HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-79 • • • r CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING FE$RtTARY 22, 1979 LAREVILLE SEATIOR HIGH SCHOOL The meeting was called to order by the Acting Mayor, Councilman Duane Zaun at 7:30 P.M. Present: Councilmembers Nelson, Spande, Curry and Zaun. Absent: Mayor Lekson. Also present: Darrell Schneider and Frank Burg, Consulting City; Engineers; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk; James Robinette, Public Works Airector. Councilman Zaun opened the special meeting by explaining to the citizens pre- sent that the Council's intent and purpose of the meeting was to establish. some line of communication between the Council and the citizens concerning the possibility of completing the utility and street improvements around the west, south. and east sides of Orchard Lake. Mr. Zaun explained that the pro- ject had been approved by the Council .back in 1976 and had to be terminated due to the limited treatment plant capacity. ~erefore, the City Council .felt the citizens deserved an•`explanation of the current status of sanitary sewer improvements in the City in an attempt by the Council to find out if the citi- zens were still interested in this improvement. The City Administrator explained to the citizens that the°pro-ject had receiv- ed a public hearing on April 12, 1976. On June. 7, 1976 the City Council or- dered the entire Orchard Lake improvement project, with Phase II and III benE approved only for design .work adequate to acquire the necessary easements. The City Administrator explained that the Minnesota PCA reluctantly approved a permit for the. Phase I sewer work but stated that no further permits would be granted until the new .Empire Treatment Plant to serve the City was complet- ed and operating. Due tq the time required. for the new treatment plant to be completed the costs increased more than 259 which under State law would re- quire another public improvement hearing. Also, due to the fact that the project had been ordered on June 7, 1976 the project posed pending assess- meets on the property around the lake. Pending assessments then posed pro- blems when property is sgld. Therefore, the City Council on September 19, 1977 voted to terminate the project thereby eliminating the pending assess- meets for it. Darrell Schneider presented .maps and details on the project. A written hand- out was presented to the citizens present on the estimated costs in 1979 and Mr. Schneider reviewed the costs. The total estimated cost for the project including road restoration and a new permanent asphalt road totaled $2,01.2,224. Mr. Schneider explained that construction cost inflation had increased by 50% from 1976 to 1979, and that the current estimate includes a permanent asphalt road whereas the 1976 report only included asphalt base mixture. Also, the current estimate is based on more detailed design work thereby allowing more precise cost estimating and a snore careful look at the property around the .lake that may not be benefited because of the size, location, or condition of it. At this time, Councilman Zaun opened the meeting for questions or comments from citizens present, there being 31 present at the meeting. The Council and staff answered .the various questions. Mr. Schneider explained that the project could not possibly, be completed within 197:9. He explained that in order to get the best cos through the bidding process that the City should allow for a completion date in 1980,but that most of the utility work could be' completed in 1979 if the project pro- ceeded ahead very shortly... Mr. Schneider explained that'the project represents a lateral size water and sewer project on the west, south and part of the east side. Only in the 172nd Street area is the pipe.. size above l0 inches for the sewer system. After re- view.of the previous engineering plans, Mr. Schneider explained that the. $94,674 deficit represents the-estimate of what the oversized utilities that would serve additional property in `the area represent. This deficit would have to be acquired from unit connections made as this prop~!rty develops in the future.. -1- • • • CITY OF LAREVILLE SPECIAL CQUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 22, '1979 After a considerable period of questions and comments from the audience the City Council members presented comments. Councilwoman Curry stated that the City had just completed three years of testing of the lakes, including Orchard Lake by the U. S. Geological Service and that the tests indicated that the lake is not deteriorating. The City Administrator was asked to explain the process that a public improvement project must proceed through. It was explained that the Council would need to.call_another public improvement hearing on the project and before that could be done this Council would have to authorize the engineer to prepare an updated preliminary report on the project. Councilman Nelson stated that he would like to follow a process whereby the Council could know the feelings of the vast majority of the people whose pro- perty are involved in this project, and that possibly a petition would be a good way to know their sentiments, Councilman Spande stated that he realized the costs are high for the project. and- that the project is not needed to save the lake as it is not in danger at this time. Councilman Spande suggested that. a questionnaire from the City to the property owners would be a good way to attempt to find out. the people's feelings about the project. Marianne Curry stated that she agreed another letter should be sent to the citizens with a questionnaire.. She stated she is not opposed to-the project, but that there should be a base of support for the project and .needs expansion. Councilman Zaun stated that he felt from the questions and comments made by the citizens present at the meeting that possibly a slight majority of those present favor it at this .:time. He stated he realizes this is a tremendous financial burden and the City.. Council and staff will need to take a close look as to how it could best be resolved.- 79.95 Motion was made by Spande, seconded. by Curry to direct the staff to prepare a letter to send to alI property owners along Judicial Road, 175th Street, Kodiak Avenue, and 172nd Street giving theme the project costs that were pro- vided at this Special Council meeting and include a post card for them to return to the City with a response on the project. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes., Nelson, Spande, Curry and Zaun. Nays, none. 79.96 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Spande to adopt Resolution ##79-12 re- questing the U. S. Army Corp of Engineers to furnish flood assistance emer- gency preparations and floodfighting in the event of spring flooding. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Curry and 7aun. 79.97 Motion was made by Nelson,. seconded by Spande to adjourn the Special Council meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. Time: 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, f ~.o~e~ Patrick: E. McGarvey, Ci Clerk Dua eT.aun, Ac g Mayor