HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-79 x 4.. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Lekson. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Spande, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Mayor Lekson. Also present: Patrick Farrell, City Attorney; Darrell Schneider, City Engineer; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk. 79.250 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Nelson to approve the minutes of the May 21, 1979 Council meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, and Spande. 79.251 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Spande to approve the claims for payment... as presented and including a $115 check to Steve Michaud for reimbursement for a refrigerator bought for the City. Ro11 call was taken on the motion, Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and Lekson. Staff reports. City Engineer, Mr. Schneider reported on the problem he has been experiencing in getting the contractor to complete the Lakeville Hills-Jackson Heights Street project . City Attorney, none. City Administrator, none. At this time Mayor Lekson stated that the Council would listen to presentations from representatives of Fairview Hospital and representatives of Sanford Hospital concerning the proposed new acute care hospital at the Ridges Complex in Burnsville. Patricia Harger, Director of Community Planning for Fairview spoke and outlined the planning by Fairview Hospitals ch'led`to'the Ridges Complex and the proposed new hospital. Mr. Bruce Raskin, Director for the Ridges Development, spoke and outlined the specific plans for the new hospital at the Ridges Complex. Mr. James Elmslie, of Sanford Hospital, spoke and stated that they don't believe the area needs a new 150 bed acute care hospital facility by 1982. Mr. Bud White, member of the Board of Trustees of Sanford Hospital, also spoke and stated that he did not believe the new hospital is needed and would have an adverse effect on Sanford. Mayor Lekson read a letter from Sister Agnes Otting of St. Francis Hospital stating their concerns of the adverse impact the new hospital would have on St. Francis. After considerable discussion, Mayor Lekson read a proposed resolution from the City. Councilman Zaun stated that he would have two proposed amendments to the resolution. 79.252 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Nelson to approve Resolution ~~79-40 stating the City of Lakeville's position on the proposed new acute care hospital at the Ridges Complex in Burnsville. Discussion on the resolution. 79.253 Motion made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to amend Resolution 479-40 by adding a third and fourth item by which Mr. Zaun read. Roll call was taken on the amendment to the resolution. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. Roll call was taken on Resolution ~~79-40. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun. -1- • • • CITX OF LAKEVILLE COUNCT;I, MEETING June 4, 1979 79.254 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Nelson to receive the minutes of three committee Advisory meetings. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. 79.255 Motion was made by 7.aun, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution 4679-41 approving the plans and specifications for the 185th Street Sanitary Sewer project and setting the bid date for June 29, 1979 at 2 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande. 79.256 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Spande to adopt Resolution ~1~79-42 approving the plans and specifications for the improvements in Valley Park 8th Phases II and III and setting the bid date for June 29, 1979 at 3 p.m, in the Council Chamber. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, and Lekson. 79.257 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Spande to adopt Resolution ~~79-43 receiving the preliminary engineering report on the Meadows Second Addition and authorizing the preparation of engineering plans and specifications subject to the developer paying the cost to the City for the plans. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. 79.258 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution X679-44 receiving the preliminary report on the extending. of sanitary sewer and water utilities to two large parcels of property owned by Fortune Realty and Richard Ferrick. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry and 7..aun. Mr. Schneider presented a map showing the proposed final alignment for the Lake Marion Trunk Sewer project. Mr. Schneider explained that he had met with most of the property owners, especially :the large ones, in an attempt to get the line located where it would serve the most needs for the area and derive the greatest lateral benefit. 79.259 Motion was made by 7.aun, seconded by Nelson to approve the alignment for the Lake Marion Trunk Sewer and authorize the City Attorney to acquire easements and retain appraisers. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. At this time. Nan McKay, Executive Director of the Dakota County HRA, appeared before the Council concerning the housing assistant plan of Dakota County and more specifically the figures for the City of Lakeville. She also requested the Council approve a cooperative agreement between the City and County for the establishment of six single-family homes which the County would acquire for low or moderate income housing. The Council discussed the figures and also the apparent lack of credit for the Large number of 235 single-family homes in Lakeville in the early 1970's, and consideration for the large number of mobile homes in the community as a means for providing modest cost housing. 79.260 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Nelson to table approval of the cooperative agreement with Dakota County HP.A until the City staff can make recommendations concerning the housing assistance plan and attempt to get answers from the Metropolitan Council on the goals and definitions of "so-called" lciw ar m©dest cost housing, especially mobile homes. