HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE February 20, 2002 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee Members R. Boldus, J. Berg, L. Lulf, H. Lovelace, J. Volimas, C. Skeps and K. Manias, Alternate. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. Unable to attend were Committee Members P.Messinger and T. Goodwin. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee minutes of February 6, 2002. The minutes of the February 6, 2002Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present for items not listed on the agenda. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. Once again, Lake Marion has been closed to motor vehicle traffic and for the first time this season Orchard Lake has been closed to all motorized vehicles including snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles. A car fell through the ice on Orchard Lake this past weekend. There were no injuries. ITEM #6. Vistaglen preliminary and final plat. th Vistaglen is located north of 165 Street and west of Java Lane. The plat consists of four twinhomes on four lots. Review of the Comprehensive Park, Trail and Open Space System Plan indicates no park search areas. The site th abuts 165 Street which already has 8-foot trails constructed on both sides. There are no environmental issues associated with this plat. 02.04 Motion by Berg, seconded by Lulf to recommend to City Council approval of the Vistaglen preliminary and final plat including a cash requirement of $12,000 to meet the park dedication ordinance and all natural resources requirements previously approved and detailed in the Engineer?s report associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control. Carl Skeps abstained from voting on this agenda item. He is a resident of the nearby neighborhood and made the decision to not vote. Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Motion passed. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 2 February 20, 2002 ITEM #7. Park Dedication Fund Budget and 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. Staff reviewed the Park Dedication Fund Budget and 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. Staff briefly discussed revenue projections. Staff and committee reviewed approximately 40 projects proposed in the 2002 budget representing approximately $2,072,000. Staff also talked about pushing forward funding for Valley Lake renovation project. Several factors were discussed including the long-term feasibility of maintaining a public beach at the site. It was suggested that the possibility of a community center with aquatic facilities may negate the need to maintain three beaches in Lakeville. Instead of relocating the beach in the near future, it is now being suggested that we wait until a determination on future aquatic facilities is determined. Staff suggested that trail extensions and the need for a public rest room facility remains a priority and future ?potential? revenues may allow construction of such a facility earlier than 2004. 02.05 Motion by Skeps, seconded by Volimas to recommend to City Council approval of the proposed Park Dedication Fund Budget and 5-Year Capital Improvement Program as presented by Parks and Recreation Director, Steve Michaud. Ayes - 7 Nayes ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #8. Review mission statement. The mission statement for the new committee was discussed on February 6, 2002. Members offered suggestions and a revised mission statement was drafted by the committee. (Copy attached) 02.06 Motion by Volimas, seconded by Lulf to adopt the mission statement of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee as drafted. Ayes - 7 Nayes ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #9. Unfinished business. There was no unfinished business to discuss at this time. ITEM #10. New business. There was no new business to discuss at this time. ITEM #11.Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for March 6, 2002 at 6:00 PM. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3 February 20, 2002 ITEM #12. Ajournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________________ Bob Boldus, Vice ? Chair Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 4 February 20, 2002 Mission Statement The Lakeville Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee The committee will strive to preserve and wisely use natural resources; preserve scenic, aesthetic and historical values; promote equitable distribution of safe, active and passive recreational facilities; and contribute to the development of a high quality of life for all Lakeville residents.