HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-03 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE April 3, 2002 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee Members P. Messinger, R. Boldus, J. Berg, J. Volimas, L. Lulf, H. Lovelace, C. Skeps, T. Goodwin and K. Manias, Alternate. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee minutes of March 20, 2002. The minutes of the March 20, 2002Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were discussed. There was no further discussion and the minutes were approved as amended. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. Citizens were present for Agenda Item #8) River City Asphalt Mining and Excavation/Conditional Use Permit Amendment. The committee proceeded to Agenda Item #8. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. Staff had no additional comments to add. ITEM #6. Lynwood Heights preliminary and final plat. Thomas J. Ryan and representatives of Arcon Development have submitted a preliminary and final plat known as Lynwood Heights. The plat th is located on the north side of 170 Street and southwest of Boulder Village townhome development. The plat consists of 36 single family lots. The plat area consists of approximately 25.66 acres of land. Review of the Comprehensive Park and Open Space System Plan indicates a park search area on this site. The proposed park property consists of approximately 2.28 acres of upland, an adjacent wetland, and a considerable treestand including several large oak trees. The proposed park will have a trail which will provide a connection between the west side of the plat to the east side of the plat. 02.10 Motion by Boldus, seconded by Lulf to recommend to City Council approval of the dedication of a 2.28 acre park in Lynwood Heights to satisfy the park dedication requirementsto meet the park dedication ordinance and all natural resources requirements previously approved and detailed in Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 2 April 3, 2002 the Engineer?s report associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control. . In addition, the Committee recommended the developer be required to grade and pave the proposed trail as part of meeting the park dedication requirement considering the total 10% of the land was not met. Ayes ? 9 Nayes ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #7. Spring Hill Second Addition final plat. Spring Hill?s second addition is located west of Ipava Avenue and south of th 185 Street. The second addition proposes to plat 56 lots. The first phase of this plat dedicated park property and paid cash to satisfy the park dedication requirements. The park property dedicated was a portion of the Central District Greenway Corridor which is just west of Century Junior High. 02.11Motion by Berg, seconded by Volimas to recommend to City Council acceptance of the cash contribution to meet the park dedication requirements for Spring Hill Second Addition final platand all natural resources requirements previously approved and detailed in the Engineer?s report associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control. . In addition, developer will be required to grade the greenway corridor trail which will include a paved trail at a later date and developer will post signs adjacent to future lots identifying the future construction of the greenway trail. Ayes - 9 Nayes ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #8. River City Asphalt Mining and Excavation/Conditional Use Permit Amendment. River City Asphalt has submitted a mining and excavation permit application amendment to expand existing mining on their site. The item does not require a recommendation concerning parks and recreation. There are, however, environmental resource issues and recommendations. As part of this permit extension, the existing asphalt plant will be removed. th Citizens speaking included: Mr. Bob Powell, 11774 205 St. W. th Ms. Colleen Powell, 11774 205 St. W. th Mr. Walter Krawza, 11881 205 St. W. th Ms. Marilyn Raplinger, 11897 210 St. W. th Mr. John Raplinger, 11897 210 St. W. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3 April 3, 2002 Issues addressed included the following: Mr. Bob Powell spoke of the following: Reason for tree protection buffer. ? Tree conservation policy. ? Staff responded the policy is a guideline for preservation of trees. Guidelines are often used for installation of roads. This site is heavily wooded in the northern tier. The requirements also call for a 2 to 1 replacement of lost trees. Mrs. Colleen Powell asked: Will tagged trees be removed? ? Committee member Skeps responded that most projects require an inventory of trees. When an inventory is completed all trees greater than 6? diameter are tagged. Tagged trees may be removed but only according to the final approved plan. Committee member Lulf added that trees are replaced at a 2 to 1 ratio. Parks and Recreation Director explained the merging of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the Environmental Affairs Committee into the Parks Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. Committee member Skeps asked the citizens if there were any issues not addressed at the neighborhood meeting. Mr. Powell responded that all issues were addressed at the ? neighborhood meeting. All area well pumps had to be lowered due to ground water elevations. ? Closing of asphalt plant is a plus. ? Committee member Berg stated he has checked the site and has concerns about trees and why the mining was not completed with the original 5-year permit. He asked if any restoration had been done. Staff responded the owner has operated under a conditional use permit and has, to our knowledge, met all requirements. Mr. Walter Krawza stated the following: Mining encroached onto Mr. Krawza?s property. Required to stay back ? 