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande. At this time the City Council reviewed the new Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan for the City of Lakeville prepared by Consulting Engineers Diversified. The Council also reviewed the new service area map which would be included in the plan. The City Administrator advised the Council that either an interim or final comprehensive sewer plan is a necessary requirement by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and Metropolitan Council before they would recommend permits be issued to the City for future sewer extensions. -2- • • . CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1979 79.261 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Nelson to approve the new Comprehensive Sewer Plan service area map as presented with the rural service area also called agricultural preservation area. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and Lekson. 79.262 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Spande to extend the Council meeting beyond the 10:30 adjournment time. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. Nays, Zaun. 79.263 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to approve the new Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City of Lakeville with the appropriate corrections in wording to adequately describe the new service area plan map. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. 79.264 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to receive the bids on the painting of two city water towers and award the contract to Schumann Brothers for $36,090 as recommended by the City Engineer. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry and Zaun. At this time the City Council reviewed the resolution which would make an offer to purchase property from George Warweg for expansion of City parking at Antlers Park. 79.265 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to reject the purchase of the property. Discussion was held on the motion and the motion was withdrawn by Curry and Zaun. 79.266 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution ~~79-45 making an offer to purchase property from George Warweg for $16,000 as included in the City's grant application but without the City Attorney being directed to take condemnation proceedings on the matter. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. 79.267 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution 4E79-46 concerning City policy on the assessment or payment of City utility connection charges. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande. 79.268 Motion was made by Lekson, seconded by Zaun to receive the staff reports for items number 17 and 18 and have them placed on a work session agenda for June 25, 1979 at 7 p.m. for discussion. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and Lekson. 79.269 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to approve the rental agreement with St. John's Lutheran Church for the rental of a parsonage for use by senior citizens. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. 79.270 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve the low quote from Asphalt Maintenance for seal coating materials and from Fisher Sand and Gravel for seal coating materials for 1979 seal coating program. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry and Zaun. 79.271 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Curry to remove Judith Lorenz-Morris from the Natural Resource Committee for lack of attendance at regular meetings. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. The City Council discussed the request from the Park and Recreation Director for the continued full-time position of Recreation Program Supervisor, with the assistance of C.E.T.A. OJT funds. After considerable discussion a motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to approve the application for C.E.T.A. OJT funds for the Recreation Program -3- 1. • • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1979 Supervisor position and continue the position full-time with the City. Roll call was taken or_ the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Zaun, Nelson and Spande. Nays, Curry. Ms. Curry explained that she is not in favor of this position on a full-time basis strictly to serve senior citizens due to the low percentage of time-spent on that program by the position and that the Park Department needs maintenance help. 79.272 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Spande to approve a bingo license and waive the bond for the Lakeville Lions as per their application. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. 79.273 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Spande to authorize the City Engineer to prepare the plans and specifications for a new well for the Dakota Heights water reservoir. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry and Zaun. 79.274 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Spande to approve a dance license for the Lakeville Jaycees as per their letter of application. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. 79.275 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve a non-intoxicating beer license to the Lakeville Softball Association as per their application. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande. 79.276 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to receive a petition from Cyril J. Schweich, Bernard Schweich, Joseph Schweich, and Frederick Schweich requesting an engineering feasibilitq report for the extension of City water north on Dodd Road,, north of T.H. 50 to serve a 160 acre and 40 acre parcel owned by the signers of the petition, and authorize the City Engineer to prepare the report for costs not to exceed $500. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and Lekson. 79.277 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Nelson to authorize a purchase order to Akin Equipment for $2,205 for equipment for the Fire Department as per the low quote meeting specifications. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. 79.278 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to authorize the City Attorney to assist the City Engineer to get action to finalize project 477-1, Lakeville Heights-Jackson Addition Street Improvement. R oll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry and Zaun. 79.279 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to adjourn the meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. Time: 11:39 p.m. Respectfully submitted, pi Patrick E. McGarvey, Clerk Gordon Lekson, Mayor -4-