per unit lot assessment
would be $244.11.
As an example, he stated that a 100 foot wide lot in Bassett's First Addition
would pay $1355 in front foot assessments and $244.11 in the unit assessment
for a total assessment of $1,599.11.
Mr. Schneider explained that the total estimated project cost is $54,450.
He also explained that for the larger property owners located at the north
end of Junelle Path, the number of unit assessments was determined by dividing
their total front feet by the standard 100 foot wide lot size.
At this time the City Council opened the meeting for questions and comments
from the audience.
Mr. Norden asked how the council would weigh the facts and wishes of-the
citizens present and decide on the project.
Mr. Zeien asked questions concerning project cost and project assessment policy.
Other citizens asked questions concerning the project.
Councilman Zaun stated that he felt the project should have been constructed
three years ago and everyone would have saved, compared to today's prices.
~ ~
September 10, 1979
Councilman Spande stated that he felt the project should be done now, as prices
are escalating and he did not feel the project could be done at any cheaper
cost in the future.
Councilman Nelson stated that if this area was developing today, and had to
meet the street standards for brand new subdivisions, the project costs would
be higher than what was being presented.
79.442 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to close the public hearing.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Zaun and Lekson.
Nays, none. Curry, obstained.
Time 8.:20 p.m.
79.443 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Lekson to adopt Resolution No. 79-80
reordering the project and awarding the contract to Blacktop Service Company
in the amount of $43,560.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Zaun, Lekson and Nelson.
Nays, none. Curry, obstained.
79.444 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to adjourn the special council meeting.
Roll call .was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Curry, Zaun and Lekson.
Time: 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
atrick E. McGarvey, City Cle
don Lekson, ayor