100 feet and has approached within 75 feet on the east side and 50 feet on the north side. Trucks used to haul gravel vs. agreement calling for use of conveyors. ? Residents believed the original permit was for 5 years with no plans for ? renewal of permit. Berm has been seeded and trees installed but not maintained. Thistles ? have grown here and River City Asphalt was contacted to cut. Eventually, they were cut but only after seeding. Fencing around the operation was a requirement but is non existent. ? Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 4 April 3, 2002 Mr. Bob Powell stated the following: A safe slope is non-existent. Many existing vertical slopes. ? Committee member Skeps informed the citizens that tree preservation, erosion control, grading, and wetland specifications are meeting the requirements of the permit. These are the issues the committee reviews. Chair Messinger asked if there were environmental concerns such as berm, seeding, trees, etc.? Committee member Berg expressed he has a concern with the truck traffic and even more so with the rebuilding of bridges over 35W in the area. Committee member Skeps asked if there were natural resource issues. He stated less than 25% of the trees have been removed. Committee member Berg stated the original permit was for 5 years and he is not comfortable with the plan. Committee member Skeps asked if there were environmental issues? Mr. Walter Krawza shared photos of the area before and after mining operations began. Committee member Berg expressed he had concerns over the areas impacted and the hours of operation for the road usage. Citizen Bob Powell expressed concern about replacing trees. Staff responded screening trees that died will be replaced and trees lost due to mining will be replaced at a 2 to 1 ratio. Citizen Marilyn Raplinger spoke of the following: Health issues such as silicosis and asthma due to silica in the gravel ? being airborne. MN Lung Association spoken to and access road should be swept and kept wet to deter dust. Citizen John Raplinger expressed concern on the following: Water level in wells dropping significantly in the Jordan aquifer. ? Concerns regarding the washing plant. What aquifer is the gravel pit ? well drawn out of? Lack of enforcement by the City regarding this permit. ? Resident calls to the City concerning violations are referred to River ? City Asphalt. Example complaints include: Excessive noise, operation beyond legal times, areas not restored to required standards, etc. If in violation, permit should not be granted. Committee member Skeps stated the citizens seem to feel the plan is okay but have concerns over enforcement of the plan/permit. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 5 April 3, 2002 Committee member Skeps expressed it is not up to the citizens to monitor violations and operations of this type. There should be no extension of the permit if there are violations. Staff spoke of basic environmental and park issues go to the planning phases. If a developer is committing violations, the next phase doe not proceed to the next level. Typically, the developers work with the City and citizen issues and work continues as planned. Committee member Goodwin spoke. The Environmental Affairs Committee addressed issues such as these in the past and needed to continue to be proactive. If a developer did not meet requirements, they were asked to do so. Example: recommendation to handle overflow of the stormwater ponds is not addressed in the plan. Staff stated that all issues and concerns have been addressed by specific recommendations from Engineering Department staff. Goodwin stated staff should address the issues and request the developer to meet the requirements prior to final plan submittals. It is preferable to approve a plan without contingencies awaiting the developer to address issues after approval. It is the obligation of the committee to support staff and if the developer presents something less, the Committee?s obligation is to stop the approval process. 02.12 Motion by Skeps, seconded by Boldus to recommend to City Council approval of the conditional use permit amendment, #97-03, for River City Asphalt Mining and Excavation subject to recommendations by Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, MN Department of Natural Resources, Lakeville Engineering, Environmental Resources Coordinator and Planning Department. In addition, the committee is requesting more frequent inspections during open operations, preferably monthly, to monitor and determine that River City Asphalt remains in compliance with all terms of the amended permit. Ayes ? 7 Nayes ? 2 Motion passed. Committee member Goodwin voted against this agenda item. He stated frequent inspections are important but is not a micro-management issue. There should be a reasonable rate of inspection. It is important to have a completed, well thought out plan brought to the committee, not a plan with several recommended changes. Committee member Berg voted against this agenda item. He expressed concern with the enforcement of safety issues including law enforcement issues associated with speeding trucks. He also had a concern with the aesthetics of the operation. This plan did not provide enough information to make a recommendation. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 6 April 3, 2002 ITEM #9. Unfinished business. There was no unfinished business to discuss at this time. ITEM #10. New business. There was no new business to discuss at this time. ITEM #11.Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for April 17, 2002 at 6:00 PM. ITEM #12. Ajournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:07 PM. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________________ Pat Messinger, Chairperson